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View Full Version : Simple Legion Rules

11-11-2009, 08:31 PM
Ok, while I like the new Chaos 'dex (back when I didn't play Grey Knights all the time), I did miss some of the options, like Cult Terminators. I think that if GW had just been a little more expansive, we wouldn't have half the current problem.

When GW got rid of the Legion rules, they also got rid of a lot of the units needed to play the Legions (cult terminators and HQ's, cultists, basilisks, etc). I think if they had left these units in the codex, people wouldn't have complained half as much as they do now, since they could still replicate the Legions with a full range of unit choices.


You may take rules from one (and only one) of the following Legions. So, for example, you can pick the Emperor's Children and all your tanks will be able to upgrade their weapons to Sonic weapons for the prices given. But you can't take World Eaters Terminators AND upgrade your tanks with Sonic Weapons.

Marks of the Gods
The Marks that I include here supersede any other Marks or Icons. They may not be taken in addition to any preexisting Marks or Icons in the unit entry. So, for example, a Daemon Prince may already take a Mark of Khorne to gain +1 A. He may alternatively take the more expensive Mark of Khorne listed here, and instead gain +1 A, +1 WS and the Furious Charge USR. He may not take both, however.


World Eaters
All world eaters are dedicated to Khorne, and seek nothing but to spread death, destruction and slaughter, by any means necessary. All World Eaters have given into this fury, and have become Berzerkers. Though most seek to claim skulls in brutal hand to hand combat a few have found massive firepower to be a more efficient means of reaping skulls in their lord's name.

All non-vehicle models should have the Mark of Khorne, or at least the Icon of Khorne.

Mark of Khorne: The model gains +1 WS, +1 A, and the Fearless and Furious Charge special rules.

The following units may take the Mark of Khorne for the appropriate cost:
Daemon Prince...............................+30pts
Chaos Lord.....................................+30pts
Chaos Chosen.................................+6pts per model
Chaos Terminators..........................+6pts per model
Possessed........................................+ 6pts per model
Chaos Bikers...................................+6pts per model
Generic Greater Daemon.................+30pts
Generic Lesser Daemons.................+6pts per model

A Dreadnought may be dedicated to Khorne for +10pts. If this upgrade is taken, whenever the Dreadnought rolls a 1 or a 6 on the Crazed table, the Dreadnought gains Fleet and must move and Run towards an enemy unit within line of sight, instead of the normal results of the Crazed table.

Emperors Children
Dedicated to perfection and sensation in all its forms, the members of the Emperors Children have become Noise Marines, and have become more commonly known as the Legion of Excess.

All non-vehicle models should have the Mark of Slaanesh or at least the Icon of Slaanesh.

Mark of Slaanesh: The model gains +1 Initiative and the Fearless USR, and gains access to the Sonic Weapons upgrades listed below.

The following units may take the Mark of Slaanesh for the appropriate cost:
Daemon Prince...............................+15pts
Chaos Lord.....................................+15pts
Chaos Sorcerer................................+15pts
Chaos Chosen.................................+5pts per model
Chaos Terminators..........................+5pts per model
Possessed........................................+ 5pts per model
Chaos Bikers...................................+5pts per model
Chaos Havocs.................................+5pts per model
Generic Greater Daemon.................+10pts (may not take sonic weapons)
Generic Lesser Daemons.................+5pts per model (may not take sonic weapons)

Sonic weapons (stat lines listed in Codex: CSM):
Sonic Blaster
A Sonic Blaster may be purchased for +10pts
A Bolter may be replaced with a Sonic Blaster for +5pts.
A Twin Linked Bolter may be replaced with a Sonic Blaster for +2pts.

Blast Master
A Blast Master may be purchased for +40pts by one member of a unit with the Mark of Slaanesh (including single model units)
An Autocannon or Reaper Autocannon may be replaced with a Blast Master for +10pts.

Doom Siren
A Daemon Prince, Lord or Sorcerer may purchase a Doom Siren for +25pts.
Any model with the Champion upgrade may replace one of their weapons with a Doom Siren for +15pts.

Thousand Sons:
When Arhiman unleashed the massively powerful sorcery of the Rubric, he at once saved and doomed his brothers in arms. Though he purified them of the corrupting taint of Tzeentch that had been destroying them, all but the most potent psykers among the Thousand Sons were turned to dust, becoming mindless automatons bound to their armor. Now, those remaining Sorcerers command squads of these Rubric Marines, using them as bodyguards in their never ending quest for knowledge and power in Tzeentch's name.

All non-vehicle models should have either the Mark or Icon of Tzeentch.

Mark of Tzeentch: Gain a 5+ invulnerable save, or a +1 modifier to an existing save. Any models that may purchase psychic powers may purchase two. All models count as being equipped with Inferno Bolts, which make Bolters and Bolt Pistols AP 3 (the unit does not gain a Bolter, so models with out Bolters do not benefit from this. Price has been adjusted accordingly).

In addition, all Champion upgrades cost 60pts. The champion may purchase a single psychic power from the list in the Thousand Sons Entry, and is equipped with a Force Weapon. All models except for the Champion have the Slow and Purposeful USR.

The following units may take the Mark of Tzeentch for the appropriate cost:
Daemon Prince...............................+30pts
Chaos Sorcerer................................+35pts
Chaos Chosen.................................+8pts per model
Chaos Terminators..........................+8pts per model
Possessed........................................+ 8pts per model
Chaos Bikers...................................+8pts per model
Generic Greater Daemon.................+20pts
Generic Lesser Daemons.................+5pts per model

Death Guard
Death Guard are infantry based, specializing in grueling, brutal fighting in extremely difficult terrain, such as trench networks. They have dedicated themselves to Nurgle, and spreading his diseases and gifts. Because of this constant exposure, they have become inured to pain and hardship, and now relentlessly push forward, constantly pressuring their enemies until they have been corrupted or destroyed.

All models should have the Mark or Icon of Nurgle.

Mark of Nurgle: All models gain +1 T, -1 I, and the Feel No Pain and Fearless USRs.

The following units may take the Mark of Nurgle for the appropriate cost:
Daemon Prince...............................+30pts
Chaos Lord.....................................+30pts
Chaos Sorcerer................................+30pts
Chaos Chosen.................................+8pts per model
Chaos Terminators..........................+8pts per model
Possessed........................................+ 8pts per model
Chaos Bikers...................................+8pts per model
Chaos Havocs.................................+8pts per model
Generic Greater Daemon.................+30pts
Generic Lesser Daemons.................+8pts per model

Alpha Legion
Little is known about the secretive Alpha Legion. They specialize in ambushes and information warfare, striking their foes where they are not expected. They also make heavy use of Cultists, taking advantage of the distraction the fanatical traitor humans make amongst the Legion's foes to maneuver into position for precise strikes.

Chaos Space Marine squads may purchase the Infiltrate USR for +3pts per model.

An Alpha Legion army may take Chaos Cultists as Troops.

Chaos Cultists.......................75pts
..............BS WS S T W I A Ld Sv
Unit Composition: 1 Champion 9 Cultists

Special Rules

Cultists are equipped with a Laspistol and Close Combat Weapon
The Champion is equipped with a Bolt Pistol and a Chainsword

Up to 10 additional Cultists may be taken for +5pts each.

One in every five members of the unit may replace their Laspistol with one of the following:

The Champion may replace his Bolt Pistol and/or Chainsword with one of the following:
Twin Linked Bolter...+5pts
Plasma Pistol..........+15pts
Power Weapon.......+15pts
Power Fist.............+25pts

He may equip Melta Bombs for +5pts.

The unit may purchase a Chimera for +55pts (see C: IG for unit entry).

Night Lords
Even before turning to Chaos, the Night Lords used fear and terror to defeat their enemies. Rapid assaults during the darkest nights would throw their opponent off guard, catching them by surprise. Their enemies would come to fear the night.

Night Lords may purchase Acute Senses for +1pts per model, or +5pts for Independent Characters and other one model units.

Night Lord units may purchase the Terrifying Visage for +2pts per model, or 10pts for Independent Characters and other one model units.

Terrifying Visage: All enemies within 12" of a unit with Terrifying Visage are at -1 Ld.

Chaos Bikers and Raptors may be taken as troops.

Word Bearers
The first converts to Chaos, the Word Bearers are the most devout in their worship of the Chaos Gods, and do not favor any one over the other. They are also the only Legion to not have killed their Chaplains, who instead are apostles of the dark Gods.

A Word Bears army should only take the Icon of Chaos Glory, or Mark of Chaos Glory.
Mark of Chaos Glory: The unit gains the Fearless USR. +3pts per model.

Units of Daemons taken in a Word Bearers army may take any of the Marks of the Gods.

The Word Bearers army may be lead by a Dark Apostle as an HQ choice.
Dark Apostle
Pts BS WS S T W I A Ld Sv
140 5 .. 5.4.4. 3 5 3 10 3/4+
Special Rules: Fury of the Dark Gods, Mark of Chaos Glory (Fearless USR)
Wargear: Power Armor, Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon, Frag, Krak Grenades Dark Icon (grants a 4+ invulnerable save)

May replace Bolt Pistol, Power Armor, Frag and Krak Grenades for Terminator Armor and a Twin Linked Bolter for +30pts

May replace Bolt Pistol for a Twin Linked Bolter for +5pts

May replace Power Weapon for a Daemon Weapon for +25pts

May replace Bolt Pistol or Twin Linked Bolter for one of the following:
Plasma Pistol................+10pts
Power Fist...................+15pts

If Terminator armor is not taken, the Dark Apostle may take one of the following
Chaos Marine Bike.....................+30pts
Chaos Marine Jump Pack............+20pts

Fury of the Dark Gods: On the turn he assaults, the Dark Apostle and all members of any unit he is attached to may reroll failed rolls to hit.

Iron Warriors
Specializing in seige warfare, the Iron Warriors have a long standing rivalry with the Imperial Fists. The Iron Warriors do not worship the Chaos Gods as some of the other Legions do, but instead use them as tools to attain greater power. Due to the brutal close quarters within which Iron Warriors often work, they make heavy use of Khorne Berzerkers as assault specialists.

Devestator Squads may be taken as Troops.

Any unit may purchase Bionics for +2pts per model. Bionics grant a 6+ invulnerable save.

Any unit may purchase Tank Hunters for +4pts per model, or for +15pts for single model units. Obliterators may not take Tank Hunters. That'd just be OP.

Iron Warriors may take Basilisks (see C: IG for unit entry and price).

Nice and simple. I didn't do anything for the Black Legion, as they are pretty much current vanilla Marines. If anything feels off, or needs to be tweaked, just say the word.