View Full Version : Eldar Digital codex now on Android and Kindle

06-24-2013, 10:25 AM
Finally! As a non-Apple owning person, I am very happy about this. Also stunned that it is cheaper than the iOS version at $32.99 USD. It is just a digital book and lacks the interactive features (and perhaps errata updates), but I don't care!


06-24-2013, 11:43 AM
Finally! As a non-Apple owning person, I am very happy about this. Also stunned that it is cheaper than the iOS version at $32.99 USD. It is just a digital book and lacks the interactive features (and perhaps errata updates), but I don't care!



Although go figure that my bank has decided that BlackLibrary's website is a fraudulent vendor and wont authorize payments through the site.

Ultimate Dave
06-24-2013, 12:20 PM
It might be worth a call to your CC company. I had an issue recently with the Black Library: my CC company didn't authorize a purchase since the charge was coming from the UK. They actually called me, and once I authorized the vendor, it has been fine since. I had to do the same thing for Forge World purchases some time ago.

Even though I was being charged in US dollars, since the charge originated from the UK, my CC company blocked it as a precaution. It is worth trying.

Also of note: since these are just ePub/Mobi files, I would assume that all the "fancy" HTML5 stuff in the iBooks versions are not present. On the plus side, they are cheaper (the iBooks are the same price as physical, yeah?)...


06-24-2013, 12:28 PM
It might be worth a call to your CC company. I had an issue recently with the Black Library: my CC company didn't authorize a purchase since the charge was coming from the UK. They actually called me, and once I authorized the vendor, it has been fine since. I had to do the same thing for Forge World purchases some time ago.

Even though I was being charged in US dollars, since the charge originated from the UK, my CC company blocked it as a precaution. It is worth trying.

Also of note: since these are just ePub/Mobi files, I would assume that all the "fancy" HTML5 stuff in the iBooks versions are not present. On the plus side, they are cheaper (the iBooks are the same price as physical, yeah?)...


Yes I had to do this on my last CC. However this brings up another huge issue... GW/BL doesn't use the established appstores unless they are *forced* to. I'm sure they don't want Apple skimming 30% but it makes things so much easier for the consumer.

This is my thought process for this:

I tried buying the digital codex.
I tried to pay for it using my credit card I use for everything.
It was declined because GW doesn't have an online ecommerce presence in the US.
Therefore, I can't be bothered to buy it.

(Navigating my bank's phone tree is infuriating)

06-24-2013, 12:34 PM
Any hit if it will work on the e-ink kindle? I don't have a fire but it would be cool if I could use my e-ink device.

Emerald Rose Widow
06-24-2013, 12:48 PM
This makes me happy that they are finally putting out ebooks, but at the same time it doesn't have all the functions that the iBook version has and that makes me a little sad. Not terribly though because I am just fine using it the old fashioned way, just as a normal ebook and using it as my codex on my android. It is a small step, but I will take what I can get.

06-24-2013, 05:40 PM
This makes me happy that they are finally putting out ebooks, but at the same time it doesn't have all the functions that the iBook version has and that makes me a little sad. Not terribly though because I am just fine using it the old fashioned way, just as a normal ebook and using it as my codex on my android. It is a small step, but I will take what I can get.

The e-book version is $40AUD compaired to $83 for the hard back or $60 for the ipad version. That's a reasonable choice to be able to make. Hard back for an army I collect and the e-book version of other armies so I can catch up on each new codex without breaking the bank.

06-25-2013, 06:56 AM
Finally was able to get my credit card to go through last night.

the mobi files are huge.

06-25-2013, 12:23 PM
Here in NZ we can't get the iBook enhanced version (stupid local laws) so being able to get a basic version for the iPad is good news as well. Not to mention a heck of a lot cheaper. Downloading took ages but got there after numerous attempts. Also got the Shiruken Cannon Munitorium for free with it.

06-26-2013, 09:35 PM
Can anybody give a review of this for the android...I was going to buy but downloaded the sample first...the page layout is horrible. Takes forever to load between pages. Just curious if the full version is the same.

06-27-2013, 12:05 AM
It looks pretty good to me, even on the iPhone. Well priced too, nice move from GW. I'm now much more likely to buy a codex for an army I don't collect so I can learn their tricks and rules. I'll stick with the well produced and good looking iTunes codex for my Tau but grab the £19.99 eBook version for allies and general reference.

06-27-2013, 07:27 AM
Can anybody give a review of this for the android...I was going to buy but downloaded the sample first...the page layout is horrible. Takes forever to load between pages. Just curious if the full version is the same.

Well I can review it:

1) The files are huge so there goes my idea of keeping the mobi file on my gDrive so I can use it on any device i want - oh well.
2) The content itself is just the book put in ebook format with most of the inlaid art stripped out. There is art in it but it takes up whole pages to display.
3) Performance is just fine for me on my 2+ year old Motorola Xoom tablet and my Nexus 7.

Well worth it in my opinion. One recommendation I'd make to improve it: a hotlinked table of contents would be great.