View Full Version : Brotherhood of Fire, new scheme test mini

06-24-2013, 07:22 AM
Morning every one. Or whatever time it is wherever you are.

Over the last few months, I've been using my Vindicators more and more in my Space Marine lists. No matter what, they always get a lot of attention from onlookers and opponents, asking about the scheme and saying they look really nice. I'll leave that up for you to decide;


Part of that is, as you can tell from the pic, the strong contrast between them and the rest of the army, being so dark compared to the bright reds, oranges and yellows of the rest of the force. It's also a really quick scheme, comparatively, so when it came to painting up my Contemptor for a tournament I followed suit;


Again, he got more than his fair share of attention, even when there were plenty of other Contemptors around. The bold, simple colours bringing out the shape brilliantly and again acting as a strong contrast to the rest of the army, as well as the Killakan on the base. Roll on another tournament, and another vehicle I needed to paint up quickly, the Stormtalon got a similar treatment;


With such a large part of the lists now in this scheme, several of my friends started to comment on how well it worked, how much better than the rest of my Marines it looked (even given the 10+ years of improved painting skill!) Slowly that began to get the old cogs turning in my mind, finally deciding it was time to update the army I have been continually adding to since my pre-teen years. Before taking the plunge though, I wanted to check that the same style I had used on the vehicles would still work on a smaller scale. Scrambling through my collection I found only two models that were undercoated but I had not started painting properly. One of which was the special edition retro Space Marine from the Skullz Promotion several years ago, the other the Terminator given away with WD at the release of Assault on Black Reach. That wasn't much of a choice...


06-24-2013, 07:25 AM
Looks good boyo.

The crux on the shoulder pad and the chest aquila + skull needs a colour though. Also not sure the bolter colour goes well with the red

06-24-2013, 07:32 AM
He isn't perfect, but here is a comparison with some of the other models in my army.


The Sergeant in the front (horribly out of focus on purpose) just gives you an idea of how my regular Marines compare in style to the Terminators, with the Assault Terminator Sergeant giving you an example of a similar standard of painting in my current scheme and the Classic Terminator in the back being about the most similar model I have in my collection to the new guy that is fully painted (even if it was many years and a lot of brush skills earlier.)


360 degree view. He is far from perfect, not exactly finished (the purity seal in particular standing out as untouched) but he certainly gives you a good idea of where I am planning on going with the scheme. I did have to take him off his base to do the yellow and orange, but that would be easy to do with most of my models. Unfortunately the sensor unit above his head came off whilst I was taking the photos.

What do you guys think? What would you suggest I change? The personal heraldry on the shoulder shield would be fairly unique to each terminator and obviously wouldn't be on the rank and file troopers. Any other additions you think I should include?


06-24-2013, 07:58 AM
I like the scheme, it looks effective. I just think the blue on the shield/guard and the stormbolter clashes. Maybe a dark purple would work better being closer to red?

06-24-2013, 09:13 AM
The blue is more of a spot colour. You are right about it clashing on the shield guard though, but as that is personal heraldry rather than something that would be repeated across the whole army, I am less concerned about that.

Night System
06-24-2013, 09:13 AM
As this is one of the armies I play the most I think I have a solid interest. And in doing so, that marine looks amazing so you best have painted every last space marine model you have in that scheme before we game again :)

06-24-2013, 09:14 AM
Trying to wear him out so he's too tired to play properly? :D

06-24-2013, 09:15 AM
As this is one of the armies I play the most I think I have a solid interest. And in doing so, that marine looks amazing so you best have painted every last space marine model you have in that scheme before we game again :)

Guess we aren't playing for a while then!

06-24-2013, 10:47 AM
Pickled Space Marine, anyone?


These are only the worst painted, non-vehicle culprits. Many, many more to go.

KrewL RaiN
06-24-2013, 12:18 PM
Don't let the Tyranid's see that jar of pickled marines lol!

The blue feels a bit too dominating on the storm bolter, yet its awesome on the eyes. It's quite spooky looking! I am guessing the wax of the purity seal is going to be blue too.

06-24-2013, 04:19 PM
Yeh, I've always liked blue purity seals on red armour.

How would people feel about replacing the blue on the storm bolter with bronze? I'm also tempted to do the chest detail and powerfist in a dark bronze as well, with the cabling for the weapons on the back of the arms in the same leadbelcher/agrax earthshade combination as the rest of the boltgun.

06-24-2013, 04:26 PM
If your going to do bronze, which I think sounds great then you could make a very thin wash of that blue and use it over the bronze. It would give a patina look that would help the bronze pop without detracting from your lovely paint scheme ;)
Good luck mate.

06-25-2013, 01:33 AM
Bronze might work. An old pot of tin bitz laying around? :D

06-25-2013, 03:25 AM
Cheers guys. I do have tinbitz, but Warplock Bronze is pretty similar and gives much better, more even coverage. Also highlights really nicely with Brass Scorpion

06-25-2013, 03:26 AM
I don't have those two.
iirc I think I highlighted with dwarf bronze/gold whatever it was called.

06-27-2013, 07:59 AM
updated with bronze. Not done the blue wash Deadlift suggested, but I might later on. Can always paint back over it if it doesn't work. For now though;


06-27-2013, 08:07 AM
That looks a lot better with the rest of the scheme :)

07-10-2013, 06:28 AM
Another update or two today. I may start a new thread after this, to show how long it is going to take to repaint all of my marines properly.

For now though;


One combat squad, finished apart from their bases. I think I may have gone a bit too far up the legs with the yellow? For these guys, I also created a special pattern Bolter. By created, I mean I screwed up drilling two of the barrels and, rather than just fix them, cut off the remnants and those of the rest of the squad. There is still a hole drilled in the front of the guns as a muzzle though.


The Sergeants skin is a nice bronzed tone, like someone who has spent his life working in scorching sun. This was done to tie in with the rest of the scheme rather than really pop against it. You can also see the results of the blue wash over the bronze areas of the Terminator. I'm still not convinced it is the right way to go though, so I'll probably do it on another few models and leave others as they are so I get a broader comparison.


A comparison between a finished Tactical Marine and one with only the first two stages of dry brushing complete. It is amazing how much the other details really bring the Red, Orange and Yellows together.


Next ten man squad under way. This is just about the first time where I have done a colour scheme where batch painting actually worked for me. Still quite a timely process building up the colour with dry brushing, but infinitely quicker than trying to get a solid, bright, smooth red without an airbrush.

07-10-2013, 06:31 AM
One last note; I also have these guys ready for dry brushing


and these piles of bits that will make up the next few squads


and this guy, who has been desperately in need of stripping and a decent paint job even since I bought him off a friend many years ago for a couple of quid.


So, any comments, advice or words of encouragement?


07-10-2013, 10:23 AM
Looking good, love the flame effects on the terminators shoulder pad. I like the blue wash too, but I understand its a matter of personal taste :D.

07-11-2013, 01:54 AM
I don't think you've gone too far with the yellow. Vary it between squad if you want. the overall scheme is effective. individual models can quite easily go one way or another in it and still fit the scheme...

07-11-2013, 02:23 AM
I kinda agree, it goes from yellow to red a shade too quick, needs a bit more orange in the middle.

07-11-2013, 02:47 AM
I kinda agree, it goes from yellow to red a shade too quick, needs a bit more orange in the middle.

maybe use a red glaze to smooth the transition?

07-11-2013, 05:43 AM
Cheers guys. I think with the more closed stances of the tactical marines, you don't see the transition so well, so will add in more orange to the 'finished' guys, and use slightly less yellow in future.

07-26-2013, 05:10 AM
Picture time!

More Orange, more bases


Just a few millimetres more on the orange (or less of the yellow if you are of that mind) certainly helped the overall look of the models. Having proper bases did wonders too.

07-26-2013, 05:14 AM
I've also worked on some more minis to fill out the squad to 10 models, keeping with the theme of shortened weapons (great for siege warfare, supposedly the Chapters speciality)


Who needs a melta for getting through bulkheads when you can have a short-barrelled Lascannon? Frees up the special weapon slot for a Flamere to wreak havoc in the confined spaces of fortresses etc.

09-06-2013, 10:35 AM
Hey folks. Not much of an update, but felt it was worth showing you where I plan on going with these guys a bit.

The ultimate aim would be to be able to field a full chapter of the Brotherhood of Fire... That is a hella long way off though! I am pretty close to fielding a Battle Company and First company though, so I'll concentrate on those first. Speaking of which;


This is the makings of said battle company. At the very top is one full devastator squad with Missile Launchers; they've even inherited the Sergeant in my above posts with the hammer head backpack. To their right is 3 Plasma cannons who will form the core of the next devastator squad. They will also get the Plasma cannon from the Dark Vengeance box, as well as filling up to 10 men.

Below them are the two assault squads; one has the full ten men, as well as jump packs, two plasma pistols and a sergeant with a third. The second squad has a pair of flamers and no jump packs. Fitting the theme of being a siege legion, they eschewed the bulky packs in favour of a rhino to get them up to a break in the walls created by vindicators, allowing them to fight more effectively in the tight confines of fortresses.

then there are 5 of the 6 tactical squads. the sixth will be made of the rest of the Dark vengeance squad. You may also be able to see the metal sergeant in amongst the part finished marine squad, taking over from the hammer head pack sergeant. Lastly, at the bottom are spare models and the command squad essentials (apothecary, champion, banner bearer). I still need to add a captain and chaplain in to this group to actually complete the company, as well as a trio of dreadnoughts, but i have plenty of options for all of those to chose from. For now, this photo acts as a shopping list for what i still need to buy. I do have a few other marines, particularly with heavy or special weapons, but many are showing significant signs of age/damage, so may not ever make it back to the table top as models in their own right.

Although I have laid them out in squads, they will probably move about and get reordered before I give them proper squad markings. otherwise i'll end up with all beginner box/damaged models in one squad, and full new model in others. I'd prefer a mix of styles and armour marks through out (partly to disguise some of the older bits...)

So, a long way to go. And that's without looking at the first company, which is about as complete, but far less painted!