View Full Version : 1850 Tau Tournament list!

06-24-2013, 01:33 AM

1850 Tau


161 Commander:
S Systems: Vectored retro-thrusters
Sig Systems: Neuroweb System Jammer, Puretide Engram Neurochip, Command and Control Node, Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite
2 x gun drones

55 Ethereal: Blacksun Filter

HQ= 216
- Troops -

108 12 x firewarriors

108 12 x firewarriors

90 10 x firewarriors

105 15 x kroot: sniper

105 15 x kroot: sniper

Troop= 516
- Elites -

224 6 x Stealth Suits:
RW: 2 fusion blasters
SS: 2 target locks
2 x gundrones

190 Riptide:
RW: Twin- Linked Fusion, Ion Accelerator
SS: Early Warning Override

210 Riptide:
RW: Twin- Linked Fusion, Ion Accelerator
SS: Early Warning Override, Velocity Tracker

Elite= 624
-Fast Attack -

66. 6 x Pathfinders

66. 6 x Pathfinders

Fast= 132
- Heavy Support-

115 skyray:
RW: Smart Missile System

131 Hammer Head:
RW: Railgun w/ submunition, Smartmissile system
VBS: Blacksun Filter

116 6 x Sniper Drones
2 x Firesight marksman

Heavy= 362
Total: 1850

Model Count:
1 commander
1 ethereal
4 gun drones
34 firewarriors
30 kroot
6 stealth suits
2 riptides
1 hammerhead
1 skyray
6 sniper drones
2 firefight
12 pathfinders

100 models

After trying out differant combos I have decided to go with this list. I never really liked the feel and the investment of points into broadsides so I swap them out for sniper drones.

Necrons is a bother so I added stealth suits for the extra fusion to deal with 13 armour. Also I decided to go back to a hammerhead as well to deal with the 13 armour skimmers.

I am debating on adding skyfire to my other riptide. To do so I will have to drop a filter on my ethereal and 2 fire warriors or two kroot.

I really wanted to add a devilfish, but I wanted a gunline as well. This might cost me if I have to cross the board in a timely manner.

I will gladly take any advice which will better my list. I might run daemons instead, but this is what I am looking at for now.