View Full Version : Ogre Riding a Dragon? Sure why not.... Suggestions Requested

Josh Sissom
06-24-2013, 12:17 AM
Ogre Riding a Dragon? Sure why not.... Suggestions Requested

I have been working on this guys for the past few days. I had an old Gauth Reaper Dragon laying around that I thought was perfect scale for Fantasy. I decided to convert it for use with my Ogre Kingdoms Army. I guess as one of the dragons from Storm of Magic. Below are some pics as I was building it up until I recently primed the model.

Started by adding the rider. I was torn to do a tyrant or a caster, but I decided in the end to do more of a tamer/rider. I added the reigns tied to the horn of the dragon. To fill out the base better, I added some gnoblars directing the dragon. One in the back prodding with a stick and one in the front yelling at him to attack. The one on the column looked a little funny up on a tall column, so I added a rope tied to a stake for how he got up top. The back of the model between the wings and the back of the rider looked bare, so I added in the barrels. I used some GF9 rope to make it look like it was ties to the seat. Then finally I added a few of the arrows from the Giant kit as if he had been attacked in the air.

Any thoughts on further converting before painting? I thought about putting some holes on the wings?

Also what color do you think it should be? I thought fire at first but that may be too obvious. What type of dragon do you think Ogres would pal around with?





06-29-2013, 11:58 AM
That's actually very cool.

I'm not entirely sure about the barrels, they don't "feel" right, somehow.

As for the reins, I feel like Ogres would attach them directly to/through the dragon's flesh -- they're not known for their compassion for, well, anyone, even other Ogres.

06-29-2013, 12:26 PM
I realised what bugs me about the barrels. I don't think Ogres would just carry booze, maybe replace one with food/weapons/a bag/supplies etc.

I think maybe one of the cannons from the Leadbelchers kit would look nice ...

07-01-2013, 11:35 PM
Why not combine the two? Grab a leadbelcher cannon and have it overflowing with booze...

07-03-2013, 09:30 AM
To make it even more over the top, I'd add a gnoblar firing a cannon from the shoulder of the ogre.