View Full Version : Two Dedicated Transports in one Squad?

Straight JaKeT
06-22-2013, 02:54 PM
Hi Folks,

So I know 2 dedicated transports are not allowed normally. However I was reading through the IG codex and noticed that Commissar Yarrick can take a Chimera as a Dedicated Transport. So the question is if you take Yarrick in a Chimera and join him with a unit with a dedicated transport (For example Ogryns) could you conceivably have 2 dedicated transports for 1 unit? With the option of Yarrick's Chimera breaking off independently?

As a second question could you then deploy a squad of 10 Ogryns, have 6 in one Chimera and put the other 4 in Yarrick's Chimera?

I might be missing something but having 10 Ogryns and Yarrick coming at you with 2 Chimeras might be frightening...

(and yes I realize there are much better uses for 590 points :-) )

06-22-2013, 03:32 PM
As to buying a tranport for both Yarrick and the Ogryn squad, yes of course you may.
The second question, no, not a chance.
BRB page 78 Transport Capacity.

06-22-2013, 03:34 PM
I agree about the second question.

So the question is if you take Yarrick in a Chimera and join him with a unit with a dedicated transport (For example Ogryns) could you conceivably have 2 dedicated transports for 1 unit? With the option of Yarrick's Chimera breaking off independently?
Yes, the combined squad would be associated with two dedicated transports. I don't think that does anything for you, though. As DV8 said, you can only put the squad in one of them, and the two Chimeras would not become a single unit simply because they happen to be dedicated transports for the same unit.

Straight JaKeT
06-22-2013, 03:46 PM
So I guess a better question might have been if a IC with a dedicated transport joins a unit can the unit start in the IC's dedicated transport? I know the inverse is correct, but the rule I read did not make allowances for this particular situation.

06-22-2013, 04:29 PM
The second question, no, not a chance.

Is the IG deployment rule (I don't have their Codex) that same as the Space Marines Tactical squad using "Combat Squads?" The SM Codex says "if you decide to split into two combat squads, then each combat squad is treated as a separate unit for all game purposes from that point.

06-23-2013, 02:25 AM
IG don't have combat squads, in fact I don't think anyone other than marines (Vanilla, BA, DA, GK etc) have the ability.

A Dedicated Transport is dedicated to one unit and one unit only. So Yarrick's is his and the Ogryns' is theirs.

Yarrick can either start in his transport or attached to the Ogryn. If he is attached to a unit then, providing they fit, either he can start in their transport or they in his.

The "spare" one just has to hang about on it's own.

The REALLY interesting question is, as they are battle brothers can Yarrick and an SM squad be in each other's Dedicated Transports?

06-23-2013, 03:17 AM
No 'cos allies of any level of friendliness can't cross transport. Stand fast apocalypse though.

06-23-2013, 03:27 AM
But if Yarrick joins the unit he is part of that unit for all purposes ?

06-23-2013, 07:01 AM
So I guess a better question might have been if a IC with a dedicated transport joins a unit can the unit start in the IC's dedicated transport? I know the inverse is correct, but the rule I read did not make allowances for this particular situation.
To my surprise, I don't see anything allowing this. I am pretty sure that I would, personally, but ... looks like the technical answer is no, nobody can start in Yarrick's Chimera but Yarrick and any ICs that have joined him.

But if Yarrick joins the unit he is part of that unit for all purposes ?
I don't think that overrides, "However, note that not even Battle Brothers can embark in allied transport vehicles" (p. 112). He doesn't need to stop being a Battle Brother simply because he's part of the unit, so I see no conflict (in the technical sense).

06-25-2013, 05:50 AM
The only thing I could see you doing is get a unit if 5 ogryn (as they count as 2 models for transport capacity) starting in their own dedicated transport. Then have the IC outside the Ogryn's Chimera move into it at the start of the movement phase. You can then send the IC's dedicated transport off on its own. The rules state that the vehicle can do its movement after a unit embarks on it. Once the IC has joined the unit, he can not leave the vehicle in the turn he embarks on it, as he has already moved. The Ogryn unit however could disembark, but then you may as well have left the IC in his own vehicle then. In the next turn, the Ogryn unit along with their attached IC could then disembark, either before or after the chimera moved.

I can not see any other way of having the IC mount onto the Ogryn's transport with them, and also get his own dedicated transport.

As everyone else said, you can not split the Ogryn unit up as they do not have the combat squad special rule. If they did, you could start half the squad outside the ICs vehicle and mount them onto his chimera in the movement phase before the vehicle moves, and them move the vehicle. the other half of of the squad (if they were able to combat squad) could then be mounted in the squads dedicated chimera transport.

If space marine ICs were able to get dedicated transports for their HQs (and not take a bodyguard unit), they could do the same with a space marine squad that is combat squaded and half start next to the ICs transport, and half in the units dedicated transport. Thankfully, I can not think of any SM ICs that get their own dedicated transport like a Rhino, Razorback or Landraider.

06-25-2013, 05:57 AM
The IC could start attached to the Ogryn in their transport and leave his own empty.

Straight JaKeT
06-25-2013, 12:00 PM
Now how does it work when you buy a dedicated transport. Is your unit size limited to your transport capacity? I could have sworn I read somewhere that you can have a larger unit than the transport can hold for marines, but does the same rule hold true for IG? Would it just mean you must remain in coherency? (Sucky for movement, good for additional firepower.)

That being said could you start the game with 6 orgyns deployed in a chimera, have the other 4 within 2". Then have Yarrick's chimera within 2" of both and have the 4 orgyns embark at the beginning of the movement phase? Making sure that both transports remain within 2" at all times?

06-25-2013, 12:34 PM
Now how does it work when you buy a dedicated transport. Is your unit size limited to your transport capacity? I could have sworn I read somewhere that you can have a larger unit than the transport can hold for marines, but does the same rule hold true for IG? Would it just mean you must remain in coherency? (Sucky for movement, good for additional firepower.)
There's no general rule that if you buy a dedicated transport you're limited in unit size to what will fit in the transport. A codex might include that restriction for a specific army, though I'd be surprised if it did. However, if your whole unit doesn't fit inside the transport, none of the unit can embark (see below).

A dedicated transport is in no sense part of the unit it was purchased for. So it doesn't have to remain in coherency at all. If you wanted a ten-man ogryn squad, you could buy a Chimera as a dedicated transport, and then have the ogryn remain on foot and the Chimera go off and do something else. Similarly, even if the ogryn squad was small enough to fit inside the transport, there's no requirement for it to stay close to them.

That being said could you start the game with 6 orgyns deployed in a chimera, have the other 4 within 2". Then have Yarrick's chimera within 2" of both and have the 4 orgyns embark at the beginning of the movement phase? Making sure that both transports remain within 2" at all times?
This you cannot do. As page 78 says, "The entire unit must be embarked on the Transport if any part of it is - a unit cannot be partially embarked or be spread across multiple Transports."

06-26-2013, 05:07 AM
The Black Templar Codex limits the ability to a particular squad size IIRC.