View Full Version : Deep Striking Vehicles

06-22-2013, 11:11 AM
Can all vehicles deep strike?

Can they do so from Reserves?

06-22-2013, 11:59 AM
oi, man. you need to read the rulebook.

06-22-2013, 12:01 PM
oi, man. you need to read the rulebook.

Thanks for being helpful.

06-22-2013, 12:17 PM
Thanks for being helpful.

seriously, I am being helpful. Your question is so far removed from the rules, which means, you need to actually read the rules.

You basically asked, "How do I play warhammer 40k", and the proper response would be "get the rulebook".

06-22-2013, 12:31 PM
Can all vehicles deep strike?


Can they do so from Reserves?


oi, man. you need to read the rulebook.

He has a point.

06-22-2013, 12:33 PM
The rulebook is not really clear. It says models must have the deep strike special rule, but later says "Vehicle, except for Walkers, count as moved..." One could think that all vehicles could deep strike. So your answer could have been, and taken almost the same amount of time: "No, the answer lies in the special rules of each vehicle in its Codex."

Now, then, that is settled, one can actually Deep Strike in, say a Rhino, using a Thunderhawk Transporter, but since it is likely that none of us can or are willing to afford the almost $1000 Forge World model, it is unlikely that anyone will do this.

So the correct answer was not "read the rulebook" because the rule book says nothing about the Thunderhawk Transporter and the Thunderhawk Transporter is a means to deep strike in do not have the deep Strike Special Rule.

So, next time, I may suggest to you, if you have nothing to add, politely move on to the next thread without responding. (I've noticed you have used the "read the rule book" response a few other times when actually a good discussion from the question actually did take place and your answer seemingly was ignored)

06-22-2013, 02:43 PM
A better generalization would be, "The default answer to anything is 'no', until specified otherwise by rules and/or wargear."
Can a vehicle deep strike? No, until it is given rules or wargear permitting it to do so.
Can a vehicle shoot at an enemy unit? No, until it is given rules (a BS score) and wargear (a weapon) permitting it to do so.
Is a Tactical Marine anything other than a 28mm tall lump of grey plastic? No, until it is given rules and wargear permitting it to be used in game.

Conversely, just because there exists rules for how to do something, does not automatically confer the ability to perform that action.
Just because there are rules for Deep Striking a vehicle, does not grant all vehicles Deep Strike.
Just because there are rules for transporting infantry in a vehicle, does not make all vehicles transports.
Just because there are rules for moving vehicles, does not make all vehicles mobile.

06-22-2013, 04:15 PM
A better generalization would be, "The default answer to anything is 'no', until specified otherwise by rules and/or wargear."
Can a vehicle deep strike? No, until it is given rules or wargear permitting it to do so.
Can a vehicle shoot at an enemy unit? No, until it is given rules (a BS score) and wargear (a weapon) permitting it to do so.
Is a Tactical Marine anything other than a 28mm tall lump of grey plastic? No, until it is given rules and wargear permitting it to be used in game.

Conversely, just because there exists rules for how to do something, does not automatically confer the ability to perform that action.
Just because there are rules for Deep Striking a vehicle, does not grant all vehicles Deep Strike.
Just because there are rules for transporting infantry in a vehicle, does not make all vehicles transports.
Just because there are rules for moving vehicles, does not make all vehicles mobile.

Very well put, thank you.

This game has a basic rule book but then many Codexes, compendiums, add-ons and FAQs that modify the basic rules, sometimes for certain situations or forces or whatever. I've found that asking a question that looks to have an obvious answer (from the main RB for example) sometimes yields an unexpected answer or caveat from one of the other sources.

06-23-2013, 02:39 AM
Just to clarify a minor point, nothing can Deep Strike from Reserves.

To Deep Strike you must be in Deep Strike Reserve. Might sound pedantic but I have often had to point out to guys that once a unit is in Deep Strike Reserve the only way it can leave it (barring weird special rules) is by Deep Striking, you cannot enter as a normal reserve.

06-23-2013, 08:48 AM
The rulebook is not really clear. It says models must have the deep strike special rule, but later says "Vehicle, except for Walkers, count as moved..." One could think that all vehicles could deep strike. So your answer could have been, and taken almost the same amount of time: "No, the answer lies in the special rules of each vehicle in its Codex."

Now, then, that is settled, one can actually Deep Strike in, say a Rhino, using a Thunderhawk Transporter, but since it is likely that none of us can or are willing to afford the almost $1000 Forge World model, it is unlikely that anyone will do this.

So the correct answer was not "read the rulebook" because the rule book says nothing about the Thunderhawk Transporter and the Thunderhawk Transporter is a means to deep strike in do not have the deep Strike Special Rule.

So, next time, I may suggest to you, if you have nothing to add, politely move on to the next thread without responding. (I've noticed you have used the "read the rule book" response a few other times when actually a good discussion from the question actually did take place and your answer seemingly was ignored)

Yeah , read the rulebook. Because your quotation the you are reading is clearly not a 'unclear rule' but more of someone who doesn't understand the rulebook. The rulebook makes it quite clear: you have to have the deep strike rule to be able to deep strike. The part where you are reading the deep strike rule is ONLY describing what occurs to units that HAVE deep struck.

This is a reading comprehension issue, and the only way to solve it is to read the rulebook.

06-23-2013, 10:38 AM
Yeah , read the rulebook. Because your quotation the you are reading is clearly not a 'unclear rule' but more of someone who doesn't understand the rulebook. The rulebook makes it quite clear: you have to have the deep strike rule to be able to deep strike. The part where you are reading the deep strike rule is ONLY describing what occurs to units that HAVE deep struck.

This is a reading comprehension issue, and the only way to solve it is to read the rulebook.

You are an asshat.

06-23-2013, 01:18 PM
Tactless though Tynskel may be*, he's right. This is pretty straightforward. You have a question about Deep Strike? Go to the rules for Deep Strike. Use the index if need be. One of the first things you'll see is:

In order for a unit to be able to Deep Strike, all models in theunit must have the Deep strike special rule and the unit must
start the game in reserve.

That's pretty clear. So, we go to the Vehicle rules to see if they all have the Deep Strike special rule. Going through the vehicle rules, nowhere does the words Deep Strike show up. Other special rules, such as Relentless, are in there, but Deep Strike is nowhere to be found. The Deep Strike rules themselves don't grant Deep Strike to vehicles, and vehicles don't have the Deep Strike rule by default, so one can conclude that vehicle's can't Deep Strike.

*if you want to insult someone, be subtle;). But seriously, don't insult people. Forum rules.

06-23-2013, 02:18 PM
That said - and I don't know if you care about my opinion, Tynskel, so don't take this as my assumption that you do - I think Blackcloud is also right. These kinds of responses are incredibly rude. Not sort of rude. Incredibly rude.

06-23-2013, 03:51 PM
That said - and I don't know if you care about my opinion, Tynskel, so don't take this as my assumption that you do - I think Blackcloud is also right. These kinds of responses are incredibly rude. Not sort of rude. Incredibly rude.

Eh, I'm with tynskel on this one. These kind of questions are basically "how do I play the game" it reads like the OP doesn't even own the rulebook. You shouldn't have to give out large section of the rules to people.

06-23-2013, 03:55 PM
I don't see what that has to do with it. The standards for what's rude and what's not don't change based on how intelligent, dumb, respectful, or presumptuous the question is.

06-23-2013, 04:11 PM
While it does seem like a very novice question, the 5th and 6th edition rulebooks and their interactions with the Codices feel very much like a "gotcha!" game, with regards to rules being hidden away in obscure places. In general, I believe you should try to read the BRB first and at least show you've done your homework before posting a question; however, I can easily see his question being the result of some of the other "we're going to assume your brain spins the same way as ours do and thus you'll know to extend this random rule in an arbitrary way" moves in the current ruleset.

06-23-2013, 05:35 PM
I don't see what that has to do with it. The standards for what's rude and what's not don't change based on how intelligent, dumb, respectful, or presumptuous the question is.

Crass is my preferred term.
"So crude and unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility."

06-23-2013, 05:37 PM
While it does seem like a very novice question, the 5th and 6th edition rulebooks and their interactions with the Codices feel very much like a "gotcha!" game, with regards to rules being hidden away in obscure places. In general, I believe you should try to read the BRB first and at least show you've done your homework before posting a question; however, I can easily see his question being the result of some of the other "we're going to assume your brain spins the same way as ours do and thus you'll know to extend this random rule in an arbitrary way" moves in the current ruleset.

You are correct.
However, the deep strike question, in no way, had any of these issues. Deep Strike is *very* straightforward.
You aren't bouncing all over the place checking 15million rules. The deep strike rules are on 1-2 pages, and then you just look to see where is deep strike listed as a special rule for your units.

06-23-2013, 05:38 PM
Tactless though Tynskel may be*, he's right.

*if you want to insult someone, be subtle;). But seriously, don't insult people. Forum rules.

bwhahahahah! Nice.

06-23-2013, 08:01 PM
You are correct.
However, the deep strike question, in no way, had any of these issues. Deep Strike is *very* straightforward.

That's more-or-less my point though, so many things are dense, confounding, or scattered to the four winds and seven books, that when I come across the 1d6-2 rules in a given book that are simple and straightforward, my initial instinct is to read through everything again, trying to find where they hid the shenanigans.

06-23-2013, 10:35 PM
I don't see what that has to do with it. The standards for what's rude and what's not don't change based on how intelligent, dumb, respectful, or presumptuous the question is.

I have put some thought into this...
There are plenty of dumb questions that get asked on this forum, and when I catch them, I have responded the same way every time: read the book. It only becomes a problem when someone gets 'offended' by that. At that point, I point out why to read the book. I am not being rude. I am saying: read the book, think by yourself.

There's nothing rude about it. When I say Oi, read the book, I am not saying anything else.