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06-21-2013, 08:29 PM
Genestealer Cult Gargoyles

Howdy, interwebs!

This is the Rogue Trader Maitreya summer 2013 Warhammer 40k modeling blog-irc-bbs-forum dealie. This summer, I am working on finishing my Genestealer Cult army in time for the Labor Day Strategicon (http://www.strategicon.net/index.php?goto=events)tournament. The 1750 point army is about ¾ done, but way short on painting, and I am desperately short of fast hordes to put pressure on my opponents’ flanking units and backfield. I was well and duly convinced that I need a unit of gargoyles!

A week or two later, I was watching clips of B-17s (http://videosift.com/video/B-17-Scary-WWII-Segment-from-Heavy-Metal-The-Movie)in one of those Wikipedia time/space loops where I was losing an hour of my life due to no particular reason. Bounce to a few Black Sabbath (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3__NN16uoXk) songs from the early eighties, and I recalled how utterly terrifying it was to see a crazed mob ripping through a city, with giant bat riders raining death from the skies. It is amazing how quickly the memory returns of my nine-year-old heart being gripped with paralyzing fear as I watched this awesome film when it was released in the theater (thanks dad). Fast forward 32 years, and now I want my Warhammer 40k enemies to feel this same paralyzing panic and hopelessness as I overwhelm them` with countless horrors.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Heavy_Metal_Bats_zps1d5c2eb4.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Heavy_Metal_Bats_zps1d5c2eb4.jpg.html)

I don’t want gargoyles, I want feral bat riders of death! I NEED feral batriders of death!


A half hour sketch the next day at work, and I had my idea. . . Gargoyle body, Genestealer rending claws as legs, an 80’s era Ork boy head for the pointy-eared tusked bat face, and a rider. Durn sketch missing. . . must have cleaned out the pockets a wee bit too aggressively. Of course I have the needed parts, right? I have two boxes of Gargoyles sitting in the shrink and countless Space-Hulk V1 Genestealers doing a few decades of waiting around.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Stealer_Parts_zps593081ac.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Stealer_Parts_zps593081ac.jpg.html)

Sifting through bits, I found a baggie of a few dozen Digga Yoofs, purchased from “Trollboss Bob” back in the day. I probably paid $2 each for blisters of four-five of these little miscreants. Bob had some crazy deals back then, and they sold out fast (often within a few hours). For those not in the know, Diggas were a faction out of Gorka Morka, an Ork buggy n’ scrap game in the style of Necromunda and Mordheim. Digga Yoofs were human youths that grew up in the shadow of Orkish Kulcher, so were ripped hard little bundles of sinew and malice at an early age. In the U.S., the game went over about as well as lo-salt pickled broccoli, and remaining models were blown out. End result is I happened to have two fistfuls of bald, muscular, mini-me miniatures, just the perfect size for Gargoyle jockeys.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Digga_Yoofs_zps574f6cc6.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Digga_Yoofs_zps574f6cc6.jpg.html)

Headed over to a buddy’s house with bitz and toolbox in tow, I set to mock up. Quick comparison of Ork vs. Genestealer head was a tough but unanimous decision. Torqued up dremeled the little urchin and mounted him up! Voila! Pretty durn cool.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/First_Example_zpsd92f5500.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/First_Example_zpsd92f5500.jpg.html)

Next step is to make a bunch of them. Mathammer says I need 18-20 for an effective unit, so I’ll start with half for the next step.

Will update regularly. Got a lot to do by the end of summer!

06-22-2013, 12:37 AM
I have made additional progress on the next batch. The pinning is pretty complex, as I have to bend the legs apart for mounting, then pin the rider into a back angle, then pin the head straight into the front. Requires a bit of shaving the neck and some gribbly bits all around. The angled flight stands in some of the Gargoyle bodies have to be re-drilled. Thar's gonna be epoxy in this unit when all's said and done.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Pinning_Parts_zps7388b67a.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Pinning_Parts_zps7388b67a.jpg.html)

Edit: Awesome mold lines now that I see the underside in high-def. Sigh.

Next batch of riders have been pinned and assembled, but heads and legs are the harder part.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/First_Batch_Underway_zps05732d01.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/First_Batch_Underway_zps05732d01.jpg.html)

Twenty of these wretches will take a while, but so far I'm having a blast!

06-22-2013, 10:17 AM
I love the combination of pieces here, especially the SH2 Genestealers and Digga Yoofs - a blast from the past!

Captain Bubonicus
06-22-2013, 01:26 PM
Heavy Metal + Genestealer Cult + OOP GW "Specialist Games" = AWESOME

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
06-22-2013, 02:57 PM
Very creative kitbashing, and this is the goofy side of 'stealer cults at its best!

KrewL RaiN
06-22-2013, 06:11 PM
Very creative kitbashing, and this is the goofy side of 'stealer cults at its best!

Have to agree here, I be loving these!

06-24-2013, 01:52 AM
Hi everyone! Nice little bit of progress getting the heads and the legs on over the weekend. I just want to clarify that I thought the rider and head were a snitch to pin, but apparently those are really quite easy to wrangle. The LEGS suck far worse. Of course, because they aren't legs, they're arms. And if you want to have them torquing around in all different directions to give the various and sundry models some character, well, then, you had better have your dremel handy. There is no way to make the flight stand removable, so I'm resigned already to tape over them or use a drinking straw to mask them for painting.

The result of the work on the legs with respect to the overall unit appearance is well worth it, fortunately. The different leg positions give some of the gargoyles a jumping appearance, or lunging, or all other kinds of different "looks" to them irrespective of the riders. It gives the mounts some real flair and character, which was hard to imagine at first since there's all of one head design, and it can't even rotate!

Here are some poorly focused snaps of a few sample fellers to see what I mean.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Single_UP_Grunt_zps1e6a0774.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Single_UP_Grunt_zps1e6a0774.jpg.html)

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Single_UP_Plink_zps26b4fb11.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Single_UP_Plink_zps26b4fb11.jpg.html)

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Single_UP_Zulu_zpscf86f2e0.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Single_UP_Zulu_zpscf86f2e0.jpg.html)

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Single_UP_Lurch_zps5f597ecb.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Single_UP_Lurch_zps5f597ecb.jpg.html)

Oh, and why, YES, I drill out the gun barrels of my 7 point models. Doesn't everyone?

06-24-2013, 01:53 AM
And a nice group shot of all nine in the pack to date.

I have a whole 'nudder box of gargoyles unopened, so I am pretty excited about turning this into a pack of 20. That will allow me to get in some additional conversions, head swaps on the little guys, maybe have an unfortunate victim being dragged away or summat. I will have some fun on the next batch. I have a flank shot as well below so you can see one of the leaping gargoyles. They look great from a lot of angles, so I'm quite pleased.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Group1_UP_Cluster_zps10140f79.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Group1_UP_Cluster_zps10140f79.jpg.html)

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Group1_UP_Couple_zpsf0db9dc5.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Group1_UP_Couple_zpsf0db9dc5.jpg.html)

I have a pretty busy schedule, but might get back to these next weekend if possible. The next step is not very sexy, just a bunch of putty work to clean up those legs. I found I had stolen a stripe of putty from my buddy, so that's awfully convenient. Will put some of that to good use (before it goes bad, of course). If I do anything cool, I'll post another update, but the cleanup needs to be first.

I am also finding they are quite top heavy, what with the lead guy on top of a plastic dealie way up in the air. A magnet solution will occur, so just gotta let that percolate for a while until I come up with the right plan. I am a big fan of K&J magnetics neodymium magnets, so will go that route, but need the right way to get it into the base without any FUBAR action. Taking suggestions from the peanut gallery if anyone has done a nice job of getting magnets into flight bases. . .


07-29-2013, 11:48 AM
July (first half) update on Genestealer Cult Gargoyle project

The most important next step was to not get complacent with only a handful of models as a minimum fielded unit. Math-hammer says I need about 18-20 as a useful number of models, as I want to ensure I can scrap a 3HP AV10(rear) vehicle on the charge. Since stripping hull points doesn't shake or stun, I really need to have my S4 units kill vehicles when they get to them, or else risk becoming flamer bait.

I started up another batch of 9 models, leaving the leader for later. To break up the mono-pose Yoof models, I had to come up with some new heads. I had some pigiron heads in my bitz box that I have been saving for smaller models, as they are cartoonishly small for most GW models these days.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/pigiron_zps20c58c5b.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/pigiron_zps20c58c5b.jpg.html)

Drilling these tiny heads was a dangerous task with a dremel, and I can only recommend using putty and pliers to hold them fast. I use floral wire from Michael's Crafts for my pinning, as the wire is pliable and perfect for heads where you want to crank and turn them around to pose them just right.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/drillhead_zps47e78bc2.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/drillhead_zps47e78bc2.jpg.html)

Cutting off heads (and any other operation) I found was best achieved with a metal cutoff tool. Hold the miniature with needlenose pliers, as it heats up a lot. The "white metal" of early 90s GW miniatures has a tendency to load up on the disc, as you can see below:

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/cutbuildup_zps57b3c530.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/cutbuildup_zps57b3c530.jpg.html)

I discovered a good way to clear this buildup. Anchor rough grit (100) sandpaper so it extends over a ledge. Run the dremel against this "cantilever" of sandpaper after each model. It strips the buildup quickly and cleanly without having to break stride in your model prep.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/sandclean_zps8acaea20.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/sandclean_zps8acaea20.jpg.html)

07-29-2013, 11:52 AM
Pin Party!

Lots of pinning was next, plus all the mold line removal. Drilling the butts were easy, plus necks and all the gargoyle holes. This step included taking most of the "angled" gargoyles and re-drilling them to be more flat in their trajectory. This was necessary to keep riders more or less upright instead of leaning back.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/drillbutt_zpsc67a50cd.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/drillbutt_zpsc67a50cd.jpg.html)

All of the second batch ready for assembly (except weapons)

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/pinparty_zpsca2584ca.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/pinparty_zpsca2584ca.jpg.html)

And here is the second batch shown all lopsidey, with original batch behind. Unit is almost ready!

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/headless_zps05221074.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/headless_zps05221074.jpg.html)

07-29-2013, 11:56 AM
Finished all assembly over the weekend with new weapons, legs, heads, and stands! Up late to get this in before voting. I'll be playing my first game with the new gargoyles this coming weekend! I will try to get them primed black before then, but unlikely to get any paint on.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/groupshot_zpsf79617f3.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/groupshot_zpsf79617f3.jpg.html)

Here are some blurry photos of three of my favorite new guys. I love the banner guy, in particular, with the "in gloriam" exhultation to the fatherly sky god. To finish up modeling, the unit leader is not done, as I want to do him separately and last, spending a little extra time. I'm using a mutie raider upper body, and one of the yoofs lowers that matches well.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/charger_zps9f1136c5.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/charger_zps9f1136c5.jpg.html)

Note deep plier marks oriented to appear as wood grain on the gunstock. *I'm proud of those kinds of engineered details. . .*

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/shooter_zps5d8d9694.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/shooter_zps5d8d9694.jpg.html)

Kind of reminds me of this guy: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/008/120/1325161207226.jpg

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/banner_zps78216e61.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/banner_zps78216e61.jpg.html)

Thanks for watching! This project has been a blast, but sure was a lot of work.


Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
07-29-2013, 03:51 PM
I'd forgotten about this project; still like it! Looking forward to seeing the leader. Got any other Genestealer Cult stuff online?

07-29-2013, 07:01 PM
I'd forgotten about this project; still like it! Looking forward to seeing the leader. Got any other Genestealer Cult stuff online?

Thanks! Yes, the leader is underway already. I'll be posting tonight or tomorrow if things go well. I don't have any other photos online yet. This contest-for-hybrids was the motivation I needed to start to document my progress on the army, which I've been collecting for 20 years and actively building for the last 18 mo. I have a full army with some decent (if wacky) conversions, so I can just pile that in here as I take pictures. Lots of paint still needed, but the army is otherwise quite playable and wins some games as well. There's so so many cultists and hybrids that get ripped apart by bolter and frag fire in every game that it's fun to play and fun to play against.

Da Gof Rockerz
07-29-2013, 09:27 PM
You had me the moment you said you where inspired by Black Sabbath's the Mob Rule (or is that Da Mob Rule (http://www.reverbnation.com/dagofrockerz/song/17955463-da-mob-rule)?). Great conversions, I love GorkaMorka and I love Tyranids. Hard to go wrong putting the two together seems like peanut butter and jelly. I hope you post some pictures when they are painted.

08-03-2013, 02:05 AM
Solid progress this past week, finishing up the models and moving on to the bases.
I finished up the leader, created my "duel" centerpiece, and figured out the basing magnetization and material scheme.

Here is my Gargoyle brood leader, a smoove operator and third generation hybrid. He's got a bit of a talent for leading the rabble owing to his higher than average psychic awareness. His charisma far outstrips his comeliness, fortunately.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/P1320295_zpsd7794e39.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/P1320295_zpsd7794e39.jpg.html)

I saved the most work for last; a duel. I have long wanted to have a duel miniature on a normal play base, so I can taunt my opponents forevermore. The hapless assault marine shall be done in perfect replica of one of my local foe's brooding sanguine finest. He has a single pin mount on his back heel, which I am holding. The rest is pinned all up and through the joints so he is far stronger here than on a regular flight base.

Why, yes, I drill out the gun barrels of my basing fodder in my seven point models. Doesn't everyone?

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Gotcha_zpsb11cfcbf.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Gotcha_zpsb11cfcbf.jpg.html)

The last bit of work is on my basing scheme. I found a pack of 1/8" magnets I have been hoarding for ten years. My work bought them at an auction lot of an optical switch company after the 2000 boom-bust cycle, and were going to throw them away. Oh, no no no, swooped in and grabbed maybe a thousand rare earth magnets for free. I've been using the 3/32" flat discs from K&J Magnetics for well over a decade (they fit well under normal slottas). I had never found a bona fide reason for more than a handful of these tall 1/8" cylinders and used maybe 10 for weapons throughout the ages. The flight bases are a pain to drill with large drill bits, and are very tall solid plastic. The flat discs don't work, but these babies do.

The basing scheme for prep is as shown in the image below. I sand the top first, then drill out (two stages drill operation not shown). Also note I re-drill the centers for the flight stand riser. These flight stands were designed way away back when before GW had anyone with any knowledge about plastics design, injection molding, and thermal coefficients of expansion, so the flight stands don't press fit the way they appear they are supposed to. This is the same root cause of why we have been getting red whippy sticks for far too long that are generously referred to as "playing aids" as opposed to "actual accurate rulers". Hot plastic shrinks, duh.

ANYhoo, once we drill the holes, we pop in some magnets (mindful of polarity so all minis across the army match), superglue them in, epoxy the top, and then epoxy on some grit. I am doing these bases as industrial wasteland, owing to their "outlander" appearance compared to the rest of my army. The rest of the army is more "ruined gothic building" with some tech scrap thrown in, whereas these guys are all scrap and detritus.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Basing_Flights_zpse5faa7cc.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Basing_Flights_zpse5faa7cc.jpg.html)

The steps not shown are white glue and kitty litter (new clay, not used and stinky, you reprobates, sheesh), then watered down white glue and mixed grit sand dip. I water glue coat everything after that, then prime black. You'll be seeing my next work down this path towards priming. I put a lot into each mini before the first paint hits the plastic.

Cookin' now, unit modeling is done! Have to crank on the bases and paint to hit my deadline, though.


08-04-2013, 10:47 PM
Weekend update: all my base!

I have all bases done up with scrap objects, big rubble (decorative rock), small rubble (kitty litter), and mixed grit sand. Epoxy the scrap and large rocks, then use carpenter's glue for the rest. Clean the edges so they will look sharp when painted up.

They are all magnetized and strong, sitting on sheet roofing tin (my standard material for all movement trays).

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/bases_finished_zps5c59fa0b.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/bases_finished_zps5c59fa0b.jpg.html)

The look I was going for was to remain somewhat respectful of the original Heavy Metal blasted scrapscape.


There is a nice video of the fly-by here.


I think I did a good job of "warhammer 40king" it up.

Next step is to paint the bases a bit and get them ready for mounting.

08-07-2013, 12:30 PM
Genestealer Cults, Diggas and Heavy metal, oh my. I am most definitely subscribed.

09-02-2013, 01:44 AM
Update on Genestealer Cult Gargoyles

I've actually been working my butt off to get ready for the Labor Day tournament. Every spare moment is dedicated to modeling and painting the remaining items in the list, and I haven't had time to upload, sort pictures, and report to y'all, but I *did* take pictures throughout the last few weeks as I've been forging ahead. Here are some updates to begin to catch everyone up on this major summer project.

Finishing up bases was early in the process, with the final color scheme going for heavy gray-based rubble with severely rusted scrap.

Here are pictures of the bases under indoor lighting and in sunlight, so can see the color. I went for a dramatic orange-on-brown for the rust, so the bases pop. Scrap is painted iron oxide brown, then drybrushed heavily with Reaper rust color, then selected rivets and edges are touch painted with privateer press Khador highlight (light orange). The end result is pretty sweet.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/GargBases_Ptd_zps99d6ee13.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/GargBases_Ptd_zps99d6ee13.jpg.html)

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Bases_Outdoor_zps938c8d88.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Bases_Outdoor_zps938c8d88.jpg.html)

They are very similar to the bases of my other gargoyle unit, which is a bunch of skyboard gangers. Here is a closeup of some of those bases. The round dot in the center of the skyfboard is a magnet, so all of my gangers can be removed for easy transport and for easy replacement with squats, necromunda heroes, whatever I want later on.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/SkyfBases_Ptd_zpsb27eb796.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/SkyfBases_Ptd_zpsb27eb796.jpg.html)

Some closeups of the boards' construction (also a major project, but was constructed over the winter):

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/SkyfBase_1_zpsfd2b608b.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/SkyfBase_1_zpsfd2b608b.jpg.html)

The two units look very different in modeling and style, so I wanted to make sure all the colors and the bases would help tie them each in with the rest of the army. It helps that I will generally be fielding one gargoyle unit on each flank, so they are very far separated so the dichotomy of "hive surfers" vs "wasteland mutants" won't be so evident.

09-02-2013, 01:53 AM
Here's two more skyfboards for comparison.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Skyfbase2_zps103bd816.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Skyfbase2_zps103bd816.jpg.html)

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/SkyfBase_12_zpseea198b7.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/SkyfBase_12_zpseea198b7.jpg.html)

Next up was the daunting task of painting all these gribblies, as well as a host of other units that were not painted. The biggest problem I had was that I wanted the entire army to get upgraded to the quality of my nicest unit. This unit was done by Qrab, with hybrids constructed out of Stealer bits and Catachans, but a paint job that would ultimately be my greatest challenge to match/approach. I had received plenty of advice from Q over the years, but now to paint an army instead of just a few models and units. . .

Here's a good example of the paint job serving as inspiration:

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Hybrid_Front_zpsaf4e531e.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Hybrid_Front_zpsaf4e531e.jpg.html)

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Hybrid_Back_zps65430b4c.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Hybrid_Back_zps65430b4c.jpg.html)

The flesh color is done with various colors of fleshy paint, with a magical wash of sapphire blue ink, a tiny bit of flesh wash, all in a base medium of Future floor wax (acrylic gel) adding a touch of water with a fraction of a drop of dishwashing detergent to break the surface tension of the fluid. The magical wash does a great job of settling in and drying in the recesses of the model, much better than "raw ink" or many of the commercial washes.

09-02-2013, 02:14 AM
After several days of failed experiments and agony over "the right look", I ended up choosing colors and techniques that would be rather difficult to do, but looks very crisp with good complementary colors. The look will support good addition of spots and details later on, but still look great on the tabletop from gaming distance until I get the time for doing the tiny details. I plan to never repaint anything over, just add detail later as real life permits over the years. Sometimes I actually go back and add such things, but I will admit it's rare, since I still have thousands of miniatures and only a few decades left to paint them.

Here's a closeup of the front and backside of the gargoyle. The body is based in necron abyss, then heavily drybrushed with a reaper dragon blue paint. The wing vanes and ribs are painted on, so the color appears much bolder and stronger. The purple items are painted the standard GW liche purple, then drybrushed heavily with warlock purple (which I don't think is available anymore?). The wing membranes are painted reaper suntan flesh, then washed with the magical blue wash described above. I will eventually do a thin transparent flesh painting over the centers of the wing membranes when I am much further along in the project (like, maybe next year or something, who knows, low priority, eh?).

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/BannerStart_Top_zps96ce3d3b.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/BannerStart_Top_zps96ce3d3b.jpg.html)

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/BannerStart_Under_zps32ddd5cc.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/BannerStart_Under_zps32ddd5cc.jpg.html)

You might find humor in watching the paint stains on my fingers vary throughout these posts. I have done a metric load of painting done in the last couple of weeks, much to the chagrin of my wife (but amusement of my child). Here is a vanity shot of my painting station in my dining room. You can see the project has taken over the main table in the background.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Workstation_zpse26f2430.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Workstation_zpse26f2430.jpg.html)

In the photo, you might notice my magus (zoanthrope). I'll post closeups of him later, but for now you can see the value of good old fashioned father-son nerdliness. My son is not yet four, but he's got some mean brush skills already:

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Stealers_Donovan_zps8f2b231e.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Stealers_Donovan_zps8f2b231e.jpg.html)

It's important to have a bunch of very-similar-looking-but-non-critical models available for children to play with and paint. A fistful of extra stealers (that I hadn't slaved over carving mold lines, basing, or converting) fit the bill. Throughout the project, it also included some termagants, Orks, and monopose skinks and lizardmen from back in the day. Anything to help him practice and NOT on daddy's high-end stuff. . . By the end of the summer the only "real" casualties were one good brush, one skyfboard rider, and some permanent scuffing on a tervigon bus. For that I got many, many hours of bonding with boy, and his own skills improved dramatically. Win.

09-02-2013, 11:34 AM
All of the gargoyles were finished up with the same paint scheme, which took a LONG time. Several full days of painting, including one vacation day and one full weekend day. About 20 hours for 19 gargoyles to get them up to that level. The vanes were a pain to get just right, because the wash and recesses wasn't deep enough to hide any sloppiness. I probably should have done nothing on the underside of the wing, and shaved 7 hours or so off of the project. Who is going to look at wing undersides? Dumb. The clock was ticking, and I had most of an army left to paint at this point. The riders are being ignored so I can move on to the rest of the army.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Gargs_Underway_zps1a57676d.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Gargs_Underway_zps1a57676d.jpg.html)

The first test article on cleaning up my genestealers. I wanted to combine the classic paint scheme with the bright coloration of the nice hybrid units and now gargoyle unit I had, so all the grimdark black-with-poorly-done-drybrush had to be completely updated. Front and back look great, using the exact same paint scheme as before. Claws must be done on these guys, though, because they are such a prominent feature of the model.

Claws are iron oxide brown to start, then painted suntan flesh, then painted dheneb stone. The painting is done with a medium sized brush, splaying the bristles apart so you get the jagged look to the separation lines between the colors. They are way too small (and numerous) to do blending, and drybrushing looks cheesy and uninspired. Painting with the jagged interface is not much harder, and looks WAY better. This test article has drybrushed dheneb stone, and I don't like the look. Everything else on this guy is win.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Stealer_First_zps0066e350.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Stealer_First_zps0066e350.jpg.html)

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Stealer_FirstBack_zps0bb3bb9b.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Stealer_FirstBack_zps0bb3bb9b.jpg.html)

Ignore the mold lines; I didn't carve them off of the test articles (too much work for models that risk being turned into fodder for the boy). This one ends up being a keeper. All the other stealers in the "real units" are cleaned up already waiting for paint.


09-02-2013, 09:40 PM
Glamour shots of the main genestealer unit. These are all space hulk classic models, all cleaned up and mold line removed and whatnot. Basing still simple, not upgraded to the modern scheme due to time constraints. Still have a lot to do, and re-basing old models with "serviceable" modeling already performed wasn't in the cards.

Here is a standard shot of one "movement tray" of four stealers, so you can see the final color scheme. Eyes, tongues, teeth, and pink spots are not done. Those are details that can wait for 2014. Compare the appearance of the claws of these guys to the first article in the previous post. I think we can all agree these look much better for marginally more effort (a few minutes per guy).

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Stealers_Batch_zps2e128bf4.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Stealers_Batch_zps2e128bf4.jpg.html)

A lot of people over the years have asked me about my magnetization and movement tray scheme. I use cut-up sheets of roofing tin from Home Depot or Lowe's home improvement centers (any DIY will have an equivalent). Depot are cheaper, and Lowe's are thicker gauge steel, but both work great. They come in packs of 10-20 5x7" sheets. Cut these into 1x7" strips using tin snips. The 1x7 size is basically perfect for a wide variety of units, spacings, and model count. I mount 5 cultists, 4 stealers, or 3 gargoyles per strip, and this allows me to quickly move a large unit of reasonably spaced models very quickly with little effort, which is absolutely necessary in a tournament setting. Larger sheets prevent you from having flexibility of your unit "shape" and arrangement, and make it harder to interact with terrain in a reasonable fashion, so the 1x7" strips are really quite ideal for most gaming.

I cut the strips, use two pairs of pliers to flatten them out (always bends and warps from tin snipping), then use a dremel with grinding wheel to round the corners, flatten out stubborn edges, and soften any sharp edges. Prime with Krylon dark gray, then fleck stone from any of the vendors. Voila, blends in well with a wide variety of terrain types and basing schemes, because it really just disappears. Larger strips have a larger "footprint" and draw your eye to them, but little strips just disappear when you have bright models to draw the eye's focus away. Make them in large batches, enough for one army at a time, and it helps simplify your own storage and deployment issues.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Move_Base_zps98902ee4.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Move_Base_zps98902ee4.jpg.html)

Here is the whole unit done and ready to field. Hells yeah, they are as intimidating as I was hoping. Nice closeup of the claw paint work. VERY easy to do, and looks deliberate, clean, and precise.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Stealers_Group_zps61201737.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Stealers_Group_zps61201737.jpg.html)

09-06-2013, 07:40 PM
Zoanthrope joins the fray!

Genestealer Cult Magus is a powerful psyker character, so could be a zoanthrope right out of the box. I have three of the little guys, two having a staff and one with the vox, so I could ultimately get three of these fielded in a unit of zoeys.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Magi_Figs_zps0c7cded1.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Magi_Figs_zps0c7cded1.jpg.html)

T4 and 2 wounds isn't that far off the mark for a man-sized but superhuman character, but I decided the army would be better off trying to get close to the actual profiles of presently fielded models. I mocked up the magus on a hotwheels golf cart, and saw that the size was almost identical to a "real" zoanthrope, and I was instantly smitten with the idea of a pope-mobile. Ork-and-digga-and-pigiron head driver, some ride pimping, and some magnets later, and I had myself a model that isn't too hard to convince someone is a high-asset target.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Magus_Start_zps2d218bff.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Magus_Start_zps2d218bff.jpg.html)

I started painting up some basics, and so did my 3 year old. It's harder to tell which is which at this point, since he's getting a lot better.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Magi_Donovan_zps9836a02a.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Magi_Donovan_zps9836a02a.jpg.html)

I am just about done with painting on one, and start making the base for the other. I determined that I only need two for my army at 1750 points. A bandsaw is a great tool for any hobbyist, because you can make the elusive and rare 50 mm bases out of hardboard, and then mod it with a sewer grate without a whole lot of work.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Magi_Assy_zpsad090b41.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Magi_Assy_zpsad090b41.jpg.html)

I have since finished painting both of these guys, but need to snap some nice photos first. I'll come back to these guys after I go through some more modeling updates.


09-08-2013, 10:48 PM

I have had this in mind for a while, playing both thudd guns and mole mortars for the biovores. In the end, the thudd has the right profile to compete with a modern biovore, so thudd it is! A S4 AP4 large blast is pretty close to the coverage the old thudd got with it's multi-barrage, so I can't complain about the simplification. And no, nobody actually ever places spore mines since the new codex, so don't bother starting on me about that. I think in 18 months of playing with this army, I've missed ONE time far enough to place a single spore (must scatter so it is 6+ inches away from any enemy model, which means scattering 10+ inches in a perfect direction away, or so. Really not a common occurence).

I, of course, want the crew members magnetized so I can replace them with steel legion, arbiters, or what have you as life goes on. First step is to epoxy these guys onto some magnetic bases (magnetic bases for transportability more than movement benefits), then drill holes for magnets. I want real magnets in the feet locations, so I can just use tin boot soles for the guys. Worked great for the gargoyle skyfboarders, so it will work great here. You can see my 1/8" cylinder magnets coming in handy here as well:

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Thudd_Magnet_zps5ef0d282.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Thudd_Magnet_zps5ef0d282.jpg.html)

Next is a test run with some bodies and arms, to get the placement of the hooligan-hybrids just right. I want these guys to "look" like they have S4, and beefier than the regular termagant S3 guys, so I could have used the traditional old-school "no-neck" first-generation hybrid plastics. Instead I decided to use old RT era plastic ork boys, which are from the same no-neck school of thuggery, but are even stockier and wider of stance. These guys have the look of gen-2 hybrids that are a bit on the grunty side, so they fit the bill. For those following along in Tyranid lore, the use of Ork bodies for the crew of my counts-as biovore is just a nice nod to canon.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Thudd_Model1_zpsdc605f23.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Thudd_Model1_zpsdc605f23.jpg.html)

These guys are using ranged weapons with some degree of competence, so I wanted human-oriented heads instead of ork, monster, or full stealer heads, to represent their Gen-2 status instead of just making them gen-1 monstrosities. Regular heads didn't complement the hunch and S4, so I came up with a compromise. The gunners have bulging brains of genestealers, but human eyes and expressions, while the loaders are hooded grunt-peasants without much else. The seam from stealer to catachan is done with kneadite (and carving tools after drying) and the hoods are SIMPLE kneadite sheets folded and wrapped into a babushka triangle. They look GREAT, and were so easy to do that I won't hesitate to turn to kneadite for hooded wretches any time in the future, be they plague zombies, serf-szganies, chaos dwarf slaves, fimir slave trains, etc.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Thudd_Model3_zps2c475a1d.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Thudd_Model3_zps2c475a1d.jpg.html)

Bases, as obvious, were done up the same way as all the previous gargoyles. In this case, the bases were pre-magnetized gale force 9 bases, which don't take polyvinyl glue as well as GW bases for applying material. They do take two-part liquid epoxy extremely well, however, so I used small objects/patches of JB-weld applied scrap and large rubble throughout, then carpenter's glue (Titebond-II) for the surrounds. This gives the carpenter glue a lot of "anchors" to adhere to so it will not delaminate off of the Gale force 9 bases. If you do not do this type of anchoring structure to your gluing, then be warned that normal PV glues (especially white craft glue, not quite as bad for Titebond-II or III) will delaminate en masse from GF9 bases. I have had zero failures of my PV glues if I first apply JB-weld or cyanoacrylate+talc (catp) anchors of rubble or other material.

And here they are all painted up so you can see their hybridy thuddy goodness:

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Thudd_Done_zps4c7d6ee7.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Thudd_Done_zps4c7d6ee7.jpg.html)

I've very pleased with how these guys came out overall, and one of my more successful attempts to work with Kneadite. I'll be turning to "brown stuff" forever more when I need cowls and cloaks.

Very pleased! A little bit goofy, a little bit gritty, a little bit colorful, and a whole lot of OOP.


09-09-2013, 07:41 AM
I do have to say, for a counts as model, a Thudd Gun as Biovore is spot on! Very clever.

I also like saying Thudd Gun, Thudd Gun, Thudd Gun.

Thudd Gun.

09-11-2013, 11:41 PM

I think about a third of our viewers will recognize GRAMPA!

This is the original patriarch from god knows when. He is used in this army as a broodlord for the large unit of stealers (11 + broodlord). I pimp him with implant attack but NO scything talons, because he's obviously not modeled with them. Boo. Best two points EVER, but can't do it if it's not on the model.

Here he is after mounting on his spanky new round base, spray krylon dark gray (blackish) primer, and a touch of paint.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Grampa_Start_zps06552b99.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Grampa_Start_zps06552b99.jpg.html)

Here he is with all of the main colors.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Grampa_Finish_zps72b6ec6d.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Grampa_Finish_zps72b6ec6d.jpg.html)

Outdoors in sunlight to see how it turned out

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Grampa_Outdoor_zps6f0a3977.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Grampa_Outdoor_zps6f0a3977.jpg.html)

I haven't added the right metallic sheen to his genestealer icon. I figure I'll have to get it just right in order to compete with this guy:


But I can only hope my army could one day have just a tiny fraction of Flavor's awesomeness.


09-12-2013, 12:24 PM
Those models look cool to me. Well done! :)

09-12-2013, 02:17 PM
please tell me you plan to do some Coven Limousines...

Great to see the return of the Genestealer Cult. I miss some of the wackiness of early RT/40k.

White Tiger88
09-12-2013, 09:25 PM
lol the golf cart reminds me of the Pope Mobile.

09-12-2013, 11:18 PM
Thanks for the support, everyone!

I am not doing limos for this force at first, because I'm using Codex: Tyranids to represent the force, specifically so I could play in local tournaments and the GW So Cal League. There aren't any really good ways to represent limos without access to rhinos or chimeras, so I'm a little hamstrung on the army list. I am, however, doing a cult bus and truck with momma and poppa on board for my tervigons. The work is already done, but I need to get the pictures uploaded and a status update for these two. That puts me a little bit in the limo category but still with a good justification for their presence in the army.

And yeah, the golf cart = pope mobile is 100% my intention. They are studly on the field, too, just cruising along and blasting crap with focused fire. My local opponents have learned to fear and hate them, and engage them with extreme prejudice. High asset targets that keep the venomthrope alive!

Next up is my tyranid prime, Jacques the Favored Son, martial leader of my glorious band of insurgents. In my lore, he is the fourth breed of a fourth breed, an apex purestrain of incomparable health and strength, incorporating the best genes available on the planet. He is young, so painted in bright vibrant colors compared to the much darker Grampa (original pureblood), Momma, and Poppa (fourth generation breeder and leader, respectively), and Jacques is the is the pinnacle of genestealer perfection. My local opponents hate and fear him as well, nicknaming him "Jack the Giant Killer". Pimped out Tyranid Primes are dangerous opponents for ANYONE.

Here he is just getting started painting. I don't have the "green" photo, sorry. He is the Space Hulk Redux broodlord miniature, which is just chock full of character, and a large size of awesome. I replaced his tongue with a lash whip from a venomthrope (and green stuff transition), and his left hand with a biovore fist and carved up monstrous scything talon into a bonesword. The conversion looks as natural as I could have ever hoped for.

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Prime_Start_zps27da5983.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Prime_Start_zps27da5983.jpg.html)

Here he is with finished painting "for now". No pink spotting, yet, but that can wait until the rest of the army is done up to a nice level of completion. The piled up skulls were painted up specifically to replicate the Paris catacombs. If you haven't been, you should, because they're fascinating, macabre, and creepy as you can't possibly imagine. Seriously, the video here only touches on it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzDOhnpDhgY

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Prime_Finish_zps5340a609.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Prime_Finish_zps5340a609.jpg.html)

Here he is in outdoor lighting. A lot of wet blending from the pink to the fuscia to the purple on that tongue. That was not easy:

http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r772/daniel_hyman/Genestealer_Cult/Prime_Outdoor_zpsfabbea91.jpg (http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/daniel_hyman/media/Genestealer_Cult/Prime_Outdoor_zpsfabbea91.jpg.html)

I'm very happy with him. He is fearsome and bright and flavorful, and WYSIWYG!