View Full Version : "Chaos" Space Marine list (Grey Knights)

06-21-2013, 12:19 AM
Okay so - if you've followed me for a while you know that i have a Custom Space Marine Chapter "The Emperor's Shield"

And they pretty much have a hate-on for Malal's Space Marines (Sons of Malice).

So, after doing a little research - I've decided to use Grey Knights as the Codex of Choice for Malal.
They are badass, can be very aggressive - and since Malal hates the other Chaos Lords, their "Favored Enemy: Daemon" works out fantastic.

So, here is my First Draft! I've never played Grey Knights before, only played against them.

2500 pts.

H.Q. (2)
"Kathal" (Brotherhood Champion) [Warlord]
w/ Anointed Blade, Storm Bolter, Digital Weapons, Psybolt Ammo
[Will join the Strike Squad inside the Stormraven]

"Warp Sorcerer" (Librarian)
w/ MC Storm Bolter, MC Force Halberd, Digital Weapons, Psybolt Ammo, Mastery Level 3.
- Might of Titan, Quicksilver, Smite, The Summoning and Warp Rift
[Will join the Terminator Squad]

Troops (3)
x2 "Chaos Space Marines" (Grey Knight Strike Squad) w/ Psybolt Ammo
- "Aspiring Champion" (Justicar) w/ Nemesis Warding Stave & MC Storm Bolter
- x3 Marines w/ Storm Bolters & Halberd
- x3 Marines w/ Storm Bolters & Falcions
- x3 Marines w/ Storm Bolters & Daemonhammers
[One is inside the Stormraven]
[One has a Rhino]
+ Rhino w/ Dual Storm Bolters, Psybolt Ammo & Warp Stabilization Field

Terminator Squad w/ Psybolt Ammo
x1 Justicar w/ Warding Stave.
x1 Terminator w/ Storm Bolter & Daemonhammer
x1 Terminator w/ Storm Bolter & Force Halberd
x1 Terminator w/ Storm Bolter & Falcions
x1 Terminator w/ Storm Bolter & Brotherhood Banner

Fast Attack (2)
"Warp Raptor Squad" Interceptor Squad w/ Psybolt Ammo
- "Aspiring Champion" (Justicar) w/ Master-Crafted Daemonhammer, Master-Crafted Storm Bolter
- x4 Raptors w/ Falchions
- x5 Raptors w/ Halberd

Stormraven Gunship
w/ Twin-Linked Assault Cannon, Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter, x4 Mindstrike Missiles, Hurricane Bolters. Psybolt Ammo & Warp Stabilization Field

Heavy Attack (2)
Nemesis Dreadknight w/ Gatling Psylenmcer, Nemesis Daemonhammer, and Personal Teleporter

"Havoc" Purgation Squad
"Aspiring Champion" Justicar w/ Daemonhammer
x4 "Havoc Chaos Space Marines" w/ Psycannon
+ Razorback w/ Twin-Linked Assault cannons, Storm Bolter, Psybolt Ammo, and Warp Stabilization Field.

Okay, so lets get down to Tactics.

The idea is to move quickly, and hit hard. The interceptors and Dreadknight are Jump- so they can move fast, Hammer of Wrath, and just be nasty.

Everything else can be Summoned by the Librarian. (hense the "Warp" in the title)

Got three troop slots, two of which are 10-man marines, the other is a 6-man (well, 6 w/ libby) of Terminators.

Psybolt guns are pretty much my version for the "Mark of Malal" - making the guns more deadly.

06-21-2013, 02:32 PM
You're spending way too many points on upgrades. I don't know how fluffy you want the list to be, but there's a lot of fat to trim. Psybolt ammo is only worth it on large squads, and the Summoning isn't really worth it. If you want to keep them as a theme, go ahead, but for an optimized list they'll get dropped.

Brotherhood Champion, Digital Weapons, Psybolt Ammo

Brotherhood Champions are kinda crappy. There are easier ways to get reroll to hit, namely psychic powers. He's also designed to buff assault units, but you don't really have any that are worth buffing like that. And drop the Psybolt Ammo. Not really worth it for a single Storm Bolter.

If you really want to keep him, go ahead, but you're better off with a Xenos Inquisitor with Rad/Psykotroke grenades, Power Armor, Hammerhand, and a Sword/Axe. Default Hammerhand to the Divination power, and you get a lot more use and he'll buff your assaulting unit much, much better, and he's actually cheaper at 93pts iirc.

w/ MC Storm Bolter, MC Force Halberd, Digital Weapons, Psybolt Ammo, Mastery Level 3.
- Might of Titan, Quicksilver, Smite, The Summoning and Warp Rift

Spending way too many points. Take Mastery Level 3, roll on Divination, and you're done. Might of Titan is kind of redundant with Hammerhand, Smite sucks (and why take Psybolt Ammo and Smite when you can only shoot once per turn anyways?). MC Weapons aren't worth it when you can get reroll to hit, you don't have an assault unit to really buff with Smite. The Summoning isn't really that important when you've got a Storm Raven, Interceptors, and two Dreadknights, you're already plenty fast. Warp Rift is good, but the Divination powers are better. And keep the Sword for the Invulnerable save buff.

Your Librarian is like 250+pts. Keep him at 200.

Grey Knight Strike Squad w/ Psybolt Ammo
- "Aspiring Champion" (Justicar) w/ Nemesis Warding Stave & MC Storm Bolter
- x3 Marines w/ Storm Bolters & Halberd
- x3 Marines w/ Storm Bolters & Falcions
- x3 Marines w/ Storm Bolters & Daemonhammers
[One is inside the Stormraven]
[One has a Rhino]
+ Rhino w/ Dual Storm Bolters, Psybolt Ammo & Warp Stabilization Field

Psybolt ammo is good on the Strike Squad. Don't bother with the MC Storm Bolter, and Falcions are overpriced, and it's not worth taking 3 Daemonhammers (or even really one). Halberds aren't really worth it either. GKSS aren't supposed to be in assault, except with units that they can beat up easily anyways. So don't waste points trying to turn them into an assault unit. I've found even dropping the Warding Stave to a Halberd is perfectly fine. That saves you 95pts right there. The real question is, why don't you have Psycannons? Alway max out Psycannons. That leaves your squad at 245pts, with 2 Psycannons, Psybolts, and a Halberd.

Also, Storm Ravens actually make terrible transports. For one, if you're shot down, the squad inside basically auto-dies. And if you drop into hover mode, that's a dead Storm Raven, because you just lost your protection as a Flyer. Storm Ravens are gunships. Use them as such. I would only ever use a Raven as an actual transport for either Crowe or for a small scoring unit of Warrior Acolytes to drop down late-game. Add in a Rhino for the second squad as a result.

Don't bother with upgrades on the Rhino, either. 4 Str 5 shots isn't that impressive when your Rhino will probably die quickly anyways. And you shouldn't bother with The Summoning so no need for the Warp Stabilization Field, either. Keep the Rhino at 40pts.

Terminator Squad w/ Psybolt Ammo
x1 Justicar w/ Warding Stave.
x1 Terminator w/ Storm Bolter & Daemonhammer
x1 Terminator w/ Storm Bolter & Force Halberd
x1 Terminator w/ Storm Bolter & Falcions
x1 Terminator w/ Storm Bolter & Brotherhood Banner

Take a Psycannon. Drop Psybolt Ammo, it's not worth it on small squads. I would take another Halberd over the Falcions, or take a second Hammer. Warding Stave is ok here, since you'll probably use this squad to head off enemy assault threats. You break even.

Interceptor Squad w/ Psybolt Ammo
- "Aspiring Champion" (Justicar) w/ Master-Crafted Daemonhammer, Master-Crafted Storm Bolter
- x4 Raptors w/ Falchions
- x5 Raptors w/ Halberd

Drop all the Falchions and Halberds, don't bother Master Crafting everything, and don't put a Daemonhammer on the Justicar because he'll just get punk'd in a challenge before he gets to hit. Take the exact same upgrades as with a basic Strike Squad, 2 Psycannons, Psybolts, and a Halberd on the Justicar. 305pts.

Stormraven Gunship
w/ Twin-Linked Assault Cannon, Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter, x4 Mindstrike Missiles, Hurricane Bolters. Psybolt Ammo & Warp Stabilization Field

You're a Flyer. Why would you need Warp Stabilization fields? You're silly-fast as it is. Other than that, I'd probably swap the TL Heavy Bolter for a Multi-Melta, to help kill enemy Flyers. Otherwise, perfect. Just fly around and shoot the crap out of enemy units.

Heavy Attack (2)
Nemesis Dreadknight w/ Gatling Psylenmcer, Nemesis Daemonhammer, and Personal Teleporter

Daemonhammer is pointless. You're already Str 10. You will kill any vehicle you touch. Take the Sword instead. Also, the Incinerator is better than the Psilencer. You can actually hurt vehicles, don't need to roll to hit, and you ignore cover so you can make sniper squads and objective campers disappear. 260pts each.

"Havoc" Purgation Squad
"Aspiring Champion" Justicar w/ Daemonhammer
x4 "Havoc Chaos Space Marines" w/ Psycannon
+ Razorback w/ Twin-Linked Assault cannons, Storm Bolter, Psybolt Ammo, and Warp Stabilization Field.

Drop the Daemonhammer, you don't want these guys in combat. Stick one of your HQ's with these guys for reroll to hit with Prescience, and they're golden. Take a few bodies to buffer casualites, though, which would require you to drop the Razorback to a Rhino. Worth it, though, and you've got more Psycannons elsewhere. 6 in a Rhino with 4 Psycannons is 240.

So, to revamp:

Inquisitor with grenades 93
Librarian, ML3 200

10 GKSS, Psybolts, 2 Psycannons, 1 Halberd 245
Rhino 40
10 GKSS, Psybolts, 2 Psycannons, 1 Halberd 245
Rhino 40

6 Terminators, Stave, Banner, Psycannon 310

10 Interceptors, Psybolts, 2 Psycannons, 1 Halberd 305

Storm Raven, Hurricane Bolters, Psybolt Ammo 255

Dreadknight, Teleporter, Sword, Incinerator 260
Dreadknight, Teleporter, Sword, Incinerator 260

6 Purgation Squad, 4 Psycannons 200
Rhino 40

That's 2493 total. There were enough points I stuck a 6th Terminator in the squad. Then you've got 7pts to spend on whatever. Slap a MC on someone, and take Searchlights on your Rhinos.

06-22-2013, 05:48 PM
Okay everyone, I read a lot of comments.
Took a lot of advice.

And made myself a Second Draft!

this will be done up as a Chaos Space Marines army, and of Malal, cause Malal HATES the other Chaos Gods - pretty much one step more then he hates everything else. So - since Grey Knights has a Hatred of Chaos Daemons - seems to fit best.

"Mark of Malal" = Psybolt Ammo
Chaos Assault Cannon = Psycannon

Chapter-Master Kathal [Warlord] [Psyker Mastery 2]
"Malice's Blessing" - Master-Crafted Chaos Assault Cannon
Malice Falchions, Digital Weapons, Iron Halo, Terminator Armor
+ Assault, Krak, Psyk-Out, Rad and Psykotroke Grenades
(fake "Special Rule" - lets your units carrying Chaos Assault Cannons can allow it to be treated as either heavy 4, or Assault 2)

Chaos Warp Sorcerer [Psyker Mastery 3]
Malice Warding Staff, Storm Bolter, "Mark of Malal"
Assault Grenades, Krak Grenades, Psyk-Out Grenades, Psychic Hood, & Terminator Armor

Chaos Terminator Squad
- "Mark of Malal"
x1 Aspiring Terminator Champion w/ Malice Force Halberd & Storm Bolter
x1 Terminator w/ Malice Force Halberd & Chaos Assault Cannon
x3 Terminator w/ Malice Force Halberd & Storm Bolter

x2 Chaos Space Marines Squad
- "Mark of Malal"
x1 Aspiring Champion w/ Malice Force Halberd & Storm Bolter
x2 Marines w/ Chaos Assault Cannon
x7 Marines w/ Force Swords & Storm Bolters
+ Chaos Rhino
w/ x2 Storm Bolters & "Mark of Malal"

Warp Raptor Squad
- "Mark of Malal"
x1 Aspiring Raptor Sorcerer w/ Malice Warding Stave & Storm Bolter
x2 Raptors w/ Chaos Assault Cannon
x7 Raptors w/ Malice Force Swords & Storm Bolter

Havoc Squad
x1 Aspiring Champion w/ Malice Force Halberd & Storm Bolter
x4 Havoc's w/ Chaos Assault Cannon
+ Chaos Razorback
w/ Twin-Linked Assault Cannnon, & "Mark of Malal"

Choas Warp Daemon Engine
{Jump Monstrous Creature}
Malice Doomfist, Heavy Incinerator, Malice Greatsword, Personal Teleporter

Chaos Stormraven Gunship
- "Mark of Malal"
w/ Twin-Linked Assault Cannon, Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter, Hurricane Bolter Sponsons, x4 Mindstrike Missile

Feedback welcome!