View Full Version : Iybraesil 2000pts Grudge Match

06-20-2013, 09:37 AM
A long time friend/rival and I are going head to head with 2000pts of Eldar and Ultramarines respectively next Wednesday. He maintains that his smurfs are the bane of my Eldar while I remember a number of occasions they have more than held their own. This battle will be the deciding factor in who has bragging rights for years to come and hopefully the dawn of a new age of supremacy for my spindly space elves.

We tend to play on a board with decent amounts of terrain including plenty of ruins and barricades. Although I can't say for sure I do suspect there will be a Vindicator, Predator and a rhino/razorback or two in his force. Ordinarily he maxes out troop numbers with tactical squads and forgoes scouts, terminators and the like but given that he has a whole company (and then some) it's a tough call to rule anything out completely.

So my list as it stands:


(Jetbike, Banshee mask, Laser lance)

2 Warlocks

4 Shining Spears
Exarch, Star lance, Hit and run

10 Rangers

10 Dire Avengers
Wave serpent - TL-Scatter laser, holofields and shuriken cannon

10 Storm Guardians
2x Fusion guns
Wave serpent - TL-Bright lance, holofields and shuriken cannon

3 Vypers
3x Scatter laser, shuriken cannon, holofields

3 War Walkers
3x holofields, 6x EML

20 Guardians
2x Bright lance

5 Dark Reapers
Exarch, Tempest launcher

The plans essentially boils down to camping an objective with Rangers while dropping lots of dakka in one place to overwhelm any unit of his without adequate support. The Guardian blob may be called upon to make a noble sacrifice and footslog up the centre while vehicles, missiles and bright lances across the army attempt to bring down his transports and tanks. If it works half his army will be isolated and a well placed guide or prescience here and there should let me roll up a flank one unit at a time with Shining Spears to lead the charge from outflank or to give him something to worry about on the other side of the board. If it all really goes wrong I'm planning a suicidal tank killing mission with the Shining spears to get some hero points and praying I win on secondary objectives!

So - thoughts, tactics, changes? I have a relatively small collection but could sub in some harlequins, a wraithlord or change up characters more or less as I please.