View Full Version : Does anyone even use orks any more?

06-19-2013, 06:32 AM
It's been a long time since I've played 40k regularly - pushing 20 years now. I've been tempted to dig through a bunch of my minis, and maybe look into playing again, or maybe just selling the stuff.

My questions is - orks? Most of what I see through here is about marines and eldar and tau, there isn't a whole lot of love for the ork armies. Is it worth me taking the time to dig them out of the basement, or will I just be disappointed?

06-19-2013, 06:41 AM
Yes. Yes I do. In fact, it isn't uncommon to see them reasonably near the top tables at tournaments, in the hands of good players at least.

With the advent of 6th Ed and Overwatch, along with snap-firing lootas and open-toped transports being almost the only ones you can assault out of, Orks can be a lot of fun playing. I'm not saying you will win every game you play; they can actually be quite a tricky codex to do well with, but no matter what, you will have a blast playing with them. Especially if you are willing to invest in a Dakka Jet. It's always fun watching your opponent cry out "How many shots?" when you get your Waaagh! off with it!

06-19-2013, 06:46 AM
I have a growing ork mob. Eldar & Tau are out there lots as they are the latest two dexs to be released. Space Marines in their multitude of flavours are always popular.

Foot slogging orks can still do well and biker nob gangs still cause issues.

Don't forget at this years WarGamesCon it was a Necron & Ork army that came 1st.


The biggest draw back is their inability to take out flyers without using their own fliers. But given that you are rolling 5+ to hit normally, rolling 6s for snap shots isn't too bad.

Dave Mcturk
06-19-2013, 06:50 AM
orkz are brilliant ... but most ppl hate playing them if you abuse the codex...
some ppl swear by green tide but i reckon camping in battlewaggons is the way to go.
3 BW / 45 Lootas, = up to 135 st 7 ap 4 shots at 48"
[eats armour 12 up for breakfast, obviously cant hurt 14 !]
support troops : your choice {but nob bikers with skorchas are excellent for keeping things off your precious battlewaggns}
and for 50pts a scrap metal defence line is a must [4+ save / v KFF which is 100pts for 5+]

NB: ive been banned from using loota-waggons ;-}

Power Klawz
06-19-2013, 07:00 AM
You see the most talk about new and upcoming armies because... they're new and/or upcoming. Trust me, when the Ork dex is around the corner this place will be flooded with talk about them just the same.

Their current list is a little aged, but they came out quite well with the advent of 6th despite being a classically assault oriented army in a shooting oriented edition. With the inclusion of their flyers they are a complete 6th edition army and are only awaiting an update which hopefully fixes a few glaring issues (Flash Gitz) and probably adds something silly(squiggoth Jr.)

They are still the quintessential horde. A seething mass of savages running headlong into the enemies gunline, heedless of casualties and howling for blood. They still have some extremely hard hitting units and their basic troops are still arguably the best in the game point-for-point.

I'd love to see some more talk about them, unfortunately I don't think their update is due for some time and substantial rumors are few and far between.

06-19-2013, 07:07 AM
I have shelfed mine when 6th edition came out. Not because of the rules or something, just because I wanted something new (Chaos Marines ;-) )

But I am anxiously waiting until the new Ork Codex comes out to restart my Waaagh!!

06-19-2013, 07:12 AM
Pfft, Orks are for dorks.

Actually one of my friends has taken to putting as many Orks on foot on the table as she can with nothing bu power klaw nobs and warboss and just charging forward. Surprisingly hard to beat.

06-19-2013, 07:37 AM
If i could find a pre-painted green tide army, I might trade my Blood angels for them as I've always enjoyed Orks... they're just fun to play and play against.

06-19-2013, 07:45 AM
If i could find a pre-painted green tide army, I might trade my Blood angels for them as I've always enjoyed Orks... they're just fun to play and play against.

Just the concept of painted 250+ orks isn't that appealing....

06-19-2013, 08:25 AM
Just the concept of painted 250+ orks isn't that appealing....

I think you meant "concept of painting 250+ orks....isn't appealing

Yeah and thats why I want them to be painted already :P

06-19-2013, 08:26 AM
I hate painting Orks. Regardless of quantity.

06-19-2013, 08:30 AM
I'm a terrible typist

And I like painting Orks.....but i have only done like 3....

06-19-2013, 08:30 AM
I hate painting

06-19-2013, 08:52 AM
im playing orks in my clubs campain atm, im doing pretty well :D

06-19-2013, 09:05 AM
When I was on staff at GW, I worked on painting 6 Ork/Orc armies, all of which were eventually sent somewhere for some event or a new store opening or something. So many greenskins...

06-19-2013, 09:07 AM
Battle at big toof river?

06-19-2013, 09:16 AM
If the last go 'round's anything to go by, the new Ork Codex (I'd expect it in a year, year and a half) will have 2/3rds of the 40K community sporting their own personal WAAAGH! :D

I hate painting Orks. Regardless of quantity.
Aw, c'mon now. No basic troop gets more milage out of a few quick layers of drybrushing.

06-19-2013, 09:25 AM
I still see orks regularly at local tournaments. Ork players are dedicated! :)

Plus the green tide ruins the day for a lot of army builds.

06-19-2013, 09:39 AM
Orks have some really good things going for them, Deff-rollas are funny to see and fun to use, and Red Paint-job still causes some concern. Boarding planks with Warbosses (that have Power Klaws) can be hilarious, and if you add in some FW love, then your getting a real good treat. The dex doesn't seem to do well, it has flaws, but a smart general can whip out a victory with them. And if you think 200+ orks are bad, check out my "Running of the Grotz" list.

over 400 grotz..... That battle essentially comes down to how many models can you kill?

At 1500 points i like my Foot slogging Goff list;
Ghaz (or a warboss and Mek with Kff)
6x Boyz mobs - Nobz (5 mobz have Power Klaws, one has Big Choppa and Bosspole)

Or a Speed Freakz
with Wazzdakka (or Zhadsnark (IA))
3 squads of Bikerz - Nob Power Klaw and Bosspole
Buggies (1 squad of 2)
2x Dakkajets

While Bikerz may seem like assault units, the real trick is to use em as shooters, with Twin Linked/ Assault 3/ Str5 guns, they can lay down the hurt, no matter if it's a flyer (unless Stormraven), or a squad of marines. Bikerz also have kept (so far) their built-in 4+ cover save, as well as having 'Eavy Armour (4+ armour save). The dakkajets are to be feared when a "Waagh!" is called, and the buggies are amazing at assault blockers/distraction. Wazdakka is a bit lack-luster, i perfer using Zhadsnark, however his Tank Shocking rules are in a bit of contention. (as it doesn't quite fit into 6th ed. well) Ignoring that though, and you got a solid warboss.

Overall Orks are a bit of an under-dog, as the Boyz are str 3 base, all ork shooting is at BS 2, and nobz are a big points sink, Burna boyz in wagons can be fun and lootas will always be amazing for their points. Don't forget about the Big Gunz, for 20 points you get a Grot guided Missile Launcher, and you can squad them up for 3x20 per squad; Also, the gun makes the grotz T7! Big Gunz are one of the secret weapons of the codex and for 3 points you could add in an Ammo Runt making a 3xKannon squad (Missile Launcher equivalent) only 69 points. This gives you some good Anti Armor for very little. Btw, Zzap Gunz are a trap, try to avoid them....

If you look at the Ork codex and only see the individual stats, you won't be impressed with the book, but when you take into account the synergy behind their weapons and the internal balance design, you find one of the most balanced books of the entire game. However! This latest book was made at the end of 4th edition, right before 5th and C: Space Marines came out and wasn't really designed for 6th ed. You can see this in how the "WAagh!" rule is set up, and Ghazkull's rules interactions. Mob Rule is still amazing and the book, even though older, can still throw people a curve ball, with things like Boarding Planks, Shokk Attack Gun, and other odds and ends. If your local group(s) only focus on internet discussion, then the Orks will have the element of surprise.

Power Klawz
06-19-2013, 11:50 AM
Man I've got over 6000 points worth of orks I need to paint...

I think I'll start a thread on this forum to help motivate me. So far out of 6k I've got... 1 warboss painted.

Mr Mystery
06-19-2013, 12:50 PM
Deep down inside us all, there's at least a little bit of Waaagh!

Had a Savage Orc army for Fantasy. Which was fun!

Threatening to do an all Gobbo army (not quite unhinged enough....yet).

Orks in 40k are always a giggle to boot!

Far as I'm concerned, if you don't like Orks, there's something deeply wrong with you!

06-19-2013, 01:28 PM
Man I've got over 6000 points worth of orks I need to paint...

I think I'll start a thread on this forum to help motivate me. So far out of 6k I've got... 1 warboss painted.

Well you have 1 more painted ork then I do... everytime I look at the model count I quitely retreat to another project!

06-19-2013, 02:46 PM
Zoggin' right I still plays da Orks!

06-19-2013, 04:21 PM
Orks can be pretty nasty. Nob Bikerz got better with base T5 now, and no more No Retreat wounds on fearless Ork hordes. I don't think they're quite as common competitively, but I think that's more to do with people switching to new books. Come to think of it, though, Nob Bikerz should scare the crap out of Tau. Fast, stupidly durable, and nasty in assault.

06-20-2013, 02:51 AM
I've got a 1500 point ork foot horde that started from me painting up some Black Reach stuff I had as something to do over Christmas Holidays.

I like them as a fun army because they play completely differently to the MEQ armies I normally use. It's good to be able to remove handfuls of models and not really worry that much about it..

At this point I'm waiting for a new codex before I round the army out, but with the 120 painted infantry I've got, the bulk of a serious army is sorted.

06-20-2013, 03:59 AM
I've just finished (this week!) painting 4000 points of Orks. I started painting them in Nov last year and appart from a few Dreadball Teams have painted nothing else since. Still 4000 points in 7 months aint too bad -
got to love Army Painter Dip!! :)

06-20-2013, 08:21 AM
Orks were my first Army and are still my largest. I love to play Orks. You can set up a real fun fluff list and have a blast with, with some real entertaining happening. Nothing like having the Shokk Attack Gun open a warp storm in a middle of a big melee. You can also produce a good tournament list with the Orks.

Our group likes to play story fluff missions. We make up Operations Orders and a story line when we can. My Orks, Blaakkloud's Boyz, are the mercenaries in this group. They will fight alongside anyone (if the table allows it) and take on any mission... if the price is right. We've come up with many great stories with these Merc Orks.

06-20-2013, 08:41 AM
I've just finished (this week!) painting 4000 points of Orks. I started painting them in Nov last year and appart from a few Dreadball Teams have painted nothing else since. Still 4000 points in 7 months aint too bad -
got to love Army Painter Dip!! :)

Very impressive, so far this year I've painted 3 tactical marines... :(

Power Klawz
06-20-2013, 08:45 AM
I've had the majority of my ork collection for about 2 years now. Almost half of it is still in the shrink wrap.


06-20-2013, 08:53 AM
I've had the majority of my ork collection for about 2 years now. Almost half of it is still in the shrink wrap.


Sadly mine stretches back to RT days... Poor orks just keep getting bumped by other projects. :p

06-20-2013, 08:59 AM
I am working on an ork army at the moment, love them

06-20-2013, 09:09 AM
Green tide? Or battlewagons full of lootas?

06-20-2013, 01:24 PM
neither, as close to an armoured company as I can get with orks, so lots of gun trukks and the like

06-20-2013, 04:51 PM
I used to run a spamed list of 11 boyz + nob PK, BP + Trukk Red Paint x6 :) just because of the crazy 1D approach :)

06-20-2013, 04:55 PM
I mainly want gun trukks with big zappas and big lobbas, maybe big trakks, few jets, a battlewagon with supa kannon... couple of trukk boy squads, dredds and kans...

06-20-2013, 05:02 PM
I like killa kans, I took them for their shooting ability, they ended up charging mephiston and killing him off in 1 round of combat, ooops.

I like to take weirdboyz just for the random fun...

Dave Mcturk
06-21-2013, 07:06 AM
im with wolfshade, my boyz play at night so no-one can tell they are mostly just matt black !

love the idea of orc tanks but as they are more pts expensive than a predator, have a shorter range, lower armour values and bs 2 .... it really doesnt work ....

ok in a fun game though ... but hopefully they will at least get a points match next codex out !

Dave Mcturk
06-21-2013, 12:35 PM
think the new overwatch rules have helped orxz.. but the vanishing 4+ cover save and focus fire and random charge distance are a little unhelpful .... ;-{

06-25-2013, 12:49 PM
Gotta love orks, think everyone does. I wish I had a bigger ork army. Think i have about 2000k if I take just about every upgrade for a unit. Personally i love my ork war boss, he is huge ill post a pic at some point. But he is the center piece of my army and every time i see him I wish i had more orks lol.

Da Gargoyle
06-26-2013, 12:47 AM
I used to like Orks until the last codex which seemed designed to ruin my mob composition. I even had names for them with the Waaagh Boss being called Hammasmak Throbz. And you guessed it, he had a retinue called Throbz Nobz. But they took away my Psycho Blastas, My looted Demolisher Grim Daize, my skarr boyz and they ruined the tank bustas with the glory hound rule. They even priced my Flash Gitz out of the battlefield. No more big horns or iron gobs, no cyborks for my mega boys.

07-07-2013, 08:21 PM
I regularly play orks.. friendly games and tournys. Just one a six week escalation league with um.