View Full Version : Psycic powers and transports

06-18-2013, 01:20 PM
So dumb question, but can you cast a power on the transport that youre riding in? i know you cant cast them out of the vehicle, but surly you could cast them on the one that you are in.
Example: i have guardians with a warlock riding in a wave serpent. can the warlock casts conceal on the serpent to give it a 3+ jink save?
I've looked in the rule book but couldnt find anything. but i could have missed something somewhere else.

06-18-2013, 01:36 PM
So dumb question, but can you cast a power on the transport that youre riding in? i know you cant cast them out of the vehicle, but surly you could cast them on the one that you are in.
Example: i have guardians with a warlock riding in a wave serpent. can the warlock casts conceal on the serpent to give it a 3+ jink save?
I've looked in the rule book but couldnt find anything. but i could have missed something somewhere else.

your example: definitely no - conceal is not cast on anything, it just affects the warlock himself.
generally: not sure if there's anything definite, but the main reason one can't cast out of transports is LOS i believe... and hardly anyone will argue that you don't have line of sight to the very wall that blocks your view of things behind it...

06-18-2013, 01:40 PM
Yes you can cast powers on the vehicle, the Pskyer rules say that too.

06-18-2013, 01:53 PM
You just can't cast Conceal, because it specifically targets the Warlock himself. You can't cast Conceal on another unit, so the Serpent can't benefit from it. You could, though, Guide/Prescience a Serpent with a Farseer inside it.

Also, psychic powers almost always require LOS, which means you need a fire port. There are a few exceptions, though, such as Warp Quake on GK Strike Squads. It targets the squad, so you can cast it, and the ability extends to within 12" of the squad, which means you measure 12" from the vehicle's hull.

06-18-2013, 02:23 PM
Also, psychic powers almost always require LOS, which means you need a fire port. There are a few exceptions, though, such as Warp Quake on GK Strike Squads. It targets the squad, so you can cast it, and the ability extends to within 12" of the squad, which means you measure 12" from the vehicle's hull.
Note that psychic powers in general cannot be cast through fire points - only psychic powers that are also Shooting attacks. As the FAQ says:

Q: Can Psykers use a Transport’s Fire Point(s) to manifest powers that require line of sight whilst still embarked? (p78)
A: No. Note, however, that witchfire powers specifically allow you to do so and are the one exception to this rule.