View Full Version : 1850 fluffy speed freaks for tournament!! just needs final tweaks

Steve Holt
06-18-2013, 11:52 AM
I LOVE ORKS!!!!! and screw all the shooty gitz, orks is for fightin!!
Nothing in this list goes slower than 12. in fact, turn 2 my entire army is in your deployment zone. klaws are my main anti-tank, dakkajets my AA (Also wazdakka



Warboss - 'eavy armor, cybork, Klaw, kombi-skorcha


12 boyz - Trukk (red paint, ram, wreckin ball), nob with klaw, big shoota

11 boyz (plus boss) - Trukk (red paint, ram, wreckin ball), nob with klaw, big shoota

7 Bikes - Nob with klaw, bosspole

7 Bikes - Nob with klaw, bosspole

5 Nob Bikaz! - 1 Doc, 1 big choppa, 3 klaw. 1 waaghbanner, all with cybork body and kombi-skorchas

Fast Attack

Dakkajet - Fighta ace, extra super dakka gun

Dakkajet - Fighta ace, extra super dakka gun

3 Deffkoptas - 3 twin linked rokits, 1 buzzsaw, 1 bigbomm

06-18-2013, 03:28 PM
why even bring armor? put the warboss on a bike and turn those boys into bikers to. laugh as your enemy's anti armor is wasted on bikes and a 4+ cover save. as is those trukks will probably not make it past turn one.. still looks fun to play with fast adn turn 2 assaults everywhere

Steve Holt
06-18-2013, 04:32 PM
why even bring armor? put the warboss on a bike and turn those boys into bikers to. laugh as your enemy's anti armor is wasted on bikes and a 4+ cover save. as is those trukks will probably not make it past turn one.. still looks fun to play with fast adn turn 2 assaults everywhere

2 reasons. First, bikes can't climb buildings. And second, I don't have the time or the money to do another 20 bikes before July 14th. But an all bike army would be totally badass

06-20-2013, 06:44 AM
fair points, do you have a battle wagon?

if so i would take that with a deffrolla, plates, red paint , 2-4 shootas and 19 boys with the warboss.

much more durable and as long as you are flat outing towards oppoonent should be there fairly soon

problem with truks above 1k points is all the anti tank wepaons everywhere will take care of trukks, lucky ramshackle can work in your favor btu jsut as likely to work against you