View Full Version : Dark Angels Deathwing List - 1250 Points ... Thoughts?

06-16-2013, 06:35 PM
Matchup most likely tau / eldar (or a combination of both)

Belial (Terminator Armor, Storm Bolter & Sword of Silence) – 190 {Attached to the Deathwing Unit with a Plasma Cannon}

Deathwing Knights (Knight Master, 4 Deathwing Knights, Perdious Relic of the Unforgiven) – 245 {Deployed inside the Land Raider Crusader}

Deathwing Terminators (Deathwing Terminator Sergeant with Thunderhammer & Storm Shield, 4 Deathwing Terminators, Plasma Cannon) – 240 {Deployed Using Deathwing Assault}

Deathwing Terminators (Deathwing Terminator Sergeant with Power Sword & Storm Bolter, 4 Deathwing Terminators, Cyclone Missile Launcher) – 245 {Deployed Using Deathwing Assault}

Space Marine Scouts (Sergeant with Sniper Rifle, 4 Space Marine Scouts with Sniper Rifles) – 70

Land Raider Crusader (Multi-Melta) – 260

= 1250

Scouts Sit on an Objective, Knights roll up the field inside the Land Raider, Belial and two Deathwing Units Deathwing Assault in to get the twin-linked (and hopefully popping an elite unit with the plasma cannon).

I could swap the plasma cannon out for an assault cannon for overwatch / rending by losing the TH/SS in the unit (but the low ap shot with non scatter deep strike could be really devastating)
I could also swap the Deathwing Knights over to a regular unit of Deathwing Terminators equipped with TH/SS on each model for another scoring unit.

1250 is really low points to field a majority terminator army but I am going to try to make it work - any C&C or helpful comments are appreciated.

06-16-2013, 06:49 PM
I would spend the 30 points to make your landraider more survivable. Re rolling on the chart is helpful.

06-16-2013, 07:57 PM
Couple of things, Currently its rather up in the air if sergeants can take TH&SS's due to the silly wording in the rulebook that then got changed to a different silly wording in the errata.

Secondly drop the plasma and take more cyclones, your terminators hard counter enemy terminators in assualt if they need to, and splitfire means that you can put the krak missiles where they need to go while your stormbolter's pound infantry. The thing with plasma cannons is that , yeah they rock, but you need to take more than one or two in the list for them to be worth it.

I almost wouldn't bother with the TH&SS on the sergeants anyway to be honest, if you don't take them and drop the scouts I think you have the points to upgrade one of the squads to a command squad and grab the 12' FNP banner (awesome of terminators)

Finally, landraiders are tough and all but at 1250 they are kinda overkill and over investment, in the sense that they are too many points for a unit that limits the concentration of firepower of and already small force (particularly if you keep a squad in them).

Look at something like

Comand squad, Banner bearer (FNP banner) Champion (optional) Cyclone missile launcher

Terminators squad, Cyclone missile launcher. (potentially TH&SS on the sergeant.)
Terminators squad, Cyclone missile launcher. (potentially TH&SS on the sergeant.)
Terminators squad, Cyclone missile launcher. (potentially TH&SS on the sergeant.)

The power of DW lists is split fire and 2+ armour, add in FNP and the terminators brush off a lot of firepower, you want to keep them tight together to spread the banner benefit (and a 24' diameter circle is HUGE).

This list also doesn't give much a damn about most of the nastier fliers in the game.

Next point level I'd throw in either another shooty unit of terminators or go for TH&SS squad as a brick. I wouldn't look at a raider till above 1850 to be honest.

If you want other firepower than terminator squads with the above load outs, consider a pair of dreads with matched weaponry, reasonably solid support and firepower when run together.

06-17-2013, 08:36 AM
So more along the lines of

Dark Angel’s Deathwing 1250 Point – Feel No Pain Variant

Belial (Terminator Armor, Storm Bolter & Sword of Silence) – 190 {Attached to the Deathwing Unit with a Plasma Cannon}
Deathwing Command Squad (5 Deathwing Terminators, Standard of Fortitude, Cyclone Missile Launcher) – 330 {Deployed Using Deathwing Assault}

5 Deathwing Terminators (Deathwing Terminator Sergeant with Power Sword & Storm Bolter, 4 Deathwing Terminators,Chain Fist, Plasma Cannon) – 240 {Deployed Using Deathwing Assault}
5 Deathwing Terminators (Deathwing Terminator Sergeant with Power Sword & Storm Bolter, 4 Deathwing Terminators, Cyclone Missile Launcher) – 245
5 Deathwing Terminators (Deathwing Terminator Sergeant with Power Sword & Storm Bolter, 4 Deathwing Terminators, Cyclone Missile Launcher) – 245

= 1250

06-17-2013, 06:33 PM

I'd go TH&SS on belial, 5+ PS is nice but with a bolter its a bit meh. And the 3++ keeps you alive when you run into those MC characters or the chaos Nurgle lords. You also tap out opposing marine characters nicely.

I still say a single plasma (while looking great) is not really worth its points, you need to stack em, can you drop the CF and take a CML?

Other than that I like it, don't DWA though, 1) its not very good you either come down piecemeal or scatter, 2) you want that FNP bubble on the board as soon as possible.

if you make those changes you look at it this way.

You have 8 missiles a turn (placed where needed due to split fire), 32 bolter shots (not great, but again, placed where needed) And finally, you have 21 terminators, at 1250 that's fairly nuts.

target priority should be
1) concentrated AP1+2 (particularly S8)
2) transports (force em to play on your terms)
3) Units capable of pushing you off objectives, usually by combat

Walk down onto one of the flanks, crush a section of your opponents army then later game swing into the center for board control. Kill whateve sticks its nose into your threat range but don't compromise yourself by thinking th units can stand on their own, you want to concentrate firepower. and that FNP banner is golden, gives you a 5++, then a 5+ against plasma. which tau can bring a lot of.

edit: I know the list looks pretty bland meat and potatos, but once you start building to higher points you'll get access to the toys like Dreads, Knights, TH&SS DW squads, and eventually raiders.