View Full Version : tactical grey knight allies advice

06-14-2013, 06:02 AM
I am workign on a tournament list in the army list section, but curious if anybody has done this as an ally or something close . basically I am bringing eldar , still nailing down the list but the current main force is

3 wave serpants iwth cannons
reapers on an icarus lasgun, wraithknight with suncanon, shield and scatter laser
2 5 man dire avengers
1 5 man rangers
1 fire prism
1 crimson hunter
led by a spiritseer

I am either going full eldar or allying grey knights, the point of throwing up a full lis tis to see if people agree or have any better suggestions for a good backup team

coteaz for the reroll seize or make opponent roll sucessful seize. also tto give i've been expecting you 12 inch bubble.

attached to

Inquisitor servitorx 3 all with heavy bolters, 2 jeriko weaponsmiths making the heavy bolters possible 48", 2 power armor acolytes with plasma guns, and 4 acolites with bolters


1 grey knights strike squad 5 members with one psycannon. they give the cannon which is nice, are aremed with storm bolters, and have force swords... but the main reason is for warp quake. I can give them a 12" bubble where my opponent can't deep strike or risk deep striking into. the idea is to protect my defense line/reapers and deny acess to people deep striking to get rear armor on WS or fir prism. I give the inquisitor divination primarus and one other divination for a seriously heavy amount of fire behind the aegis defense line. even before you take into account any jeriko buffs I have rerolls to hit on 30 bolter shots and 2 las cannons assuming my psychic test passes at leadership 10. hoping for armor imrpovment for the squad and 12" range then servitors are 3+ but even rending and a 5++ isn't bad

does this seem like a good complimantary force. i tried to keep it lean and it gives me two strong support units at 348 points, and both are troops