View Full Version : which 30k legion?

06-13-2013, 10:18 PM
So a friend and i are thinking about starting a up a 30k legion for us to play against each other. I'm not the biggest fan of space marines but 30k could be more interesting because of all the cool "new" toys they get to play with. but i'm not sure which legion i'd do.
I was thinking ultramarines because it would be fun to paint up some smurfs in old school blue with red bolters and yellow trim. not exactly exciting but still fun.
or the iron hands. very easy to paint and cool background fluff
Or alpha legion. awesome fluff but super hard paint scheme
or maybe world eaters. i've always liked beserkers and i think a whole army led by angron would be badass.

so what legion would you do and why?

06-14-2013, 12:52 AM
There is a discussion here:

06-14-2013, 10:07 AM
ah fair enough. lol thanks.