View Full Version : Heresy Era Codex Adaptation Thread...

Mr Mystery
06-13-2013, 05:28 AM

So, still all fired up from the HH Weekender, and with my annual bonus coming in ooh.....8 days.... I'm looking at increasing the size of my Emperor's Children.... And to get as many opponents as possible, I feel it's worth having a chit-chat-chin-wag about how to 'Heresy Up' the existing Xenos armies....


Well, you see a Legion army is pretty rock hard. More toys than ever before. Whole squads of special weapons, 20 strong Legionnaires rapid firing at you...twice.... When you're off playing against Xenos, it's likely to be a pretty one sided affair.

FW themselves suggest a starting point of enlarging the squad sizes of Xenos armies. And yes, I'm inclined to agree. These are after all meant to be pretty sweeping battles, rather than smaller affairs.

But that just doesn't go far enough for me. As a Legion player, I get all sorts of forgotten goodies to play with.... anyone got suggestions for their Xenos forces?

06-13-2013, 05:32 AM
Well as you said, at the HH they suggest that your opponent can use the FoC from the Heresy books, and can double up the maximum size of a unit.

Additionally allow superheavies if you use a Lord of War slot. Stompa vs Primarch.....

Mr Mystery
06-13-2013, 05:40 AM
That would be cool!

But also, think Dreadnought Talons.

I'd like to see an amalgamated unit option for Eldar, so say couple of Wraithlords, with a squad or two of Wraithguard as a single unit?

Generalised mobs of Killa Kans and Deff Dreads, all stomping about together?

06-13-2013, 06:59 AM
except for the Lords of Battle slot, I don't really see much need for adjustment... while yes 20 man Legion Squads are nasty, CSM can do it too (and no one does...) - and the Rapid Fire gimmick is useful, admittedly, but also nothing other armies couldn't have answers to (see Eldar Battle Focus - arguably more useful...). And about the new toys, well that's the point... all armies get new toys, and they have to pay for them, same as Legion armies do...

Larger units would be pretty cool tho... although I would question the usefulness of that mega wraith squad you put out there MrMystery... and if only because it robs the Wraithlords of their T8... now a trio of Wraithlords for a single FOC slot (like Dread Talons) would be very neat, same with other armies...

06-13-2013, 10:17 AM
Obviously the Tau have to go back to proto-life stage of evolution...

Otherwise, same suggestions as above. Lord of War slot on the FOC, allow MCs/walkers to be taken as units of up to 5 as a single FOC slot, double the max unit sizes etc. How about something similar to the legions special weapon's squads? If you don't take them over the normal max size (usually 10) they can all take the same option (such as a plasma gun instead of the standard armament, or all 10 guardsmen becoming 5 lascannon teams). The points for those units are going to rack up pretty quickly, but they should also be reasonably formidable against Legions squads. 30 Ork boyz with Big Shootas? Come within 36" of me, I dare you! 15 Meks in a unit with Kustom Mega Blastas? Ok, they will kill themselves as often as the enemy, but that 20 man marine squad will be far less intimidating. Even a Primarch might have to think twice!