View Full Version : Cash [H] Skaven Army ~1850-2000 points [W] $$$

06-13-2013, 03:24 AM
I'm looking at liquidating my entire army and I'm currently looking for sellers. It is a full army that is assembled that have a couple models painted. Looking only for cash.
Pictures can be found here: http://imgur.com/a/iqr6W#0

As for the price, I have listed the retail prices as reference. The total retail price excluding the case which I am willing to give for free is $690.25. I will take +/-490. That's ~$200 in savings. If you think you can haggle me down, please go ahead.

Please PM if interested.

Warp lightning canon. $39.50

Warpfire thrower. $18

Poison wind globadier. $12

Death master snikch. $21.75 (Pewter)

Converted grey seer on foot. $18

Warlord on foot. $19.75

20 plague monks $42

Warlock on foot $16

Hellpit abomination $69.25

Plague furnace $74.50

5 rat ogres 1 of them converted ~110 (the giant rats and ogres as well as packmasters)
4 pack masters
27 giant rats

100 clan rats/slaves $210

4 X Giant 5X10 trays

Warhammer Armies: Skaven $39.50

Free case

Please PM if interested.