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View Full Version : GW Wishlist New Eldar Models....You have the money and resources where are they?

06-13-2013, 01:53 AM
Models GW needs to make because its absolutely silly to throw away the money they would make by selling them.... i mean most eldar players kit bash to make them but if done right i can see gw making alot and id be a happy camper if there as well done as there DE counterparts.


Farseer on jetbike

Warlocks on jetbikes box set of 3 and single

Cobra Super heavy ( cmon now you know you would buy it : P )

Plastic / fine cast harlequins update

Howling banshees!!!! desperately need new models they are so horrendous looking.

agree / disagree ? I think they should make these. Reply maybe enough people can get it noticed!

06-13-2013, 02:02 AM
Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes
Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes
Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes
Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes
Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes
Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes Jetbikes

06-13-2013, 02:38 AM
New Avatar, Warp Spiders, Swooping Hawks and Shining Spears would also be nice...
Eldar mechanized units are still nice models but most of eldar infantry/bikes (excluding foot troops - Dire Avengers, Guardians and Pathfinders are ok) badly needs new models too.

06-13-2013, 02:41 AM
Plastic Autarch kit. In the same vein as the Plastic Captains or Chaos Terminator Kits

New bikes would be nice

Plastic Superheavy,,,,that is NOT a copy of the FW ones

06-13-2013, 03:18 AM
yeah Jetbikes mainly... or some of the Aspects, like Reapers, Dragons and Spiders... Banshees won't sell, at least not with the rules they have now :D And most of all, new Phoenix Lords! How can it be that our super-expensive-super-awesome-immortal-lords-of-war have some of the ugliest models in existence?! Not one of them looks good, and the only even remotely decent one is Baharroth (except Illyrith, who is beautiful - which kinda is my point, they could be sooo much better...)

06-13-2013, 03:20 AM
Yeah, every army should have one of those plastic super-kits for HQs. Some of the Fantasy and 40K have them (Chaos Terminator Lord, High Elf Noble, etc), but then GW seemed to have just forgot that idea.

Cripes, I would buy shed-loads of those things...

06-13-2013, 03:53 AM
By the way, did anyone see these yet?


I really hope these are just some knock-off company's sculpts, and not official, because the bikes look FUGLY!

06-13-2013, 05:00 AM
Jetbikes, multi-option Autarch kit, new pilot figures for the Grav Tanks/Vyper... other than that, things look pretty spiffy.

Maybe new Warp Spiders, they're the oldest of all the Aspect Warrior minis. Still look pretty good, but you have to convert your own Spinneret Rifle.

06-13-2013, 05:16 AM
I'd like to see new jetbikes especially shining spears. I think they missed a trick there by not making the shining spears a chariot, which would have been interesting to see, especially if they each had a transport capacity of 1 and were open topped, so they could drop banshees across the battlefield, although each one destroyed would auto kill any passenger...

And more female options for all aspects, especially warlocks

Mr Mystery
06-13-2013, 05:20 AM
By the way, did anyone see these yet?


I really hope these are just some knock-off company's sculpts, and not official, because the bikes look FUGLY!

Interesting....I'm thinking knock offs, but you never know.

06-13-2013, 05:24 AM
If you translate the link, they're not GW's

The link thye have is that they're made by a Russian. Stil they're gorgeous

06-13-2013, 06:17 AM
The first thing they need to do is go back and re-do any of the old 2nd edition models before they even consider pumping out "new" units - and they need to keep their hands off of the FW line.

Phoenix Lords
Warp Spiders
Jetbikes of all flavors

That would be a nice start.

06-13-2013, 07:35 AM
If you translate the link, they're not GW's

The link thye have is that they're made by a Russian. Stil they're gorgeous

Yeah, I guessed it would be the Russians. A lot of that gets done there. I know this because I got a lot of customers from across the border. I have a 54mm scale Heresy Emperor, given to me by a Russian customer.

Those knock-off Eldar bikes are nasty though. Hate the pregnant air-intake.

06-13-2013, 07:59 AM
By the way, did anyone see these yet?


I really hope these are just some knock-off company's sculpts, and not official, because the bikes look FUGLY!

I was going to say JETBIKES!!!!!!!!! Then I clicked this link and changed my mind.... :)

Thank God those aren't official.

Power Klawz
06-13-2013, 08:01 AM
I think the real question is what can they keep in the line, the majority of it needs a refresh quite badly.

Guardians, Avengers, Tanks and of course everything that came out in the recent release.

Everything else needs to walk through the flames of Asuryan and emerge on the other side as something greater.

I'm still holding out hope for dual kit aspects with all the trimmings. Plastic Autarch with all the options is also high on my list, jetbikes are a no brainer. War walkers are iffy, I suppose they could stick around a bit longer. Vypers were one of the coolest models around when they were released (I remember the heads-up display molded into the clear plastic canopy was quite nice.) but they are really dated at this point and I wouldn't mind seeing a re-imagining.

The phoenix lords are so horrendous looking now. It seems like its a pretty rough time getting the go-ahead for resculpting special characters though, although its not without precedent. Farsight got a Hollywood makeover recently, Abaddon got his a while ago.

06-13-2013, 08:03 AM
dont care for the jet bikes but the riders are cool

06-13-2013, 08:05 AM
Female Farseer
Plastic Seer Council with jetbike option
Plastic Autarch kit with female torso and head options.
Plastic Aspect warriors, one Aspect per kit with female torsos and heads.
A Void Spinner/Storm Serpent dual plastic kit for Apoc
Jetbikes obviously, including a new Vyper
New Phoenix Lords. Especially Jain Zar whose new art is very lovely.

Power Klawz
06-13-2013, 08:12 AM
Helmet-less head options would be pretty baller as well, like enough helmetless heads for entire squads of aspects. Banshees in particular could be amazing with ninja-like snarling face masks for the amplifiers, and long flowing hair. I guess it wouldn't fit with some aspects though, spiders for sure would be weird without helmets.

Plastic seer councils definitely yes, on bikes. Also gigantic Avatar that is taller than a bloodthirster, because he has much better posture.

06-13-2013, 08:33 AM
Those knock-off Eldar bikes are nasty though. Hate the pregnant air-intake.

Still better than chopper-style old eldar jetbikes... Every time I saw those guys it reminded me of this trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSvwmgWCJ2s :p
But it now when they've got better WS, BS and I, new bike design is all what they need to kick *** :)

Mr Mystery
06-13-2013, 08:43 AM
And don't forget....The Moon On A Stick.

06-13-2013, 12:35 PM
Im with the OP on most of that except the HB. i like them. I also like the female eldar idea. i think we need more female models. theres my two pence.

06-13-2013, 04:32 PM
Female Farseer
Plastic Seer Council with jetbike option
Plastic Autarch kit with female torso and head options.
Plastic Aspect warriors, one Aspect per kit with female torsos and heads.
A Void Spinner/Storm Serpent dual plastic kit for Apoc
Jetbikes obviously, including a new Vyper
New Phoenix Lords. Especially Jain Zar whose new art is very lovely.

Also, female Spiritseers & plastic Warlock council boxed set with female torso/head options.

Da Gargoyle
06-13-2013, 04:53 PM
I am not against the idea of new designs, I imagine that a lot of you did some conversions to put warlocks on bikes like I did. And I agree that the phoenix lords need first go. However before you get too down on the range, have a look at the figure range before the last codex was released and you can see the improvement in the quality and dynamics of the poses. The variation came from the introduction of a new injection molding system that released GW from the flat poses. Banshees and Firedragons improved tremendously. The basic Guardian squads looked better also, and you can see female warriors in them. As for females in the Psyker units, with all that armour and cloaking the only way you would know is by the name.

06-13-2013, 05:45 PM
I think we need a female wave serpent.

How about a male howling Banshee? Technically, some of them are men, but the aspect armour is designed for females. I wonder what they put in the cups.

06-13-2013, 10:30 PM
Some male torsos in a plastic Banshee set would be fine, they are rare but there are some. I still think it is a shame Gav thorpe didn't write about his story about the male Howling Banshee, that would have been interesting. His Aspect personality would have been female but his civilian personality would have been male. Confusing the hell out of Black Libraries regular demographic potentially.:rolleyes:

06-14-2013, 12:28 AM
I think we need a female wave serpent.

How about a male howling Banshee? Technically, some of them are men, but the aspect armour is designed for females. I wonder what they put in the cups.

They could keep grenades in the cups! :p

New models? Jetbikes

I have loved the new models this time round but was really hoping for more...

06-14-2013, 03:34 AM
I still think it is a shame Gav thorpe didn't write about his story about the male Howling Banshee, that would have been interesting.
Don't get me wrong, that certainly would have been interesting, but before they will start publishing books about male Howling Banshee (and lame Swooping Hawk seeking relief in flying or Striking Scorpion repulsed by carnage or other overcomplicated hero :p ), I wish they would write a good story with strong female Howling Banshee character ;)

06-14-2013, 04:00 AM
Absolutely, but I think exploring the gender bending nature of eldar Aspects could be very interesting. But yes female protagonists and particularly a Banshee would be nice. Or a book from Jain Zars perspective...

Cpt Codpiece
06-14-2013, 06:41 AM
banshees are one of the better looking of the aspects, as far as true to the original design goes.
they do however suck rules wise so meh, they don't need new minis.

the other aspects seem ok, though the dreadlocks on all scorpions annoys me....... almost as much as the non cone heads of the reapers but neither need new sculpts yet........

not while we have the tiny avatar (FW FTW), 25 year old warlocks, 20 year old special characters, 20 year old jetbikes, 15+ year old tanks (not needed but updated sprues would be sweet) and vypers just need optional/ updated crew.

06-14-2013, 08:34 AM
Honestly don't get the mass distaste for the current Jetbikes. Outdated rider design aside, they still look great to my eyes - even like the "upright" rider pose, which sets it apart from their more sinister cousins. Just bits order some Guardian torsos/heads, and you're set.

Cpt Codpiece
06-14-2013, 01:56 PM
Honestly don't get the mass distaste for the current Jetbikes. Outdated rider design aside, they still look great to my eyes - even like the "upright" rider pose, which sets it apart from their more sinister cousins. Just bits order some Guardian torsos/heads, and you're set.

valid point, but after seeing the prototype from JG kicking about for a long time its worse than FW and the carn flake :)

my main issue is not the old school riders though nor the chopper pose, rather their age shows in the details
or lack of kitwide.

06-14-2013, 02:12 PM
This thread has motivated me to kitbash a new jetbike model.

06-14-2013, 05:19 PM
Honestly don't get the mass distaste for the current Jetbikes. Outdated rider design aside, they still look great to my eyes - even like the "upright" rider pose, which sets it apart from their more sinister cousins. Just bits order some Guardian torsos/heads, and you're set.

They are hugely improved and even liveable with guardian bitz. It's probably left over memories from Return of the Jedi. :)

06-19-2013, 05:28 AM
The Jetbikes are the oldest models still serving in the Eldar range.
Predating the Vyper, the Falcon and the Fire Prism.

The Warp Spiders need new sculpts. They are the oldest aspect now without a redo. The same tired sculpts for the last 20 or so years. EVERY other Exarch has multiple options - even the shining spear exarch has TWO options. The spider ONLY has blades and twin spinners. No sign of a spinneret rifle.

I'd only trust Jes Goodwin to redo them, though. Anyone else who touches eldar tends to be the kiss of death for them.
I converted my eldar jetbikes ALL to the DE bikes and replaced the fairings on the DE bikes with the fairings from the CE bikes - and weapons were swapped as well. They worked well, they balance well, and the shining spears even looked like they could charge something and live.

Regardless, it's all too late for me. I just got rid of a bunch of eldar models I had tired of (wraithguard, Dire Avengers, 4 warlocks) and either had too many of, or couldn't be bothered upsizing to get a useful sized unit (not at GWAU prices) and haven't played a game in 18 months.

06-19-2013, 06:27 AM
The Jetbikes are the oldest models still serving in the Eldar range.
Predating the Vyper, the Falcon and the Fire Prism.

I'd only trust Jes Goodwin to redo them, though. Anyone else who touches eldar tends to be the kiss of death for them.
I converted my eldar jetbikes ALL to the DE bikes and replaced the fairings on the DE bikes with the fairings from the CE bikes - and weapons were swapped as well. They worked well, they balance well, and the shining spears even looked like they could charge something and live.


Cpt Codpiece
06-19-2013, 06:32 AM
oohh chromedog... did you just use guardians torso and heads with the jetbikes?
i have a box of DE ones sitting in the drawer unused..... and may grab another if i can get a decent canopy knocked up and cast :)

while i love the look of the vyper cowl, its just too big for a jetbike IMO, but still a great if expensive conversion.

06-19-2013, 06:59 AM
I think it gives the perfect impression of a sleek armored steed personally.

As for expensive? Who said anything about *buying* the vyper cowling? Now that GW has killed the bitz business, I'm just making them myself.

06-19-2013, 10:16 AM
I think it gives the perfect impression of a sleek armored steed personally.

As for expensive? Who said anything about *buying* the vyper cowling? Now that GW has killed the bitz business, I'm just making them myself.

Not that I would condone such things.... but.... may I ask what casting material you are using?

06-19-2013, 10:44 AM
Not that I would condone such things.... but.... may I ask what casting material you are using?

Smoothcast OOMOO 300.

Cheap, easy, no need for degassing, great results.

06-19-2013, 11:03 AM
Not that I would condone such things.... but.... may I ask what casting material you are using?

It is totally legal to make copies of things for your own personal use. Reselling them is where you can get into trouble.

06-19-2013, 11:24 AM
It is totally legal to make copies of things for your own personal use. Reselling them is where you can get into trouble.
Common misconception. "Fair Use" is not legalese for "copying for personal use." Copying for personal use can be, often is, and assuming a Vyper cowling is copyrightable, in this case certainly is, illegal.

06-19-2013, 11:39 AM
Common misconception. "Fair Use" is not legalese for "copying for personal use." Copying for personal use can be, often is, and assuming a Vyper cowling is copyrightable, in this case certainly is, illegal.

Technically I haven't broken any laws since I haven't actually MADE a copy. I've made a picture of a modified vyper canopy sitting in a box of legos on top of some blue clay.

My picture is made merely for instructional purposes only :D

Cpt Codpiece
06-19-2013, 11:50 AM
pretty much the same set up i was intending, but with a smaller frame size, mor ein line with the JG proto :)

but i really dont get how GW are happy pumping out the jetbikes, i know they are still ok models but they are ancient and it shows..... there was more detail on the 2 piece plague marines released around the same time LOL (ah the good ol' days)

i have actually taken bits into a GW shop and shown people infront of staff, how to cast FW parts with GS..... it was when the wave serpent was armourcast and FW only, i did a few sets of the field emitters and turret mountings, built the rest with plasticard....... staff didn't seem to mind a few even took note and did it themselves LOL

i have a spare vyper on sprue, i may try and cast one then modify it to cast :)

06-19-2013, 12:10 PM
pretty much the same set up i was intending, but with a smaller frame size, mor ein line with the JG proto :)

but i really dont get how GW are happy pumping out the jetbikes, i know they are still ok models but they are ancient and it shows..... there was more detail on the 2 piece plague marines released around the same time LOL (ah the good ol' days)

i have actually taken bits into a GW shop and shown people infront of staff, how to cast FW parts with GS..... it was when the wave serpent was armourcast and FW only, i did a few sets of the field emitters and turret mountings, built the rest with plasticard....... staff didn't seem to mind a few even took note and did it themselves LOL

i have a spare vyper on sprue, i may try and cast one then modify it to cast :)

It must be said also that IF I was going to do this, I'd still be buying about X number of jetbikes to put these cowlings on.

I just wouldn't be buying the $30 vyper kit for one bit.

My experience with GW hobbyists is the same as yours, most of them are perfectly fine with you "casting" bits for your own use.

06-19-2013, 12:49 PM
Hey, I offer no opinion as to whether the Vyper cowling is copyrightable, and I certainly offer no opinion as to whether people are actually copying it. Just correcting the misconception that copying something for personal use is somehow not a copyright violation.

As my copyright professor was fond of saying, copyright is probably broken more than any other law, and most of the time the copyright holder doesn't care. But I don't like to see people mistaking "I choose not to sue you" for "What you are doing is legal" (which is usually what happens when copyright is viola) just from the standpoint of people having accurate knowledge of the law.