View Full Version : Keeping an ADD affected 40K player in check

06-12-2013, 05:53 PM
How do you all stay focused on working on one army and then squeezing time in to work on it when life and family get in the way.

After a long hiatus from the hobby I have decided to get back into it with 6th edition.

Problem is I do not have a completed army to play which has always been an issue but never a problem as I always play with friends and we all fielded half finished armies but even than I was the worse offender. But now I will be playing at local stores which will not be as forgiving or lax.

I have gone from working on my Space Wolves to then switching to my ultramarines then deciding to put all things marine related on hold for a new codex which is rumored for later this year..

I then decided to start on my Tau because of the new codex then the new Eldar codex came out and what started as a good time to sell turned into thinking of my using this army.

Part of my problem is I am a bit of a hoarder when it comes to all things 40K and been at it since the rogue Trader days and have more stuff than most stores do.

I can probably field decent size armies for 2 IG forces, 3 flavors of marines, Eldar, and Tau along with assorted forces to make a few allied armies

So what are some tips for keeping an ADD affected 40K player in check.

My apologies to anyone who read this on Dakka Dakka but I am looking for as many tips as possible



06-12-2013, 06:53 PM
Get off the pot and pick something.

Consolidate down to:
- ONE Imperial Guard army (3,000 pts).
- ONE Space Marine army (2,500 pts).
- ONE Eldar -or- Tau army (2,500 pts).
- ONE set of Allies (1000 pts).
Just pick something. Choose between Woofs and Ultras, between Eldar and Tau. Pick one.

Then, sell off the odds and ends, and don't look back. Not having stuff weighing you down is a big help.

Back when 40k 5E was announced, I started selling off the wierd stuff, the Kroot Merc army, the High Elves, and other random stuff. Then, when GW announced 6E was coming, I decided to only play Imperial Guard, Chaos Marines, Space Marines and Eldar. After 6E came out, and Codices jumped to $50 each, I decided I wouldn't even play Imperial Marines. I'm now down to a "perfect trinity" of just Imperial (Guard), Chaos (Marines) and (Eldar) Xenos for 40k.

Does Tau look good? Like more Sisters? Regardless, I'm not buying. Same with not starting any new games "systems" that don't fit into a next "all in the box" boardgame concept. Saying "NO!" does a lot of good. This summer, I'll be winnowing things even further, and I feel awesome about it.

06-13-2013, 02:06 AM
As a collector I totally disagree, my 15,000pts of BA is not enough, I must have moar!!!!!!!

Regardless, I tend to have a small core army that I base most games around, Termies, Baal Pred, Vinidicator, DC & DC Dread.

I think the thing is to focus on one army.
Debate the pros and cons of each army and we on the board can help give some suggestions. But to give better advice that "Go for BAs they are the bestest eva!!!!111" we would need to know what things you like, do you prefer shooting to melee, large armies or small elite, tanks or troops, good or bad, is the fluff important and if so what is your favourite part. All/any of these can focus one down to an army.

Then once the chosen codex is selected, consider what you would want to feild that primaraily fits in with the flavour of the army you want to play from above. Aim low, 1,000pts is a fair level to start at (if not lower) consider the list and then decide what fits and what works. Again, we are happy to help, but you may need to define how you play and what sort of thing you want as quite often people's critique will be replace X with Y then spam x3 without realising why you have chose what you have done.

Then look through your collection and see if you have the miniatures required to build the list, if so collect them together, even if they are painted in the wrong scheme then slowly add untill you can field your list.
After a couple of games if you are happy with it then great, if not tweak and come back to it and repeat till you have a list you are happy with. Then collect and paint :)

Remember you can strip old miniatures to save money.

06-13-2013, 08:43 AM
As a fellow 40K ADD sufferer, the only way to stop the insanity is keep yourself focused on one army. It doesn't matter how cool the new toys are, stay focused. I did this about a year and a half ago with my Minotaurs army. The only time I've bought items that weren't for the army is if I got an exceptional deal on the items. Even then, the items have been put away until I get my Minotaurs to a completion point. That completion point being 6 full troops units, 3 Elite, 3 Fast Attack and 3 Heavy Support. I have 4 complete Troops currently, 2 complete Elites, and one complete Heavy Support, in addition to my Varied HQ units.

06-13-2013, 08:51 AM
I am so bad at this. I haven't really completed a full army in years. The most important thing to do is try to concentrate on a small playable force, like wolfshade suggests. That way you can always add to it, but you'll at least have something finished. Try to pick reasonable paint schemes, assembly methods, minimal conversions, etc. I am trying this right now with a Dark Eldar force. At it for 2 weeks now, and I haven't switched yet!

06-13-2013, 09:23 AM
Ah... ADD an issue I struggle with on a daily basis! I can potentially field a minimum of 3k+ for all 16 40k official Codices but sadly only have 6 of these completed... when you add in WFB, FOW, Infinity, General Historicals from 6mm to 28mm, etc etc it gets truly insane!! I definitely feel your pain.

What I've started doing is actually working on armies with anticipated rules updates that way I don't feel behind the 8 ball all the time. I also give myself hobby related Scooby snacks to help keep me on track. For example pick an army, write out a list, then as you plow through the list allow yourself to paint special models or add on units for other existing armies that are complete enough to play but can always have additional variety. This way I have one main project of focus and constantly get to buff other armies that are already playable. Best wishes!

06-13-2013, 08:15 PM
The call to pick a single army is simply taking the narrowing down to the max. Either way, it's application of focus to willfully ignore that which doesn't help