View Full Version : Power Lance Clarification

Straight JaKeT
06-12-2013, 03:32 PM
Hi BoLS!

So here is a question I've been kicking around with my group. The power lance is a pretty specific use power weapon. Basically 1 use for most units. While reading the rule book it says

"Power Lances have two profiles for both strength and AP. The first is used only on a turn in which A MODEL charges, the second is used at all other times."

So the question I pose to the forum is can you use the +1 Str and AP 3 on the turn YOU are charged?

Our group has come to the consensus of NO.

However because of GW's wonderful ambiguous use of the english language technically it could be a YES.

Personally I like the idea because it gives the lances more versatility and it makes great game sense. If you charge into a bunch of lances and spears you are going to get skewered!

Any thoughts and comments to why I'm wrong will be welcomed with open arms! :D

06-12-2013, 03:39 PM
If you don't read "a model" to mean the bearer, do you have a reason why a power lance's better profile cannot be activated by any model charging? If I am using a power lance, and 48" away from me an enemy model charges a gun emplacement, your reading seems to suggest that I receive +1S and AP3.

Straight JaKeT
06-12-2013, 04:16 PM
Absolutely no good reason. :) But like I said charging into lances seems to be a bad idea in real life. Making it dangerous in the game seems to make sense too...

06-12-2013, 04:24 PM
Are you seriously suggesting that any time that any model anywhere on the board charges that all Power Lances anywhere on the table, whether in combat or not give +1S and AP3 ?

If you going to draw those sort of conclusions I'd be really careful pointing fingers at GW's use of the language mate.

06-12-2013, 04:33 PM
If that's how it makes the most sense to you to represent charging into lances, and your opponents agree, then that's great. If you're looking for reasons why your reading is not the most reasonable read of the text, though, there you are.

Straight JaKeT
06-12-2013, 04:44 PM
Totally acceptable. And just to clarify my position I always attributed the rule to the model with the power lance and the unit charging it. Nabterayl brought up a hypothetical situation to point out the flaws as an exaggeration. (thank you BTW never even occurred to me to see it in that perspective :)) Not a conclusion I drew.

And by all the FAQ's GW does every few months I'm sure they are aware how ambiguous the rules can be on occasion.

It just seemed to me that the Power Lance was not as viable as even a power sword. But with this adaptation it would be situationally better than the power sword but still worse over all than the axe or maul.

06-12-2013, 04:55 PM
I am firmly of the opinion that FAQ's say more about the readers than the writers, so many of them are pretty obvious.

I was taking the piss a bit tho' so sorry for that. I do get the point of a Lance being use to "accept the charge" in reality. In fact that's what Pikemen were used for.

I think you right tho' the maul or axe (or both! ) is a better option.

David Crossley
06-12-2013, 09:13 PM
Well the only models that can use said lances are Shining Spears and Jetbike Autarchs - ie 'jousting cavalry', so no. The whole point is to give you an extra bit of punch on the charge, and you use hit and run to get away to do it again. For much the same reason lances in fantasy give you a strength buff on the charge only.

06-12-2013, 09:29 PM
To me, it seems that Power Lances were designed more for units with the "Hit and Run" special rule, thus being able to make effect of the lance more. Especially with the plethora of fearless/shall know no fear units.

06-13-2013, 06:25 AM
You're thinking of Laser Lances, power lances (or spears) are an alternate standard power weapon.

06-13-2013, 06:55 AM
Totally acceptable. And just to clarify my position I always attributed the rule to the model with the power lance and the unit charging it. Nabterayl brought up a hypothetical situation to point out the flaws as an exaggeration. (thank you BTW never even occurred to me to see it in that perspective :)) Not a conclusion I drew.

And by all the FAQ's GW does every few months I'm sure they are aware how ambiguous the rules can be on occasion.

It just seemed to me that the Power Lance was not as viable as even a power sword. But with this adaptation it would be situationally better than the power sword but still worse over all than the axe or maul.

The lance has a special use. One person mentioned "hit and run"– that's an excellent use. Another combination is with Furious Charge. That's Str 6 for Space Marines.

That's how I use 'em: Vanguard Squad with Shields and Lances. Have a sanguinary priest nearby. Drop in, smack something at Str6. I usually take a Axe Blade Encarmine on the Sgt for the situation where I need AP2.

If you are really nuts: Dante with that squad is good. Hit n' Run.

Another option: Command Biker Squad with lances. Take Khan. He grants Furious Charge and Hit and Run. That unit is wicked fast. Might be worth investing in the shields, because that unit is scary.

Ian Mulcahy
06-17-2013, 04:31 PM
Another option: Command Biker Squad with lances. Take Khan. He grants Furious Charge and Hit and Run. That unit is wicked fast. Might be worth investing in the shields, because that unit is scary.

I have a unit like that. Looks really awesome--bike mounted knights with lance and storm shield. Can't tell you how they've worked in a game unfortunately, my playtime is pretty limited--haven't really had the chance to play in a while.

06-17-2013, 09:46 PM
The lance has a special use. One person mentioned "hit and run"– that's an excellent use. Another combination is with Furious Charge. That's Str 6 for Space Marines.

That's how I use 'em: Vanguard Squad with Shields and Lances. Have a sanguinary priest nearby. Drop in, smack something at Str6. I usually take a Axe Blade Encarmine on the Sgt for the situation where I need AP2.

If you are really nuts: Dante with that squad is good. Hit n' Run.

Another option: Command Biker Squad with lances. Take Khan. He grants Furious Charge and Hit and Run. That unit is wicked fast. Might be worth investing in the shields, because that unit is scary.

very similar to my Vanguard squads, 2x lances and a SS&GEA on the serg, drop and punch some serious back line face.