View Full Version : Ulthwe: the path of the seer

Cpt Codpiece
06-12-2013, 10:20 AM
Ok guys, here we go again

fresh on the heels of a new codex, everyone and their grannies are picking up eldar and having a go at Iyanden.
well i too was doing such a thing, but however i was aiming more 'doom of the eldar' era, with aspects and less eldar zombies LOL

but i had eldrad sitting about from the good old days, and being an old school guy my ulthwe is black and canary yellow.
so in the fairy power spray he went, and out popped a slightly dull (pre white metal) Eldrad... good as new even after a decade or so of paint LOL

well since the eldar SC are old models Eldrad was TINY, and i had the seer council box just sitting in my Eldar army box, i bought the army deal last codex and got the autarch and such too... so i thought id just have a go at making Eldrad more upto date.

since doing this a few months ago (he was gonna be my Iyanden seer) i have seen a few other people do the same, but for now the start of my journey with eldar (again) begins anew........

here are a few pics of my eldrad, paint going on him soon... just juggling work and 8 month old baby....... but progress will be made on this project... honest

http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b291/darthplagis/eldar/582041_344999442247441_949345787_n_zps82865fd7.jpg (http://s21.photobucket.com/user/darthplagis/media/eldar/582041_344999442247441_949345787_n_zps82865fd7.jpg .html)

http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b291/darthplagis/eldar/315493_344999492247436_823042667_n_zpsc89d7480.jpg (http://s21.photobucket.com/user/darthplagis/media/eldar/315493_344999492247436_823042667_n_zpsc89d7480.jpg .html)

http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b291/darthplagis/eldar/427161_344999468914105_439035279_n_zps0f320d0f.jpg (http://s21.photobucket.com/user/darthplagis/media/eldar/427161_344999468914105_439035279_n_zps0f320d0f.jpg .html)