View Full Version : Khorne terminator lord loadout

06-11-2013, 10:32 PM
Ay all, been thinking for a long time of throwing a khorne terminator lord into my lists, sorta to act as a mutilator on crack!

Basic plan

Terminator armour

Now the question is, is it worth swapping the base Power weapon for an Axe of blind fury, or should I get rid of the combi-bolter to get the +1 attack for two combat weapons?

I'm thinking +1 attack.

06-12-2013, 01:59 AM

Khorne is my first love and I regret the lessening of hth in 6th. You need ask yourself, is it particularly TDA you want for him? I think that T4 Lords are prone to dying instagib, so therefore minimise their loadout. If I went for big axes or maces I would want to try and protect the investment - such as the sigil of 4++, or a LR, or going for the bike/juggernaut.

To summarise my somewhat waffly opion, the top Khorne lord is axe, jugger, 4++. If I was going for TDA I would stick to minimal points, therefore the 2 power weapons would be best.

Power Klawz
06-12-2013, 11:55 AM
I don't have my chaos dex with me atm, can terminator characters take 2 power weapons? Termy lord with power sword and power axe might be an ok choice for a budget build, but the terminator armor all ready kind of puts you outside of budget territory.

I don't think Khorne goes too well with terminator armor to be honest. T4 and only a 5++ makes him a juicy target for ID as was previously stated, if you're going Khorne I think you want lean and mean or a higher invuln. Paying twice for an invulnerable is a rough deal, as you would be doing if you took terminator armor and the sigil.

Although terminator lord with axe and say, combi-something could be a neat trick to deep strike or shove in a raider with some buddies. You can have his squad handle vehicles with a chainfist and he can concentrate on wrecking infantry while the unit champ handles the challenges.

Although I will second the opinion that for maximum Khorniness you go power armor, juggernaut, sigil and axe with whatever other bells and whistles you want. Team him up with Khorne spawn or bikers and be amazing.

I think Tzeentch and Nurlge go much better with terminator armor though. Tzeentch termy lord with "The Sauce" (lightning claw and chainfist/powerfist) and a termy sorc buddy rocking biomancy can lead to untold lulz.

06-14-2013, 01:07 AM
I'm with the other guys. Power armor and a juggernaut. sigil for the invulnerable save. Attach him to other cavalry and spill blood for the blood God. It just sounds so fun, I think I'm going to do it now.

Ben Brown
06-14-2013, 05:38 AM
the blood god hasnt honoured your lord with a fine steed? in any case axe of blind fury is amazing

06-18-2013, 02:03 AM
I think you guys are missing the point. daboarder wants to use a MoK lord in termie armor LIKE a single mutilator. IE deepstrike and either draw fire away from the rest of his army, or be ignored and reek havoc. Thus he needs the terminator armor. Khorne lord on juggernaut is filling a completely different role. TBH I think the khorne lord in termie armor is too expensive to be a suitable replacement for a single mutilator. What makes the mutilator viable is that he's cheap and can do just enough damage to low tough/sv objective holders that he has to be shot at. Yes the khorne lord could spell trouble for said units, but for too many points. Plus your using an HQ slot for a very limited role that won't work against MEQ or higher. If you're set on taking him i'd upgrade the combi bolter to a combi-melta or -plasma (depending on your needs) so at least he can cause a little bit of damage before he gets shot off. Heck, why not give him a termie-cide squad.

Lord Krungharr
06-18-2013, 12:03 PM
In the majority of challenges the Axe TermiLord will go first and strike at S6/AP2 with (hopefully) at least 7 attacks. He needs to either be in a Land Raider w 3 Khornate Mutilators, or with Khorne Terminators.

If you want the Lord to be ridiculous, replace his power-weapon (that comes standard with Terminator armor) with the Chainfist, as that's cheaper points than replacing his combi-bolter with it. Then replace his combi-bolter with the Axe of Blind Fury. Then he can crunch Vehicles if needed, and I think he will get the +1 attack for 2 Specialist weapons, but not positive on that (the Axe might be plain Melee). He would certainly whoop the crap out of any other Terminator squad other than the Storm Shielders (hate those guys!). Allying with a (GASP) Lord of Change to try and get Misfortune would help vs the Storm Shielders.

The nice thing about Chaos Terminators in a Land Raider (take a Dirge Caster) is you can give them all combi-meltas/plasmas to pop transports, then assault the dudes inside with an Icon of Wrath to make sure you get there.

06-20-2013, 09:25 PM
In the majority of challenges the Axe TermiLord will go first and strike at S6/AP2 with (hopefully) at least 7 attacks. He needs to either be in a Land Raider w 3 Khornate Mutilators, or with Khorne Terminators.

If you want the Lord to be ridiculous, replace his power-weapon (that comes standard with Terminator armor) with the Chainfist, as that's cheaper points than replacing his combi-bolter with it. Then replace his combi-bolter with the Axe of Blind Fury. Then he can crunch Vehicles if needed, and I think he will get the +1 attack for 2 Specialist weapons, but not positive on that (the Axe might be plain Melee). He would certainly whoop the crap out of any other Terminator squad other than the Storm Shielders (hate those guys!). Allying with a (GASP) Lord of Change to try and get Misfortune would help vs the Storm Shielders.

The nice thing about Chaos Terminators in a Land Raider (take a Dirge Caster) is you can give them all combi-meltas/plasmas to pop transports, then assault the dudes inside with an Icon of Wrath to make sure you get there.

A chainfist would be nice, see I was thinking a "safe" AP 3 sword/ S6 maul would be the way to go, particularly for challenges against sergeants and the like.

06-20-2013, 10:18 PM
Take the Murder Sword. Because it's the MURDER SWORD. It's a sword. For murdering people.

...can you give it to an Autarch with Falcon Wings and Mantle of the Laughing God? That would be hilarious.

07-06-2013, 08:58 PM
Or you could always run zhufor and know that he is eternal for a reasonable price and that whole nasty insta death is removed and you no longer have to worry about him dying :)