View Full Version : Eldargal Reviews Black Library Munitorum

06-11-2013, 09:28 AM
Bought the two digital Munitorum (http://www.blacklibrary.com/games-workshop-digital-editions/Munitorum) files from Black Library when they came out, forgot to read. Remembered to read them just now. Thought I'd write a little review. There are only two at the moment, both eldar which is nice.

Shuriken Catapults & Ranger Long Rifle.

They are fairly sparse, there are a few pictures in each, a colour rendition of the weapon in question on the cover, a black and white piece showing the unit that habitually wields the weapon (Guardians and Rangers respectively) and a labelled coloured picture of the weapon explaining what each component is. Apart from the artwork the pages are a little dull, plain backgrounds, plain text.

The text itself is fairly short and details the background of the weapon, how it is produced and who by and then some notable examples of its use. Not overly long or in depth it brings together little titbits of information about these particular eldar weapons that are scattered accross codices and supplements over the past 20 years which makes it a handy source for a lore-obsessed madwoman like myself to refer to.

Rules are included with what you'd expect. The usual armoury profile plus each USR/SR written out in full. It's not overly useful but it does highlight how the ranger rifle doesn't really match up to it's background in terms of killing power.

Each Munitorum document costs 99p and in my opinion it is worth it. I think the US price is two dollars. It wouldn't be worth much more than that mind you, but they are nice little things for lore nuts to have and things like this that add extra depth to the 40k setting are always welcome.

3.5 Shuriken discs out of 5.

Edit: Oh I downloaded the Mobi versions and used my usual reader.

Power Klawz
06-11-2013, 02:27 PM
I was wondering if it made any attempt to describe the mechanisms by which they operate in any detail, even in really bad schlock-sci-fi style.

06-11-2013, 11:57 PM
A little bit but not in great detail.