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View Full Version : Imperial Guard - Planetstrike Defender Advice

11-10-2009, 09:10 AM
I'm gearing up for my 1st Planetstrike game. Right now it is shaping up to be 1850 points, Imperial Guard vs. Tyranids (more than likely heavy Genestealer and lots of MCs), with me as the Defender. So, I'm looking for some tactical advice as I start to create my army list.

Given the opponent, I'm pretty sure I want zero cover available. I have one Bastion ready to go (and a 2nd unassembled in a box if needed) and a couple boxes of Aegis defense lines. What's the best way to set this up? Castle in the center? off to the side? I'm struggling with the best way to set this up to my advantage, and I definitely want to have a plan before the game.

6 Heavy Support Slots, but what to take? My current HS options (as built) are;
* Demolisher with Plasma Cannon Sponsons and Lascannon
* 2 Basilisks with Heavy Bolters
* Leman Russ with Lascannon and Heavy Bolter Sponsons
* Leman Russ with Heavy Bolter and Heavy Bolter Sponsons (Turret weapon is magnetized to swap out Exterminatior Autocannons)
* 2 Demolishers, No sponsons interchangable hull mount weapons

I also have one Demolisher kit which is unbuilt, which I was planning to into a Executioner with Plasma Cannon Sponsons

Given the Deep Strike threat, I'm thinking an allied Inquistor and Mystics is almost mandatory.

Heavy Weapons.....while Autocannons are the standard, I've had good success with Heavy Bolters against 'Nids. I'm thinking I need to work some into either line squads or HWS.

Special Weapons.....Melta doesn't strike me as particularly effective against 'Nids. Plasma is expensive, but effective. Flamers and Grenade Launchers both do well against swarms. This thinking kind of drives me to the idea that Veteran Squads aren't as necessary for this list (normally, I'd take 3 Melta Vet Squads), and more line Infantry would serve me better.

Hellhounds.....I have three of them. Do I use all of my FA slots on them? Should I work a Vendetta into the mix (in reserve) for MC hunting?

Lord Azaghul
11-10-2009, 10:02 AM
Take platoon squardons, with heavy weapon teams/squads and start them on the table.
Place all vehicles in reserves -don't squadron any vehicles.

Basiclly use superious number to create target over load, especially in your infantry. Roll the vehichiles in from where every. Things like battle cannons are great in PS, espeically because of there range.

Set up the table to allow yourself to form a battle line as soon as your opponent picks a side. IE find away to keep you opponent as arms length for as long as possible.

11-10-2009, 10:15 AM
I'm playing Nids for the first time tomorrow night, I'll let you know if I learn anything relevant......

11-10-2009, 12:21 PM
All vehicles that aren't Land Raiders should be off the table. I've also found it to be a very, very good rule to never put a unit on the board that isn't in a bunker. It makes all those planetary bombardments useless, and means that the attacker has to blow up the bunkers to hurt your stuff. Every other unit you own should be able to walk/fly/drive onto the table and blow up something.

That's applicable to every army, pretty much. It's not the only possible strategy, but I've won every single planetstrike game I've played, using that strategy when I was the defender.

11-10-2009, 09:24 PM
Only use the one bunker as it limits the available strategems/assets. Take Krak Attack since your opponent will likely be bringing large units on that it can potentially hurt.
As has been said, deploy one unit in a bunker and keep the rest off the board. Castling in the centre with lots of walls around the ojective will probably be your best bet. Otherwise your opponent will just choose the board edge nearest the bunker and claim it on turn 1.
Hellhounds are awesome vs bugs. battlecannons too. Keep your vehicles moving every turn.

11-11-2009, 10:44 AM
Since this will be our 1st Planetstrike match, we probably won't use StategemsAssets this game. It may be beneficial to go with several bunkers then.

Terrain/Bastion set-up is problematic. If you plan on keeping a large reserve force to avoid Firestorms, then you need to be able to move your reserves to it quickly, meaning a largely mechanized force (which is not necessarily a bad thing). Unless you bias your base to a table edge, but then that makes it easier for the Attacker to set-up his Drop Zone close by.

11-11-2009, 01:08 PM
Planetstrike requires you to build your army differently than normal 40K. Don't try taking your standard list to a planetstrike game. Decide on your strategy, then select units that will be most beneficial to that strategy.

11-12-2009, 06:21 AM
Ok I would drop the lascannon on the demolisher and give it a heavy flamer. Any units which deep strike in too close, or come close at all you can burn them. You don't need to worry about the tanks ballistic skill then.

Infantry will possibly deep strike. This will put your basilik possibly out of range as its ordnance, and its speciality is blowing infantry up, really. Ok it can direct fire still, but its not the strongest and I think it would be better as offensive rather than defensive. So get yourself so more tanks, perhaps a executioner, or maybe a punisher?

Throw in a master of the fleet, I think thats the one which intercepts reserves and a astropath and your reserves are coming in quciker and your opponents laters.

I would get mass infantry too. Use them to tie up a unit for a few turns to stop claiming objectives.

11-12-2009, 11:55 AM
Massed Infantry maybe the way to go. I was reading the Bastion rules last night and they can contain one infantry unit of any size, plus attached ICs. So, I think I'll probably go with five Infantry Squads w/ a Commisar, combine it and put it in the Bastion. Or maybe two big squads in two Bastions?

The question then becomes how to kit them out. Do I give all the Sgts Power Fists? Flamers or Melta for the Special Weapons?

I then keep the rest of the stuff in reserve and hope the Big Squad and keep the 'Nids busy. The S9 Firestorm blasts are just too deadly to keep things out there unprotected.

Basilisk are out. Two Demolishers with Heavy Flamers/No Sponsons are definitely in. Any thgughts on an Executioner in this situation?

Lord Azaghul
11-12-2009, 11:58 AM
Massed Infantry maybe the way to go. I was reading the Bastion rules last night and they can contain one infantry unit of any size, plus attached ICs. So, I think I'll probably go with five Infantry Squads w/ a Commisar, combine it and put it in the Bastion. Or maybe two big squads in two Bastions?

The question then becomes how to kit them out. Do I give all the Sgts Power Fists? Flamers or Melta for the Special Weapons?

I then keep the rest of the stuff in reserve and hope the Big Squad and keep the 'Nids busy. The S9 Firestorm blasts are just too deadly to keep things out there unprotected.

Basilisk are out. Two Demolishers with Heavy Flamers/No Sponsons are definitely in. Any thgughts on an Executioner in this situation?

I don't think I would do larger then a 20man squad. remember you still don't want to get in CC with the nids - kit them out: flamers! keep ;em cheap and keep the PCS near for FRFSRF!

11-12-2009, 12:36 PM
Here are a few tips:

1. Deploy terrain in a castle formation in the middle of one long table edge.
2. use Drop Zone Denial to deny him the Long table edge you set up on.
3. Don't leave a lot of open area in your 'base,' too many times I have seen great looking defenses ignored by deepstriking.
4. Set up two lines of Aegis Defense Lines.
5. Use Chimera's behined the Aegis lines, youll be suprised how effective they are.
6. make the most of you automated quad guns, they are amazing, don't limit their field of vision.
7. Put Aegis defense lines around your bastions, this could help in slowing him.
8. Read the difficult terrain and deep strike mishap tables again just so you are super fresh on them.

Hope this all helps


11-12-2009, 12:41 PM
Actually, a large unit with maxed out flamers might not be a bad idea. Stick it in a bunker. The only way 'nidz really have to pop bunkers is in CC. Shoot them up, and when they break the bunker, cover them in templates. Of course, it will be MC's that will break the bunker, and flamers aren't so great against them...

11-15-2009, 11:36 PM
not one, or two, but three(!) officer of the fleet. messing up the reserves cant be a bad thing. and get that second bastion built. more protection to you.

11-16-2009, 12:53 AM
not one, or two, but three(!) officer of the fleet. messing up the reserves cant be a bad thing. and get that second bastion built. more protection to you.

The effects of officers of the fleet don't stack. Same with Astropaths. It's in one of the FAQs.