View Full Version : Dark Eldar Test Colors - Opinions Solicited!

06-10-2013, 03:25 PM
I'm looking for some opinions from the crowd on my Dark Eldar scheme. The final version will have slightly brighter armor, but I wanted to get the basic colors on some models so I could decide which gun scheme I wanted to go with. The cell phone photo is shabby, but gets the point across. Also, I'm aware of the whole: Dark Eldar don't have psykers and therefore can't do wraithbone thing.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7454/9010879882_d8fcdc3a47_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/47042253@N08/9010879882/)
Dark Eldar Warrior Test (http://www.flickr.com/photos/47042253@N08/9010879882/) by magickbk (http://www.flickr.com/people/47042253@N08/), on Flickr

06-10-2013, 03:58 PM
The bone gun is far more eye catching. It'll be a lot more work to take that across the entire army...

06-10-2013, 09:09 PM
I agree, the bone gun looks nice. And so far as fluff goes whos to say the dark eldar dont have captive eldar psykers to make bone guns.

06-11-2013, 01:42 AM
To me, the bone gun model is also by far the better model.
if glanced, the model with the bone gun seems painted with a few more stages, due to the gun having another colour than black.

06-11-2013, 03:31 AM
Agree with the others and the bone gun looks better and will look good on a whole army!