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06-10-2013, 01:12 PM
As the Microsoft Conference is done with EA coming up, lets put all E3 thoughts in one thread.

To start us off, here are my thoughts from the Microsoft Conference;

It is just about to start, I'm watching the live stream on IGN. Excited to see what Microsoft has up their sleeve.
I'll post my live thoughts here as it goes.
Refresh the page to see my updated thoughts, or go watch the conference yourself

Woah, starting conference off with awesome looking Konami game. Gameplay footage, amazing!
Oh snap! It is Metal Gear Solid!!! Probably not exclusive though.
It's open world and looks amazing.
Uggh, only black mark, these characters look very silly. Pretty deliberate and gratuitous display of the only woman in the trailer.
Other than that, looks phenomenal.
Hideo Kojima on stage....
For five seconds.

Great start Microsoft. Yep, sounds like Phantom Pain is not an exclusive. Confirmation from Major Nelson (Xbox Community Guy) that Phantom Pain is NOT exclusive.
New 360 model live.
Microsoft are copying PS Plus, incredibly blatantly. The start of their program is Assassins Creed 2 and Halo 3 for free - two free games every month. So, it still doesn't compare to PS Plus.
Ooooh......tank warfare game for 360. Cool. World of Tanks. Looks ok, but really not great as a follow up to MGS5.
This next game looks pretty blah too. Make that very blah.

Oooh....next game, From Software, is it? Yes, it is! Dark Souls 2! (Obviously not exclusive either)
Looks awesome. Frankly though, the 360 line-up they are showing doesn't look great if the best game they show is multi-platform.

What have we here? Dunno what this next one is (by the way all the following games are exclusives) but it looks interesting.
Ah, its Ryse from Crytek, announced a year ago. Only a trailer, wait, gameplay now.
This looks sick. An action game set in the Roman era made by the guys that brought us Crysis. AWESOME!
Cool action, though an awful lot of context sensitive stuff.
Honestly, the gameplay looks a bit awkward. Immersion breaking executions. That aside, it looks fantastic.

Generic looking fighter game in the vein of Mortal Kombat, called Killer Instinct. A classic arcade game apparently, I vaguely remember it. Doesn't look all that great though. Very quick trailer, actually looked almost like a 360/PS3 game. Can see why it only stayed there for less than a minute.

This is odd. This game looks very strange, like it is trying too hard to be cool. Not sure if it is gameplay; if it is, not incredibly impressed. Sunset Overdrive. Kind of cool looking, but not great. EDIT: Looks like this is an Insomniac Game. Not surprising as they did say they were going to work with other platforms.

Racing game. McLaren focused initially, may be Forza. It is Forza. Forza 5, and they are showing off an awesome new car at the actual conference.
Looks phenomenal as you would expect.
Here's the Cloud apparently at work.
LOL! "They drive like humans" *car crashes as video starts* loooool
Apparently no AI in the game, instead it is a "Drivatar" that tracks how you drive, stores it, races against the world (online), and then against you when you play the game. Very neat feature. Can't see that going down too well with offline.....oh right, sorry.

LMAO! "No one is more committed to indie developers than Xbox"
Minecraft on Xbox One as well. Looks exactly as it always did. Not exactly what I would hope to be one of the big exclusives they market up.

Quantum Break on now. This looks great.
Aww they didn't show enough.

Oooh cool looking game, doesn't look very next-gen though, however that could just be the cell shading. D4 it is called.
As we predicted, a big bunch of these games are Arcade/mini games.
This next one looks pretty cool though. Looks like a creation sim. Smart Glass enabled, very cool looking. Sort of a Little Big Planet clone, key words "sort of". Very different, very cool.
Ugh, this creation sim looks great, but the two presenters sound like morons. Really good game though. In fact, nice little snip with "demos" that were clearly inspired by Jak and Daxter, plus a few others.

Guy out talking about Smart Glass. Hurry it up and get back to the games. Some cool features here, of course though each game has to be built to utilize the feature. Is Smart Glass only for Microsoft devices? If it is, this won't be as popular as they hope, at least not tablet/phone wise. Lol two players, one using gamepad, one using Smart Glass. Not sure what they are trying to show other than it doesn't work well, the Smart Glass player was awful and I could definitely tell she was struggling to do anything. Partnership with Twitch for Kinect. I have no idea what Twitch is, anyone?

Finally! No more Microsoft Points, now it is local currency. Xbox Live Gold Sharing for your family now.

Uh-oh. New game called Crimson Dragon, actually looks neat, but the sound cut out! Woops! No sound throughout the entire demo, I can hear some of the reporters talking in the background. Not good.

Dead Rising 3 announced! The character models are pretty meh compared to Ryse, but the lighting is really good. The reason for the average character models.....hundreds of zombies on screen, true Dead Rising style. No load times whatsoever. Just a quick note here, God of War III did it three years ago and this game doesn't look THAT much better.
Looks great gameplay wise, hundreds of zombies on screen at a time. Very fluid, entirely open world in an apparently massive city. Car gameplay as well that is pretty funny, hit enough zombies and they start latching on and slowing you down.

Oooh! The Witcher 3 is on! Actually, still looks like it is coming to PC - or PS4? They just said only the Kinect voice commands are exclusive.
This looks phenomenal. Wow. Just wow. No load times. No lag. Fully open world. Over 100 hours of gameplay. This game will amazing.
EDIT: Yep, Microsoft didn't say anything, but they have transitioned out of the "all these games are exclusives" part. Must say that if that was all, that is a bit dis-heartening. The Witcher 3 will definitely be on PC and maybe PS3.

Battlefield 4 on now. Oh dear! Sound issues again! They restarted the demo! Ugh. Technical issues! Not great! Lol the guy on stage is handling it very well.
Still no restart....
Took them long enough, massive mix-up there. Here we go! This is a DLC pack for Battlefield 4 that will come out first on Xbox One. Gameplay looks sick. Can't tell for sure because of possible video quality issues, but this looks about on par visually with earlier Shadow Fall demo. For best visual so far, three-way-tie between Battlefield 4, Ryse and Witcher 3, no question.
Yep, the presenter doesn't look happy at all after the technical difficulties.....

This next exclusive game looks.....odd. Over the top RPG by the looks of it. Didn't look great at all.

Black Tusk game. In-engine, but not gameplay. Looks good, but too little to make a big judgement.

Here we go......what is this? No idea what it is, looks awesome though; can't say whether it is.......oHHHHH!!!
HALO! What the hell!
Very nice teaser.....Master Chief in full armour, in a pilgrims robe, standing before a giant unfurling Forerunner/Promethean mech? What the?
Good stuff Microsoft. Good stuff. FINALLY.
What? No gameplay? It obviously won't be a launch title, and no word on release date. Figures it won't be until middle/late next year then.

Release Date;
$499 USD
$499 Euros
$429 Pounds

Not surprising, but it is still darned expensive. Very interested to see the PS4 price-point.

One last exclusive from RESPAWN. Very interesting looking futuristic shooter, but the visuals aren't that great. Cool game, title is...........Titanfall.

06-10-2013, 01:15 PM
£ = Pounds.

06-10-2013, 01:18 PM
Uggh, only black mark, these characters look very silly. Pretty deliberate and gratuitous display of the only woman in the trailer.
Surely not, gratuitous display of women in video game trailers? Unheard of.:rolleyes: Snark aimed at MS not you obviously Learn2Eel.

Looking forward to the Dragon Age Inquisition press conference in 45 minutes.

06-10-2013, 02:06 PM
hurray, Dragon Age mentioned already by EA

OMG that plants vs zombies intro is epic :D

06-10-2013, 02:24 PM
Oh gosh, a new Star Wars Battlefront is in development. EA just won over most of the Star Wars hipsters who hated them.:rolleyes:

06-10-2013, 02:26 PM
some Morrigan there, a dragon, strange alien looking things that I guess are like the original dark spawn people maybe?

06-10-2013, 02:34 PM
I saw Star Wars Battlefront and everything else became unimportant.

06-10-2013, 02:40 PM
love the fact that all the sports games are just getting quiet, polite applause because nobody really cares about the latest annual sports release :p

06-10-2013, 02:43 PM
I've never played a sports game.

06-10-2013, 02:45 PM
I played a lot of football on the SNES, tried to play FIFA and PES last year, made no sense to me whatsoever, the games were ridiculously complex with no tutorial, now I don't care. Never cared about other sports anyway, clearly nobody in the E3 audience does either :p

06-10-2013, 02:54 PM
Battlefield 4 destroyable terrain, they just destroyed the support columns in an underground carpark to bring down the floor above with an enemy tank on it, very cool indeed.

good lord they just brought down a whole sky scraper... that looks f**king amazing

06-10-2013, 03:12 PM
I'm sure everyone is excited about Madden Handegg XXXXXVI.

06-10-2013, 04:14 PM
woohoo, can't wait for more Splinter Cell

06-10-2013, 04:46 PM
Quite liking the Ubisoft conference, Watch Dogs looks absolutely brilliant.

06-10-2013, 04:59 PM
aaaand Assassin's Creed Black Flag looks totally badass, pirating was the best part of 3.

06-10-2013, 05:11 PM
Splinter Cell looks awesome.

06-10-2013, 05:19 PM
The Division looks seriously sweet

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-10-2013, 05:23 PM
Y is it not pc!?

06-10-2013, 05:43 PM
Wasn't especially interested in next gen to be honest. despite gaming all my life I have never bothered to watch any live conferences before. I am rather enjoying this however, Assassin's Creed 4, Battlefield 4, Watchdogs, The Division all look spectacular. Even The Crew looks cool. not a racing gamer generally, but it looks impressive, the idea might draw me in. Rather more excited for PS4 now, looking forward to the Sony conference.

06-10-2013, 06:06 PM
Don't agree with the IGN gang talking about the end of consoles. Years ago consoles were about to vanish, then it was PCs dying and nobody was ever going to play PC games again. now it is back to being the end of consoles again. I wont worry just yet.

06-10-2013, 06:20 PM
£ = Pounds.

Can't find the symbol on my keyboard often enough to be bothered lol.

Very nice on the EA and Ubisoft conferences. I think EA won everyone over with Star Wars Battlefront, especially because it is as rumoured by running on Frostbite 3 and being developed by DICE. Awesome. Awesome. Amazing. Wow. Best damn video game news I've heard in years, the cheer that came up was staggering.

PS3 conference coming up!

06-10-2013, 06:21 PM
Never played any battlefront so I don't care :p

Aisha Tyler is seriously awesome #girlwood.

06-10-2013, 06:43 PM
Sony conference soon, I'll post my live thoughts again ala the Microsoft conference. Stay tuned :)

EDIT: LMAO!! Brian Altano at IGN is hilarious, he's like "Sony is having a press conference at E3!?" Then Greg Miller pops into the footage for a second to kiss him on the cheek, Altano just looks mortified. Ah, that guy is hilarious.

06-10-2013, 06:45 PM
unlike quite a few people I would far rather the PS4 be announced as a game console. I don't care about tv and multimedia etc. I want something that plays games. All this talk about how it must be social and have extra stuff is nonsense. My tv already plays tv. my PC does the internet far better than any console does. I want a box that sits under my tv and plays games with out all the extra stupid stuff like having to be online.

06-10-2013, 07:02 PM

Does that mean what I think it means? :D :P

06-10-2013, 07:03 PM
Wooo its starting! Live thoughts here. Refresh the page to see :)

What the hell is with this massive delay????? EDIT: Turns out they are just getting the crowd in. Apparently it is a far larger crowd than the one at the Microsoft conference.

06-10-2013, 07:04 PM
Does that mean what I think it means? :D :P


06-10-2013, 07:15 PM
what is going on? had four minutes of a blue screen announcing the sony conference next. it is past 2am, I have to be up early, hurry up and play the damn conference.

06-10-2013, 07:16 PM
They are seating the crowd still, apparently it is a gigantic crowd.
EDIT: One minute!

06-10-2013, 07:17 PM
every other conference had people seated and kicked off on time with capacity crowds :p

06-10-2013, 07:20 PM
I think I just saw the box.....

Great move to announce 85 VITA games before the end of the year.
The Walking Dead series exclusivity for the Vita in some form.

Bit odd that they are showing the Last of Us, though I guess it hasn't been released yet and this is a conference for everyone.
Puppeteer, new game?

This is a pretty meh start, though they are obviously setting it up for later big reveals.
Beyond: Two Souls looks fantastic.
Gran Turismo 6 looks great as always.
Showing off Batman Arkham Origins. Looks quite good. Scratch that, looks great!
Oh my! Grand Theft Auto 5 exclusivity stuff for PS3! Massive win for Sony there.

Here we go, PS4 stuff.
They are showing the box! It looks very slick!
No PS4 games yet....GET TO THE GAMES ALREADY!!!!
Twenty PS4 exclusives in the first year, thirty overall. Wow. Twelve of them are new IPs. A lot more than Microsoft revealed.

What could this be? This looks fantastic. Some kind of zombie game? Looks sick. The Order.

Here we go, Killozone. Looks phenomenal. This is gameplay, wow.
Drive Club up now. It looks too darn good to be fully in-game; if it is, I am very impressed.
inFamous now. Looks awesome.
Knack looks good, not my cup of tea though. inFamous in Q1 2014, the other three are launch titles.
New Quantic Dream game, The Dark Sorcerer. Looks.....woah! Fantasy game, daemons, stuff. Facial animation is unreal. Oh, woops, it is a movie in the demo lmao. Lol, this is funny.

Multi-platform game called Transistor, timed release initially on PS4. Looks quite decent. Hahaha little dig at Microsoft, "we allow them to self-publish their own content".
This looks odd.
The next one looks good.
Lol! "Though historically accurate, this game does not contain giant enemy crabs."
These two next ones look like a lot of fun.
Oddworld remake.
This one looks cool, space game.
A lot of great exclusive indie games, sounds like maybe timed exclusivity?
Some Diablo 3 exclusivity for PS3.

Tetsuya Nomura in video message!
Oh man does this look amazing....is it being ported to PS4? That gameplay was phenomenal! This game officially looks too darn good to be true. Unbelievable.
OH SNAP! Final Fantasy Versus 13 is NOW Final Fantasy 15, for PS4!!!

KINGDOM HEARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BOTH this and Final Fantasy 15 PS4! OMG!
By the way, Final Fantasy 14 coming to PS4. Square Enix, you have just won Sony the hearts and minds of everyone, especially if Final Fantasy 15 and Kingdom Hearts 3 are PS4 exclusives - which it sounds like they are. Unbelievable.

Assassins Creed Black Flag live demo. Looks great. Black Flag looks awesome.
Technical difficulties, oh dear.

Watch Dogs being brought out. Holy hell does it look good.
This looks to be the PS3 version. Wow does it look fantastic for a PS3/360 game.
I can't believe this is a game, the next GTA for sure.
PS3 owners get exclusive stuff.

Lol funny NBA video with Lebron James. This looks really good.

Oooh! The Elder Scrolls Online! Sony partnership with Bethesda, never saw that one coming. Gameplay. Looks great. Awesome visuals for an MMO.
Hmmm, they've got the Dumbledore actor narrating. This looks sick. Woah, massive battles with hundreds of players/npcs!
Coming to Playstation 4 Spring 2014. Exclusivity stuff is beta is open to PS4 first.

What is this?
A next-gen Mad Max game! Wow! Some exclusive content, but multi-platform.

Over 100 PS4 games released in the first year.
Here we go.....PS4 supports used games! NO RESTRICTIONS! Massive cheer from the audience. Top job Sony. Lol, "yes that is a good thing."
You've officially done it Sony. The crowd is going wild.
NO ONLINE required for disc-based PS4 games! Another score! NO AUTHENTICATION AT ALL! Wow, they are massacring Microsoft here. "And it won't stop working if you haven't authenticated within 24 hours." Lol!
PS Plus carries over to PS4, for one price affects all three PS platforms. Ooooh.....sounds like PS Plus is now required for online gaming. Oomph. Still it is a fragment of the price of Xbox Live, plus free games.

Destiny coming up.
Gameplay premiere!
And holy hell is it unreal.....
Massive, massive win for Sony that this game has exclusivity stuff for it. Unreal game. Unbelievable.
This is easily the best looking game (in general, not visuals) of E3. Unbelievable.

Looks like streaming to a wide range of devices. Also looks like PS3 games will work on PS4 using Gaikai. Big win there.

PS4 PRICE! $399 USD! It is officialy 100 cheaper than the Xbox One in all currencies!

06-10-2013, 07:23 PM
about damn time

bit tedious so far, get Aisha Tyler back on, she could make a presentation.

why on earth are they wasting time with the Last of Us? it is already out and getting perfect scores everywhere

06-10-2013, 07:31 PM
about damn time

bit tedious so far, get Aisha Tyler back on, she could make a presentation.

why on earth are they wasting time with the Last of Us? it is already out and getting perfect scores everywhere

It hasn't been released yet, this is just more marketing.

06-10-2013, 07:32 PM
well it is out this week so it is near enough out. we don't need marketing for current stuff

very poor feed on this sony conference, terrible lag on IGN, Sony's own blog, PSN, Game

06-10-2013, 07:41 PM
looks a bit better than the One, but still pretty rubbish, mix of matt and gloss? weird.

06-10-2013, 08:20 PM
Kingdom hearts 3!!!! Rasiaisdasjoi jasj o}pa

06-10-2013, 08:35 PM
I'm getting pretty impressed with some of the upcoming games. Halo, Splinter Cell, Watch Dogs, The Division, Mirror's Edge, Titanfall, Dark Souls 2 and more.

06-10-2013, 09:06 PM
Sony have won. $399, best exclusives shown, Destiny exclusivity content, Kingdom Hearts 3/Final Fantasy 15, no used game DRM, paid for online that comes with free games, etc. Amazing.

Sony have absolutely blown Microsoft out of the park. Absolutely no question. PS4 Day One purchase for me.

06-11-2013, 12:04 AM
Yep, looks like I will be switching from Xbox back to Sony. Combine game availability and price it's a no brainier really for me.

Mr Mystery
06-11-2013, 12:12 AM
Microsoft. Pissing on its chips, farting on its weetabix and pooping on its cornflakes since 2013...

06-11-2013, 12:15 AM
Titanfall does look interesting, glad it's not console exclusive.

06-11-2013, 12:21 AM
Titanfall does look interesting, glad it's not console exclusive.

Titanfall looked amazing. I thought it was Xbox exclusive?

06-11-2013, 12:22 AM
I havent watched Sony yet, but from your review

Im still going xbox. It has all my favourite series and a lot of everything else too

Used DRM? Dont bother me. Never buy preowned
Online? Italways is
Price? At that level the difference isnt that much. Games prices are something neither side have mentioned yet. That could be a decider....

The exclusive content? MS had "exclusivity" on GTA4. It got them a few unique co op missions and early release on the DLC packs. So that dont bother me.

TESO and MGS and FF are all confirmed xbox bound, cos these days youre better releasing on all formats.

Theres a few new IPs that may be worth a look, but just on CGI trailers its hsrd to judge (MS had a few too).

And Kingdom Hearts ive never understood. Overly cutsey cheesy RPG with Disney characters. I dont get why players go gaga over it. Then i remember Bronies are a thing and move on...

06-11-2013, 12:24 AM
Titanfall looked amazing. I thought it was Xbox exclusive?
Nope, not according to what I've read (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-06-10-respawns-titanfall-confirmed-for-pc-xbox-360-xbox-one).

06-11-2013, 12:47 AM
Its exclusive to one console, but is being ported to PC as well. Just Sony fanboys who miss out

06-11-2013, 12:50 AM
I havent watched Sony yet, but from your review

Im still going xbox. It has all my favourite series and a lot of everything else too

Used DRM? Dont bother me. Never buy preowned
Online? Italways is
Price? At that level the difference isnt that much. Games prices are something neither side have mentioned yet. That could be a decider....

The exclusive content? MS had "exclusivity" on GTA4. It got them a few unique co op missions and early release on the DLC packs. So that dont bother me.

TESO and MGS and FF are all confirmed xbox bound, cos these days youre better releasing on all formats.

Theres a few new IPs that may be worth a look, but just on CGI trailers its hsrd to judge (MS had a few too).

And Kingdom Hearts ive never understood. Overly cutsey cheesy RPG with Disney characters. I dont get why players go gaga over it. Then i remember Bronies are a thing and move on...

There's no doubt though that for your average consumer, Microsoft have again dropped the ball big time - or, more accurately, Sony have come out guns blazing. On IGN, a poll running right now about who had the better conference shows Sony with 85% of the total votes. Elsewhere, pretty much everyone agrees that the lack of restrictions on used game DRM is a massive, massive boon.

Actually, it isn't always online. The PS4 can be played offline with no issues, however, you now need PS Plus to play online. Compared to Xbox Live though, you get both free games and a similar multiplayer experience for a lower price. Again, a big win for Sony. That Microsoft's rip off of PS Plus doesn't even offer anywhere near the same calibre of free games, or even any known discounts, really solidifies PS Plus' value here.

Yes, it is actually. $100 is a lot for your average person, and that alone will sway the casual gamer massively. That Sony is also appealing more to the hardcore gamer pretty much signifies that, unless they screw up massively, they are going to have a massive sales advantage over Microsoft. Game prices will likely be the same as they currently are, there wouldn't be a disparity between them.

It doesn't bother me either, but if you are going to compare the two, I would much rather exclusive Destiny/Watch Dogs/Elder Scrolls Online stuff over Battlefield 4 and what not.

I don't know where you got Final Fantasy 15 being Xbox bound from. It has been confirmed as a PS4 exclusive as far as I can tell, particularly given that Sony is reportedly co-developing it with them. I've not seen anything to dispute that yet. If it is indeed a PS4 exclusive - and it seems certain that it is - then it is another massive win for Sony. I doubt I am wrong too as Versus 13, the game it originally was, was a Playstation 3 exclusive. During the conference, it was implied that both this and KH3 were exclusives.

The games presented by both looked great, no question. Nothing Microsoft showed, as an exclusive, came close to Final Fantasy 15 for me though.

Its a great game with a fantastic story and set of characters, nothing more, nothing less. It inspires people and has a feel good message even in what is ultimately a very dark and brooding series. Plus, they helped pioneer the third person action RPG genre in that generation.

06-11-2013, 01:05 AM
I'm not sure Titanfall is a port, the information I saw said that Respawn was handling the XBox bit while an external developer was developing the rest. That rather of sounds like Respawn are porting it to Xbox not the other way around.

06-11-2013, 01:13 AM
It's actually hard to tell whether 15 and KH3 are PS4 exclusives or not, but most reports say that they are.
Considering that FF13 and 13-2 had about 70 to 80 % of their total sales on the PS3, it wouldn't be hard to imagine Square Enix teaming up with Sony. Apparently Sony indeed helped redevelop Versus 13 for PS4, that Versus 13 was originally a PS3 exclusive and they have only rebranded/upgraded it tells me it most likely will be a PS4 exclusive.
As for Kingdom Hearts 3.....anyone's guess, but they have never released one on PC or an Xbox, so I doubt they will make the change now.

EDIT: Ah, it turns out that the reason for the confusion is a miscommunication surrounding FF14. FF14 was confirmed as both PS3 and PS4 exclusive, the reason they didn't clarify the other two was because they won't be releasing on the PS3. Or maybe not, lol. No idea, Square Enix should have clarified this by now.

An interesting possibility for Kingdom Hearts 3 is that if it isn't an exclusive, it would launch on the Wii U, not the Xbox One, which makes perfect sense.

06-11-2013, 01:34 AM
Its also confusing the issue that they're releasing another(?) final Fantasy game on Xbox


Not that its matters to me, cosi've never enjoyed a JRPG. 10 minutes of emo anime characters in a video then 15 seconds of gameplay. Rinse and repeat. Much prefer Western RPG's. Is the Witcher coming out on PS4? I'd imagine it is as well.

Its being reported (somewhere, second hand info) that over 30-40% of Sony's "exclusives" in year one are 2 hour long downloadable indie games, and that they've only counted them to inflate their "unique IP" count.

06-11-2013, 01:37 AM
Yeah, apparently it should be cleared up tomorrow when Square host their own event.

Fair enough, they aren't for everyone. FF15 looks amazing though, I must say, and nothing like classic JRPGs.

To be fair though, Microsoft did that as well. And Sony did say they have more exclusives in development than Microsoft (twenty as opposed to fifteen in the first year IIRC). If any of them on either console are even close to the quality of Journey or Limbo though, I'll be impressed.

Update: From what I can tell, FF15 will be a PS4 exclusive, but Kingdom Hearts 3 won't - likely to be ported over to Wii U in some capacity. Or at least, they didn't confirm Kingdom Hearts 3 was, but that is the one I would least expect to pop up on the One.

Ugh, an unrelated note; that Killer Instinct game? Day one free download and digital only, but you can access only one character and have to pay for the others. That rubs me the wrong way.

06-11-2013, 01:38 AM

Oh dear I hope the FF and KH stuff aren't day one releases. The SO loves those so looks like there'll be another console purchase in my future afterall :(

06-11-2013, 01:43 AM
Ugh, an unrelated note; that Killer Instinct game? Day one free download and digital only, but you can access only one character and have to pay for the others. That rubs me the wrong way.

Thats no different to the World of Tanks model or so.

And Pyshco i saw that earlier. Thats another thing from Sony that rubs me up the wrong way. Everyother company is being professional and just being about games, whereas Sony has to try and one up everyone in a snide way. Their arrogance just puts me off

06-11-2013, 01:44 AM
They won't be launch titles, otherwise Sony would have confirmed it. Or at the very least, KH3 won't be.

06-11-2013, 01:46 AM
Thats no different to the World of Tanks model or so.

And Pyshco i saw that earlier. Thats another thing from Sony that rubs me up the wrong way. Everyother company is being professional and just being about games, whereas Sony has to try and one up everyone in a snide way. Their arrogance just puts me off

It still rubs me the wrong way.

Arrogance? Microsoft are easily the most arrogant of the big three console developers, every chance they get they say "best selling console", "best selling game", "expected to be the biggest launch of the year", etc, and usually they are wrong about their predictions but yet still flout those "facts" later on. Most would say that they feel Microsoft are getting a taste of their own medicine. Sony are cashing in on the flailing failures of Microsoft recently and doing it in a way that everyone found fitting. Hardly arrogant.

06-11-2013, 01:48 AM
Oh, you mean its actually from Sony and not just the internet? :eek:

I wonder how long they'll stay at launch prices?

06-11-2013, 01:50 AM
MS arrogance of "we're the best" is true of every company though.

They dont try and make sly insults against other companies.

06-11-2013, 01:51 AM
Probably at least a year, unless the Xbox One is outsold so badly that Microsoft decides not to be stubborn for a change and do something about it. Not sure the sales difference will be major enough where they are forced to do that though.

I dunno dude, the sly insults were on everyone's mind. I've seen more than enough this generation aside from bigging themselves up to believe they are by far the more arrogant company of the pair.

06-11-2013, 01:54 AM
Have you seen the price of second pads? :eek:

06-11-2013, 01:55 AM
I'm sure everyone is excited about Madden Handegg XXXXXVI.

Huzzah! Although maybe we shouldn't be encouraging her.

Also prices (if I've converted correctly from the first post):

American price: $499 USD = £320 = €376
European price: $662 USD = £425 = €499
British price: $668 USD = £429 = €503

So on this side of the pond we need to pay a third more for the console. Maybe this is to make up for the GW price mark ups

06-11-2013, 01:59 AM
Microsoft: Let's take stuff away from them
Sony: Let's give them stuff
Nintendo: *curled up in a pile of money and playing Animal crossing New Leaf*

True story

06-11-2013, 02:01 AM
Turns out that the Witcher 3 is indeed coming to PS4.
Though obviously not a confirmation, I've looked around at retailers and they only list Final Fantasy 15 for PS4.

06-11-2013, 02:02 AM
Thats no different to the World of Tanks model or so.

And Pyshco i saw that earlier. Thats another thing from Sony that rubs me up the wrong way. Everyother company is being professional and just being about games, whereas Sony has to try and one up everyone in a snide way. Their arrogance just puts me off
Agreed about Sony but that picture made me lol, more to do with the simplicity of it and their facial expressions than giving a damn about the PS4.:)

06-11-2013, 02:08 AM
Then i remember Bronies are a thing and move on...


This would have been funny

I want Sony to walk on stage and just say, "$399. No DRM" drop the mic and then walk off stage.

06-11-2013, 02:13 AM
Did anyone else notice that Final Fantasy 14 was listed as a PS3 and PS4 exclusive yet it is already out/coming out on PC as well? What the hell?

06-11-2013, 02:27 AM
LOL whens Squenixes conference?

Also...remeber how the PS4 is 70 cheaper than the Xbox?

You need to buy the Eye thing (£60)
And a lot of Sony exclusive games expect you to own a Vita to get the full experience. Thats only another 200.....

06-11-2013, 02:33 AM

Funny and worth a watch

Am i the only one who noticed that Forza has invented Skynet to make racing AI?

06-11-2013, 02:39 AM
LOL whens Squenixes conference?

Also...remeber how the PS4 is 70 cheaper than the Xbox?

You need to buy the Eye thing (£60)
And a lot of Sony exclusive games expect you to own a Vita to get the full experience. Thats only another 200.....

*snip* Actually, there seems to be confusion around this as well. Stay tuned.

They expect you to own a Vita as much as Microsoft expects you to own one of their tablets or phones....I don't see the difference.

06-11-2013, 02:46 AM
Sony have won. $399, best exclusives shown, Destiny exclusivity content, Kingdom Hearts 3/Final Fantasy 15, no used game DRM, paid for online that comes with free games, etc. Amazing.

Sony have absolutely blown Microsoft out of the park. Absolutely no question. PS4 Day One purchase for me.

yup. Nobody is trying to Rain on your parade Dr, I am sure you will love the Xbox One, and that is great, nobody would deny you that. However Sony quite simply had a far, far better conference. Games are a subjective issue so I wont talk about which exclusives you prefer because that doesn't really matter, some people will go each way. But free sharing, no DRM, no sharing limitations, £70 less, they have massively outdone microsoft, and opinions around the web support that. Will it make a big difference in sales terms? probably not much. But Sony have far outclassed Microsoft here.

Thats no different to the World of Tanks model or so.

And Pyshco i saw that earlier. Thats another thing from Sony that rubs me up the wrong way. Everyother company is being professional and just being about games, whereas Sony has to try and one up everyone in a snide way. Their arrogance just puts me off

it is funny though. Microsoft shot themselves in the foot, it would be foolish of Sony not to capitalise on what everyone is thinking.


This would have been funny


Also...remeber how the PS4 is 70 cheaper than the Xbox?

You need to buy the Eye thing (£60)
And a lot of Sony exclusive games expect you to own a Vita to get the full experience. Thats only another 200.....

The Playstation Eye is NOT necessary, that was a rumour going around but it is untrue.

They expect you to own a Vita as much as Microsoft expects you to own one of their tablets or phones....I don't see the difference.


06-11-2013, 02:53 AM
yup. Nobody is trying to Rain on your parade Dr, I am sure you will love the Xbox One, and that is great, nobody would deny you that. However Sony quite simply had a far, far better conference. Games are a subjective issue so I wont talk about which exclusives you prefer because that doesn't really matter, some people will go each way. But free sharing, no DRM, no sharing limitations, £70 less, they have massively outdone microsoft, and opinions around the web support that. Will it make a big difference in sales terms? probably not much. But Sony have far outclassed Microsoft here.

Aye, I know

If i had the money (and the ability to convince the wife) i'd have both. As I have neither of those i'll have the xbox

Dead Rising 3 and Forza on launch, followed by Titanfall and BF4 for christmas and a butt ton of stuff i prefer out after that.

06-11-2013, 02:57 AM
perfectly reasonable.
I am a huge battlefield fan, but I don't really play that much online, so Microsoft's big coup of getting dlc first makes no difference to me at all. Never been a Dead Rising fan, not really into racing games so again, not a lot there for me. Titanfall does look awesome but once more not much of an online gamer, and I could get it for my PC at some point if I wanted to.
A lot of people expected an Uncharted 4 announcement but really Last of Us is only out this week so I wasn't personally. big Killzone fan, so awesome to see that, but Watchdogs and The Division definitely the big games for me. Closely followed by Black Flag, Killzone, and Blacklist if you count current gen.

06-11-2013, 03:00 AM
Division is that open world Tom Clancy Splinter Cell isn't it? Yeah that looks awesome. I'm really looking forward to Watchdogs too.

Anyone seen the reviews coming in for "Remember Me"? It was suppossed to be an awesome fun new IP. Reviews are very meh....

06-11-2013, 03:03 AM
It is yeah. I like this notion of open worlds that other people are in but you can still have a single player experience if you want to, good flexibility. I am curious to see if it will hold up though.

yeah Remember Me is being reported as more Forgettable Me.
I'm here all week folks.

06-11-2013, 03:05 AM

06-11-2013, 03:06 AM
lol, that is awesome

06-11-2013, 03:08 AM
As far as exclusives go, I'll grab Killzone and maybe Drive Club on release day - the latter mostly to give my family something good to look at that isn't violent. I look forward to popping Killzone in and watching my families' jaws hit the floor!
For multi-platform games, I will definitely grab whichever is the better of Battlefield 4 and CoD Ghosts - though probably the former as Ghosts still looks like a generic CoD game. Depending on their release dates, I will also try and get Metal Gear Solid 5 and FIFA 14 on release day.

An update on earlier, the Playstation Eye 4 is not required from what I can tell, though it does boost the experience. It would be silly of Sony to both sell it separately for a high price and require you to buy it, they would never do that as it would lead to a massive back-lash from people who don't know it would be required. If it was required, the console would cost more and it would have been bundled in.

Having looked back at it, if it weren't for the fact that it was the first exclusive they showed, Ryse really didn't appeal to me at all. The visuals were amazing, but aside from that, seems very mediocre. Way too many QTEs for sure.

06-11-2013, 03:08 AM
I love tumblr


06-11-2013, 03:11 AM
Didn't Sony dedicate like 5 minutes of their conference to video streaming and TV junk?

06-11-2013, 03:11 AM
yeah was never massively into CoD, it was pretty fun, but got sillier and sillier. didn't even finish Blops 2, annoyed me way too much. Really don't like any Metal Gear after the first Solid either, they have all sucked since so I will skip 5. Similarly GTAV I don't care remotely about either, or Fifa.

06-11-2013, 03:12 AM
Didn't Sony dedicate like 5 minutes of their conference to video streaming and TV junk?

Dunno, I was asleep...

06-11-2013, 03:14 AM

I've seen a lot of people complaining about needed PS plus to play online, but saying "at least is cheaper than XboxLive"

They're the exact same cost.

06-11-2013, 03:15 AM
you didn't miss a lot. the Sony conference was incredibly dry, and done by people who are clearly not all that comfortable public speaking. but then Sony never have the showmanship any year, this year the details were what made the difference. Ubisoft had the best conference for me just in terms of actually watching the hour.
I didn't like the seemingly mandatory celebrity endorsements a few conferences had, was just a bit awkward. especially the UFC one, they were obviously expecting a much better reception for that. Plus the large guy who is the head of UFC or something is apparently called Dana? I was looking round the stage for a woman.

06-11-2013, 03:23 AM
Didn't Sony dedicate like 5 minutes of their conference to video streaming and TV junk?

Unfortunately yes, and it was the big low point. Fortunately, it was over quickly.


I've seen a lot of people complaining about needed PS plus to play online, but saying "at least is cheaper than XboxLive"

They're the exact same cost.

Regardless, you don't get recent AAA games for free and store-wide discounts with standard Xbox Live Gold. Still far better value than Xbox Live, so if there was a cost difference (I was led to believe there was in some territories) it wouldn't even matter.

06-11-2013, 03:50 AM
Apparently EA want to be loved. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-22801311)

06-11-2013, 03:56 AM
The problem I have with EA hate is that there are some very sensible things to be cranky at them about but it all gets bundled into this giant, over-emotional miasma of loathing. The price thing is especially silly when all publishers price games similarly get EA is the one that cops flak for it. They aren't exactly the only company to push ut games before they were ready or do pretty much everything they are accused of. It's really quite silly. It's very similar to GW hate in my opinion, a few legitimate grievances (some very legitimate indeed) blown out of all proportion.

06-11-2013, 03:57 AM
people voting for EA as most evil company in america are possibly the most stupid people I have ever heard of, EA shouldn't worry themselves overly.

Watching the Ryse: Saving Legionnaire Ryan again, it is pretty damn cool, the quick time events for killing soldiers is fair enough I think, not really any different to batman or assassin's creed. speeds things up a bit, makes it look awesome

06-11-2013, 04:05 AM
Only issue is I think it will get very repetitive doing QTEs that often across a full sized game. But yeah aside from that I was impressed.

Shuhei Yoshida just confirmed that the PS4 will not be region-locked, in direct contrast to the Xbox One.

06-11-2013, 04:07 AM
I don't think so personally, as I said it isn't really any different to the counter kills in assassin's creed. and if you fail the button press, or just don't, then you still kill the enemy anyway, you just get less experience.

06-11-2013, 04:15 AM
I dislike QTE in any game. They detract from actually playing the game.

06-11-2013, 04:17 AM
Well that sounds better.

06-11-2013, 04:19 AM
I noticed in the 2-3 minute demo of Ryse the QTE's were already starting to repeat. Makes you wonder how it'd fair across X hours of gaming

Also RYSE was at E3, 2 years ago. it was a Kinect only game, sword in one hand, shield the other, as a FPH&S (First person hack and slash)

06-11-2013, 04:19 AM
I think they can work very well, I loved the QTEs in Resident Evil 4, just don't include them in every game for the sake of it.

06-11-2013, 04:56 AM
More silliness from elsewhere

“Everyones saying Sony just killed Microsoft, which is wrong
Microsoft killed themselves
Sony just came and threw a mad laser show on their grave”

06-11-2013, 04:57 AM
I noticed in the 2-3 minute demo of Ryse the QTE's were already starting to repeat. Makes you wonder how it'd fair across X hours of gaming

Also RYSE was at E3, 2 years ago. it was a Kinect only game, sword in one hand, shield the other, as a FPH&S (First person hack and slash)

Yeah they did seem to.

I think they can work very well, I loved the QTEs in Resident Evil 4, just don't include them in every game for the sake of it.

Yep. I have no issues with QTEs as long as they aren't over-used. The God of War games do them very well.

06-11-2013, 05:01 AM

I will be curious to see if Nintendo actually do anything now. I know they have no conference, do they have an E3 presence at all? I really want to like Nintendo, I grew up with them, still play my SNES and Gamecube, I want to play more Mario and Zelda, but I am not spending £300 for a couple of games. I did that with the Wii, and it became the first console I traded in. The Wii U isn't next gen at all, it is firmly current gen. I have heard it said that it is less powerful than the 360 or PS3. Obviously the whole family party thing works ok for them, but they still need gamers in order to make money. I wouldn't be surprised if they were the first to drop out of the traditional console race and just continue to make their own thing. it is of course basically what they have already done, but you can get a few third party proper games on the Wii U at the moment, but will it continue?

06-11-2013, 05:03 AM
They have a mini-conference as far as I can tell.
Nintendo won't mind falling behind the PS4 and Xbox One, they appeal to a very different market. The problem is, they need to sort out the Wii U or lose that market entirely.

06-11-2013, 05:04 AM
Am I the only one who wasn't really enticed by Ryse at all? I'm rather relieved given it's console exclusive but it just didn't grab me as I'd have expected a Roman game of that type to.

06-11-2013, 05:06 AM
they do appeal to a different market, but vast numbers of people have a Wii, none gamers don't feel the need to upgrade the same way, they say well I have a Wii, why get a Wii U? a lot of commentators have suggested that not giving it a new name entirely was a mistake, because of that reason. I really think they will need a drastic shakeup, the success they had with the Wii has not materialised at all with the U, and wont in my opinion.

Well you have Rome 2 for the strategy side of things, I personally like the idea of getting down with the troops (hurr hurr) I like god of war, and I liked Spartan Total Warrior, happy to see more historical action stuff from a shinier perspective

06-11-2013, 05:08 AM
Just seen the full video the new Tom Clancy game. Looks great, if you can find a team of friends to play with who work as well as the folks in the video.

Wonder how well it'll work in single player though.

If it wasn't for the fact its Bungie, i'm not super impressed with Destiny.

Spartan Total Warrior (or God of War Xbox) was a suprisingly good game

06-11-2013, 05:08 AM
*snip* Well I've established I am a neanderthal when it comes to Twitter, but Square Enix specifically referred to Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy 15 as PS4 games. They would have announced they were multi-platform by now if that was the case, but I guess it is Square Enix we are dealing with here lol. Just a note, the reason this is so big is that it will be a massive knock out blow for a lot of consumers if the pair are PS4 exclusives, and will also give me no doubts as to which console I want. Also, if they weren't already, the two alone will win Sony the Japanese market for sure.

06-11-2013, 05:10 AM

http://i1216.photobucket.com/albums/dd380/KirstenIGMB/xbox_zps4a2f2375.png (http://s1216.photobucket.com/user/KirstenIGMB/media/xbox_zps4a2f2375.png.html)

06-11-2013, 05:10 AM
Well you have Rome 2 for the strategy side of things, I personally like the idea of getting down with the troops (hurr hurr) I like god of war, and I liked Spartan Total Warrior, happy to see more historical action stuff from a shinier perspective
Me too, which is why I expected I'd be quite enthusiastic about it but watching it I admire the graphics and the physics and whatnot but there was no 'omigosh I must hav it' moment the way there was with Dragon Age, Battlefront and Titanfall which I'd never even heard of before last night.

06-11-2013, 05:12 AM
yeah, it was a pretty short demo though, just a snippet of the normandy landings. I look forward to seeing more.

06-11-2013, 05:14 AM
*snip* Well I've established I am a neanderthal when it comes to Twitter, but Square Enix specifically referred to Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy 15 as PS4 games. They would have announced they were multi-platform by now if that was the case, but I guess it is Square Enix we are dealing with here lol. Just a note, the reason this is so big is that it will be a massive knock out blow for a lot of consumers if the pair are PS4 exclusives, and will also give me no doubts as to which console I want. Also, if they weren't already, the two alone will win Sony the Japanese market for sure.

TBH with you Microsoft could launch a £10 console, that plays every FF game ever for free and dispensed *******s and printed free money for you, and Sony would still own the Japanese market

06-11-2013, 05:15 AM
That's it! It reminds me of the beach landing in Medal of Honour, Fudge I hated that. An hour to get off the bloody beach without being shot and blowed up, first time I make it I go to throw a grenade into a german bunker, misjudge it bounces around the gun opening thing then falls back down and blows me up.


06-11-2013, 05:16 AM
yeah the medal of honour (:p (not aimed at EG)) opening was pretty brutal

06-11-2013, 05:17 AM
That's it! It reminds me of the beach landing in Medal of Honour, Fudge I hated that. An hour to get off the bloody beach without being shot and blowed up, first time I make it I go to throw a grenade into a german bunker, misjudge it bounces around the gun opening thing then falls back down and blows me up.


CoD2. D Day. Veteran Difficulty.

Took me 3 hours, with a life expectancy of 10-15 seconds, to make it the 100 feet to the back of the clifftop, during which i had to memorise the position of EVERY enemy spawn and scripts on the beach....

I love playing CoD on the highest difficulty, cos i love the challenge. But i get violently sweary some times

06-11-2013, 05:17 AM
TBH with you Microsoft could launch a £10 console, that plays every FF game ever for free and dispensed *******s and printed free money for you, and Sony would still own the Japanese market

True on all counts. Still, I hope for the Xbox One's sake that they aren't PS4 exclusives. They are sure to be great games, and would sway a lot of people the other way if they aren't released on it.

Ah yes, COD2 on the hardest difficulty. The best mission in the game for that was the hill assault though. Insane mission.

06-11-2013, 05:23 AM
Urgh, that hill! Theres a few moments in every COD game on Veteran you look back at and think "**** that game"

Also most awkward announcement ever...


06-11-2013, 05:30 AM
was a bit rushed the Peggle announcement. excited me though, I love Peggle. every level ending with Ode to Joy lets you stand up and bask in the adulation of the crowds like you are the ruler, or on stage or something, it is amazing.

06-11-2013, 05:35 AM
I am very intrigued by The Order, that looked really cool. Disappointed by the Trials announcement, I absolutely love the Trials games, and the last thing it needs is adding in tricks.

06-11-2013, 06:50 AM
Just posting them as they pop up in my feed :D


06-11-2013, 06:50 AM
Twice apparently

06-11-2013, 06:50 AM
looks about right :p

06-11-2013, 07:08 AM
I like the light hearted silly plays like that. Less Sony arrogance, less fanboyism, just sillyness

Looking forward to a lot of stuff in day 2.

06-11-2013, 07:28 AM
And more from the tumblr feed

the nintendo conference is scheduled to begin. the lights dim and the people cheer. reggie fils-aime walks onstage, carrying a folding chair. he sits down in it and pulls a nintendo 3ds out of his pocket. without a word, he fires up animal crossing: new leaf. he plays animal crossing in silence for 3 hours and then leaves the stage. nintendo’s stocks rise 400% within the hour

06-11-2013, 08:21 AM
Finally watched the in game Destiny in game stuff from the Sony conference

Game looks good. The two guys playing? The most annoying ****s i've ever watched....

06-11-2013, 08:36 AM
Work internet too slow to watch the Live Nintendo announcements that seem to be appearing at speed as text on Tumblr...

06-11-2013, 08:45 AM
yay Megaman in Smash Bros.!

06-11-2013, 08:47 AM

This looks awesome, despite looking set in france, now make the full console version :D

06-11-2013, 08:54 AM
Yay for more Pokemon! Hooray!

Although the Nintendogs "stroke and feed your pokemon" stuff isn't necessary i hope. Cos that seems like bull

06-11-2013, 09:00 AM
Hopefully just a minigame like the poke walker, whos got time for that?

06-11-2013, 09:05 AM
I hope it lets you raise beauty stats or something so I can evolve a Feebas. Glad they also finally got around to naming that new pokemon type that's been in the games forever.

06-11-2013, 09:09 AM
Have they announced a new starwing or are the starfox pics i'm seeing smashbros related?

06-11-2013, 09:15 AM
Dunno where anyone is getting Ninty stuff from....

My usual sites aren't showing anything yet

06-11-2013, 09:17 AM
The live feed started at 3pm I think. I don't have the bandwidth to stream video anymore at work :(


06-11-2013, 09:23 AM
Kotaku's doing it solid and the nintendo channel on Youtube. Btw, it's all about me and my giant robot suit fighting space dinosaurs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=APWTJMyM4qg

06-11-2013, 09:33 AM
No new Star Fox this year, it was just for Smash Bros.

06-11-2013, 09:34 AM
Well i'm off home now so will get the news later

BTW Ninty -release a good 2D metroid game and all will be forgiven KTHXBYE

06-11-2013, 09:34 AM
Can you imagine a HD arwing?

06-11-2013, 09:37 AM
Every time I try I keep remembering Star Fox: Assault instead :(

06-11-2013, 10:24 AM
Am I the only one who wasn't really enticed by Ryse at all? I'm rather relieved given it's console exclusive but it just didn't grab me as I'd have expected a Roman game of that type to.

Nope, I thought it looked dull as dishwater.

06-11-2013, 01:43 PM
Yeah I'll give Ryse a miss until its very cheap

BIG NEWS - FF 15 is coming to XONE as well as PS4


Doubel big news ....not only is FFXV coming to Xbox....apparantly KH3 is also multiplatform (XONE, PS4 AND WiiU)

With the loss of exclusivity on Metal Gear and Final Fantasy....why are Sony's big 3rd party exclusive partners moving away?

06-11-2013, 06:50 PM
Yeah I'll give Ryse a miss until its very cheap

BIG NEWS - FF 15 is coming to XONE as well as PS4


Doubel big news ....not only is FFXV coming to Xbox....apparantly KH3 is also multiplatform (XONE, PS4 AND WiiU)

With the loss of exclusivity on Metal Gear and Final Fantasy....why are Sony's big 3rd party exclusive partners moving away?

Ummm.....Metal Gear, Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts were never Playstation exclusives, or at least moved on to other platforms a long time ago, you do realize? Final Fantasy - and to an extent, Metal Gear, though it was made famous by its Playstation incarnation - originated on Nintendo (though the very first Metal Gear was a desktop game), and Kingdom Hearts - as a Disney franchise - was always going to pop up elsewhere, particularly on Nintendo. I'm sorry, but you really seem to be looking for every excuse to have a go at Sony. If you are going to play that game though, the biggest loss - first party or third party - by either Sony or Microsoft in recent years is undoubtedly Bungie.

Big news, but perhaps not unexpected. Surprising on Kingdom Hearts though. However, given their track record, you can expect both to be developed with the PS4 in mind, particularly with the superior hardware and probably some exclusive DLC too. Nonetheless, it is good for the Xbox One as, even though they will most likely sell far better on the PS4, they are still big titles to appeal to a great audience.
Difficult to predict how they both will go on Xbox One though. Final Fantasy naturally appeals mostly to the PS gamers as it has been a big franchise on both PS1 and PS2, it appeals to a lot of gamers though - given how badly FF13 and 13-2 did on Xbox 360 compared to PS3, there could be a big gap here too. Kingdom Hearts is the odd duck for sure though; it will appeal to both families and Xbox gamers who haven't tasted it yet (though being the third main titled game may throw some off), however it again will most likely appeal more to the PS crowd.

Not that I really care though about sales. I'm happy for more people to play these games and for them to get the recognition they deserve.

Good stuff on the Nintendo front, really good stuff. They needed it.

By the way; http://au.ign.com/articles/2013/06/11/e3-2013-ps4s-interface-functionality-shown-in-leaked-video
"Leaked", yeah right :rolleyes:

06-12-2013, 01:51 AM
Every time I try I keep remembering Star Fox: Assault instead :(

We don't talk about Starfox assault.



06-12-2013, 02:25 AM
So Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade anyone?

06-12-2013, 02:27 AM
I think they should cut the RPG element and go MMOFPS...

06-12-2013, 02:29 AM
So Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade anyone?

Yay for playable eldar, will check it out, hope it is good. Not getting my hopes up.

06-12-2013, 04:05 AM
a guy from Microsoft:
“"Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity; it’s called Xbox 360,” said Mattrick.
“If you have zero access to the Internet, that is an offline device.”
Mattrick is aware of the kinds of gamers who’ll be missing out on Xbox One, and “absolutely” anticipated some blowback, but went on to reiterate he feels they have made the right call.

There are a few problems with this statement however. First, it glosses over the fact that the online connection is basically about DRM, and that is why people do not like it. It is not a design feature to make gaming better. Second, even people with good connections do not like the idea. My 360 is always online, but what if the phone line goes down? what if microsoft servers go down for a few days? I am moving house in a couple of weeks, if the phone company can't move my account in time I might have a few days or a week with no internet, if I had a One, I just wouldn't be able to play it. Other things that spring to mind, Microsoft bigging up their games and exclusives, but if you don't have an internet connection, just stick with the offline console and don't play the cool new games.

also this is a bit petty. makers of the Ouya console chose not to buy places inside E3 and instead rented space across the street to catch the eye of attendees. the E3 organisers keep trying to shut them down and block them off

06-12-2013, 04:14 AM
First class example of arrogance from Microsoft with that statement; the gaming community is blowing up about it.
Two things;
a) The way he said it was just wrong, it is almost as if he is saying "we have something for poor people too".
b) People who want a console that isn't always online will just grab a PS4 rather than stick to a console that is both a last generation console and probably one they already have.

The utter stupidity and blindness of Microsoft, assuming that they can do just fine while ignoring their competitors completely, is damn near suicidal. I don't know what the hell they are thinking, but clearly good business practices are not amongst them.

06-12-2013, 04:16 AM
yeah it is a real shame. I do think people will still buy the Xbox One regardless and I think it will be another close console generation. It would just be nice Microsoft weren't so absolutely determined to piss on everyone's chips.

06-12-2013, 04:31 AM
yeah it is a real shame. I do think people will still buy the Xbox One regardless and I think it will be another close console generation. It would just be nice Microsoft weren't so absolutely determined to piss on everyone's chips.

I don't expect a sales gap as we saw between the PS2 and the Xbox but I think that the PS4 will definitely outsell it by a hefty margin early on. The amount of former 360 owners (not PS3 owners at all) declaring they are making the switch because of Microsoft's seeming ignorance for the fanbase is simply staggering. The thing is, the PS3 managed to survive not one, but two PR nightmares (the initial price, the PSN hacking) and still managed to gain parity in worldwide sales despite launching a year later (and will soon eclipse the 360). Sony listened to its fans by dropping the price significantly, and handing out free games and starting up PS Plus. Microsoft have a history of being very stubborn though, which could really hurt them.

They really are determined to, aren't they? My guess is that they think they have a large enough consumer base that they can do all this stuff that they know will anger their consumers, but not lose so many that it will backfire on them. The problem is, massive, massive numbers of their dedicated fans are jumping ship. The utter ignorance they are displaying is simply mind-boggling. I respect that those dedicated to the Xbox brand are sticking through it, but really, the casual consumer/gamer - who Microsoft seems to be aiming more for - are going to see a $100 (and so on) price increase, inferior hardware, used game restrictions, online requirements, a fee-based service for multiplayer that their main competitor beats them out on for sheer value, and policies/responses as shown by Don Mattrick in the GT video/article. The really silly thing about Microsoft making such an assumption though is that the 360 will end up being the lowest selling out of the 360, Wii and PS3. I can't understand how they think they can afford to do stuff like this.

What really worries me here though? Microsoft have already laid out all their big guns (save for Gears of War); Forza will be a launch game, Ryse and Sunset Overdrive will headline the system as new IPs, Halo 5 has technically been announced, etc. Sony still has God of War, Jak and Daxter, Uncharted, Gran Turismo (next-gen), a Quantic Dream game, a thatgamecompany game, and presumably The Last Guardian (it may very well be ported to PS4) to pull out, and they are well ahead already for most.

Here's the video about the quote...

Microsoft are apparently doing all they can to get it taken down. A bit too late for that....

06-12-2013, 04:47 AM
What I am really liking is the amount of games that will be available on both consoles within a year of launch, from memory it was well over a hundred for the PS4 and the One wouldn't be very far behind. Not unlike the PS3/360 launches.

06-12-2013, 04:57 AM
He might have done more damage there than the actual announcement....

06-12-2013, 04:59 AM
He very well may have. From what I am reading, it is apparently the killer blow for many more after E3. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it....
You know what the really silly thing is though? Apparently that interview was from before the press conference....

These guys provide a good update on all things E3; http://au.ign.com/articles/2013/06/12/e3-2013-day-1-according-to-ign-au?page=2
I'm not surprised by Cam's thoughts on Knack to be honest. I was underwhelmed when they first showed it at the PS4 reveal event, as it just did not look like a next-gen game. Of course, it doesn't look like anything next to Shadow Fall or Ryse.

06-12-2013, 05:11 AM
I put a deposit down on a XONE this morning. Always knew i'd buy one.

It has the games I want
I have an internet connection and my 360 is always connected
I don't buy preowned games

Therefore....best console for me

06-12-2013, 05:14 AM
And no one should have a go at you for it either.
I've seen a few people on gaming websites say "Well I will still buy the Xbox One" and get anywhere between a hundred to a thousand down-votes, followed shortly by a comment along the lines of "you are a sheep following a cancer" that proceeds to get the equivalent in upvotes. While I can understand the criticism Microsoft are copping, there's no need to degrade people for making their mind up.

06-12-2013, 05:14 AM
You exhibitionist you

06-12-2013, 05:49 AM
The hate out there is absolutly retarded.

Read something on a site (should have copied link, but alas now it is gone cos i can't remember how i got there) that suggested the games might be as much as £10-20 cheaper on XONE that the PS4, as publishers know they'll get the money back from preowned "charges"

Also apparantly its confirmed, that the preowned charge WILL exist on the PS4, again its down to publishers. It'll just be done differently, whereas the XONe will be online logging, the PS4 will have access cards like the online ones we have now

06-12-2013, 05:51 AM
So everyone will hate the publishers like they already do EA...

06-12-2013, 05:51 AM
So, what you're saying is; buy a PC?:p Hurhurhur.

06-12-2013, 05:52 AM
The hate out there is absolutly retarded.

Read something on a site (should have copied link, but alas now it is gone cos i can't remember how i got there) that suggested the games might be as much as £10-20 cheaper on XONE that the PS4, as publishers know they'll get the money back from preowned "charges"

Also apparantly its confirmed, that the preowned charge WILL exist on the PS4, again its down to publishers. It'll just be done differently, whereas the XONe will be online logging, the PS4 will have access cards like the online ones we have now

The "hate" for Microsoft is mostly justified. Not all of it, mind. But they've really shot themselves in the foot.

I can't see that happening.

No, what Sony confirmed was that things like Online Passes will still be the domain of the publisher, but aside from stuff like that, there are no restrictions. The PS4 will be identical to the PS3 in that regard.

06-12-2013, 05:54 AM
Meh, I save my hate for companies that kill people, destroy heritage or poison the environment.

06-12-2013, 05:55 AM
Also apparantly its confirmed, that the preowned charge WILL exist on the PS4, again its down to publishers. It'll just be done differently, whereas the XONe will be online logging, the PS4 will have access cards like the online ones we have now

not seen anything about that, what was confirmed is that the PS4 will use exactly the same model the PS3 uses for used games and lending. That does include the current online pass form which might restrict usage of certain content on preowned, but then EA have already announced the scrapping of online passes so I really don't see it being an issue. a lot of the restricted stuff is extra content anyway.

06-12-2013, 05:59 AM
Meh, I save my hate for companies that kill people, destroy heritage or poison the environment.

Hence the reason I referred to it as "hate". That is stuff that genuinely isn't justified. But the actual consumer outrage? I can't fault that at all.

This is what really gets me. Microsoft says their used game restrictions are "publisher based", yet the PS4 - which also is publisher based - has no real restrictions we've seen at all. Is it an outright lie on Microsoft's part? I doubt it, but it does raise a few questions.

06-12-2013, 06:02 AM
similarly Microsoft stating they are region locked as a legal requirement, yet the PS4 is not...

06-12-2013, 06:03 AM
Yep. The region lock one just doesn't seem to make any sense. The 360 "sort of" had it, but it was only (from memory) between two specific regions that it was region locked. Australians in particular import a lot of games because the prices here are usually outrageous.

06-12-2013, 06:08 AM
Hate not just for MS, but for anyone who's buying the ONE

Region Locking is pretty standard these days. DVDs still are. It helps reduce piracy

06-12-2013, 06:12 AM
So, what you're saying is; buy a PC?:p Hurhurhur.

Well...yes :D

similarly Microsoft stating they are region locked as a legal requirement, yet the PS4 is not...

Isn't region locking actually illegal in Australia?

Region Locking is pretty standard these days. DVDs still are. It helps reduce piracy

06-12-2013, 06:13 AM
I wouldn't worry, the internet hates everything. If EA can be voted the most evil company in America then I think we can safely ignore pretty much everything said by gamers online :p

yes by why blame region locking on laws and things out of their control when it obviously isn't? It is a move to restrict sales to specific locations and control prices in my opinion, like Learn's comments about game prices in australia.

06-12-2013, 06:24 AM
Hate not just for MS, but for anyone who's buying the ONE

Region Locking is pretty standard these days. DVDs still are. It helps reduce piracy

Again, I don't accept the hate. I do accept the outrage towards Microsoft, but yes, directing that stuff at adopters of the One is just downright silly.

Not saying it isn't, but as Kirsten said, saying that it was due to legal reasons when the PS4 has no region locking is, like the publisher-determined used games debacle, seemingly another outright lie from Microsoft. The possible lies and confusion, as well as a lack of clear messages are a big factor in the massed negative reception of the One.

I wouldn't worry, the internet hates everything. If EA can be voted the most evil company in America then I think we can safely ignore pretty much everything said by gamers online :p

yes by why blame region locking on laws and things out of their control when it obviously isn't? It is a move to restrict sales to specific locations and control prices in my opinion, like Learn's comments about game prices in australia.

I don't see how EA is the most evil company in America when Scientology is still around :p (just a joke, no offence intended to anyone that reads this who is a Scientologist)

06-12-2013, 06:25 AM
people complained earlier in the thread that IGN was not a viable source and a few hundred thousand people voting made no difference, how about this? :p


a few other things I'd like to know about the xbox, it has a 500gb hard drive that is not upgradeable. how much space does each game install take? the operating system has been described as needing a 'significant' amount of that 500gb memory, how much?

I really don't think marketing yourself as a multimedia centre is the way to go, loads and loads of people already have TVs that can do that, and set top boxes, tablets etc. It was easy for Nintendo to say 'buy a Wii at £180 for all the family to play', I think Microsoft will struggle with 'buy a One for watching TV at £420'

seeing as that is Learn's policy I would just like to declare I am happy to offend Scientologists :p

06-12-2013, 06:29 AM
Ditto, **** Scientologists and their lunatic 'religion'.:p

06-12-2013, 06:31 AM
I am firmly convinced that at some point all the prominent scientologists are going to turn round and go ha! you thought we were being serious! got you, don't be ridiculous, nobody is that stupid!

pac man fever

06-12-2013, 06:31 AM
That article sums it up pretty perfectly.
Also, on the hard-drive front, Sony both confirmed their hard-drive was 500GB as well that is upgradeable. Seriously, this is the most blatant disparity between the two companies that I have seen at E3 aside from the PS2 days.

06-12-2013, 06:36 AM
yeah I want to know how much space is needed for stuff on both formats. I hardly use my PS3 for the simple reason that it is an 80gb and is full. I get the great exclusives, anything multi platform I get for my 250gb xbox, saves me buying a new hard drive and messing about. I have used around 130gb of the 250, PS3 currently installs game data for most stuff, sometimes a few gigabytes without really telling you. I would be interested to know how long 500gb would last, I have a suspicion you wouldn't get that much on either console, I don't know. Will it be upgradable with PC hard drives, because buying a 1tb hard drive early on would be a pretty cheap and easy solution.
I have 58 physical 360 games, and a similar number probably of downloaded games to make 130gb. I have 23 physical PS3 games and about 3 downloaded games filling 80gb. How much bigger will the next gen games be?

06-12-2013, 06:38 AM
As someone who views consoles with bemusement bordering on condescension I think if I were to purchase one it would be a PS4 whereas in the past I would have bought a 360.

06-12-2013, 06:44 AM
yeah I want to know how much space is needed for stuff on both formats. I hardly use my PS3 for the simple reason that it is an 80gb and is full. I get the great exclusives, anything multi platform I get for my 250gb xbox, saves me buying a new hard drive and messing about. I have used around 130gb of the 250, PS3 currently installs game data for most stuff, sometimes a few gigabytes without really telling you. I would be interested to know how long 500gb would last, I have a suspicion you wouldn't get that much on either console, I don't know. Will it be upgradable with PC hard drives, because buying a 1tb hard drive early on would be a pretty cheap and easy solution.
I have 58 physical 360 games, and a similar number probably of downloaded games to make 130gb. I have 23 physical PS3 games and about 3 downloaded games filling 80gb. How much bigger will the next gen games be?

I think it depends on if you load up movies and music on it. It will be fine for a few years at the very least, unless you buy tonnes and tonnes of games (and I really mean tonnes) and then, provided you own a PS4, you can upgrade it with a cheap portable hard-drive. 500gb and 1tb hard-drives are pretty cheap nowadays and should be all you need, on top of the basic 500gbs in the console itself, to last like five or more years, by which you may start uninstalling games anyway.

I've not found my 120gb PS3 fills up quickly at all, to be honest.

Mr Mystery
06-12-2013, 06:44 AM
Me? Right now, in my flat, I have a 3D, Digital Smart TV, a VHS player, and a PS3..... I will be upgrading my PS3 to a PS4 so I can play the latest games. Saturday, I get Sky TV piped in.

As such, I have absolutely no reason whatsoever to give Microsoft any money whatsoever at this point in time, let alone when they expect me to let it spy on me. I still find that utterly creepy, and quite uncalled for.

06-12-2013, 06:46 AM
I have over a terabyte of games installed on my PC at the moment...

The spying thing really irritates me, too. Especially in the current climate following certain revelations about US guvmint activity.

06-12-2013, 06:47 AM
well currently the PS3 uses a few gb per game on average, four or five for a few. I could well imagine the One and the PS4 both using significantly more than that.

Consoles are much simpler than messing about with PCs, you know if you buy a game it will work, and I find local co-op games with my brother much simpler on console, so they do have a valid place

Mr Mystery
06-12-2013, 06:50 AM
I have over a terabyte of games installed on my PC at the moment...

The spying thing really irritates me, too. Especially in the current climate following certain revelations about US guvmint activity.

Very good point....

And PARANOID ALERT....how long until someone successfully hacks it? And how long until they're found out? TOO MUCH INFORMATIONS ALERT....I tend to spend a fair amount of time at home kicking around in just me boxers, as it's just me there, so no harm done. Any 'always on' camera in a kids room for instance? Uh uh. No way. Get out of my house....

06-12-2013, 06:53 AM
In regards to hacking.....a big reason the PSN was hacked apparently was the removal of the Linux feature. Microsoft imposing all these restrictions and generating so much negative feedback may yet have deeper consequences. I hope not though.

Mr Mystery
06-12-2013, 06:56 AM
In regards to hacking.....a big reason the PSN was hacked apparently was the removal of the Linux feature. Microsoft imposing all these restrictions and generating so much negative feedback may yet have deeper consequences. I hope not though.

They really have micturated all over their deep fried potatoes on this one....

And that's another good point....Taliban Hacking, whereby someone gets you to compromise your system. How many 'this will let you bypass DRM restrictions' are instead going to open up the camera, or mic, or both? How do you get rid of it? Would it be possible? Will you be able to get anti-virus software for it? Will the need for anti-virus software for a console scupper it further?

06-12-2013, 06:57 AM
One thing is for sure. The Xbox One has been nothing but a PR nightmare for Microsoft and seemingly will continue to do so with every bad and good announcement from Microsoft and Sony, respectively, that ensues.

06-12-2013, 07:09 AM
I think people will want to get a second job to play XBox One.

06-12-2013, 07:19 AM
One to pay for the Xbox One and the subscription, and the second to pay for the TV, the set-top box and sound system? But, I thought it was an all-in-one! (another marketing fail by Microsoft)
Tongue in cheek mind :)

06-12-2013, 09:13 AM
Seen the gif, now watch the video:

It does amuse me, it's just so simple and straightforward but witty because of it. While Sony is a little smug it still only works because Microsoft created its own problem.

06-12-2013, 04:38 PM
I was refering to a horrible mistep Sony made when annoucing the PS3's price. Our goal is "for consumers to think to themselves 'I will work more hours to buy one" from President Ken himself.

06-12-2013, 04:39 PM
a very japanese thing to say really

06-13-2013, 01:42 AM
Should have probably run that past someone from the western arm of the company.



06-13-2013, 05:43 AM
On the IGN article about Don Mattrick's "gamers without internet can stick to the Xbox 360" comments, a comment that simply said "No...its called PS4" got over (I've never seen anything like it on any website I frequent, not even IGN) 13000 up-votes, and slightly over a hundred down-votes. Just something surprising I noted when reading through all the E3 articles. Microsoft really need to keep their mouths shut and stop saying stupid crap, the more they do so, the more Sony will just publicly laugh at them.

Anyway, though I feel the urge now, I will hold off for now to set a pre-order down for the PS4 and any launch titles. Having now looked at what third party games will launch on the system, I am looking to Killzone: Shadow Fall, Watch Dogs and FIFA 14 as my three main launch titles that I know will release with the system. I'll probably chuck Battlefield 4 in somewhere. Killzone and Battlefield as my shooters/technical demo games, Watch Dogs as my open-world action game, and FIFA as my next-gen sports game.

06-13-2013, 05:49 AM
I ordered Forza, Watchdogs and Dead Rising 3 with my one.

And then i'll get Assassins Creed and Battlefield fairly soon after, or maybe at christmas

06-13-2013, 05:50 AM
a very japanese thing to say really

Delightfully racist!


Mr Mystery
06-13-2013, 05:51 AM
Should have probably run that past someone from the western arm of the company.



Very funny! I liked that!

06-13-2013, 06:00 AM
I ordered Forza, Watchdogs and Dead Rising 3 with my one.

And then i'll get Assassins Creed and Battlefield fairly soon after, or maybe at christmas

Good to hear. Watch Dogs seems to be on everyone's lips right now, amazing game. I wonder though, have the demos we've seen been for PS4/Xbox One or PS3/360? The game looks unreal, regardless.

Anyone else notice that some Free to Play games, such as Planetside 2 and DC Universe Online, won't require you to have PS Plus to play online? Nice, not that it matters to me anyway as I will still get a subscription going when I get the kit. Still, with my gaming computer still in need of an upgrade (short on money at the moment), I've had to do without Planetside 2 and it would be an easier and cheaper method of playing what is an awesome game. Frankly, Planetside 2 (and to a lesser extent DCUO) not requiring PS Plus is a smart move, it will draw in a lot of players.

Mr Mystery
06-13-2013, 06:04 AM
XBox Ein Volk Ein Reich Ein Furher, but in car form....

http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4905296071688831&pid=1.7&w=213&h=132&c=7&rs=1&url=http%3a%2f%2fwebspace.webring.com%2fpeople%2fv f%2ffiredemon_104%2fhomerpics3.html

06-13-2013, 06:05 AM
I hope they don't give Planetside 2 console players aim assist or it will kill it for PC gamers...

06-13-2013, 06:12 AM
Are the servers going to be cross platform? Makes perfect sense, but that is pretty great if true. Means I can team up with my siblings and friends online.

06-13-2013, 06:16 AM
That's what I heard. so either console gamers will get farmed, or PC gamers will be auto-aimed to death...


06-13-2013, 06:20 AM
I would imagine they would try their best to strike a balance.
Also, that gif is hilarious. The best one has to be the Star Trek one though.

06-13-2013, 06:22 AM
Balance? >_< It's clear you've not played it :D

Not sure I've seen that one.

06-13-2013, 06:45 AM
Shadowrun was a cross server PC/360 game....that was balenced alright

I missed the announcement of Planetside 2. Thats awesome, i suck at it, cos i cna't use a mouse/keyboard.

06-13-2013, 06:46 AM
But you play easy mode anyway. Have you killed me yet?

06-13-2013, 10:53 AM
http://i1216.photobucket.com/albums/dd380/KirstenIGMB/999890_388208041288623_986018_n_zpsa5b40c7f.png (http://s1216.photobucket.com/user/KirstenIGMB/media/999890_388208041288623_986018_n_zpsa5b40c7f.png.ht ml)

http://i1216.photobucket.com/albums/dd380/KirstenIGMB/10537_591570747540561_227106286_n_zpsf43b23f4.jpg (http://s1216.photobucket.com/user/KirstenIGMB/media/10537_591570747540561_227106286_n_zpsf43b23f4.jpg. html)

06-13-2013, 03:19 PM


06-13-2013, 04:16 PM
Also, this (http://jalopnik.com/i-got-thrown-in-microsoft-jail-for-taking-pictures-of-512918787?utm_source=recirculation&utm_medium=recirculation&utm_campaign=afternoon), is apparently a thing

06-13-2013, 04:24 PM
how odd
maybe it runs on soylent green. the xbox logo is green after all...

06-13-2013, 04:25 PM
maybe you're onto something...

06-13-2013, 04:26 PM
if I don't post anything tomorrow you will know I was right and have been taken away

06-13-2013, 04:27 PM
For re-education?

06-13-2013, 07:08 PM
I can only imagine what E3 will be like next year. Halo will probably get its full reveal/last advertisement there, a new Fable perhaps, a new Gears, etc are what I expect from Microsoft. As for Sony, you would think The Last Guardian will finally re-appear in some form, though perhaps the reason they are so mum on the issue is that - like Versus XIII - it will be redeveloped for PS4. Uncharted, God of War, the next Quantic Dream game, etc will probably all make an appearance in a big way, followed by a teaser of next-gen Gran Turismo. In general, what I would be most excited for is Battlefront 3 as they would at least have an early trailer or demo up by then.

I may hold off on buying The Last of Us just yet if Gaikai is launched with the console.

06-13-2013, 08:32 PM
Ouch. Not only was the USA the 360's heart-land - it smashed the PS3 in the USA but was dominated everywhere else - but much of the One's content is clearly aimed at the USA, i.e. all the TV and Fantasy stuff that will only be available at launch in the USA. If the PS4 is already out-selling it in pre-orders in the USA, that is a very, very bad sign for Microsoft. Trying to compete with Sony in the console business this past decade has been based on a reliance on the US market to support the One more, as we know the PS4 has a far higher adoption rate elsewhere, particularly in Europe and Asia. Really worrying signs here. If Microsoft don't turn it around in short order, or in the next year with Halo and some other big exclusives - though Sony can counter them with God of War/Uncharted/etc as mentioned earlier - then this console race could be over before it even started. I can't even imagine what pre-orders must be like outside of the USA.


Early data for console pre-orders from major online retailers in the United States show consumers pre-ordered approximately three PS4 units for every two Xbox One consoles during the period between Monday June 10 to Wednesday June 12. While this is not an indication of future purchase intent, it does seem to suggest that Sony resonated louder with consumers during E3 2013 than Microsoft.

06-13-2013, 10:43 PM
Best Xbox-PS4 picture ever.

06-14-2013, 12:10 AM
It needs the Wii U in the corner in diapers or something.

06-14-2013, 01:25 AM
It needs the Wii U in the corner in diapers or something.

Harsh. There was a lot of third party shovelware on the wii but the good Nintendo offerings were better than either of the bland brown flagship shooters on either the 360 or ps3 :p


06-14-2013, 01:33 AM
Yeah, compared to a very slow first year, the WiiU showed a ton of new games which will make it in demand again

06-14-2013, 01:43 AM
Yeah, compared to a very slow first year, the WiiU showed a ton of new games which will make it in demand again

Well the've already gone back upto RRP in ASDA when I'm pretty sure they were about £50 cheaper than everywhere else.

06-14-2013, 05:30 AM

06-14-2013, 05:42 AM
He's doing it wrong.

06-14-2013, 05:43 AM

Also confirmation. The PS4 does have DRM that is down to the developers...its just done different to the xbox

06-14-2013, 05:49 AM
It has basically what exists already, which I suppose everybody expects anyway? It's hardly surprising considering how publishers have been screwed over by the likes of game(and no doubt their US equivalent) pushing second hand over new as it makes them more profit.
I think it's the heavy handed sledgehammer approach XBone has adopted, as I think you said earlier in the thread Doc, no one bats an eyelid at using steam (but we don't pay £40 a game either).

06-14-2013, 05:55 AM
True on all counts.

Apparantly a bunch of companies were surveyed. Some said they wanted DRM (mostly the big ones) but a few others didn't cos preowened may not get them money but people to play their games.

The thing is ITS NOT END OF TRADEINS. Not by a longshot. If the "charge" to play a second hand game is small, and the preowned game sells for a little less than they do now, nothing is really going to change

06-14-2013, 06:10 AM
MS screwed up in one MASSIVE way in their conference. They needed to explain why an internet connection was a good thing. If they'd explained why an internet conection and the cloud were good for it, it'd have done a lot better i think


They finally explained it a bit, quietly, to a few people.

06-14-2013, 06:42 AM
Huzzah! Although maybe we shouldn't be encouraging her.

Also prices (if I've converted correctly from the first post) (XBOX):

American price: $499 USD = £320 = €376
European price: $662 USD = £425 = €499
British price: $668 USD = £429 = €503

So on this side of the pond we need to pay a third more for the console. Maybe this is to make up for the GW price mark ups

And now the PS4 price annoucement, or Why doesn't Sonly like Australia...


The PS4 is set to retail at a tooth-grindingly expensive $549 because of... reasons. Direct conversion from the US price puts it at $415, obviously it must cost an additional $134 per unit to ship to the land of Oz...

06-14-2013, 06:45 AM
Everyone hates the Aussies apparantly

News keeps trickling out. Anyone who watched any footage of MGS (say from the Xbox conference) and thought it looked incredible - that was running on the 360/ps3 version. It looks even better apparantly on the 4/ONE

06-14-2013, 07:15 AM
They do have import tariffs though don't they?

06-14-2013, 07:20 AM

Also confirmation. The PS4 does have DRM that is down to the developers...its just done different to the xbox

Check the article again. They've clarified that it is only for online stuff, like online passes. Single-player content is unaffected, i.e. it is identical to the current generation.

True on all counts.

Apparantly a bunch of companies were surveyed. Some said they wanted DRM (mostly the big ones) but a few others didn't cos preowened may not get them money but people to play their games.

The thing is ITS NOT END OF TRADEINS. Not by a longshot. If the "charge" to play a second hand game is small, and the preowned game sells for a little less than they do now, nothing is really going to change

The sources say that the "charge" is the full RRP, but I doubt even Microsoft would be that stupid. I would place it at 30-40% of RRP.

MS screwed up in one MASSIVE way in their conference. They needed to explain why an internet connection was a good thing. If they'd explained why an internet conection and the cloud were good for it, it'd have done a lot better i think


They finally explained it a bit, quietly, to a few people.

The problem with them talking up the cloud processing is that, theoretically, any online-capable console is capable of it. It isn't something that the Xbox One magically has over its competitors. And by all reports, it won't matter for most for much of the next decade because the Internet speeds/servers outside of America simply aren't capable of handling what they are talking about. It is a neat feature, but it just goes to show that they know their hardware is inferior to the PS4.
Not that I don't admire the move, as for online-only games in particular it can be a big boost.

I've seen rumours that the Xbox One will be getting a price drop in the first year, which isn't a surprise and will make for a great (albeit necessary) move.

As for Game of the Show @ E3, it has to be the Witcher 3. Easily the most technically impressive game displayed.

06-14-2013, 07:23 AM
And now the PS4 price annoucement, or Why doesn't Sonly like Australia...


The PS4 is set to retail at a tooth-grindingly expensive $549 because of... reasons. Direct conversion from the US price puts it at $415, obviously it must cost an additional $134 per unit to ship to the land of Oz...

It is like that for everything around here. The common excuse is the significantly higher minimum wage than elsewhere, as well as location.

They do have import tariffs though don't they?

We are very isolated....it is both a gift and a curse :p

06-14-2013, 07:27 AM
10%, plus the US price doesn't include it as the sales duty varies state to state.


06-14-2013, 07:30 AM
It is funny when you think about it though. The PS4 is the cheapest Playstation console ever released in Australia, in that sense, $550 AUD really is a great deal IMO.

06-14-2013, 07:35 AM
It is funny when you think about it though. The PS4 is the cheapest Playstation console ever released in Australia, in that sense, $550 AUD really is a great deal IMO.

Is the difference just them selling at a staggering loss, or has shipping just got that much cheaper?

Just seen this; :P.

The only flaw with the PS4


06-14-2013, 07:51 AM

If you can deal with the over-the-top reactions all-round, this article is worth a read, particularly some of the comments.

The terminology is more than excessive, but it is a bit of a concern. I've seen some reports claim that Microsoft are looking at a way around the online requirements specifically for military servicemen and servicewomen, but I have no idea how they would do that. They can't exactly ask you for proof of identity and job AFAIK. Really though, while many servicemen and servicewomen will likely grab the console anyway for when they aren't on duty, Don Mattrick's "we have the Xbox 360" comment could very well seal the deal for many of them.

06-14-2013, 10:52 AM
MS screwed up in one MASSIVE way in their conference. They needed to explain why an internet connection was a good thing. If they'd explained why an internet conection and the cloud were good for it, it'd have done a lot better i think


the cloud sounds good, they certainly should have mentioned more about that. reason they couldn't go into detail about the online requirement is because there isn't much more to it beyond DRM.

Everyone hates the Aussies apparantly

News keeps trickling out. Anyone who watched any footage of MGS (say from the Xbox conference) and thought it looked incredible - that was running on the 360/ps3 version. It looks even better apparantly on the 4/ONE

it is the nicer beaches tax.
don't care about MGS personally, everything since the first Solid has been unbelievably awful, Kojima should be banned from making anything ever again.

06-14-2013, 11:52 AM
True on all counts.

Apparantly a bunch of companies were surveyed. Some said they wanted DRM (mostly the big ones) but a few others didn't cos preowened may not get them money but people to play their games.

The thing is ITS NOT END OF TRADEINS. Not by a longshot. If the "charge" to play a second hand game is small, and the preowned game sells for a little less than they do now, nothing is really going to change

It's not like GameStop doesn't already take its cut.

06-15-2013, 03:19 AM

This is really interesting, from inside MS.

Talks about the ONE being steam on consoles. Massive discounts, promotions....

As a hypothetical....if an Xbox game was PC game price, not console (eg 20 or so cheaper) how would that affect the "war"?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
06-15-2013, 03:24 AM
Not really, I'm going with the originator of drm. xD

Steam ftw!

06-15-2013, 03:34 AM
I can well see promotions going on, but I don't think there is any chance of cheaper retail games

also Microsoft has confirmed that you cannot travel with your One, it will only work within a certain IP address range of your region. Microsoft's sterling advice to travellers, much like with the online issue, 'take a 360 instead' I think they really don't understand what is going on.

Wrath of Azkaellon
06-15-2013, 03:15 PM
don't care about MGS personally, everything since the first Solid has been unbelievably awful, Kojima should be banned from making anything ever again.

Very true and it's such a shame as the gameplay looks amazing but the Metal Gear storyline is painfully bad. Also Microsoft strikes back!


06-15-2013, 05:42 PM

This is really interesting, from inside MS.

Talks about the ONE being steam on consoles. Massive discounts, promotions....

As a hypothetical....if an Xbox game was PC game price, not console (eg 20 or so cheaper) how would that affect the "war"?

I call bullcrap on that. It sounds nothing like what an employee would actually write, even when trying to stay anonymous. "we are trying to take money out of gamestop" What? To be fair though, the person does basically repeat Don Mattrick's famous words. Regardless, what the person refers to when talking about Steam is not cheaper retail games, but discounts every day/week on different games on the digital store - something that Sony already does with PS Plus. So, not only would it not affect the competition, but this guy - like the company - are proving (if this is real) that they are still blind to the rest of the industry/consumers.

Sorry, but I don't see much there that will change the minds of most even if it were true. If this was real, Microsoft would have come out and clarified it by now rather than have their PR take a massive hit every day. Their approval ratings and stock are dropping pretty alarmingly, if this were true it would go at least some way to fixing that. That they haven't tells me this is fake.

Very true and it's such a shame as the gameplay looks amazing but the Metal Gear storyline is painfully bad. Also Microsoft strikes back!


Funny parody!

06-15-2013, 05:53 PM
I can well see promotions going on, but I don't think there is any chance of cheaper retail games

also Microsoft has confirmed that you cannot travel with your One, it will only work within a certain IP address range of your region. Microsoft's sterling advice to travellers, much like with the online issue, 'take a 360 instead' I think they really don't understand what is going on.

It won't mean cheaper retail games, and if it did, Sony would quickly jump on it and have parity anyway. The restrictions are nothing but bad press for Microsoft, and PS Plus is already offering the same discounts which is why I think the guy who made this post is either a liar or, like his/her parent company, has no real idea what is going on.

Oh dear.....
So they are basically saying, again, to buy a PS4 instead. Face, meet palm. Do they not pay any attention to their consumers?

06-15-2013, 09:07 PM
Breaking news! Microsoft to make major changes to their used game policies.


06-16-2013, 04:01 AM
That's so 2011.

06-16-2013, 04:01 AM
Microsoft have already given you up :p

06-16-2013, 06:30 AM
david mitchell on the Xbox One and the rise of the machines


Wrath of Azkaellon
06-16-2013, 10:14 AM
Breaking news! Microsoft to make major changes to their used game policies.


Can't believe I almost bought that....:o

06-17-2013, 01:42 AM

I love those "XBones" (or highend PCs. visible is a £150 case and a est.£800 titan nvidia gpu, approx 3X the power of the XBone)


06-17-2013, 03:46 AM
Interesting thing from Nvidia,

06-17-2013, 03:52 AM
Interesting thing from Nvidia,

Glad to see that. I wonder if this is a result of the consoles becoming mini PCs with their own OS?

06-17-2013, 03:55 AM

06-17-2013, 03:56 AM
it swings back and forth. like I said earlier, not that long ago people were calling the end of PC gaming, it was all doomed. now it is console gaming that has no future, in a few years time next gen fever will be riding high and it will be PCs expected to fail again.

06-17-2013, 04:49 AM
Microsoft have specified that their first-party Xbox One games (i.e. not third party games like Titanfall) will retail at $59.99 USD, matching the current generation.

As I suspected, no price drop or increase, though third party publishers can of course have higher or lower prices. Sony are expected (mostly confirmed) to be working in the same price bracket.

06-17-2013, 05:29 AM
handy page here, every E3 trailer


can't wait for Lords Of Shadow 2 personally

06-17-2013, 11:58 AM
Awesome, IGN makes it impossible to find anything other than "our top 5 games of E3" sort of article, so you just see the same games over and over and I can never tell if I'm missing something.

06-18-2013, 03:01 AM

So get banned for swearing, or a false report against you, or questioning them on their forums - lose all your games.

06-18-2013, 04:18 AM
good old microsoft, determined to make you hate them

06-18-2013, 04:34 AM
I hope their filter has a) improved (previously a gamer has been banned for putting their location as fort gay (https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=fort+gay&hl=en&sll=52.484277,-1.90775&sspn=0.195904,0.359802&hnear=Fort+Gay,+Wayne,+West+Virginia,+United+State s&t=m&z=15)) and b) better than this forum's.

06-18-2013, 04:38 AM
Was it EA or Blizzard that banned someone as they were quoted in the same post someone swore in?

Mr Mystery
06-18-2013, 05:44 AM
DFKDFC....ha! Beat the filter with an acronym!

But yeah...that's a bloody good point. No Live account, no X-Box (seemingly at all, unless the loggy thing is games only, and not the rest of it's entirely superfluous in most modern homes features...). Can't be that hard to get someone unfairly banned.

Nice one MS!

06-18-2013, 06:20 AM
You know this "ban and lose your games" thing is false right?


These days anyone can say anything bad about the ONE and MS and people believe it

06-18-2013, 06:24 AM
That's not really much clearer, and it did come from a MS twitter account, and it has been done by other companies...