View Full Version : Back to 40k - Starting a Eldar army but what to buy!

06-09-2013, 03:36 PM
So it's been a few years since I have played last played 4th edition I think...

I used to play an assassin based Daemonhunters army but have loved Eldar ever since 2nd edition when I used to run a small Harlequin army.

So I have spent the afternoon reading the 59 page thread about the Eldar codex and now can't decide what to buy!

I have 2 main ideas for armies Wriaths or Serpent spam

I will be wanting to play the army competitively hopefully too.

For the serpent list i was thinking of buying - 6 Eldar Battleforce,2 fire prism and a HQ

For the Wraiths - Spirtseer - 25 wraithguard,4 wave serpents,2 Wraithlord ,1 wraitknight and 2 flyers

But I suppose as I have not played these armies and haven't played 6th yet do they work?

Would you suggest a better list?
What unit would be you must have?

thanks for any advice


06-09-2013, 06:26 PM
I'd say Wraith-spam is a good choice, with tough Serpents and lots of possible target saturation, many armies can't deal with T6 in their deployment zone turn 2. And it would be a cool army aesthetic-wise.
The other main choice i see (IMO) would be a balanced list of Dire Avengers troops, a Squad or two of Reapers with Starshot's, a Wraithknight or two, and Jetbike seer with Wind riders or Mantle of the Laughing god. Don't forget to have either Harlequins or Scorpions as your assault elements, or Counter-assault elements, and your pretty much set.

It really comes down to what and who your playing against.

07-02-2013, 10:50 AM
Wraith knight worth every penny.

Dave Mcturk
07-02-2013, 04:44 PM
newdar is gr8 fun... rangers are still dodgy and pathfinders massively overcosted... but pretty much everything else works ... bs4 makes a huge difference and battle focus is useful... good luck !

07-02-2013, 05:08 PM
I always vote for robot zombies and guys with ninja star guns on their face.

07-02-2013, 09:42 PM
if you do go wraith buy the Iyanden Supplement

Lost Vyper
07-03-2013, 12:19 AM
Canīt go wrong, if you add some (loads of!) Walkers...

07-03-2013, 07:14 AM
Wraith knight worth every penny.

no it isnt... last tourney 2 wraith knights there did very little..

war walkers are very very good.. as are dark reapers

Dave Mcturk
07-03-2013, 07:24 AM
walker spam can be fun... especially against men in boxes... but with the new nightfight rules i would happily take on an eldar walker army... though their new 5+ power field save is long overdue...

my favourite unit in new codex is spiderz with hunter killer exarch

Lost Vyper
07-04-2013, 06:22 AM
If there just was a way to put fe. 4 Walkers in one squadron...mmmm...war walkers kill...i got 9 already and still thinking about getting three more for the Bel-Annath list...that plus double FOC...HEAVY...

07-04-2013, 08:52 AM
It really depends on which units interest you most. Most of the units bar a couple of awful ones are good.

07-04-2013, 09:56 AM
For the serpent list i was thinking of buying - 6 Eldar Battleforce,2 fire prism and a HQ

I'd probably go with this route for pretty much an instant, strong, competitive army. Wraiths are fun, and maybe better for a mix of games, but the serpent spam is pretty brutal. Maybe 3 battleforces, 3 serpents, 2 prisms and a jetbike autarch?

gives you a mantle-tarch, 3 wave serpents with 5man DA squads and 3 with Guardians who can sit in the field with heavv weapons. 3 scatter walkers and the 2 prisms. Should be a fairly solid list at 1850-2000 depending on the upgrades you take. Certainly something you can build from, i've consider warp spiders, but my experience of the finecast spiders it that their mold is horrible. Pick up metal ones if you can.

07-05-2013, 06:19 AM
I'd probably go with this route for pretty much an instant, strong, competitive army. Wraiths are fun, and maybe better for a mix of games, but the serpent spam is pretty brutal. Maybe 3 battleforces, 3 serpents, 2 prisms and a jetbike autarch?

gives you a mantle-tarch, 3 wave serpents with 5man DA squads and 3 with Guardians who can sit in the field with heavv weapons. 3 scatter walkers and the 2 prisms. Should be a fairly solid list at 1850-2000 depending on the upgrades you take. Certainly something you can build from, i've consider warp spiders, but my experience of the finecast spiders it that their mold is horrible. Pick up metal ones if you can.

finecast everything is horrible. using gw primer and good paint they still warp in any amount of heat and get brittle in the cold. nto talkign extremes either, my minis go from my house which is kept at 78 degrees outside to the car which i run A/C in and then to a store that is 76-78 and back... granted it is florida so my car is like 110 when i get in it and it is uasually 90+ outside but the car ac cools it down quick and i still end up with my finecast models having odd poses and droopy forms, the paint chips off, and things liek dante's axe, eldrad's staff, all my ranger's gun barrels get brittle and snap off, i will never buy another finecast model, I woudl sooner build a 3d printer and jsut start printing minis for personal use, and i spend a good 5-600 a year on gw products and know i am not alone on that sentiment as several people at my flgs are contemplating the same the more finecast they see (i am fine paying what i pay for the models i just only want plastic models)

To the origional poster wraithguard / mass wave serpents do great, but wraithguard are slow out of the transport and can't move shoot run like other eldar, thus harder to use, but more forgiving with a T6 as said eldrad fits great for redeploy and the warlord trait for the 2+ cover turbo boost move

Dave Mcturk
07-05-2013, 07:12 AM
think eldar is one of those armies that unless you are really fluffy you need to experiment with different builds over time, at higher point builds you can bring a bit of everything and use the tools wisely and to great effect, but at lower points builds i find the rule of three is sound, more than three of anything is redundant, but three of it gives enough threat, am getting tempted to proxy serpentspam though just to see if it really works... i know my opponents though and am sure they will just counter by hiding / screening / blocking etc...

so 9 serpents is now a WAVE ! ;-}