View Full Version : Master of the Ravenwing Question

Animus Silvanna
06-09-2013, 01:43 PM
So hello all I've been gaming alot lately and finally have given my Grey Knights a bit of a vacation (getting kinda boring playing the same thing) any whoooo, I've started on a rather small Ravenwing army for which is my second love as far as lore, looks, and style go. I have a rather interesting land speeder spam list I want to build too anyways lol the question being: Can Sammael shoot his twin-linked storm bolters and his plasma cannon in the same turn or is it one or the other? I read the rules for jetbikes and it says they may only fire one weapon. I guess I feel confused on why bother giving him a second one then lol

06-09-2013, 02:46 PM
I'm pretty sure they are relentless so can fire both, but I can't be arsed to check. But even so, maybe you had a well spread out target of light IG or cultists that you couldn't get 2 under the blast template. Mathshammer says the bolters are better. And they don't get hot.

06-09-2013, 02:52 PM
Sammael on Corvex is Relentless, yes, but can still only fire one weapon per rider. Since Sammael is the only rider, he can only fire one.

06-10-2013, 11:11 AM
in general this is why I prefer the speeder. It is land raider armor on front and sides with a twin linked heavy bolter and twin linked assault cannon. That is 7 shots that hit on 2's with a re-roll. It is murder vs troops and it is hard to kill since it is av 14 front and side. ... I dub it the land speeder crusader.

06-10-2013, 01:12 PM
in general this is why I prefer the speeder. It is land raider armor on front and sides with a twin linked heavy bolter and twin linked assault cannon. That is 7 shots that hit on 2's with a re-roll. It is murder vs troops and it is hard to kill since it is av 14 front and side. ... I dub it the land speeder crusader.

Don't forget its 4+ cover save when paired with a Shroud.

06-10-2013, 03:54 PM
It also has a 4+ invulunerable from the Night Halo.

06-12-2013, 10:05 PM
the only draw back to the speeder is you cant assault with it.. if that matters

06-14-2013, 04:12 PM
That is what the death wing is for.

06-16-2013, 05:58 PM
As I read this it says to REPLACE Corvex with Sableclaw, Does this mean if the speeder explodes, can Sammael disembark and attack as a single figurine?

06-16-2013, 06:32 PM
As I read this it says to REPLACE Corvex with Sableclaw, Does this mean if the speeder explodes, can Sammael disembark and attack as a single figurine?

Nooooooo! It means you play the bike or land speeder!

Too bad he can't tank shock.

He is good with normal bikes since his skilled rider is transferable. Which means the bikes he is with have +4 cover saves when they move.

I think being eternal warrior with an ok assault weapon gives him a choice of either or. If he is with the HQ or knights the unit is not something to over look. You can possibly get turn 1 assault with the unit. Also dakka banner bikes are not fun.