View Full Version : 1500 pts Biel-Tan Eldar - Yep That's Right...Biel-Tan

06-09-2013, 01:31 AM
1500 Pts - Eldar Roster - Biel-Tan

1 Autarch, 95 pts (Eldar Jetbike; Laser Lance)

9 Howling Banshees, 170 pts
1 Howling Banshee Exarch (Executioner)

9 Dire Avengers, 290 pts
1 Dire Avenger Exarch (Twin-Linked Avenger SC)
1 Wave Serpent (Shuriken Cannon; TL Scatter Lasers; Holo-Fields)

9 Dire Avengers, 305 pts
1 Dire Avenger Exarch (Power Sword; Shimmershield)
1 Wave Serpent (Shuriken Cannon; TL Scatter Lasers; Holo-Fields)

9 Dire Avengers, 305 pts
1 Dire Avenger Exarch (Power Sword; Shimmershield)
1 Wave Serpent (Shuriken Cannon; TL Scatter Lasers; Holo-Fields)

Fast Attack:
4 Swooping Hawks, 105 pts
1 Swooping Hawk Exarch (Sunrifle)

Heavy Support:
3 Dark Reapers, 145 pts
1 Dark Reaper Exarch (Shuriken Cannon; Fast Shot; Night Vision)

1 Aegis Defence Lines, 85 pts
1 Gun Emplacement (Icarus Lascannon)

Total Roster Cost: 1500

I like Biel-Tan and wanted an army list of aspect warriors that's both fluffy and effective.

Reapers stand on defense line firing out that Icarus Lascannon with fast shot. Exarch has shuriken cannon cuz it's a really old model

Banshees are counter-assault mostly depending on the opponent.

Swooping Hawks, Wave Serpents and Autarch are harrashment units with solid payloads of Dire Avenger aspect warriors to engage enemies in suitable positions.


Note - I'm not buying further models still running off my old Eldar inventory just wanted general opinion on the list ive build with what i own as I don't plan to buy further.

06-09-2013, 04:03 AM
I know you say you don't want to buy any more, but if you do have/can pick up one more hawk, 6 models in the squad gets you a large blast for the grenade pack.

06-09-2013, 05:49 AM
Banshee are the primary reason I chose eldar, sadly they are painfully ineffective looking for me currently. :(
U dont own scorpions?
Ur lone autarch will be vulnerable being ur only biker?

06-09-2013, 05:51 AM
Looks like fun! you will need to use the hawks carefully if you play against a land raider or monolith...that said, 1500pts you probably won't see too many. You could drop the holofields and give Autarch shard of Anaris so he gets those higher str ap2 hits all the time or the longrifle seeing as he will b on his own?

Otherwise looks pretty sweet, used 2 serpents today without holofields they did just fine, managed to get 14 shots turn 4 from 1 of them which took down the last opposing MC.

Happy hunting

06-09-2013, 11:44 AM
i think you should find someway to give the autarch mantle of the laughing god. if he moves it gives him a 2+ rerollable cover save. but its a good list. i think it has some possibility.

06-09-2013, 01:17 PM
Yeah I wanted to try running this as a test to see how useful the autarch is with a basic set up and to test out how disgusting those wave serpents can be with holo-fields as i've been on the receiving end of Tau with disruption pods and i know it to be annoying as hell.

I don't own striking scorpions sadly. All i can build with my eldar is Biel-tan and Ulthwe and i wanted to let Biel-Tan get first dibs on the battlefield. My ulthwe list i feel is pretty solid and competitive as is.

I might add in the extra hawk i have 7 swooping hawks total. And take some of the advice on possible relic items for the Autarch to bring to battle depending on how the rest of the army performs.

06-10-2013, 09:37 AM
quad gun is better than icarus lasgun by mathammer standards in almost every possible instance for very flyer in the game