View Full Version : What are Demons weaknesses?

11-09-2009, 10:53 PM
Okay,so I hate facing demons. With my ogres,with my dark elves, with anything, I hate fighting them. I can't find a weak spot in the army, something I can exploit. they are ITP, all have invulnerable saves, even a balanced list has high magic and decent shooting, and there is little gain to out manouvering them cause an extra combat resolution does little.
Am I missing something? is there any weakness to exploit?

11-10-2009, 04:20 AM
Not really, they are the best army in the game (i only sorta joke about this...) Depending on the opposing list, they really can be nigh unbeatable. Tzeentch/khorne imo is the strongest opposition. Ok... but seriously... there are some things you can do.

First, I would say if you're playing Ogres, then all you have is list construction in your favor. Spam 3 strong irongut units, and take your 3 butchers / tyrant with tenderizer. Flee from every charge every time unless it's horrors and countercharge in the flank with another unit and hope you don't flub your attack rolls and they don't have a string of wardsaves. Obviously, if you can get your tyrant wtih a tenderizer into a good fight, then do so. Ideallly, you'll have 8 units of ironguts if you're gonna have a chance at beating daemons.

If you're playing dark elves, then you have an actual chance and not just a theory hammer. The good thing is that the units you are scared of, are fairly vulnerable to your shooting. The faster troops are all T3. While you use your harpies to march block, and have your rbt's and rxb's rake down units to a more reasonable size. Priority 1 should be the flesh hounds, priority 2 the no charge reaction slaaneshi fast cav guys, priority 3 screamers. Pour everything into them, dr shots, all your crossbows, shades, etc (not magic into the flesh shounds of course though). I would also concentrate on removing whole units from the table, as even 2 fleshhounds can be enough to beat your support units. So don't leave whole units on the table. concentrate fire.

Once you've neutralized the fastest elements, then you can move on. If they have plague beasts then make sure to take some fire magic. Tzeentch flamers should be slammed by chariots or cold one knights. When facing the bloodthirster, throw a single shot bolt thrower at him till he's dead. Ignore the horror units unless there is nothing else left to face.

Last but not least, don't be afraid of flanking T3 troops with your dark riders or shades. daemons are nasty, but if you can only get one or two of them to fight you then alot of the bite goes away.

11-10-2009, 10:05 AM
As ogres, I must say that your facing the absolute most uphill battle that fantasy can offer. I cannot offer any more help than that but as dark elves, one of the tactics you might want to try is by combining the use of the ring (forget the name) that makes enemy casters miscast on any double, and magic resistance (2) or (3) on a strong unit of cold one knights lead by a character or two. Locks down magic against it and with a 2+ save you should do okay against most daemon related shooting. Also there is a tactic that I had found reading the FAQ something regarding assassins and a first turn charge with a scout unit, might want to look into that. Not really a game winning strategems, but they might help to take out a few problematic units. Just my 2 cents =)

11-13-2009, 03:25 PM
With Dark Elves, go gunline. Max out your repeater bolt throwers, casters, and repeater crossbows. Get crossbowmen and dark riders with crossbows. Don't get into combat, just shoot them to death. It's not a guaranteed win, but shooting is where Daemons are weakest, and they rely heavily on magic to be effective at range. So, a magic/shooting heavy army is really your best bet, especially given the armies you play.

A dark elf gunline army is pretty spectacular anyway, so it's not like you'd have to go way out of your way.