View Full Version : The Relic question

06-07-2013, 09:52 AM
Played a game vs Blood Angels last night (I was Eldar) and the game came down to turn 5. With me leading 2-0, the Blood Angels formed up to grab the Relic, and thus the victory 3-2. I attempted to Tank Shock them with my Wave Serpent and flew directly at them. They passed their test and I stayed 1 inch from them as my turn ended.

The Blood Angels had the next turn, and then we realized, my WS was on top of the Relic marker. It was then the confusion set in. In order for him to move onto the Relic to pick it up, he would have to stand basically on top of my Wave Serpent. However, it states that you cannot move within an inch of an Enemy model aside from when you are assaulting it.

We declared the game a draw as it was just for fun and neither of us cared, but what is the proper procedure here? He could have in theory blown my tank up in cc, but he can only pick up the relic at the end of his movement phase, so a 6th turn would have had to been played (and my remaining forces would have most likely blown him away as I had a squad of Wraithguard and Dark Reapers and a CHunter all with ap3/2 weapons for turn 6)

06-07-2013, 10:41 AM
I had a similar situation where a forgefiend was wrecked on top of the Relic.
In this situation it seems that the Secondary Objectives would decide the winner.
A house rule we discussed for future occurances (and we have 1 player who might abuse the 'my vehicle is over it-you can't get it) is that the Relic would be moved in a random direction (scatter die) from underneath the vehicle or other model.
This allows for the Relic to still be captured and the random direction prevents someone from 'pushing' it closer to their units.

06-07-2013, 12:01 PM
Well ... I don't know if this is the proper procedure precisely, but I believe the rulebook allows a skimmer to land on top of the Relic, thus denying access to the enemy until the skimmer is destroyed.

Personally, my preferred solution would be to declare the relic sort of Impassable+ (not just impassable terrain, since various models can stand on impassable terrain) - no model is allowed to end its turn such that (i) it is on top of the relic and (ii) an enemy model could not move into base contact with the relic. But I think this is one situation where the players really do have to decide for themselves.

06-07-2013, 04:10 PM
I'm all for it playing out as you guys did.

"Parking" a vehicle over the relic is just on of those things really, a bit like moving a unit in to deny an objective.

06-07-2013, 04:13 PM
Yeah the funny part was, it was completely on accident. I had no intention of parking it there, as I was tryin to force him away LOL.

06-07-2013, 04:20 PM
Worked pretty well I reckon

06-07-2013, 04:31 PM
Also, did you know you don't actually have to hold the relic to win? All you have to do is pick it up at one point in the game, and you've satisfied the victory conditions. If your opponent also seizes it, then you tie on primary. Very poorly worded mission.

06-08-2013, 12:47 AM
And yet somehow not a person on the planet plays it that way.