View Full Version : Using smaller rhinos.

06-07-2013, 09:23 AM
What issues have any of you run into with people using the old small rhinos in games either friendly or in tournaments. I have several and wanted to see what problems others have had if any.

Cpt Codpiece
06-07-2013, 11:42 AM
id have no problems, its not like 10 marines can fit in a modern rhino, so the slightly smaller frame of the older ones is fine....

they both have two bolters on the roof side and rear doors, roof hatches so they are both WYSIWYG

06-07-2013, 12:14 PM
I've had people claim that I am using old rhino chasis (on some preds) for my advantage but never in real life. Similiarly, some of my terminators are the old smaller ones.
They are official GW and wysiwyg so they don't have a leg to stand on really.
Plus the retro look is back in, look at the fw reproductions :)

06-07-2013, 12:23 PM
id have no problems, its not like 10 marines can fit in a modern rhino, so the slightly smaller frame of the older ones is fine....
they both have two bolters on the roof side and rear doors, roof hatches so they are both WYSIWYG

I've had people claim that I am using old rhino chasis (on some preds) for my advantage but never in real life. Similiarly, some of my terminators are the old smaller ones.
They are official GW and wysiwyg so they don't have a leg to stand on really.
Plus the retro look is back in, look at the fw reproductions :)

Thanks and thanks!

06-07-2013, 07:01 PM
I have 3, and they are old, bought originally when they were the standard. My friends have no problem with me using them and I've attended a tournament with them to no issue. I also have 3 of the "newer" rhinos, but my old ones are for my plague marines (which will always be 7 man or less) and the current ones are for my iron warriors.

The fact that 7 marines probably couldn't fit into a small rhino isn't an issue :D

06-07-2013, 07:45 PM
The only time I've ever run into an issue with the smaller rhinos was in the height of 5th when GK were king. One guy at our local tournament used older rhinos because his psy-rifle dreads could stand perfectly behind them getting cover but not granting the same. If you try this with a newer rhino part of the lower barrels will be behind the tank and thus grant cover to those you shoot at.

As you can imagine I was not very pleased with this player. Was it legal? Sure. It is an official model. I have enough older models lying around that I'll never say you can't use them. But in this case it was clearly modeling for an advantage and very unsportsmanlike conduct.

06-07-2013, 08:21 PM
Wait, where the gun is modelled made things get cover from things? That's silly. That isn't the case in 6th, right?

(I skipped from 2nd to 6th.)

06-07-2013, 08:43 PM
Wait, where the gun is modelled made things get cover from things? That's silly. That isn't the case in 6th, right?

(I skipped from 2nd to 6th.)

Everything is True Line of Sight now. So if the LOS of the weapon takes it through something that grants cover the model being shot at get's cover.

06-08-2013, 02:17 AM
Everything is True Line of Sight now. So if the LOS of the weapon takes it through something that grants cover the model being shot at get's cover.

Are we talking about a vehicle, or a monstrous creature? Vehicles do line of sight from each weapon from the gun mount, but infantry (and monstrous creatures) draw line of sight from the eyes of the model.

Admittedly, I've never looked at the Grey Knights codex, so I'm just guessing that a "Dread" (Dreadknight? Dreadnought?) is a monstrous creature, and doesn't care where the weapon is held.

06-08-2013, 04:07 AM
I have a problem with you using larger Rhinos, just to get more cover behind them.

06-10-2013, 02:31 PM
The only time I've ever run into an issue with the smaller rhinos was in the height of 5th when GK were king. One guy at our local tournament used older rhinos because his psy-rifle dreads could stand perfectly behind them getting cover but not granting the same. If you try this with a newer rhino part of the lower barrels will be behind the tank and thus grant cover to those you shoot at.

As you can imagine I was not very pleased with this player. Was it legal? Sure. It is an official model. I have enough older models lying around that I'll never say you can't use them. But in this case it was clearly modeling for an advantage and very unsportsmanlike conduct.

You guys weren't playing right. Only the eyes of the model matter for cover from the shooting model, not the gun. Also, if you got right down to the table, you'd notice that the length of the Rhino actually reduced how low you could see the target, so it would provide cover that way. If 25% is obscured, cover is granted. It doesn't matter if he has a clear shot at the head or torso. All you need is enough of legs to be covered.

Also, the cover rules look at if any model in the squad has obstruction to the view of the model, they all count as shooting into cover. That means that if at least one model from his squad is shooting over the turret, they all count as shooting into cover.

06-11-2013, 11:38 AM
You guys weren't playing right. Only the eyes of the model matter for cover from the shooting model, not the gun.

You're not playing right. LOS from vehicles is always from the barrel of the gun, unless otherwise specified.

06-11-2013, 01:36 PM
You're not playing right. LOS from vehicles is always from the barrel of the gun, unless otherwise specified.

Actually range is from the gun, but LOS is from the gun mount for a vehicle. But we are talking about the Dreadknight which I believe is a monstrous creature. MCs LOS is from the eyes.

06-11-2013, 02:33 PM
I have a problem with you using larger Rhinos, just to get more cover behind them.
But it is larger so the rhino has less of a chance of a cover save. Floats both ways which is why the size of the model OOP or not does not matter.

06-12-2013, 03:03 PM
I regularly use them at the GW Throne of Skulls tourney in Nottingham. Ok at GW HQ, reckon should be OK everywhere and anyone banning them would be a dick.