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View Full Version : Talk orcy (and goblin) to me

11-09-2009, 12:32 PM
Yes I know it's Orcish, but I have Poison stuck in my head and was trying to do a play on words.

Now that that is out of the way...

I've played 40k for several years now, and have admired Fantasy from afar for too long now. I saw the new O&G brigade they're putting out for Christmas and might be buying myself one for a self present. Why? I love the models.

What I need to know though is what exactly would I be getting into? I can pickup the book whenever I want, and I know they're a weak army currently. But I'm just curious what everyone's thoughts are on the army as it stands right now.

And that brigade, is it a good buy? Would I be better off buying other things? Or is it a great starter? Should I just buy 3 starter sets and play a night-gobbo army?

11-09-2009, 03:41 PM
I disagree that they are "weak". Ive seen them win lots in the last year. But thats not why you play O&G's.
You play O&G's because they are FUN! Oh yes, comic gold. They are the most random army in the game, never do what you want, have some off the most strange units/rules and they are great! I don't even own an O&G army and I love them.
Every time a new O&G book comes out I always buy it (I'll never do an army as there are 4 or 5 at my club already) because reading them always makes me smile (and laugh out load!)

O&G's are the most fun you can have with your kit on.

11-09-2009, 10:48 PM
Animosity is there only real weakness, other then that they do fairly well, though definetly on the bottom tier.
An all goblin army is hard, you need that special character for LD and lots of fanatics to do well, IMHO. My friend has an all gobo army and it is fun to play with and against, but it does suffer on the "winning" side. But who plays warhammer to win?
deamon players

11-10-2009, 06:28 AM
But who plays warhammer to win?
deamon players

See, this is why my daemon army is on round bases. And without those "round holes in square trays" type. I refuse to play daemons in Fantasy. In 40k I see them just being incredibly random and why I like them.

11-14-2009, 07:59 AM
You not laughed until you've watched a goblin fanatic do the cannonball blender through an entire regiment of Chaos Knights and then top it off by killing your own general who was about to be charged by them.

It's at that point you remember you have three more fanatics just ready to rock'n'roll... :D

11-14-2009, 08:50 AM
You not laughed until you've watched a goblin fanatic do the cannonball blender through an entire regiment of Chaos Knights and then top it off by killing your own general who was about to be charged by them.

It's at that point you remember you have three more fanatics just ready to rock'n'roll... :D

Which is why I am all so tempted to play them.

11-15-2009, 03:23 AM
After the introductory box sets like Skull Pass, the next most economical way to build up the core of a GW-WFB force is a Brigade. You could go for cheaper non-GW stuff, but that will automatically exclude your army from offical tournaments and store games. Another way is to buy two Skull Pass sets with a friend and he take the dwarves, leaving you all those lovely night goblins. Then top it up with some boxed sets of orcs. For a hundred quid, you'd end up with more figures overall.

Let's see, in the O&G Brigade set you get:
38 Orc Boyz, 10 Black Orcs, 40 Night Goblins, 10 Forest Goblin Spider Riders, 10 Goblin Wolf Riders and an Orc Boar Chariot.

Throw in a couple of metal character figures for your General and Shaman (and two fanatics of course) and robert's your mother's brother. I would argue that all of these figures are useful, though I'd have put in either 20 spiders or 20 wolves instead of 10 of each.

Your core is always going to be your orc boyz with your general getting a nice black orc bodyguard. Can anyone tell me if the orc boyz sprue have archers on them? This force's real weakness is ranged fire.

11-19-2009, 02:30 PM
After taking a long hard look at the wolf/spider/boar riders, I kinda fell out of love with the army. I'll go back to it one day, but those models just did not intrigue me.

I settled on TK of all things. Go figure.

01-14-2010, 07:49 PM
I wouldn't recommend putting the Black Orc Warboss with Black Orcs. They already don't suffer from animosity, so perhaps some big uns would be better.

Orc Error boyz are generally terrible. Most greenskin shooting will come from war machines and MAYBE goblins with bows.

Buying advice is solid, though.