View Full Version : 1855 1st Eldar list

06-05-2013, 11:35 PM
This is try #1 I am 5 points over which I am looking to drop. If not I can always drop the spear.

120 Farseer: bike, spear

122 6 windrider 2x cannon
122 6 windrider 2x cannon
122 6 windrider 2x cannon
122 6 windrider 2x cannon
122 6 windrider 2x cannon
122 6 windrider 2x cannon
230 5 fire dragons
serpent: lance

230 5 fire dragons
serpent: lance
Heavy Support
154 2 reapers: starshot
1 Exharch: starshot/ flakk, fast shot
154 2 reapers: starshot
1 Exharch: starshot/ flakk, fast shot
240 Wraithknight
1855 total

I am heavly thinking about droping the reapers for maybe two prisoms.

06-06-2013, 06:18 AM
I think Reapers are better left at home, unless you want them for fluff reasons or seriously like the models. Even though they were reduced in cost, they're still insanely expensive both without and (even more so) with starshot. As a completely side note, the max point cost that would IMO make them really competitive HS choice (as in 'competitive compared to other HS choices') would be about 20 pts per model base, and then maybe 30 per model that would have both starshot and flakk. But whatever...

2 prisms would definitely be better than reapers, imho. 1 other thing that might be worth considering is to try (at least by proxying) replacing reapers with 2 Crimson Hunters. Similar firepower, AA capability and, I'd say, comparable durability... At least my feeling is that it's not any harder to kill 3 T3 infantry models than it is to kill AV10 HP3 flyer.

06-06-2013, 06:22 AM
This is try #1 I am 5 points over which I am looking to drop. If not I can always drop the spear.

120 Farseer: bike, spear

122 6 windrider 2x cannon
122 6 windrider 2x cannon
122 6 windrider 2x cannon
122 6 windrider 2x cannon
122 6 windrider 2x cannon
122 6 windrider 2x cannon
230 5 fire dragons
serpent: lance

230 5 fire dragons
serpent: lance
Heavy Support
154 2 reapers: starshot
1 Exharch: starshot/ flakk, fast shot
154 2 reapers: starshot
1 Exharch: starshot/ flakk, fast shot
240 Wraithknight
1855 total

I am heavly thinking about droping the reapers for maybe two prisoms.

I agree with you. Those reapers are like really out there on cost. It does show how much you putting into them though. A flyer and a prisom would be nice.

06-07-2013, 10:33 AM
fireprism w/ holofields, and spirit stones are cheape rthan the reapers at 145 points

those 9 points caould sgo along with the other 152 for 161.. find 4 more and get a

nightspinner w/ holofields spirit stones, and crystal matrix 165

06-15-2013, 01:14 PM
Good ideal. Two prisms would help out nicely. If I add the two prisms I will might get scatter laser and s cannon for my two serpents.

I also debating on droping a squad of bikes for another sepent might take differant troops or more fire dragons.

06-16-2013, 01:15 AM
My eldar jet bike army was out played at thrown of skulls by a dark eldar army who had more jet bikes ( I seem to have had the right idea but not gone far enough with it) this was 5 th ed, my opponent had allied with eldar to get more bikes. My jet bikes struggled to get to grips with his highly destructive reader jet bikes. So I'm looking at the reapers range finders as a solution to this.
Jet bikes were our best troops in 6 th per new codex, and the codex has mode them better. Reapers may be the unit that stuffs other eldar players

Dave l

06-24-2013, 05:33 AM
120 Farseer: bike, spear

122 6 windrider 2x cannon
122 6 windrider 2x cannon
122 6 windrider 2x cannon
122 6 windrider 2x cannon
122 6 windrider 2x cannon
122 6 windrider 2x cannon
230 5 fire dragons
serpent: scatter, s cannon

230 5 fire dragons
serpent: scatter, s cannon
Heavy Support
145 FirePrism: holo, spirit
145 FirePrism: holo, spirit
240 Wraithknight
1847 total

Dave Mcturk
06-25-2013, 07:45 AM
48" ignore jink... think reapers have their place as anti-vehicle... not impossible to get them a 2+ cover save...

Lost Vyper
06-25-2013, 07:48 AM
Fire Prisms come second, prioritize the War Walkers...if you got em...

06-29-2013, 08:36 AM
The second list is better from a fluff and play standpoint, however in my neck of the woods having no flyer defense is often a recipe for epic fail. I would definitely find a way to put at least one Crimson Hunter in this list even if it is at the expense of a troop choice. I would lose the 6th bike squad and reduce another one to 3-5 bikes in order to add the one flyer. Just my proverbial $0.02.

Dave Mcturk
06-29-2013, 02:11 PM
im with karandras on this one 6 gjb squads of 6 is too big a footprint ... at least 1 squad can be a 3 skinny bikes for objective nabbing ... im planning on running 2x 9 and 2x 3 next week, we can compare notes !
still think gjb is easier than 'windrider' !