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11-09-2009, 11:57 AM
435 Slann +1 disc (know all spells, +1 PD on all casts) bsb sun standard bane head mirror shield

405 L2 Priest, Engine of the Gods, Plaque of Tepok
440 L2 Priest, Engine of the Gods, 2 x scroll
380 Skink Cheif, Stegadon warspear, Ancient Stega

210 : 3 x 10 skink skirmishers

380 20 Temple guard, fc, war banner



Lord Azaghul
11-09-2009, 12:43 PM
Unless you're playing ard boyz or against daemons or vc that list is rather impolite.

11-09-2009, 02:46 PM
Its not a list I'd take in Iowa, they're all too nice.

Its a list I kinda built because I'm tired of getting crappy army comp regardless of effort I put into making the list nice and balanced so I figure I'll just go all out and have fun that way.

Lord Azaghul
11-09-2009, 03:33 PM
Then by all means: stomp away!:p

I still would advise against it for casual play! Its the kind of thing to make an older army book scream and run away!

Comp: I know what you mean. If you ever look at the WPS system - which is currently not the worst comp system out there - it drives me crazy that they punish the snot (no pun inteded) out of the O&G army, where the DE can still get some pretty vicious combo's in. And my poor dwarves, no amount of comp score seems to improve their ability to play against VC and DoC - a lose is still a lose.

11-09-2009, 03:45 PM
Then by all means: stomp away!:p

I still would advise against it for casual play! Its the kind of thing to make an older army book scream and run away!

Comp: I know what you mean. If you ever look at the WPS system - which is currently not the worst comp system out there - it drives me crazy that they punish the snot (no pun inteded) out of the O&G army, where the DE can still get some pretty vicious combo's in. And my poor dwarves, no amount of comp score seems to improve their ability to play against VC and DoC - a lose is still a lose.

I'm familiar with WPS, it was used at the Battlezone tournament I went to (and got 2nd place :o ) in late July / early August or so? The tournaments I've dealt with lately have just been frustrating on a "judge rules against me arbitrarily" and a "I try hard to make a balanced army and get worse comp than the guy who only had 2 core" level. :(

Lord Azaghul
11-09-2009, 03:57 PM
I'm familiar with WPS, it was used at the Battlezone tournament I went to (and got 2nd place :o ) in late July / early August or so? The tournaments I've dealt with lately have just been frustrating on a "judge rules against me arbitrarily" and a "I try hard to make a balanced army and get worse comp than the guy who only had 2 core" level. :(

Hey battlezone, in hiawatha? I used to play up there quite a bit. Yeah there ‘comp system’ was always pretty bad, but I heard that when they adopted the wps scoring system is was a better/more fun event.
Did steve and his daemons take first? or was that they one were the WE won?

Unfortunately all my armies are pre '08 books, so going to non-comp fantasty tournies is pretty much a moot point.

11-09-2009, 04:03 PM
Hey battlezone, in hiawatha? I used to play up there quite a bit. Yeah there ‘comp system’ was always pretty bad, but I heard that when they adopted the wps scoring system is was a better/more fun event.
Did steve and his daemons take first? or was that they one were the WE won?

Unfortunately all my armies are pre '08 books, so going to non-comp fantasty tournies is pretty much a moot point.

That was the one the wood elves won. I was only in Iowa for the summer but I was glad I got to go to one tournament.

I wouldn't mind comp but sometimes I just don't understand it. For instance I brought this list to the last tournament (not in Iowa!) (to take this a tad more on-topic :p )

Slann, BSB, Bane Head, +1 PD on spells, know all spells in a lore, War Banner

Skink Priest, EotG, Plaque of Tepok
Saurus Scar-Vet, great weapon, light armor, shield of the mirrored pool

20 Saurus w/ spears, full command
20 Saurus w/ spears, full command
10 skink skirmishers

20 temple guard, full fommand
4 terradon riders

3 salamanders

and I ended up in last place on comp by a large margin. Behind the guy who had an illegal list :\

Lord Azaghul
11-09-2009, 04:16 PM
Yeah that's just bad scoring. I assume your opponents rating your comp score AFTER the match?
Which never really seems to pan out.

Shame too, looks like a 'balanced' lizard list to me.

I don't fully understand the system(s) either. The only way that it does seem to make sense (at least the standardized ones like wps) is that they are designed to encourage the player to take a variety of units, so you don't have redudancy.

04-04-2010, 09:42 AM
I agree that last list is more balanced than the first! OMG! Oh well, keep plugging away bro. Once they limit Lizzie lists to "Skinks only" will people stop nerfing our lists in comp