View Full Version : 1850 heavy draft list for Tau. Revamping.

06-05-2013, 10:23 AM
Before I begin I really love stealth suits. I only used them one game and missed them since. Do to what I call abunch of random people showing up this weekend I decided to revamp my list. The issue I had was I was being out shot outside of 36". I did keep in mind 600 points was daemons which besides the grinder couldn't shoot. I can see getting a rail gun for my tank, but liking the double skyrays for dealing with flyers.

I was gonna do farsight bomb and saw his points and changed my mind. I have thought about using shadowsun due to her being cheaper.

The ideal here is to have my Ethereal to join my sniper drones and keep them far back. I took a sun filter to negate nite fight and two marker drones for 4bs 5 marker lighs. I hate the controllers for not having networked lights. I figure this squad can deal with high tougness and mark the way for a second volly of shooting. With two skyray's I can give this squad deny cover or help them skyfire. I might change my drones to shield drones at a later date.

My commander will attach with the stealth suits and support them. The ideal is when I can infltrate in and deep strike my riptides in as support. I took 4 gun drones to add more fire power to the squad. I doubt marker lights are needed due to re rolling bs 5 gundrones and the rest of the squd is re rolling to hit and ignoring cover with tank or MC hunter. I think 5 points in giving the squad hit and run is well worth it. I really wish my army builder will let you pick the gear. Anyway it will be nice to have. Also I took the gear that causes to get hot.

Finally my rail gun pathfinders will outflank. They will provide me with the ability to come in fire 6 rail shots with carbines and I will be able to deep strike at their postion. This way I can go to my suits or my finders. I am debating on a homer on my ethereal so I can deep strike to his location.

Intercept is something I should take and may take on my deep striking riptides. I may gve one skyfire. However I am at 48 troops which I feel is not enough really, so the list is where I want it. If I drop anything it might me pathfinders. I have 19 lights which 4 is at bs 4 and 4 at bs 5.

Ethereal: 2 marker drones, filter
Commander: jammer, puretie, multi, command, controller

Riptide: ion, fusion
Riptide: ion, fusion
6 stealth suits: 2x fusion, 2x marker, shas'vre: beacon, 2x gun drones

12 firewariors
12 firewariors
12 kroot
12 kroot

6 pathfinders
8 pathfinders: beacon, 3x rail rifles

Skyray: +1 stealth
Skyray: +1 cover
Sniper drone team: 2xmarkers, 6x drones