View Full Version : Mech eldar 1750

06-05-2013, 07:39 AM
Codex: Eldar 6th Edition (2013) (Primary Detachment) Selections:

HQ ()

Farseer ()
Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Fleet, Ghosthelm, Independent Character, Psychic Disciplines: Divination, Runes of Fate, Telepathy, Psyker (Mastery Level 3), Rune Armour
Mantle of the Laughing God () (Mantle of the Laughing God), Shuriken pistol, Singing spear ()
Eldar jetbike ()
Eldar Jetbike
Twin-linked shuriken catapult
Elites ()

Fire Dragons ()
Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Fleet
5x Fire Dragon ()
5x Fusion gun, 5x Melta bombs (Melta Bombs)
Wave Serpent ()
Serpent Field, Shuriken cannon (10pts), Twin-linked scatter lasers (5pts)
Fire Dragons ()
Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Fleet
5x Fire Dragon ()
5x Fusion gun, 5x Melta bombs (Melta Bombs)
Wave Serpent ()
Serpent Field, Shuriken cannon (), Twin-linked scatter lasers ()
Troops ()

Dire Avengers ()
Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Counter-attack, Fleet
5x Dire Avenger ()
5x Avenger shuriken catapult, 5x Plasma grenades
Wave Serpent ()
Serpent Field, Shuriken cannon (), Twin-linked brightlances ()
Dire Avengers ()
Ancient Doom, Battle Focus, Counter-attack, Fleet
5x Dire Avenger ()
5x Avenger shuriken catapult, 5x Plasma grenades
Wave Serpent ()
Serpent Field, Shuriken cannon, Twin-linked scatter lasers
Windrider Jetbike Squadron
6x Guardian Jetbike (Eldar Jetbike), Shuriken Cannons
Fast Attack

Crimson Hunter
Skyhunter, Vector Dancer
Pulse Laser, Two Bright Lances
Hemlock Wraithfighter
Psychic Pilot, Psychic Power: Terrify, Psyker (Mastery Level 1), Spirit Stones, Vector Dancer
Mindshock Prod (Mindshock Prod), Two Heavy D-Scythes
Heavy Support

Fire Prism
Prism cannon, Twin-linked shuriken catapults
Fire Prism
Prism cannon, Twin-linked shuriken catapults

06-05-2013, 07:55 AM
Standard tankspam start with new codex

06-05-2013, 11:26 AM
Looks good, it seems as though you have all your bases covered. The Jetbikes stick out to me - will they be kept in reserve? Otherwise they will be the only non-AV12 target on the board, and likely won't last long.

Your list is really hard to read. You should try to simplify it... we don't need to know every unit's wargear and special rules, we only need the number of models in the unit and any upgrades that you've chosen.

06-05-2013, 11:52 AM
Yeah, I can't tell what's in your actual units. Almost as bad as army builder. Try this:

Codex: Eldar 6th Edition (2013) (Primary Detachment) Selections:

HQ ()

Mantle of the Laughing God, Singing spear
Eldar jetbike

Elites ()

5x Fire Dragon
Wave Serpent
Shuriken cannon (10pts), Twin-linked scatter lasers (5pts)

5x Fire Dragon
Wave Serpent
Shuriken cannon (10pts), Twin-linked scatter lasers (5pts)


5x Dire Avenger
Wave Serpent
Shuriken cannon, Twin-linked brightlances

5x Dire Avenger
Wave Serpent
Shuriken cannon, Twin-linked scatter lasers

6x Guardian Jetbike (Eldar Jetbike), Shuriken Cannons

Fast Attack

Crimson Hunter
Pulse Laser, Two Bright Lances

Hemlock Wraithfighter
Two Heavy D-Scythes

Heavy Support

Fire Prism
Prism cannon, Twin-linked shuriken catapults

Fire Prism
Prism cannon, Twin-linked shuriken catapults

06-05-2013, 12:48 PM
What's the role of Hemlock in this list? Wouldn't a second Hunter be better?

Usability of 5-elf Dragon squads is somewhat doubtful...

If jetbikes are for last-minute objective grabbing, maybe it's better to split them in 2x3?

06-05-2013, 11:42 PM


Fire dragons x5
Wave serpent, Twin-linked scatter lasers, shurican cannon

5x Dire Avenger
Wave Serpent, Shuriken cannon, Twin-linked brightlances
Dire Avengers x5
Wave Serpent
Shuriken cannon, Twin-linked Eldar missile launchers
Wraithguard x 5
Wave Serpent
Shuriken cannon (), Twin-linked scatter lasers ()

Crimson hunter

Fire Prism (
Twin-linked shuriken catapults
Wraithknight, Scatter laser ), Suncannon and Scattershield
Wraithlord, 2x Brightlance (), Ghostglaive (), Two flamers

06-05-2013, 11:48 PM
Maintains the armour and 3 troops to score and leaves no targets for light weapons

06-06-2013, 03:09 AM
Wraithknight, Scatter laser ), Suncannon and Scattershield

Let us know how this gets on, but it seems like an absolutely terrible choice for the points it costs.

06-06-2013, 05:26 AM
Your not a knight fan?

06-06-2013, 07:31 AM
I am a fan of knights, but i don't see that set up being worth it. You're paying 300 odd points for 3 s6 small blasts each turn. that's insane. As an example you could take a support battery of 3 d-cannons AND another crimson hunter for about the same cost. Or swap the crimson hunter for a big squad of warp spiders. You can get a lot more for the points that the suncannon knight gives.

There are two viable knight set ups that i can see atm. One is just the plain, vanilla dual s10 one. It gives you something we don't have a lot of (very high strength shooting) and while it can be negated by certain army builds, just like the suncannon, it's a lot less points. The other if the melee upgrade with no guns. It's quick, brutal and threatens pretty much everything due to it's movement, high str and good number of attacks. It's far superior to a lord in a roaming 'disrupt and destroy' role. Having a melee lord seems like it could by a free pass for the rest of your army for a couple of turns, letting you get into position or just let lose with all their shooting.

06-06-2013, 07:57 AM
You believe using him and maybe even a lord as a primary distraction while the other units move around, keeping wraith dudes cheap.

Fire dragons x5
Wave serpent, Twin-linked scatter lasers, shurican cannon, holofield

5x Dire Avenger
Wave Serpent, Shuriken cannon, Twin-linked brightlances, holofield
Dire Avengers x5
Wave Serpent
Shuriken cannon, Twin-linked Scatter laser
Wraithguard x 5
Wave Serpent
Shuriken cannon, Twin-linked scatter lasers, holofield

Crimson hunter
Exarch x2 bright lance

Fire Prism
Twin-linked shuriken catapults, holofield
Wraithknight, Ghostglaive and Scattershield
Wraithlord, Brightlance, Ghostglaive, Two flamers