View Full Version : 1500 pt world eaters list. any suggestions?

06-04-2013, 09:40 PM
The title says it all. I've been having pretty good results with this list but looking to tweak;
Kharn the betrayer
2 10 man squads of berzerkers (plasma pistol for champ)
Rhinos for the two
fast attack:
Heldrake (baleflamer)
Bikers (6 w/melta guns and melta bombs)
Heavy support:

Daemon allies:
Herald of khorne (juggernaut, locus of fury, greater rewards)

bloodletters(20 with icon, instrument and bloodreaper)

The general idea is to give enough targets to engage while moving in for close combat. Use the bloodletters icon to pull in obliterators close enough to pop any dangerous vehicle with twin linked meltas and generally roast everything with the drake. its played out like that every time I've played, creating a hole behind my enemy as they move in to engage me, then dropping bloodletters and obliterators into that hole. Make my opponent fight me on two fronts since I don't really have anything shooty. Criticisms? Comments?.I'm fairly new to the game so anything helps. Thanks

06-05-2013, 10:28 PM
its pretty good except where does kharn go? with the blood letters? i feel like the deamons should deep strike because T3 with a 5++ isnt exactly built for walking across the table

Ursus Maior
06-06-2013, 03:59 PM
Maybe some Chosen instead of the Obliterators?

Also: Why the daemons? A Cultist-blob should work, too.

06-06-2013, 08:38 PM
Kharn rides with one of the berzerker squads. So that squad would actually be one man smaller. He can't cruise with the daemons because of demonic instability. I know cultists are great meat Shields but I like the threat of the bloodletters. With a herald of khorne with a locus of fury they are absolutely disgusting in close combat. 20 is a number that, despite their fragility, usually allows them to survive that first turn after they deepstrike in so they can get in combat the next turn. Even at a quarter strength they tear thru most infantry with ease. anyone who doesn't appreciate the danger of 20 bloodletters dropped near their lines will quickly learn how nasty they are. It forces my opponent to concentrate fire on them while my berzerkers charge up the middle. And buys my obliterators another turn to open up. Chosen is a good idea, I just love the way obliterators and bloodletters work together with the icon and instrument. Thanks for the feedback!