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View Full Version : A possible leman russ tank combo?

11-09-2009, 08:10 AM
Been thinking of this tank combi, a punisher and a executioner.

I know both tanks are expensive, and as a squadron thats nearly 400 points in one unit. Though, both tanks work at killing infantry, the exeuctioner is only 20 points more for a full plasma unit of veterans too.

In squadron the russes perhaps work the best as they're tough tanks and armour 11 at the rear giving them that extra protection.

Can deal with light armour, more the executioner than the punisher.

The main strength is anti infantry. Anything on foot will me mowed down. Can tackle guard, eldar, tyranids, marines and monstrous creatures.


Lord Azaghul
11-09-2009, 08:28 AM
Don't squadon your russes. The last thing you want to do is spend 400pts a turn firing at 1 little 50-70 point unit, which 4-6 other small units with meltas creep up on you. On top of all the antitank stuff firing at you,
You'd better off taken them as individual heavies.

11-09-2009, 09:01 AM
i played in a team tournament this weekend using my dark eldar, first turn i fired a ravager at a leman russ squadron that got a cover save...3 DL shots, 3 hits, 1 cover save, 2 penetrations and 2 wrecked tanks later, i doubt that fellow will squadron them again either!

11-09-2009, 10:40 AM
Thats what I am worried about, but they are tough tanks. Also leaves me with nearly 200 points spare if I don't.

I'm running two demolishers, I used to run three but I don't think three are needed. I'm looking at a executioner, costs a lot of points but only 20 points more than a plasma squad and can be argued fires better shots too.

I'm tempted for a punisher though..

Lord Azaghul
11-09-2009, 11:11 AM
The punisher is very tempting indeed, but if you look at the wonderful guards bs, 20 shots, 10 hits, 6-8 wounds...then you opponent probably has a 4+ cover save. So you score 3-6 wounds. I think the basic battle cannon is a better choice. More 'multi-purpose'. Unless of course you take Pask. But then its like a 250pt tank. Also consider the limited range of the punisher.

However I think I will built my last tank as punisher, because it does look fun! But without pask it doesn't look very efficent.

I actually don't care for the exectioner. I like plasma sponsons on a demolisher, but a tank that can't take down other tanks doesn't really do it for me.

11-09-2009, 11:26 AM
Thats what I am worried about, but they are tough tanks. Also leaves me with nearly 200 points spare if I don't.

I'm running two demolishers, I used to run three but I don't think three are needed. I'm looking at a executioner, costs a lot of points but only 20 points more than a plasma squad and can be argued fires better shots too.

I'm tempted for a punisher though..

Tough tanks still only take one lucky shot to kill. And putting them in squadrons makes them less tough.

11-09-2009, 12:01 PM
Not less tough, just less lucky :-)

11-09-2009, 03:36 PM
Ive tried the executioner and my marine opponents cring when they see it. The punisher is just to costly and not as effective. I have started taking a vanquisher with plasma sponsons. It deals with vehicles and when they kill the main gun I go after them with plamsa.

Lord Azaghul
11-09-2009, 04:00 PM
I've not tried the vanquisher yet. I just can't bring myself to use the tank in a BS 3 army, i have a hard enough time getting my lascannons to hit!

11-10-2009, 10:50 AM
If you do it I'd say keep it cheap. Maybe two executioners with heavy bolters. I've been toying with that idea a little. That only lands at 300pts and gives you some great anti-light vehicle, anti-MC and crowd control although a pair of hydras may to the job more efficiently at the end of the day. Worth a shot tho.

11-10-2009, 09:26 PM
I am probably going to start taking my executioner out as it rarely survives the first turn. I know that means that something else is not getting shot, but losing 280pts out of a 1850 army is hard. Thinking of swapping with a demolisher, or exterminator. By the way even though the the vanquisher is only BS 3, the threat to dreads and landraiders is funny. They usually stay put till they can work out of it LOS.

11-12-2009, 11:44 PM
Just toughen up and take one Executioner with plasma sponsons. It's an absolute terror. You won't need the Punisher after that.

11-13-2009, 07:44 AM
I have found that using executioner alone is best. However, if you want combo, here's some ideas:

2 dmeolishers, 1 with multi-melta sponsors.
2 vanilla russes
(exterminator with pask +lascannon)+exterminator +lascannon

01-03-2010, 03:36 AM
With all the different choices of variants and new sponson choices its easy to get greedy and want to take everything, but IMHO the standard Russ with LC and HB is still the overall best pick. The battle cannon will tear apart any troop choice, while the lascannon gives you MC and armor damage, plus 6 HB shots, not one unit in the game, short of 2+ sv will be standing full strength. 3 Leman Russ Standards= 3 messed up squads a turn. Not too expensive but still always a monster. With IG the simplest set-up is still usually the best.

01-03-2010, 07:14 AM
The problem with combining the punisher and executioner in a squadron is that you allow your opponent to allocate wounds away from his important models. Say he has a 10 man tactical squad, and you lay 9 plasma wounds, and 6 punisher wounds. He can dump all nine plasmas and three punisher wounds on the chumps, and take a single armor save on the sarge, special, and heavy weapon.

01-07-2010, 04:23 PM
Leman Russ Executioner + Plasma Cannon Sponsons + Heavy Flamer = Motherf**king lights out.

It's totally a monster.

Don't bother squadroning, just take 2 other dangerous main battle tanks. They won't be able to take care of all three.

01-14-2010, 11:51 AM
Festablo is absolutely correct: you can get 2 x Griffon for the price of one Leman Russ. I am NOT knocking the Russ (because griffons have paper-thin armor). But my experience has shown that Girffons will simply PUMMEL the enemy without mercy.

1. 2 x Griffons will put more wounds on an enemy unit than a Basilisk or Leman Russ because they drop 2 templates at the same cost.

2. With all the cover saves running around, AP3 artillery is not nearly as valuable as it used to be. Against Orks in cover, a Basilisk and a Griffon are exactly identical (wounds on 2+ with 4+ save). Against Marines, it also wounds on 2+ and even though the marines get a 3+ save, it doesn't matter because you'll be dropping 2 templates (and hence causing more wounds) and it will all even up.

3. Griffons are way more accurate.

4. On the off chance that you catch a big Gaunt or Ork squad in the open, you'll blow them into motherf**king atoms.

5. Griffons have a minimum range of only 12" allowing you to keep dropping munitions upon your pathetic enemies even as they close in to firefight range.

01-14-2010, 11:51 AM
Polonius makes an excellent point. This is personally why I'm not a big fan of sponsors on a tank unless they match the load out of the turret. For example the Demolisher with heavy bolters is a no go. Wound allocation shenanigans come in to play. I keep my tanks simple and cheap, thus allowing me more units. Every tank that can take it gets a heavy flamer on its hull and its turret weapon. The only exception to this is the executioner because 5 plasma cannons is just friggin awesome lol. Weapon destroyed? drive that tank at someone and make them keep shooting at that Av14 heavy flamer! lol. You want to kill infantry dead, get some hellhounds. They have incredible range to reach out and touch someone with their inferno cannon. If they aren't MEQs or TEQs they are pretty much dead. Same goes for the Banewolf as its weapon is classified as a defensive weapon if I recall correctly and obviously this one works very well. Another option for killing infantry which is not to be overlooked is the griffon. batteries of these dropping ACCURATE str 6 large blasts will kill infantry dead, even if they are marines. You will just put tons of wounds on them. Just my two cents.