View Full Version : Not understanding the hate for the rumored lord of battles.

06-03-2013, 04:43 PM
As a long time player ( i.e. old man) that started with epic 4ok in the 90's i think the new lord of battle looks much better than the epic version.
I own the epic lord of battle, really, its unpainted, never primed, i intend to use the parts for decorations for a chaos themed terrain.
So with the old version in my hands, and a pic from the interwebs in the other,the new one looks much better.

Is it the whole "body on a tank thing" that drives people off? I can understand that, but if it's the quality of the model I just cant see how anyone can judge until you see it on the board.
Thats all i got, what do you think?

06-03-2013, 05:17 PM
As a long time player ( i.e. old man) that started with epic 4ok in the 90's i think the new lord of battle looks much better than the epic version.
I own the epic lord of battle, really, its unpainted, never primed, i intend to use the parts for decorations for a chaos themed terrain.
So with the old version in my hands, and a pic from the interwebs in the other,the new one looks much better.

Is it the whole "body on a tank thing" that drives people off? I can understand that, but if it's the quality of the model I just cant see how anyone can judge until you see it on the board.
Thats all i got, what do you think?

I don't hate it. I just don't like it. Too cartoon for me.

06-03-2013, 06:56 PM
I don't hate it. I just don't like it. Too cartoon for me.

Yea, I don't hate it, I just think it's downright silly looking. I know it's from old school stuff but if I didn't know that, I would think in the current look of 40K it looks like the equivalent of bad fan-fiction.

06-03-2013, 07:06 PM
Stay puff'd!

06-03-2013, 07:33 PM
It looks like a 5-year old was like "i wanna guy with an axe and a tank body, mommyyyy". It's almost as dumb as the castle-with-legs titan.

06-03-2013, 09:47 PM
It looks like a 5-year old was like "i wanna guy with an axe and a tank body, mommyyyy". It's almost as dumb as the castle-with-legs titan.

while I agree on the LoB assessment, the Imperator ROCKS, its an awesome visual link between titans and the floating cathedrals they call spaceships. Definitely evocative of 40k

06-03-2013, 10:05 PM
As a long time player ( i.e. old man) that started with epic 4ok in the 90's i think the new lord of battle looks much better than the epic version.
I own the epic lord of battle, really, its unpainted, never primed, i intend to use the parts for decorations for a chaos themed terrain.
So with the old version in my hands, and a pic from the interwebs in the other,the new one looks much better.

Is it the whole "body on a tank thing" that drives people off? I can understand that, but if it's the quality of the model I just cant see how anyone can judge until you see it on the board.
Thats all i got, what do you think? I'm with you on the old school models. I love the fact that there digging out the stuff from 1st-2nd Ed and epic line, so bring it on.


Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
06-03-2013, 10:09 PM
My 2 cents: 40k's filled with exaggerated body-proportions - that's fine, since the minis are pretty small, having big head/hands can help - and that's part of 40k's image. But, the Blood Knight is closer to natural proportions. Makes it look "off"/less 40k-ish. Probably why all the other humanoid machines in 40k (titans, decimator etc), have even more inhuman proportions than the standard miniatures. 40k's visual style (for Imperial/Chaos, at least) has giant robots that are a pile of machinery that look kind of like a guy. But this is just a big guy (riding the world's pimpingest wheelchair, but whatevs.)

06-03-2013, 10:48 PM
Because some people think hating everything that GW makes them cool.

And yet still play GW games regularly.

06-03-2013, 11:13 PM
Because some people think hating everything that GW makes them cool.
Or because its just an ugly model that people dislike. God, how unlikely would that be? :rolleyes:

06-03-2013, 11:17 PM
Ugly is subjective. I'm not overly fond of the Khorne aesthetic but this is a lovely, impress throwback to a retro model. I do get annoyed by peopel comparing them to toys, they are nothing like toys. If you could buy toys with detail this intricate I'd be very impressed. I just add 'toys' to my 'List of things wargamers have never actually seen but have had describe to themd' along with dinobots, Masters of the Universe and segways.

06-04-2013, 04:18 AM

Amazing new pic of the lord of battles for next apoc!! ^^^^

06-04-2013, 04:21 AM
I think that this model will heavily appeal to those who are familiar with/fans of the classic Chaos "flesh without" models. Really retro looking model, and I appreciate that. I personally don't like it, but hey, it is a neat idea to revisit the old stuff.

06-04-2013, 05:24 AM
Ugly is subjective. I'm not overly fond of the Khorne aesthetic but this is a lovely, impress throwback to a retro model. I do get annoyed by peopel comparing them to toys, they are nothing like toys. If you could buy toys with detail this intricate I'd be very impressed. I just add 'toys' to my 'List of things wargamers have never actually seen but have had describe to themd' along with dinobots, Masters of the Universe and segways.

I like the model and think it looks great, big as well lol.

On the subject of toys, have you bought a Wraithknight yet and started painting it? This model is the first one ive come across where I feel like I am painting a toy, lol.

06-04-2013, 05:39 AM
I think the thing rocks. Its so 40k it hurts. As an old school player it really appeals to me. I'm an Eldar only player, but have decided to run Chaos as an NPC army for a long term campaign, and I know I'll get one because fighting crazy looking units like this beast are just great fun. I like when GW dips their toe in the fun side of things, to me the crazy over the top stuff is part of what makes 40k fun. I like the more evolved serious side of 40k of recent years, but the old school Iron-Maiden album cover art inspired 40k of yesteryear is just as appealing.

Besides if you were a guardsmen fighting on a war-torn battlefield and you saw this thing rolling over the crest of the hill before you you'd be terrified.

06-04-2013, 07:05 AM
As a veteran of 40k from rogue trader onward i can say it reminds me of 2nd ed 40k and epic (which was also 2nd ed).
I hated with a passion the cartoon era that took us from grim dark to nickleodeon farce.
I tuned out till 3rd ed when grim dark made its return.
I will stick to FW thanks.

06-04-2013, 07:28 AM
I want to get one only to mount on a RC car and chase kids around the neighborhood with it.

06-04-2013, 07:35 AM
Tis an abomination unto nuggin!

06-04-2013, 10:06 AM
Or because its just an ugly model that people dislike. God, how unlikely would that be? :rolleyes:

Except its the same people saying the same thing about every model GW makes.

Cpt Codpiece
06-04-2013, 11:03 AM
i love the model, for both its nod to the past and its modernity.

however i mourn the loss of old school slaanesh :( that came along with 3rd ed, well all chaos got tamed down (track down the old kharn short about his kill counter from an old WD, by bill king for an idea of what i mean :))

id love for GW to make sickening chaos models again, as well as some crazy orks :)

06-04-2013, 12:59 PM
When was this time when Chaos models didn't look hilarious? Was it the bullish Keeper? The Bloodthirster with a pug face? The Chaos Marines with heads in their torsos? These are serious questions as Chaos always looked like a bunch of guys that made horrible life choices and deserved my pity not my fear when I was little.

Cpt Codpiece
06-04-2013, 04:31 PM
like i said in the post, i ref. bill kings short. its the fluff and early art that set the scene. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRsT9P0z2-Y (linky to youtube)

why GW have chosen to abandon the horror aspect in chaos is beyond me, yes it was not put into the early models very well due to physical reproduction methods. (i know GW wants the little tweenies buying their stuff so wont go back to kindom death style stuff sadly :()

but the taming of the demonettes is unforgivable, thankfully the plague bearers have become better since plastic, nurglings also have the humor of pappa nurgle.
tzeench demons are a little lacking.... horrors while always humorous, through random spite and malice kept the evilness to them..... and khorne demons kind of got lost for a while between bestial nastiness and red :) but now they have their sinuous lethality again, they are weird and creepy.

as for models, the old guitar noise marines are still one of Jes' best works... they look evil and still amazing, the move to rubric marines took a lot of what tzeench marines were away sadly :( deathguard are finally coming back with FW kits and the likes and FW khorne guys are amazing, just like the old metals from back in the day.... i loved the mohawk bolter berzerker :)

lets just hope the new alpacalips will bring a new plastic chaos kit.... in line with the DV marines so we are not using the same old crappy CSM bits.

06-05-2013, 12:32 AM
Sorry, don't like it. Yes it may hark back to 2nd ed. (I started playing at the beginning of 3rd), but I think the move away from goofyness to horror/grim dark was a good thing.

40k has been moving back to goofyness for a while now; wolf riding marines, dinobots and the giant baby carrier, and although the sculpting is often great I am getting less impressed with the model concepts .

Maybe I'm just turning into a grumpy old man.

06-05-2013, 05:46 PM
like i said in the post, i ref. bill kings short. its the fluff and early art that set the scene. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRsT9P0z2-Y (linky to youtube)

why GW have chosen to abandon the horror aspect in chaos is beyond me, yes it was not put into the early models very well due to physical reproduction methods. (i know GW wants the little tweenies buying their stuff so wont go back to kindom death style stuff sadly :()

but the taming of the demonettes is unforgivable, thankfully the plague bearers have become better since plastic, nurglings also have the humor of pappa nurgle.
tzeench demons are a little lacking.... horrors while always humorous, through random spite and malice kept the evilness to them..... and khorne demons kind of got lost for a while between bestial nastiness and red :) but now they have their sinuous lethality again, they are weird and creepy.

as for models, the old guitar noise marines are still one of Jes' best works... they look evil and still amazing, the move to rubric marines took a lot of what tzeench marines were away sadly :( deathguard are finally coming back with FW kits and the likes and FW khorne guys are amazing, just like the old metals from back in the day.... i loved the mohawk bolter berzerker :)

lets just hope the new alpacalips will bring a new plastic chaos kit.... in line with the DV marines so we are not using the same old crappy CSM bits.

Yea i get that, they have tried to "disneyfy" the current fluff, as they are changing the appeal of the game from older consumers to a younger audience (whose parents might object to buying a necronomicon for sweet innocent junior.
But a little texture , and some darker tones, i bet the LoB will look pretty nice.

06-06-2013, 05:52 AM
I love that noisemarine (he is currently Inquisitor Rockenstein) but he could only be menacing to a child. That's kind of the point, Chaos has never been scary in 40k. Chaos worship is always a mistake people make and are punished for.

06-06-2013, 10:46 AM
I love the old Epic game and have a couple Lords for it... I would have prefered something closer to the original as this one looks more like a hybrod Death Dealer Daemon Engine to me than the actual LOB. Given my purchase history it probably will not stop me from picking one up.

06-07-2013, 05:26 AM
He looks weird and scary. But I think its also a bad paintjob.

Mr Mystery
06-07-2013, 06:36 AM
I really like it, and have my fingers, toes, eyes and nads crossed I'll be able to field it withy Daemons.

See, Chaos is about stuff from your nightmares. They don't have to make sense. What we have here is a daemonically possessed super heavy tank, where the Daemon has moulded it to fit.

And as ever...we're seeing it from one angle, so to write it off that easily is simply childish.