View Full Version : Conjecture Time with Finn and Jake.Your best guess for apoc releases.

06-03-2013, 04:18 PM
As the title suggests, this thread is made to guess what large/super heavy models will be released for apocalypse.
Some rumors suggest that everyone except ig and orks will be receiving a new model (though SoB doesnt seem a likely choice either).
So with that said , make your best guess of what's being released,the winner receives an imaginary set of steak knives!!

I am guessing eldar are getting the Vampire Raider (mostly because i want one, iv'e already heard what they probally are getting ;)

06-03-2013, 08:18 PM
Maybe give the Imperium knights, but it looks like Chaos is getting more big stuff so maybe not.
Maybe they'll actually give us a Titan Legion army list in the book (yeah, right)

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
06-03-2013, 08:37 PM
I'd guess that if they release Imperial Knights, it'd be compatible with the head/arms of the Bloodknight thingy Chaos is getting (since GW is making customizing less central).

Power Klawz
06-04-2013, 12:05 PM
Probably that chaos thing, hopefully some emphasis on plastic kits for apoc-unloved armies like Tau and Nids. (Although both have pretty great FW support, plastic kits are what we're after here.)

06-04-2013, 02:04 PM
Plastic Macharius isn't my best guess, but I pray for it every night anyway.

06-05-2013, 04:45 AM
Plastic Paladin for AdMech/DarkMech would cover all the loyal Imperials and CSM. Esp if it had rules to add it into normal games.
Tau could use a heavier flier, something in between the Razorshark/Baracuda and the Tigershark. Something with say AV12 front, 11 sides and rear.
Nids already have pretty much their large critters, with the Tyrgon and Tervigon kits. They could really use a much improved/larger Harpy as a FMC.

06-05-2013, 09:02 AM
See the harridan.

06-05-2013, 08:56 PM
if i were to pick a nid superheavy, id prefer to see something like the hierophant... something of nearly equal scale, a massive target on the board.

06-06-2013, 07:46 AM
Well Necrons are getting the Megalith.

Jes did say that he wanted to do a Super Heavy Grav Tank for the Eldar, but wasn't sure if it was possible at the time. However he did say that with CAD advances it might be so who knows, although they did just get the Wraith Knight so not sure.

In terms of other armies, I reckon we will get plastic Greater Daemons for Daemons of Chaos and they will be bigger than the current ones, but that's conjecture / wishful thinking.

I would love for them to produce Imperial Knights, and with Dreamforge releasing their Leviathans I reckon GW would want to compete, but again I'm not sure, IG already have Baneblades etc.

Marines don't really have anything specific for Apocalypse right now so it would be great for them to get something...

06-07-2013, 03:17 AM
For the Tau my money is on a heavy flyer, something with S10 rail guns since Tau now only have one source of S10 RGs in regular 40K and they won't last long in an apoc game. It would be nice to see one kit for each army rather than just datasheets with detachment rules for existing models.

06-08-2013, 09:50 AM
For the Tau my money is on a heavy flyer, something with S10 rail guns since Tau now only have one source of S10 RGs in regular 40K and they won't last long in an apoc game. It would be nice to see one kit for each army rather than just datasheets with detachment rules for existing models.

I'm hoping we get a new flier too (preferably Vespid), but I have a feeling we are probably going to get a Kroot Knarloc or something. The Tigershark sells really well for Forgeworld and I doubt they would take that away from them.

Arkhan Land
06-09-2013, 07:21 PM
I wouldnt be upset by a plastic heirodule for about 100 to 115

06-09-2013, 08:40 PM
The new megalith will spawn a random unit of necrons [warrioers, spyders, wraiths, immortals] every turn that can move shot and assault normally. All for 100 pts. j/k