View Full Version : O'Shova Master of the Kroot, Pathfinder and Vespid attack

06-03-2013, 11:33 AM
Honestly you can do this without O'shova, but I was reading my Tau codex to do something differant and unique from typical Tau builds. I used to play kroot mercenies which I have over 100 kroot models easy. As I was looking through my book I noticed a piece of gear called the postional relay and I said that's really good. What it does is allow you to outflank on any board edge, yes even behind your opponent. The drawback is I have to be within 6", how do I do that?

1. Is with stealthsuits. They can hopefully infiltrate 6" away from your opponents rear edge. It's easy to do in 2 out of 3 deployments. If you find los blocking terrain the better.

2. Is the you take O'shova and deep strike a riptide, 7 crisissuits, stealthsuits, or vespids, the latter is only if you have stealth suits in the right postion. You want to be near a ruin so the vespids can get +3 cover saves. What happens next is what I call the glory.

3. Since stealth suits and kroot can outflank as well as pathfinders. You can dump a large amount of your army behind a player. In this situation you can lbe shooting in front and in the rear. Tanks can be melted if near the edge or shot in the rear. You will cause confusion due to your enemy getting cought in a cross fire.

4. You can put an ethereal with your finders so he can let you triple tap with your kroot and pathfinders. Krootox will be nice dur to strength 7 rear armour shots. Your pathfinders with rail guns can dish out 6 strength 6 ap 1 shots per squad on top of carbines.

The thing about this tactic is no one does it. Also no one really expects it. When they see your list they will underestimate you and the trap is set.

With a huge amount of alpha rea shooting you will criple said army. It will help riptides be within melta/ smash range much quicker. If your opponent turns around to deal with devilfish and pathfinders, stealth suits, crisis suits, riptides, kroot, vespids you can advance your army up and punish him from both sides. Not to mention you easily have line breaker.

I suggest o'shoava/ riptide and use the riptide to soak up any intercepter fire.