View Full Version : Crafting a fallen dark angels strikeforce 1000pts, looking for feedback

06-03-2013, 08:04 AM

i've written an accompanying request for feedback regarding the "fluff" and now i'm getting to the crunch.

I'm intending to create a DA Force (actually a fallen angels, but you know, all that jazz and then some is fluff)

What i've got to make use of is the following

About 40 tactical marines ( plenty of plasma guns, cannons and pistols, and about ten sergeants a lascannon and two rocket launchers) to make tac-mars and Devastators from.

Five assault marines

about six termies

Two-rhinos (can convert to Razors)

a Dread with plasma (can convert again)

Companymaster, librarian and odds and ends to make a command squad from.

Now what i do NOt have, is the slightest inkling as how i should compose it, of the straight of my head i was leaning towards.

Company master (special sword, forget the name/displacement field)
librarian psykerlvl2
command squad with chapter champion and Apothecary.

Dread+las or plasma

two rhinos

two devastators (plasma canon times two and rocket launher and lascannon for each one)

Two or three tacticals.

one assault squad

one terminator.

Tactics? Figuring the rhinos run the middle covered by devestators fire, with assaults sidling up the lines and charging objectives and termies dropping in turn tw/three and blasting everything in sight. The companymaster has a razorback and charges something solid, the Dread waddling up the base line and shooting at everything and charging at the drop of a hat.

Does it Blend? Or is it an avoider straight of?

06-04-2013, 04:25 PM
I'm pretty sure the Fallen don't have any vehicles of their own. They mysteriously appear on planets, somehow moving across the galaxy in extremely short spaces of time (some kind of warpyness, probably the Watchers).

They do, however, trick PDF and the like into thinking they're just another loyalist chapter, as of course very few people even know that the Fallen exist, so you could have allied Imperial Guard to represent them using them to their ends.

06-04-2013, 11:25 PM
I'm pretty sure the Fallen don't have any vehicles of their own. They mysteriously appear on planets, somehow moving across the galaxy in extremely short spaces of time (some kind of warpyness, probably the Watchers).

They do, however, trick PDF and the like into thinking they're just another loyalist chapter, as of course very few people even know that the Fallen exist, so you could have allied Imperial Guard to represent them using them to their ends.

Hmm there's an idea,that's a good suggestion. I knew that it was going to be difficult to portray the fallen properly but i suppose i might have to leave all my metal boxes and Terminators lying.

06-05-2013, 08:50 AM
Hmm there's an idea,that's a good suggestion. I knew that it was going to be difficult to portray the fallen properly but i suppose i might have to leave all my metal boxes and Terminators lying.

I imagine they would have Terminator armour, even if it's stolen from other marines.

An idea a friend came up with was to build 'warp-markers' in the shape of drop pods and play them as a drop army, materialising on the battlefield from strange pillars of energy which temporarily mark the ground with runes of the Watchers in the dark.

06-07-2013, 02:06 PM
I imagine they would have Terminator armour, even if it's stolen from other marines.

An idea a friend came up with was to build 'warp-markers' in the shape of drop pods and play them as a drop army, materialising on the battlefield from strange pillars of energy which temporarily mark the ground with runes of the Watchers in the dark.

a pillar of light... with a stormboler!

06-08-2013, 04:47 PM
or a pillar of light "spewing out warp energies each turn...with S4 Ap4" XD

But it is a great idea.

06-08-2013, 04:49 PM
Yeah i kind of went with one squad, i assumed they could scrounge something up. Did he ever come up with a viable idea for making terrain like that?

06-08-2013, 05:11 PM
I wish stormbolters were ap4...