View Full Version : 1500 Eldar Wraithwing

06-02-2013, 09:58 PM
Hey guys, I've come up with a fun and themed army list for Eldar Wraiths that I think will make a great display army for my blog.
This isn't intended to be overly competitive, but in a meta where flyers aren't as common, it should do just fine. It is in the vein of a more classic Wraithwing army list.
Do you like it?


Spiritseer - 70
Wraithseer w/ scatter laser - 195 (Warlord)

Wraithguard (9) - 288
Wraithguard (10) - 320

Heavy Support
Wraithknight w/ suncannon and shield, scatter laser - 300
Wraithlord w/ ghost glaive, two bright lances - 165
Wraithlord w/ two bright lances - 160

Total = 1498

A good thing for me is that in my store, it is generally ok to go over the points limit by two-three points provided you are trying to fit your full army in with no counts as, so against some opponents I will be able to add in the ghost glaive for the second Wraithlord and push the total to 1503.

06-02-2013, 10:00 PM
I'd drop the knight, its a bit too much in 1500.

Then grab some more guard, 5 with the scythes?

also D-cannon of the seer for sure. and if you have the 5 left throw a glaive on the other lord.

06-02-2013, 10:09 PM
Cheers mate.
Doing those changes gets me;

Spiritseer w/ phoenix gem - 95
Wraithseer w/ d-cannon - 225

Wraithguard (10) - 320
Wraithguard (10) - 320
Wraithguard (5) w/ d-scythes - 210

Heavy Support
Wraithlord w/ ghost glaive, two bright lances - 165
Wraithlord w/ ghost glaive, two bright lances - 165

Total = 1500

I had 25 points to spare after doing the changes, so I gave the Spiritseer the Phoenix Gem; after all, it isn't like it will hurt the Wraithguard.
I think I'll still grab and try out the Wraithknight in this list, just to get a feel for it and also for display purposes. So I'll probably end up using both lists and switch between the two on the fly.
Again, cheers.

06-02-2013, 10:18 PM

that's about what I'd go myself if running a wraith list, I'd recommend a wraith fighter and another lord/guard squad if you wanted to go up to 1850. (perhaps a 5 man blade squad with axes to operate as counter attack)

the great thing is, you can largely ignore fliers with a list like that, bout the only one you care about is the Drake, but even then the T6 helps mitigate what they can do to you.

06-02-2013, 10:28 PM
Yep exactly, fliers don't really scare the army list at all; and with the Heldrake, having the Wraithseer give Feel No Pain (4+) to a unit will at least keep a few alive to win on objectives/secondaries.

06-02-2013, 10:30 PM
One piece of advice, if an opponent tries the late turn drop to get your backfield objectives keep your scythe guard on it, that will ruin anything.

06-02-2013, 10:33 PM
Yeah, those things are brutal. Provided they all live, 5 S4 AP2 flamer templates and, if they are silly enough to charge - or forced to, by sitting on the objective - then they eat 5 D3 S4 AP2 automatic hits :cool:

06-02-2013, 10:36 PM
I love the dual gun wraithlords, it gives them so much more value than what they had before.

If you are running a knight I wouldn't bother with the scatter laser, not worth the points. the suncannon doesn't care all that much about re-rolls, 3 BS4 blasts aren't going to scatter that much

edit: ya know, if you get that from the UK it shouldn't be that expensive to throw together either.

06-03-2013, 12:01 AM
I was thnking the same. However if you want to keep the knight I think you should go with the double strength 10 shots to make up for lack of range.

I think you should break your squads in 5 man teams. It will give you more options. If you want a 10 man team than leave one as a 10 man with the seer in it. With 5 man teams it will really help with objective based games. With 2-3 scoring units with 5 possible objectives you can run into issues.

06-08-2013, 01:08 AM
I just realized that a Wraithseer can be a Warlord, even though it doesn't fulfill the mandatory HQ slot. Boogie!

06-08-2013, 03:20 AM
I can't decide if I want 5 or 10 man footslogging squads of wraithguard or 5 man squads in wave serpents. I've tried them in 5man squads in WS and they worked alright but if you drop the WS you can get another 5 wraithguard, decisions decisions!