View Full Version : O'Shova Stealth Bomb

06-02-2013, 07:14 PM
All i hear is the O'Shova bomb. This is my little deviation from the actual dry 7 suit bomb. This one will use Farsight to hit on target and use the stealth suits to get the rest in on them.

Originally i thought about just infiltrating my suits which is an option. Also the fact riptides can deepstirke is over looked for some reason. This is in response of dealing to necrons on the most part. I am trying to get feedback and adjust where I need to.

I am thinking of adding Farsight to a stealth team. The stealth team will have 2 melta gunners with target locks and a beacon. I am thinking of giving my stealth commander skyfire on his markerlight. The squad will take a beacon as well. With Farsight in the squad I will be able to deep strike on my target. I might take 2 gun drones with drone controllers in the squad as well.

Once Farsigh deep strikes in than I will deep strike my commander with a riptide and two drones. This unit will help provide cover for my stealh suits. My tide will have a fusion blaster and ion cannon while my commander will provide ignore cover, 2 drones, drone controller, twin linked fire, and tank or mc hunter.

However this tactic has brought up some questions?

1. Can i even use the beacon from a unit that just deep striked on the board. i don't see any where it says i can't.
2. Can i use the puretide chip if my commander comes in via deep strike?
3. Can i use my riptides abilities if like +3 invulnerable save if i come in via ds.

06-02-2013, 09:23 PM
1. Can i even use the beacon from a unit that just deep striked on the board. i don't see any where it says i can't.
2. Can i use the puretide chip if my commander comes in via deep strike?
3. Can i use my riptides abilities if like +3 invulnerable save if i come in via ds.

These are all very good questions.
1. I checked similar wargear in the SM dex and those specifically state that they must be on the table when the turn begins. While I do not believe your interpretation is RAI I don't know anyplace right now that would counter the RAW. For an example look at Nemesor from the Necron dex. His bodyguard does not scatter if he teleports near him...one trick that works is to veil Nemesor first then port his bodyguard's unit precisely next to him. Wording on the beacon here is similar. Short answer looks to be yes.

2 & 3. Both of these abilities say they occur at the beginning of the models movement phase...which is also when it technically deep strikes. I remember reading in an FAQ (maybe the BRB one) that if something occurs at the same time without a specific order that the player whose turn it is get's to decide the order in which the actions take place. Given that most models can't use abilities while off the table I would think you would deep strike first and then activate the ability :) Short answer, once again looks to be yes

06-02-2013, 09:48 PM
daboarder pointed out that the way the rules are written, reserves specifically denies you your abilities. For some reason, GW actually contradicts itself in the FAQ and allows you to use psychic powers. Bravo, GW, bravo.

06-02-2013, 10:23 PM
daboarder pointed out that the way the rules are written, reserves specifically denies you your abilities. For some reason, GW actually contradicts itself in the FAQ and allows you to use psychic powers. Bravo, GW, bravo.

That is why I don't know it's a yes or no for 2&3. Also somone pointed out the way the FAQ was writen it could be that someone is casting a blessing on the model that is coming in and not the model casting it on himself, but if the other model can cast after the other model comes on the board from reserves why couldn't the same model cast a blessing upon himself. Which leaves me back at square one. Limbo.

For #1 in the Daemon codex you have the same issue. However they point out you can deep strike after the bearer deep striked in on target.

So with #1 I can argue it works like a marine on or I can argue it works like a daemon one. Since it wasn't specified that the bearer has to be on the board I assumed yes as well.

Also now I am thinking about a squad of pathfinders outflanking with a beacon. If they do that I can deep strike to their postion as well. The more I think about it some rapid fire rail rifle love would be lovely. The only problem I am having is debatng on taking a devilfish. I can move in 6" and disembark another 6" to help get better rapid fire shooting. If I take gun drones they will shoot normal and the burst cannon will shoot normal as well, however I rather the smart missles which is twin linked as well, although I would be shooting as bs 1.