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06-02-2013, 02:33 PM
Apocalypse Rumor Roundup

Existing Rumors 6-1-2013

New Apocalypse slated for July 2013

Rumored models are:

A large Imperial Walker, (smaller than a warhound titan)
Possible Chaos Variant (might have been mistaken for the Lord of Battles)

Missing plastic models known to be created but possibly held back for the Apocalypse release:
-Eldar Bomber
-Eldar "large hover tank"
-IG Hydra
-IG Medusa/Colossus
-Tyranid Harpy

Latest Rumors 6-2-2013

A Chaos Khorne Lord of Battles:
-A large chaos vehicle from EPIC with a large tracked body, and a giant mechanical torso of a warrior of khorne. One hand holds a colossal chain axe, the other is a large gatling barrelled weapon. A gigantic daemon engine on par with a scout titan.

A large flying Necron "Megalith"
-An oversized Monolith shaped vehicle on a flying stand that can "open up" into its four corners, with internal attachments to reveal a central spherical set of internal machinery.

First sighting of the new White Dwarf .

Via Warseer's The Dark General 6-5-2013

It's a dual kit approx size of baneblade box, but taller model. Makes either the Deathdealer or Lord of Battles.

Also there's a bunch of new data sheets, inlcuding some for those of us that bought multiple NEW models

It's also NOT the only Chaos models coming out, along with a few other Khorne...speedy guys...

Approx price is $125

via Warseer's BramGaunt 6-8-2013

1st: There is a new rulebook, if anyone still questioned that. Complete overhaul. The scale of additional shenanigans will be the same as with a regular rulebook, as well as limited items. Probably a collectors- and a gamers edition aswell (allthough I am only guessing that!).

2nd: The kits we have seen so far cover all the miniatures there will be for now (Khorne "Skulldozer" and Necron "Monolith of Doom + 2D6"). However, there are three new pieces of terrain, which apperantly are of apocalyptic size. A different source told me of a 'commad citadel' behind which the Wraithknight could easily hide.

3rd: Releasedate is the 13th of July, with Preorders starting the 29th (with the new WD, as usual). This is GW's big release this year.

Latest Rumors 6-13-2013

via Best_Pone
Let's see now...
You've already seen the Chaos and Necron superheavies.
You'll also get some fortifications - giant gun/missile emplacements and the like. These are also designed to hook up with the Wall of Martyrs terrain.
As well as the Apocalypse rulebook, there's also a collector's edition and a gamer's edition.

via Opatija
got some quick information about the upcoming release. Itīs "just" what the employees were told, which in some cases is not very reliable:

- Apocalyspe is mostly about formations with some minor benefits for the "units"
- There will be at least 2 waves for mini supply (Some of the missing miniatures will be released when their own 6th codex is)
- Each army is going to get a super heavy, beeing asked about such a huge release, they were told to keep the Allied Forces in mind, leaving Tyranids aside (speculated as an Imperial/SM Multipart kit) which will hit at around 125,-€ (Itīs quite possible that the Chaos thing and the Monolith are the only ones! And Baneblades/Shadowswords are accessable via Allied Forces!)
- A large/multi part piece of Terrain fitting to the "Martyrs"-Line (80,-€/50,-€/30,-€)

All in all even the Employees are not very excited for the release so better don't expect to much when reading the rumours about those gigantic Release-Wave(s)

Latest Rumors 6-16-2013

via Best_Pone
Has anyone mentioned the company masters yet? Marine players are getting some more of the company masters. I believe they're the masters of the reserve companies.

Latest Rumors 6-18-2013 via Warseer's Old-four-Arms (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?373811-Apocalypse-Next-Month&p=6814667&viewfull=1#post6814667)

on the GW site in the description of the Imperial Bunker :

"The Imperial Bunker can be combined with the Wall of Martyrs scenery range including the Imperial Defence Line,
Aquila Strongpoint, Firestorm Redoubt, Vengeance Weapon Battery, and the Imperial Defence Emplacement. The only
limit to how big your Wall of Martyrs set can be is your imagination (and probably the size of your gaming table)."

Aquila Strongpoint, Firestorm Redoubt and Vengeance Weapon Battery could be the 3 new apoc terrain pieces...

The First Apocalypse Teaser Trailer is here:
6-29-2013 for pre-orders


via Dakka Dakka:

WARHAMMER 40000: APOCALYPSE (ENGLISH) Other Book 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $90.00 $74.25
IMPERIAL TARGETING TEMPLATES Hobby Product 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $30.00 $25.00
KHORNE LORD OF SKULLS Plastic Box 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $190.00 $160.00
IMPERIAL GUARD BANEBLADE Plastic Box 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $170.00 $140.00
NECRON TESSERACT VAULT Plastic Box 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $190.00 $160.00
WALL OF MARTYRS: VENGEANCE WEAPON BATTERY Plastic Box 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $60.00 $50.00
WALL OF MARTYRS: FIRESTORM REDOUBT Plastic Box 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $80.00 $65.00
WALL OF MARTYRS: AQUILA STRONGPOINT Plastic Box 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $140.00 $115.00
SPACE MARINE CPTN: MASTER OF THE MARCHES Finecast Clam 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD Splash $30.00 $22.25
SPACE MARINE CAPTAIN:MASTER OF THE RITES Finecast Clam 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD Splash $30.00 $22.25
SPACE MARINE CAPTAIN: MASTER OF RELICS Finecast Clam 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD Splash $30.00 $22.25
SPACE MARINE CAPTAIN: LORD EXECUTIONER Finecast Clam 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD Splash $30.00 $22.25
APOCALYPSE STRATEGIC ASSET CARDS (ENG) Hobby Product 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD Limited $16.00 $15.00
BOMBARDMENT DICE CUBE Hobby Product 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD Limited $36.00 $30.00
VORTEX GRENADE TEMPLATE Hobby Product 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD Limited $16.00 $15.00
WH40K: APOCALYPSE - COLLECTORS EDITION Other Book 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 D Limited $300.00 $250.00
WH40K: APOCALYPSE - GAMER'S EDITION 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 D Limited $300.00 $250.00

Prices are Canadian and US.

via Librarian Harker 6-27-2013

Khorne Lord Of Skulls
888 points F13 S13 R11 HP9 WS4 BS3 St10
Has a destroyer melee weapon and a hellstorm weapon that causes instant death and another which fires a strength 9 apocalyptic blast

Necron Tesseract Vault
No details on the armor and points, but it will have six weapons systems to choose from one of which can fire 6D6 St8 AP 3 shots per turn. Looks like its not a flyer as a group of Deathwing knights are able to destroy it in hand to hand in the battle report. The vault contains a unit called the transcendent C'Tan who can be removed from the vault and used as a unit in their own right, but that can be dangerous for the necrons as well as their enemies.

Necron Obilisk
An alternative to the tesseract vault, looks like it is a flyer and has an ability called a gravitational pulse that automatically hits flyers.

Stormlord & Stormsword
Both remain the same, but have had a slight drop in points. Stormlord is now 490, Stormsword is 485.

Other Items
Other things are, the apocalyptic barrage has changed completely, and is now 5 blast makers linked together. Formations look quite good, as a group of librarians are now able to call in a vortex, and using battle companies gives you an orbital bombardment. There is a formation for three heldrakes that allows them to make a pregame vector strike.

Fortifications look great, the vengeance weapon battery gives you tow turrets, that can have either a punisher chaincannon, or a leman russ battle cannon. Firestorm Reboubt gives you two twin linked quad lascannons, and the aquila strongpoint you can have a macro cannon, or a bay of vortex missiles. Both are used to great effect in the battle report.

via Faeit 212 6-28-2013

Two formations from the White Dwarf:

Grey Knight Extermination Force
Consists of 3 Stormravens and a Dreadknight
The Dreadknight marks the target, and the Stormravens automatically hit it

Wraithknight Dreamwalker Squad
Consists of 3 Wraithknights or More?
They become energized by the more Wraithknights in the formation, becoming more accurate with shooting and in close combat, also increases to movement and charging.

via BoLS Comments 6-28-2013

Lord of Battles
I have the white dwarf in front of me. They have done away with Structure Points, and now everything has Hull Points. It has 9 HP, as done the Baneblade and it's variants. For every HP lost, it gets an extra attack PERMANENTLY, even if you repair the HPs that are lost. So potentially have 10 attacks base with a strength D axe is a pretty brutal possibility. It can also Tank Shock using a new table referred to as the Thunderblitz Table, but no idea yet what that all encompasses. It also has the following special rules:

Daemon, Daemonforge, Fleet, It Will Not Die, and Rage

via Darog (http://apocalypse40k.com/index.php?/topic/1868-2nd-edition-apocalypse-pics/page__st__20) 7-01-2013

Scoring is done based on the number of strategic objectives controlled each break and at the end of the battle.

There are six new scenarios to play and several dozen Strategic Assets, which allow you to outmanoeuvre your foes, place minefields
in front of them or bombard them from orbit. Unnatural disasters erupt across the warzoneo magma storms fall from the sky while seismic explosions rip apart the battlefield. Your Warlords can even perform heroic acts during the game, which could potentially turn the tide of battle. lust make sure they don't get killed while doing it there's nothing quite so tragic as having your commander blown to bits in their
finest hour.

Studio's Tesseract Vault and the Obelisk: both of the Vaults have the Seismic Assault Ascendant Power
(you've got to give them two out of a list of six, and all of them are truly nasty), which unleashes a massive 6D6 S8 AP3 shots per turn (new apoc barage).
The Obelisk: its Gravity Pulse ability automatically hits enemy nyers in both shooting phases.

Having a whole Battle Company gives you some major advantages, such as a bonus Orbital Strike
Strategic Asset and the Comrades-in-Arms rule, which enables all squads in the Battle Company to fire overwatch for nearby allies when they are assaulted.

Riptide Wing: 3+ Riptides gains Coordinated Attacks and Networked Reactors

Transcendent C'Tan (no rules listed)

WraithKnight Dreamwalker Squad: 3-5 Wraithknights. Gains Dreamwalk (fluff mentions faster response times)

Baneblade: 525 pts (with no sponsons), can take 2 sets of sponsons for 50pts a pair (lost option for flamer sponsons and option for extra armor), commisar tank upgrade for 45pts, and command tank upgrade for 200pts. HK/Stubber/SB all as guard codex

Librarius: five+ Librarians, will unleash a Force Vortex. Woe betide anyone who is caught in that!

Predator Assassin Squadron: Three new Predator Annihilators should be a match for most armoured
targets (their killshot rule makes their firepower even more dangerous than usual. making them fire as a D-weapon if all their lascannons hit). At the start of the game I have to nominate a chosen target and they do a lot better against that (all weapons are twin-linked), but as long as I choose the right formation for the right targets, they will be deadly.

Legionnaire Warband: units have Hatred and be Fearless, so long as they're within 12" of a Space Marine. Warlord may call Finest Hour. So Death Guard with Typhus get Feel No Pain and Fearless.

Heldrake Fear Squadron: pre-game Vector Strike, as well as its 'always-on ' Daemonforge.

Strategic Assets:
Crusade Banner: Pick a Marine standard bearer, all marine units with models within 24" gain FNP

Camouflage: any army. Pick a friendly HQ unit. Friendly units within 24" of that model have shrouded the first turn of the game

Blind Barrage: The same

Trophy Kill: Strategic Asset rewards us with three extra victory points if we can kill the enemy Warmaster.

Entropic Plague: Strategic Asset, which, on the turn I use it, strips every model within 3D6" of my Warlord of its armour save. Very nice indeed.

via MajorWesJanson on Warseer 7-3-2013


Imperial Guard:

79 Baneblade
80 Banehammer
81 Banesword
82 Catachan Ambush Patrol
83 Doomhammer
84 Emperor's Fist Tank Company
85 Emperor's Talons Recon Company
86 Emperor's Wrath Artillery Company
87 Hellhammer
88 Imperial Shield Infantry Company
89 Imperial Sword Heavy Weapon Company
90 Lord Castellan's Supreme Command
91 Sanctioned Psyker Battle Elite
92 Shadowsword
93 Steel Fury Baneblade Company
94 Stormlord
95 Stormsword

Space Marines:

96 Battle Company/ Reserve Company (Tactical/Assault/Devastator)
97 Fellblade?
98 First Company Veterans
99 Librarius
100 Masters of the Chapter
101 Prediator Assassin Squadron
102 Scout Company
103 Imperial Fists Titanhammer Squad
104 Thunderhawk?

Blood Angels:

105 The Black Rage
106 Lucifer Armoured Task Force
107 Wings of Sanguinius

Space Wolves:

108 Space Wolf Great Company
109 Space Wolf Librarius
110 Brethren of the Great Wolf
111 Wolfpack Flanking Force

Dark Angels:

112 Deathwing Redemption Force
113 Ravenwing Huntmasters

Grey Knights:

114 Brothers of the Flame
115 Dreadknight Brethren
116 Extermination Force

Imperial Nvay/Titans:

117 Reaver Titan? Marauder Bomber?
118? Warhound Titan

Chaos Space Marines:

119 Cult of Destruction
120 Heldrake Fear Squadron
121 Lord of Skulls
122 Legionaire Warband
123 Lords of the Black Crusade
124 The Lost and Dammed
125 Thousand Sons War Coven
126 Tide of Spawn
127 Cohort of Blood

Chaos Daemons:

128 The Flaming Host of Tzeentch
129 The Great Promenade of Exquisite Excess
130 The Tallymen of Nurgle
131 Tetragon of Darkness


133 Battlewagon Steamrolla Squad
134 Burna-Bommer Skwadron
135 Da Bully Boyz
136 Dread Mob
137 Big Mek Stompa?
138 Stompa
139 Gargantuan Squiggoth?
140 Green Tide
141 Battlefortress?


142 Cobra?
143 Cloudstrike Squadron
144 Farseer Council
145 The Phoenix Court of Khiane
146 Phantom Titan
147? Revenant Titan
148 Scorpion
149 Vampire?
150 Sunstorm Squadron
151 Wraithknight Dreamwalker Squad
152 Windrider Host

Dark Eldar:

153 Carnival of Pain
154 Dark Olympiad
155 Kabalite Web Strike
156 Ravager Titan Hunters
157 Sickle Squadron
158 Void Dragon Phoenix? FW website blub says they frequently work with dark eldar.


159 Barbed Heirodule?
160 Carnifex Crusher Brood
161 Endless Swarm
162 Harridan?
163 Heirophant Bio Titan?
164 Living Fortress
165 Subterranean Swarm
166 Vanguard Infestation
167 Scythed Heirodule?
168 Spore Chimney?


169 Acquisition Phalanx
170 Baleful Necropolis
171 Infinite Phalanx
172? Obelisk
173 Pylon?
174? Tesseract Vault
175 The War Council of Mandragora
176? Trancendent C'tan

Tau Empire:

177 Air Superiority Wing
178 Counterstrike Cadre
179 Kroot Hunting Pack
180 Optimised Stealth Group
181 Rapid Insertion Force
182 Riptide Wing
183 Skysweep Missile Defence
184 Tigershark?
185 Tigershark AX-1-0 Mentioned in the Air Superiority Wing


?? Grand Redoubt (Apoc level Firestorm Redoubt?)
?? Macro-cannon Aquilla Strongpoint
?? Vortex Missile Aquilla Strongpoint

4 are missing still, with two possibly being the
?? Marauder Bomber (Pages 117 and 118 are tricky, as the Warhound is confirmed, the Reaver has a 2 page spread of the model, and Marauder was in the first Apoc book, but there are only 2 pages of space.)
?? Marauder Destroyer

via Loken (http://apocalypse40k.blogspot.com/2013/07/apocalypse-q-part-i.html) 7-7-2013

1) What Titans are in the book?

Phantom, Revenant. Imperial Reaver and Warhound. Harridan and Hierophant Bio-titan for tyranids. The imperial reaver and warhound are in the warzone armageddon section, so maybe there's some more in the limited edition warzone?

2) What about Flank March?

Use this strategic asset when an Apocalypse Formation enters play from strategic reserve. That formation may enter play from any table edge.

3) Explain how Super Heavy Vehicles work.

Structure points are removed, only Hullpoints now, but for old models 1 structure is 3 hullpoints. They're immune to shaken/stunned/weapon destroyed/immobilised. An explode result removes an extra D3 hull points. When it loses the last hull point it always explodes, there's a table with how bad the explosion is. Basically:

Roll a D6

1= D/4/2 AP2/4/6
2-3= D/8/4 Ap2/3/5
6=D/10/5 AP2/3/4

I'll explain why there are so many numbers. You use the 15" template for this. for the the inner circle (5"), 2nd circle you use 2nd (5"-10") and last number for 10"-15"

There are some weapons that work like that aswell.

Movement 6", walkers 12".

4) Explain the Destroyer Weapons Table.

You roll on the table instead of rolling to wound or armour penetration. No saves of any kind (even invulnerable, Feel No Pain or Necron Reanimation Protocols) can be taken against them now.

vs vehicles D6 roll:

1= target suffers penetrating hit.
2-5 Super heavies lose D3+1 hull points, other normal vehicles suffer
Explode! result.
6= as above but D6 +6 hull points lost for super heavies.

vs non-vehicle D6 roll:

1= avoid shot
2-5 model loses D3+1 wounds (I like this as monstrous creatures can
survive 2 or 3 shots now so daemons and tyranids will be happy)
6= D6+6 wounds

The last table count for gargantuan creatures as well.

Via Loken 7-8-2013 Apocalypse Formations (http://apocalypse40k.blogspot.com.au/2013/07/apocalypse-rules-part-ii-formations.html)

More insight into the new Apocalypse Rulebook.

Formations do not cost anything to include and they're split into sections, which are:

Armoured Spearheads
Flyer Wings
Battle Formations (this is the old basic formation type)
High Commands
Massive fortifications
Psychic Choirs
Super-heavy vehicles/walkers/flyers and Gargantuan Creatures/Flying

Armoured Spearheads are for vehicles, there 3 formations you can do and each one gives the vehicles a special rule. For example if you place 5 predators side by side with the front forming a straight line they would be in "broadsword" formation and gain preferred Enemy.

Flying Wings are the same, just with flyers :)

High Commands: Models in this are treated as 1 unit, examples of this is the phoenix court of khaine where you have the avatar and the 6 phoenix lords in 1 unit, or masters of the chapter where you can have 1 chapter master, 0-1 honour guard, 4-10 captain all in 1 unit (and they cant leave even if they're independent characters). Once per game you also can get another strategic asset per high command. They can also order an all-out attack, which makes a single unit triple it's movement but cannot shoot or tun, but can assault.

Massive Fortifications are obviously the ones we saw, some have an AV of 15!

Psychic Choirs have a special psychic power that they can use and pool all of their warp charge points. Theres a different table instead of perils of the warp if you mess up on this power though, wont spoil everything but lets just say some big daemons can come out...

Super Heavy Vehicles can use a ram/tank shock attack called thunderblitz, has its own table, can run over models and hit vehicles hard.

Super heavy walkers cannot overwatch even against other super heavy walkers or gargantuan creatures, same applies vice versa. Walkers and gargantuan creatures have a different "stomp" attack now. They get D3 stomp attacks and each stomp is a 3"blast marker, 1st one touching the walker, then other within 3" etc. There's a table to decide what happens under each stomp, for example on a 6 all normal non vehicles models are removed from play so getting up close can be a bit riskier now, although the 2-5 result is a S6 ap4 hit. can stomp normal vehicles too, the 6 result is fun.

Super Heavy Flyers cannot evade and are destroyed the same way as the super heavy vehicle (not the crash and burn rules for normal flyers).

Finest Hour

Each warlord can use this once per game, it's like a warlord trait but much more pwerful, also for that turn he'll have a 3+ inv save and eternal warrior but if you do lose him in that turn the opponent scores 1 strategic victory point. There's 3 tables to roll on to see what he gets. For Space marines and the chaos ones theres a table with all the different 1st founding chapters, all of them have a different ability which is a really great (it's called Sons of the Primarch instead of the finest hour)

Divine Intervention

Another table... this one is split depending on the gods or something close for others (hive mind, greater good etc), so the emperor for imperium, gork and mork for orks etc. These events have a trigger component so for example for the imperium, it triggers when you lose half of your army, all units will then gain Furious charge and fearless and effects lasts until his next turn.

Void Shields

Void shields work differently now. Instead of the roll per structure point left you now roll for each void shield that's collapsed and on a 5+ you regain it. You roll at the end of your turn.

via Warseer's Engrimm 7-8-2013

Barbed Hierodule is in at pg159, pg 117 is a photo of grey knights, pg 118 is a small introduction for Chaos (there's a page like this for imperium, chaos, orks, eldar with dark eldar etc so some missing pages are just text).

Eldar titan holo-fields: Before rolling for damage (including the destroyer table, so yes they work vs D weapons) you roll a D6 per hit so see if it hits the titan or the holo-field image. If it moved it hits on 4+, if it didnt hits on 3+. Same thing for he revenant. Phantom is pages 146-147, revenant 148-149 if you want to update the list

Apocalypse Fortifications
The aquila strongpoint can be armed with macro cannon or vortex missile (it isnt remove everything it touches anymore although still powerful). They cost quite a bit, AV15 all sides. Macro cannon can fire in 2 way, 1st is 2 D shots large blast, 2nd apocalyptic megablast at S10/7/5 Ap1/4/6 (1st number for the 5" at the centre, 5-10" 2nd, 10-15" 3rd). this shot also has a sonic boom rule, which affects flying stuff in the patch of the shell, not going to go into more detail as the mods will kick me out soon

Titan Optional Weapons
Can you please just confirm if Titans pay extra points for different weapons or as current they swap them out for free.
For old models like the reaver/phantom titans etc it's still free to choose. Others like the tesseract vault/transcendant c'tan have to pay for their weapons, so maybe newer models will be following this example. The D weapon for the c'tan is hellstorm template, and it isnt the highest points cost ability that he gets, there's 2 that cost more.

The tesseract vault chooses 2 powers (weapons) from 6. if you deploy the transcendent C'tan on it's own (which counts as a gargantuan creature) you choose 1 power from 3, and 2 weapon powers from 6 again. C'tan outside of vault costs more than being inside. So buying the tesseract vault to field it as the Obelisk and tanscendent c'tan is quite a bargain in my opinion as you'ed be going very close to 1k points with just 1 purchase.

via Engrimm at 40K Apocalypse (http://apocalypse40k.com/index.php?/topic/1868-2nd-edition-apocalypse/page__st__40) 7-8-2013

What are the scenarios?
There's 6 in the normal part, + 3 more for warzone: Armageddon.

All armies on the same side are treated as Allies. Armies from the same codex but commanded by different players are considered battlebrothers. Armies that according to the allies matrix ally are "come the apocalypse" count each other as desperate allies. It doesnt say that you HAVE to use the allies matrix in fact it says "alternatively" for when you cant decide which players are put in which team.

FOC and Scoring Units
Biggy: No force organization chart, in fact something which I forgot to mention, ALL units are scoring, even HQ everything.

What is the book's definition of a "break"?
Exactly as it sounds, it's a lunch break etc, in their example there were 2 breaks, so scoring is done 1 startegic victory point per objective 1st break, 2 points for the 2nd break, and 3 points at the end.

What do you get bonus wise for fielding the Space Wolf Formations, ie Great Company and such.
Great Company: stubborn for all.
All models in the formation re-roll their charge moves and re-roll to hit rolls on overwatch.
x1 per game start of assault phase all within 18" of the wolf lord/Ragnar gain furious charge and fleet.

Librarius: 5 Runepristes is the same as 5 Llibarians: They're a psychic choir formation (see the blog post from Loken for more info) and get a choir power. Warp charge 4, 24", S:D, Ap1, Heavy 1, large blast, Vortex. Vortex doesnt destroy everything like it used to, it's a normal D weapon but the blast stays on the table and scatters 2D6 each turn, on a double it disappears. In the case of this power though when it dispappears the game will start using the Seismic explosion rules as the vortex buries itself into the plant's surface.

Brethren of the Great Wolf, which contains logan, njal, ulrik, arjac, bjorn and 1 wolf guard pack. It's a high command formation, wolf guard needs to have the banner of the great wolf which within 24" all have Furios charge. Formation has fear and all space wolves on the table have stubborn. Then all characters in the formation can all do the finest hour/sons of primarch buff not just one, but all at the same turn so it's a mega strong unit for that turn.

Wolfpack Flanking Force, wolflord on wolf/canis wolfborn, 2+ thunderwolf units, 5+ fenrisian wolve packs. Acute senses, hit and run, outflank, rage and can charge in the turn they arrive from reserves

Lord Castellan's Supreme Command.
Lord Castellan Creed includes him, Kell, a company command squad and an Imperial bastion. When his unit is in the bastion he can issue orders to units anywhere on the table. The master of ordnance can make D3+1 artillery bombardments instead of 1. The formation is a high command formation, so you receive 1 extra strategic asset normally in the break, in Creed's case though you receive 2 assets.

Lords of the Black Crusade,
Lord of the Black Crusade is Abaddon and Kharn, Ahriman, Lucius, Typhus or lords with mark of khorne instead of Kharn etc. High Command Formation. They can all use the finest hour/sons of primarch at the same turn.
The planet killer: once per game you can have Abaddon's flagship start bombarding so from now on you start using the Magma Storm Unnatural Disaster table. You are the master of disaster as long as abaddon is alive. Basically there's a table you roll on and it affects everybody, but if you're the master of disaster you're the one that begins applying the results. so if you get a result to do D3 blasts and you roll a 3, the master of disaster places the 1st one, then your opponent, then the master, so yoou have that advantage when you roll an odd number.

The Lost and The Damned
Lost and the Damned: 1 Dark Apostle, 6+ chaos cultist units. Gain inflitrate. After each break you can return a single unit of cultists. All cultists in the formation have feel no pain and furious charge.

Legionnaire Warband
Legionnaire Warband: When in close combat with any loyal space marine they re-roll to hit every round of combat. And if they're within 12" of loyal space marines they get fearless. That's the only rule.

Sons of Grimaldus
They all get feel no pain, all dword brethren gain fearless and hatred(orks). When charging any unit from codex:orks they gain furious charge. This formation is from Warzone :Armageddon so that's why it's themed against the orcs.

Black Templars
Black templars have 2 formations in Warzone armageddon, one's for Land Raider Crusaders and the other for a company style.

Dark Eldar
Dark Eldar formations are incredibly great in my opinion. There's 5 of them. I'll detail two of them:

Ravager Titan Hunters: Armoured spearhead formation. Any ravager within 6" of the command vehicle (including the command vehicle) gets shrouded. The command vehicle has a shadow ray weapon in addition to the normal stuff. You shoot it before you shoot the rest of the dark lances. If it hits then any subsequesnt hits by any ravager in the formation will ignore the effect of Void shield, power fields AND eldar titan holo-fields. Range for the shadow ray is 36".

Dark Olympiad. 1 succubus or lelith, 0+ hekatrix bloodbrides, 2+ wyches units, 1+ hellions, 0+ beastmasters, 1+ reavers. The beastmasters and the beast gain the efffects of combat drugs. With this formation you roll twice on the combat drugs table and apply BOTH. if you have duke sliscus you roll 3 dice and choose 2. Whenever anything from this formation gets a pain token you can give a free extra pain token to anything within 24".

Thunderhawk Gunship
Thunderhawk costs 215 points less, but to get the turbo laser it's 90 points. AV is 12 12 10 (-2 from the rear) and Hull points is 9 only (would have been 12 normally). Has power of the machine spirit.

Tigershark isnt in the book, as you said it's just been updated in IA3-2nd so there's no units in the book other than formations for Tau.
The riptide wing contains 3+ riptides. Any riptide that shoots on a unit that another riptide has already shot at gets +1BS. Each Riptide within 6" of another riptide can re-roll Nova reactor tests.

Hierophant: is 250 points cheaper. Bio-cannon is assault 6, and he also has a 6+ inv save.

Vanguard infestation: 3+ genestealer broods, 3+ lictors (can be deathleaper). On the turn they arrive from reserve all enemy units within 36" use their lowest LD. All unit are deployed like the lictor's Chameleonic skin, even the genestealers

Living Fortress: 2 Hive Tyrants (can be Swarmlord), 3 tyrant guard, 3 hive guard. Feel no pain for all. Any tyranids within synapse range of a hive tyrant from this formation has the preferred enemy and counter attack rules.
If they're attacked by a shooting attack they can form a Fortress of Chitin. They get shrouded and add +! to there armour saves but the formation moves as if iin difficult terrain next turn. Btw this is a High Command formation, so extra asset

Asymmetrical Xeno
06-02-2013, 02:40 PM
Sure looks real to me. Didn't expect next months release to leak this early though! nice find. Not sure I like the model itself however but each to their own right?

06-02-2013, 02:44 PM
It's a Lord of Battle!!!!!!!! :D

06-02-2013, 02:47 PM
Wow that is an early leak. Interesting model.

I'd say that is a 40k version of the old Lord of Battles from Epic:


or it could be a Deathdealer I suppose:


It kinda combines elements from both designs.

06-02-2013, 02:52 PM
pew pew pew!
awesome to see apocalypse coming back, wonder what other model goodies there will be. given the giant walker trend and epic inspiration going round, maybe we will see some knight titans

Mr Mystery
06-02-2013, 02:54 PM
Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear.....

1..... Scarlett Johansson dressed in latex SEXY!
2..... Payrise and my bonus end of next month....

Say goodbye to all my monies!

06-02-2013, 02:55 PM
1..... Scarlett Johansson dressed in latex

damn you, I thought where?! why haven't I seen this? ohh, I see.

Lukas The Trickster
06-02-2013, 03:17 PM
Is it based on the GW Baneblade chasis?

06-02-2013, 03:42 PM
Is it based on the GW Baneblade chasis?

It is a similar chassis but it's not the Baneblade one exactly. The tracks look a bit wider and the whole thing slopes down towards the rear of the vehicle.

06-02-2013, 03:46 PM
Just found this beast. O.o


Wrath of Azkaellon
06-02-2013, 03:46 PM
Damn that is an early leak! Looks exciting.

06-02-2013, 03:53 PM
Nice find Riandro, looks interesting!

Brother Garrod
06-02-2013, 04:00 PM
a Lord of Battle

wow o.o

06-02-2013, 04:01 PM
What the hell?

Brother Garrod
06-02-2013, 04:02 PM
On closer inspection , im totally digging the Khornate symbols on the tracks xD

06-02-2013, 04:02 PM
that necron thing was beautiful :') I think I'm in love :)

06-02-2013, 04:04 PM
hahahaha handicapped beserker ... lemme guess it has a wheelie charge , and ofc shooting at is is not done!

loving the necron thing tho !

06-02-2013, 04:10 PM
You guys remember "the year of 40k" phrase that was doing the rounds last year but felt a bit of a letdown in 2012. Maybe it was ment for 2013. GW have really pulled out the stops this year don't you think ?

06-02-2013, 04:26 PM


First sighting of the new White Dwarf .

Is it me or have the power rangers gone a bit off the rails? Sorry just had to say it. Nice stuff, will be fun.

06-02-2013, 05:36 PM

And the new Necron Mega Monolyth...


06-02-2013, 05:37 PM
Yay! New edition of Apocalypse!

Boo! Stupid-lookin' models!

06-02-2013, 05:45 PM
I think we could seeing a good 40k year now

06-02-2013, 05:53 PM
I think we could seeing a good 40k year now

Yeah what with Dark Angels, Daemons, Tau and Eldar so far and Apoc and Space Marines still to come, 2013 is gonna go down as a banner year for 40k I think and that's just from GW, let alone the massive amount of Forgeworld 40k stuff that has come out or will be by the end of the year (although a lot of that is more 30k than 40k really).

On a related note I hope GW bring back their Monster figure transport case as these big models won't fit in the regular Army cases. I seem to recall that the Monster one could fit an entire Stompa in it.

Asymmetrical Xeno
06-02-2013, 05:55 PM
wow, that necron thing is unexpected! didnt think they would do an apoc unit for necrons...looks like a duel kit too. Nice.

06-02-2013, 06:04 PM
I hope the new necron model is properly movable not some in out out kit

Slayer le Boucher
06-02-2013, 06:09 PM
Dude, don't ask too much of GW...

06-02-2013, 06:21 PM
but I want it :'( oh well if theirs a way I might do it XD

06-02-2013, 06:38 PM
hopefully Nids will finally get some flier love!

KrewL RaiN
06-02-2013, 06:39 PM
Wow... quite the early leek... and that one Necron Monolith thing looks really creepy. Looks like some lovecraftian thingy bound in the middle.

pleaaaseeee be a biotitan or some giant awesome tyranid flyer.... I need to get my Tyranid mojo flowing again...

Da Gof Rockerz
06-02-2013, 07:09 PM
The Necron thing looks really cool. Very excited for the new Apocalypse rules, can't wait to bust out the Great Gargant.

06-02-2013, 07:26 PM
Wow... quite the early leek... and that one Necron Monolith thing looks really creepy. Looks like some lovecraftian thingy bound in the middle.

Oh my yes. An eldritch horror (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EldritchAbomination). A bound star-god mayhaps?? =)

This is a welcome addition, since until now the only large kit's the Necron's have received were the emplaced weapons. I guess the two centipedes count as feathers in their hats. Collectively I am surprised and delighted by this turn of events!!

06-02-2013, 07:26 PM
Just realized where I've seen that face before!

Ermahgerd KHORNE!!

06-02-2013, 07:41 PM

Power Klawz
06-02-2013, 07:42 PM
That monolith thing looks like someone chopped up a normal monolith and put each corner on the end of some kind of spaghetti monster thing. At first glance I could swear its just a homebrew conversion.

EDIT: Yeah on second look that thing is definitely just a chopped up monolith. No idea where that picture came from but its not a new apoc unit that's for sure.

06-02-2013, 07:55 PM
That monolith thing looks like someone chopped up a normal monolith and put each corner on the end of some kind of spaghetti monster thing. At first glance I could swear its just a homebrew conversion.

EDIT: Yeah on second look that thing is definitely just a chopped up monolith. No idea where that picture came from but its not a new apoc unit that's for sure.

Nah its far to similar to the floating monolith thing on the right, perhaps a new monolith dual kit.

06-02-2013, 08:13 PM
Yay! New edition of Apocalypse!

Boo! Stupid-lookin' models!


06-02-2013, 08:54 PM
no way thats a cut up monolith, and the idea of a C'tan throne could be a lot of fun

06-02-2013, 09:08 PM
Frick. I really hope they have a Super-Heavy/Titan for the Tau!

06-02-2013, 09:11 PM
you've got that over sized transformer

A Rip tide thats it

06-02-2013, 09:16 PM
Im stoked tk see new stuff but my wallet and anus are still recovering from eldar soooo be the book for me...maybe grab a big box near bday.

06-02-2013, 10:34 PM
Wow.....what the hell are those things?
Do we know if there are any other super heavies being released?
Just wow.....

Maxis Lithium
06-02-2013, 10:40 PM
Looks like a flying Monolith. I would be surprised if they call it something like a floating castle or something. I like the idea that it cracks open and reveals the big glowing thingy. That is VERY classic sci-fi.

The Lord of Battle isn't as good as i would like, but I actually think it looks fairly solid. It's very promising, and I can totally see it looking much more impressive in person.

It'll be very interesting to see how they restructure Apocalypse rules-wise. I really do hope they give it a little more structure and scale-ability.

06-02-2013, 10:52 PM
Apparently it is the Megalith mentioned in the Necron codex.

06-02-2013, 11:16 PM
i know eldar just came out but if there is not a eldar super heavy then i dont think i will be interested. i only played apoc once with my be for new dex 7000 pionts on the feld and that was years ago. so this just feels like a filler to me. they should just continue the codex releases.

06-02-2013, 11:21 PM
I think you missed the eldar release

06-02-2013, 11:28 PM
wow that necron thing looks awesome

06-02-2013, 11:28 PM
no i love the new dex, just not rilly interested in the apoc stuff if there is nuthing in it for me.

06-02-2013, 11:30 PM
I am looking forward to an updated Apoc. Now I wish I hadn't sold my Super heavies :-(

06-02-2013, 11:30 PM
on a side note can the eldar sniper hero infiltrat any unit or just him self.

06-02-2013, 11:31 PM
I'll be honest, I was talking about the knight

06-02-2013, 11:34 PM
that would be a way to fit a eldar super heavy in is if it had a up grade to super heavy, some thing like super heavy D-cannons and force sheled. idk

06-02-2013, 11:56 PM
The Khorne thing reminds of the cyborg from an 80s B movie

06-03-2013, 12:01 AM
The Necron model is really nice. I hope every faction gets a new Apo model!

06-03-2013, 12:54 AM
So let me get this straight, Tau will be the only xenos race without a plastic Apocalypse model now?

06-03-2013, 12:58 AM
So let me get this straight, Tau will be the only xenos race without a plastic Apocalypse model now?

Well the Riptides pretty boss, maybe you will get a Riptide formation sheet. 1 is badass, 3 with extra abilities could be amazing and the equal to anything.

06-03-2013, 01:00 AM
Well the Riptides pretty boss, maybe you will get a Riptide formation sheet. 1 is badass, 3 with extra abilities could be amazing and the equal to anything.

Which would be nice if Eldar, who just got released and got their Wraith construct weren't also rumored to be getting something like a plastic scorpion. And again, that's also in our 40k codex, meaning Tau would be the only xenos race without a Apocalypse unit, which kind of sucks... unless it just hasn't been seen.

06-03-2013, 01:09 AM
Which would be nice if Eldar, who just got released and got their Wraith construct weren't also rumored to be getting something like a plastic scorpion. And again, that's also in our 40k codex, meaning Tau would be the only xenos race without a Apocalypse unit, which kind of sucks... unless it just hasn't been seen.

You need to save up buddy and get a Manta then :) lol.

Farseer Uthiliesh
06-03-2013, 01:45 AM
I do not like that daemon engine at all. LOVE the Necron Megaliths, however.

06-03-2013, 01:49 AM
Ooh, Lord of Battle throwback, much approval. Might even buy one. I was told ages ago that eldar were getting a large kit in July, when I heard abotu the Wraithknight I assumed they were the same kit. Hoping there really is a large grav tank on the way. Hope the 'eldar bomber' is the Dark Eldar Voidraven. Though after potentially having two large Eldar kits getting a slightly larger flyer would be a bit of a letdown for DE Apocalypse.

06-03-2013, 01:52 AM
your all going poor eldar and poor tau but what about the poor necrons we will have to wait the longest for a hard codex :'( ,(I actually like the new codex set up) and anyone thing we might be getting trolled and if we are I think their will be a lot of blood spilt this night

06-03-2013, 01:56 AM
July is really close up now !

Second edition of apocalypse it's a good new !!

A lord of Battle remember me some great Epic battle !

I'm very happy to see some new stuff and hope to see some material for the Imperail Guard !!

06-03-2013, 02:04 AM
if the imperiam get anymore tanks/heavies I'll make a working guss gun and give GW a light show

Mr Mystery
06-03-2013, 02:17 AM
Not guss! You can't fire poor guss! :p

06-03-2013, 02:22 AM
Not guss! You can't fire poor guss! :p
Damn straight:

06-03-2013, 02:38 AM
It might be wishful thinking, but the back of the Khorne demon engine makes me think of a huge vat, maybe a Cauldron of Blood option as well?

06-03-2013, 02:58 AM
Xeno-techheresy. Only a holy godmachine would be interresting for me.

06-03-2013, 03:05 AM
Excited Shades!Excited Shades!Excited Shades!Excited Shades!Excited Shades!Excited Shades!Excited Shades!

Ahem... I might be looking forward to this a little bit. Best get to work on my Imperator.

06-03-2013, 04:07 AM
Seems the Khorne thing is this, 20 years later


06-03-2013, 04:45 AM
Oh my... Also, I really hope the Imperial Knight rumours are true! Want one SO MUCH.

06-03-2013, 05:05 AM
I hope they include a lot of datasheets for some of the old epic stuff. I have a lot of Epicast and armorcast stuff that I want to try out. 3 x Cannon of Khorne, Cauldron of Blood, (Dark Eldar converted) Phantom Titan, Reaver and Warhound Titans. I also have a 4 models I built myself - a Khorne Brass Scorpion, a Khorne Tower of Skulls, a Slaanesh Hell Knight, and a Nurgle Plague Tower. With all the Forgeworld stuff like Warhound, Zarakynel, etc that I have as well, I want to get back into a few Apocalypse battles. The last game I had was over 6 months ago, and even that was limited to just 5000 points including only 1 super heavy each person.

I would like to see the new Apoc book. It would make it worth while getting the new IA volumes 1,2 and 3 and the Horus Heresy books.

06-03-2013, 05:11 AM
That Khorne thing is so insane it's awesome. Name it Megaweapon. Or Killdozer.

Apocalypse! Hooray! I've never played Apocalypse before, but I do have about 4000 points of Space Marines itching to try!

06-03-2013, 05:31 AM
Kaban machine form 'Mechanicum'

06-03-2013, 05:32 AM
The Khorne thing is so over the top I love it. I like to see GW have a little fun with their models at times. Besides if you were really on the battlefield imagine seeing that thing rolling over a hill. It'd be terrifying.

That crazy Necron monolith is super cool too.

Does anyone think that the Riptide, the Helldrake (especially in pairs or trios) and the Wraithknight are sort of designed to dovetail into Apoc?

06-03-2013, 05:41 AM
Any chance this is a hoax? It's very early for a WD leak especially given that the text is in English. I'm just thinking back to the so called leaked 6th edition rules from last year, otherwise I can't wait. Cheap Tau Manta please!

06-03-2013, 05:41 AM
People on Warseer think the piece of terrain visible in the top-left corner of the monolith picture is new 'n all. I thought it was the fortress of redemption but they seem to think otherwise...

06-03-2013, 05:46 AM
Any chance this is a hoax? It's very early for a WD leak especially given that the text is in English. I'm just thinking back to the so called leaked 6th edition rules from last year, otherwise I can't wait. Cheap Tau Manta please!
It's possible but incredibly elaborate if it is. I doubt it personally, we know WD is printed months in advance the idea of someone being able to take a few photos of one a month prior to release isn't exactly implausible.

06-03-2013, 06:38 AM
Dear GW, lets have grimdark instead of hasbro-megazords.

06-03-2013, 06:38 AM
Seriously hope that any new Eldar super heavy is new and not plucked from the FW line of models. It would really kill the value of my collection if they released a plastic version of the scorpion.

06-03-2013, 06:40 AM
Okay, I hope the chassis of the Khorne-Thingy can be used to convert a Baneblade :)
The rest can get some legs and would make a pretty good Bloodthirster-count-as or Chaos Knight Titan.

Is that some kind of cauldron in the back?
Wasn't their a Khorne War Machine spraying boiling blood on its enemies?
I can only see one opening in the front that it could be connected to...

06-03-2013, 06:49 AM
Seriously hope that any new Eldar super heavy is new and not plucked from the FW line of models. It would really kill the value of my collection if they released a plastic version of the scorpion.

yeah, I'd be gutted for you :p

06-03-2013, 06:55 AM
Previous summer releases have had IIRC 4-5 big kits spread over two months including some terrain so we're probably only talking 3-4 superheavies max, not enough for everyone, this could well be it for July with another couple in August.

I'd be surprised if there wasn't something Imperial in either July or August with the knight the obvious candidate.

Some sort of apocalypse only defence laser fortification to give an anti titan weapon (e.g. Destroyer) to all armies (except tyranids :() sounds entirely possible and could address balance issues.

06-03-2013, 07:24 AM
Seriously hope that any new Eldar super heavy is new and not plucked from the FW line of models. It would really kill the value of my collection if they released a plastic version of the scorpion.
I don't see any reason to expect otherwise, the 'no more taking FW kits into the GW range' policy doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

06-03-2013, 07:29 AM
Let's do a quick tally of massive kits...

IG - Baneblade
Orks - Stompa
Eldar - Wraithknight
Tau - Riptide (It's big enough, it counts)
Chaos - Khorne Lord of Battle
Necron - Flying Box

If we can just get one thing for Space Marines (since it'll probably cover SM, SW, DA, BT, BA and potentially GK) then that'll cover most of the armies out there for some uber-mc-huge-bits kits.

Then the next... well, I have a feeling it won't be Eldar because they got the Wraithknight, and I doubt it's Sisters of Battle because nobody likes them, and I doubt it's Tau because they got the Riptide. Probably won't be Daemons because they will probably share the Battle Lord.

That leaves the Tyranids and Dark Eldar.

06-03-2013, 07:45 AM
well to be fair the bugs have 6 wound bugs...

the DE need a void raven but a new unit would be welcome...giant talos/construct type thing...

Id also be up for a new skimmer, maybe like the necron transport tank with broad side weapons only fast, can shoot on the move so you can move shoot move or something like that...

06-03-2013, 07:56 AM
Huge Chaos Warmachine !! YAY !! :D :D

Khorne only ?? My Slaanesh Marines won't like that :( :(

(but anyway... this is great news, can't wait for this month to end)

06-03-2013, 07:56 AM
That necron super monolith seems pretty unstable to me on that flying stand.

As for huge things, they did say they would redo a couple of GDs somewhere so they could be something with size.

Ben Owen
06-03-2013, 07:57 AM
A large Imperial Walker, (smaller than a warhound titan)

Knight Titan? KNIGHT TITAN!!

*Much excited squeeing*

06-03-2013, 08:32 AM
the DE need a void raven but a new unit would be welcome...giant talos/construct type thing...

I'd settle for the Voidraven. Tired of new things when there are still Codex entries with no models.

06-03-2013, 08:40 AM
Strictly speaking, the Titan colleges are their own organisation and really should be treat as such; they could ally to IG or SM... I don't see anything specifically for the Space Marines unless the fabled plastic thunderhawk makes an appearance, it's unlikely that any of the Space Marine chapters would have some Super Heavy something tucked away in each of their respective chapter locations. I know the Fellblade has made an appearance for the Horus Heresy but for me it doesn't really fit with the fluff... After the Heresy finished the Chapters were trimmed down to fit their new roll so their own the Space Marines are not specifically designed for an Apocalypse type game; they are the surgical strike teams where the meat-shields of the Guard can't make headway etc etc..
As a Chaos Player, i am LOVING the Lord of Battle and am happy in my decision not to attempt to scratch build on a few years back (i did an emperor titan instead).

06-03-2013, 08:58 AM
Knight Titan
Our honored friends of the knight worlds........Blurting something in linqua technis and praying to the omnissiah.

06-03-2013, 09:15 AM
That Necron Mega Monolith reminds me of the opening Pyramid spaceships from the Stargate movie. Especially if the sides can be opened and closed.



I do not mind the Khorne Lord of Battle model, though it would have been better with the classic Bloodthirster head. The original Epic model had giant wheels at the front and tracks at the rear. A doom blaster, cauldron of blood and cannon of Khorne would also be good to see.




I hope they also give the other armies some love as well. Bright Stallions, Super heavy Eldar Grav Tanks, Ork Great Gargants / Mekboyz Gargants, IG Collussus and Leviathans, Mechanicum Ordinatus, Mole Mortars, New Dreadclaws, and so on.

By the way, did I mention I love Apocalypse. 150,000 points from 5 codexes, and over 7 CSM legion companies (mostly works in progress though).

I will certainly be glad to see the expansion become up to date with 6th edition.

06-03-2013, 09:26 AM
We can always dream about the bigfoot-like plastic thunderhawk.

Often reported, but never verified...

06-03-2013, 11:18 AM
I'm VERY interested in that Lord of Battles for my Chaos IG army, but I'm not digging the ACTUAL giant Chaos Warrior who makes up the top half. I might get one, keep the bottom half, and convert the top half to look more like the old Epic version.

06-03-2013, 11:22 AM
I'm VERY interested in that Lord of Battles for my Chaos IG army, but I'm not digging the ACTUAL giant Chaos Warrior who makes up the top half. I might get one, keep the bottom half, and convert the top half to look more like the old Epic version.

I'll bet the top half could be kept as well. All you need to do is lop off the axe hand and turn that into a chainfist-sort of thing, replace the head, and then do something with the shoulder pads. Rest looks alright.

06-03-2013, 12:25 PM
GW is has a terrible reputation when it comes to completing units offered in codexes. My fear with what we have so far seen with the necron and chaos models is these are 1-off models that will never be released to the public. It's not uncommon to see models in WD that are not offered for public purchase. Let's hope this is not the case.

Mr Mystery
06-03-2013, 12:41 PM
GW is has a terrible reputation when it comes to completing units offered in codexes. My fear with what we have so far seen with the necron and chaos models is these are 1-off models that will never be released to the public. It's not uncommon to see models in WD that are not offered for public purchase. Let's hope this is not the case.

And Eldar. And Tau. And Space Marines. And Chaos Daemons. And Dark Angels.... That's just off the top of my head....

06-03-2013, 12:43 PM
I just wish they would fix and relaunch epic. The first edition of the game was awesome. It just needed some work. They messed up the game badly with the new edition they came out with. Lost most of the old players.

They could relaunch epic for apocalypse games. I have enough problems bringing large tanks to games.

06-03-2013, 12:58 PM
I can dig it, though it really needs a new, Bloodthirster-y, head. And way more in common with the Deathdealer than the Lord of Battles.

Khorne only ?? My Slaanesh Marines won't like that :( :(

Slaanesh superheavy is eays, just strap a vibrator to a Shadowsord and call it a day :p

Da Masta Cheef
06-03-2013, 01:02 PM
I dunno, I took a look at that Flying Necron thing & immediately thought: Grim Dark lampshade. :eek: Of course for you converters out there, you could use the lamp itself as a flight stand/base...

Mr Mystery
06-03-2013, 01:04 PM
I can dig it, though it really needs a new, Bloodthirster-y, head. And way more in common with the Deathdealer than the Lord of Battles.

Slaanesh superheavy is eays, just strap a vibrator to a Shadowsord and call it a day :p

As Antony said to Cleopatra, as he opened a crate of ale.... OOH I SAY!

06-03-2013, 01:14 PM
I can dig it, though it really needs a new, Bloodthirster-y, head. And way more in common with the Deathdealer than the Lord of Battles.

Slaanesh superheavy is eays, just strap a vibrator to a Shadowsord and call it a day :p

So it would become a "pork sword" ?

06-03-2013, 01:24 PM
"Time to show those Eldar what a real vibro-cannon looks like."

Khorne has always been the best god for Apoc due to his inherent silliness and love of building He-Manesque mega-vehicles with names that could be terrible heavy metal bands (http://www.darklyrics.com/) (Doom Blaster? Cauldron of Blood? Tower of Skulls? Prove me wrong!).
I think now is the time to finally build that Khorne war-engine army I've always wanted...

06-03-2013, 01:34 PM
GW can start by issuing new rules for :


El Ploplo
06-03-2013, 01:34 PM
Khorne only ?? My Slaanesh Marines won't like that :( :(
Don't forget Knight Titan of House Devine, for Slaanesh...

White Tiger88
06-03-2013, 01:51 PM
Don't forget Knight Titan of House Devine, for Slaanesh...

Don't worry us Slaanesh players will get a Giant pair of Tits that float...............Then again i would run that!

06-03-2013, 01:52 PM
Being honest, just plastic greater daemons would be more welcome.

It's a nice blocky lumbering beast, but I'd really just like new sculpts of what we already have.

06-03-2013, 02:20 PM
Seriously hope that any new Eldar super heavy is new and not plucked from the FW line of models. It would really kill the value of my collection if they released a plastic version of the scorpion.

I hope for a Scorpion myself. I want to be able to convert up Storm Serpents and Void Spinners at a reasonable price!

06-03-2013, 02:27 PM

Anyone see the Pic on the Pre-Order of the Iyanden Codex? Possible Plastics? They look FW'ish but....

06-03-2013, 02:30 PM

Anyone see the Pic on the Pre-Order of the Iyanden Codex? Possible Plastics? They look FW'ish but....

Huh? Everything there is codex but the titan, which is currently FW.

Ordo Septenarius
06-03-2013, 02:45 PM
My local GW just put up something on their FB page that signals Apoc could really be coming back in full-swing, as they already have events lined-up — copy-pasted:

Just a reminder that next Saturday both Brotherhood of the Brush and Battleforce/ Battalion Challenge entries are due! So get crackin'! I know many of you are getting really close so keep it rolling you can finish it all!

Also we are going to be starting a Summer Hobby Challenge on June 22nd. This challenge is going to be of similar form to the Battleforce challenge but we are going to be doing it over 9 weeks and keeping everyone on the same page with check points every week! I'm excited to get some models finished!

And an Apoc game is going to be happening here on the 29th of June. We have been challenged to 15,000 points! So if you wish to participate come in and pledge how many points you are going to bring with you! This also means that on the 29th both tables will be occupied, just forewarning.

06-03-2013, 02:49 PM
I would really like to see something for GK as well..

06-03-2013, 03:08 PM
Came across the original design for the Necron Megalith.
http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q105/jesman10/MMPR_Dinozord_Megazord-1.jpg (http://s134.photobucket.com/user/jesman10/media/MMPR_Dinozord_Megazord-1.jpg.html)

06-03-2013, 03:39 PM
I like apocalypse as much as the next guy i mean who doesnt like playing the size games you imagined when you first got into the hobby but to be honest if that rolling turd is typical of what we can expect to be released then i honestly think GW should have put more effort into making plastic aspects and new jet bike kits for eldar because im sure they would have sold alot more that that transformers reject. Rant over.

06-03-2013, 04:23 PM
I'm just here for the necrons, and while i can say it looks really awesome and epic, i can't say it looks all that MEGA. I mean, the normal monolith is bigger

06-03-2013, 04:35 PM
Dear GW, lets have grimdark instead of hasbro-megazords.

1. Megazords are Bandai
2. We could only hope GW hits Hasbro's price points
3. The thing has a dozer-blade made of skulls man, that's the go to definition of 40k's grimdark aesthetic. Also, weird toothy orifices.

If no one else is going to point it out, the Chaos Engine is clearly Kharn after he was upgraded by Dark Arch-Magos Wily to be his castle guard. We shall call him, the Kharndozer. I welcome this turn of events as it means I'm one step closer to a three story chainsaw hand being treated like a perfectly rational weapon of war again. In my mind this edition is Warhammer XLR.

06-03-2013, 04:54 PM
Well the Riptides pretty boss, maybe you will get a Riptide formation sheet. 1 is badass, 3 with extra abilities could be amazing and the equal to anything.

I already feel like I got screwed on the fire prism's. I ended up getting about 6-8 kits all in all to do the Sunstorm formation. And GW goes and does away with the linking in the new codex. Which would make me think the sunstorm is obsolete. Thoughts anyone?

06-03-2013, 05:15 PM
I already feel like I got screwed on the fire prism's. I ended up getting about 6-8 kits all in all to do the Sunstorm formation. And GW goes and does away with the linking in the new codex. Which would make me think the sunstorm is obsolete. Thoughts anyone?

I don't think so, Forge World seems to follow different rules and points. For example, the updated Imperial Armour Volume 3: The Taros Campaign for example, has Hammerheads for 145 points, so it's already included the submunition shots, but you can arm them with weapons that are not in the Tau Codex. However they are 100% legal in normal 40k games. So, I wouldn't worry, both sides are different and the same. I think you'd be able to link Prisms without worry.

06-03-2013, 05:15 PM
Being honest, just plastic greater daemons would be more welcome.

It's a nice blocky lumbering beast, but I'd really just like new sculpts of what we already have.

They will get updates to the old models. Right now, MOST people, as well as GW, just want all the books out in the same edition, as well as offering everyone a little something new. 6th will last, so there will be plenty of time to update the old.

06-03-2013, 05:17 PM
If no one else is going to point it out, the Chaos Engine is clearly Kharn after he was upgraded by Dark Arch-Magos Wily to be his castle guard. We shall call him, the Kharndozer. I welcome this turn of events as it means I'm one step closer to a three story chainsaw hand being treated like a perfectly rational weapon of war again. In my mind this edition is Warhammer XLR.

Watching over Willy's castle? What a great guy!

06-03-2013, 06:45 PM
Watching over Willy's castle? What a great guy!

And that smile and wide open arms. All he wanted was a freaking hug.

Nathan Flentjar
06-03-2013, 07:06 PM
Seriously hope that any new Eldar super heavy is new and not plucked from the FW line of models. It would really kill the value of my collection if they released a plastic version of the scorpion.

Implying that GW stuff is at all "collectable" or has a "value" apart from its value to the original buyer.

06-03-2013, 07:06 PM
In regards to the Khornate cartoony abomination I think a friend of mine put it best, "I won't be able to keep a straight face if someone puts that on the table." The necron super heavy looks decent, but honestly GW what in the Warp were you thinking?? It's borderline anime.

06-03-2013, 07:10 PM
In regards to the Khornate cartoony abomination I think a friend of mine put it best, "I won't be able to keep a straight face if someone puts that on the table." The necron super heavy looks decent, but honestly GW what in the Warp were you thinking?? It's borderline anime.

I'm not sure what you've been watching for anime nor what version of Warhammer you've been playing where Khorne isn't cartoony. That guy is rad as all get out. He's pretty swell and reminds me a fair bit of the Stay Puff'd Marshmallow Man if he got hit by the grimdark stick a couple dozen times.

06-03-2013, 07:12 PM
For example: The Moped of Khrone. http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat440166a&prodId=prod2000025a&rootCatGameStyle= I love GW crazy time.

06-03-2013, 07:52 PM
These two items were written by Cory Prez that was approved "back on the day" - he is now lead of sales for Alliance Games

06-03-2013, 08:05 PM
That Khorne thing is so insane it's awesome. Name it Megaweapon. Or Killdozer.

Apocalypse! Hooray! I've never played Apocalypse before, but I do have about 4000 points of Space Marines itching to try!

Call back when you have a real apocalypse army with enough points to survive beyond turn 1. :P

Kidding of course the more the merrier, but seriously bring a friend or four because where I come from its more like bring 10k minimum per person to play apocalypse.

06-03-2013, 08:07 PM
Call back when you have a real apocalypse army with enough points to survive beyond turn 1. :P

Kidding of course the more the merrier, but seriously bring a friend or four because where I come from its more like bring 10k minimum per person to play apocalypse.

Apoc is essentially no org. chart right? I need to sit down and get a head count on models and points... >.>a

06-03-2013, 08:28 PM
I'm glad to see an Apoc update for 6th Edition, but that Khorne model looks DUMB! I particularly dislike the belly button gun. Come on, GW, you can do better than that.

06-03-2013, 08:30 PM
I like apocalypse as much as the next guy i mean who doesnt like playing the size games you imagined when you first got into the hobby but to be honest if that rolling turd is typical of what we can expect to be released then i honestly think GW should have put more effort into making plastic aspects and new jet bike kits for eldar because im sure they would have sold alot more that that transformers reject. Rant over.

I like it GW is trying to keep the theme from the old epic and armorcast toys from back in the day. Enjoy your roots man.

Apoc is essentially no org. chart right? I need to sit down and get a head count on models and points... >.>a

Currently there is not a force org chart, but that could change with a new book and minimum requirement is 3k per side. Note 3k per side is silly as I have regularly played normal 40k games as 5k or more points per side, playing apocalypse would only have gotten in the way. Apocalypse is fun at really high points, last time I played we had 55k per side and it was a riot.

06-03-2013, 10:14 PM
A warhammer 40k anime :D that I would watch

06-03-2013, 11:05 PM
Apocalypse is fun at really high points, last time I played we had 55k per side and it was a riot.
What did you play on ?? A football/soccer field ??

06-03-2013, 11:09 PM
What did you play on ?? A football/soccer field ??

I've had similar sized games 14'x6' is big enough, but it gets pretty cramped when 8 tervigons start-a-spawning.

White Tiger88
06-03-2013, 11:22 PM
Hmmm wonder if this means new Greater Demon Models FINALLY!

Blood Angel
06-04-2013, 01:54 AM
Has anyone looked closely at the Necronabomination? It looks like four monoliths with the bottom part of destroyers glued to the sides and the top has some ribs from the Ark glued to the top. I would guess this to be a kitbash and not a true kit. I recognize other miscellaneous bits from other Necron models in there as well.

06-04-2013, 02:30 AM
Has anyone looked closely at the Necronabomination? It looks like four monoliths with the bottom part of destroyers glued to the sides and the top has some ribs from the Ark glued to the top. I would guess this to be a kitbash and not a true kit. I recognize other miscellaneous bits from other Necron models in there as well.

Its not a kitbash. Those arent Destroyer shells. If anything they look like Canoptek Wraiths but there are Wraiths below it, those panels are much bigger.

06-04-2013, 03:14 AM
Hmmm wonder if this means new Greater Demon Models FINALLY!

While i really want the new GD models, as the current Khorne incarnation is an abomination... I really hope they are NOT released for Apocalypse. The Greater Daemons are for 40K, the Daemon Lords are Apoc.. Now (as i have all 4 of them), I've been hoping for many many years for the gargantuan creature deep strike rules to be amended, so that they behave like drop-pods; i.e. land and no mishap etc.

06-04-2013, 04:21 AM
I get that its in keeping with the look and feel of the old epic stuff but that was quite a few years ago now and i think the whole aesthetic of the game has completely changed and is less cartoonish.

06-04-2013, 08:14 AM
I'd like one formation for the Templar. Something. Anything.

Considering there was a 100 man crusade (Armageddon) that was nearly slain to the man--named Grimaldus, there's enough fluff, model count, and the workings of a kickass name for the formation so all the kiddies can get along with it.

06-04-2013, 12:23 PM
A warhammer 40k anime :D that I would watch

Yes please

06-04-2013, 12:54 PM
What did you play on ?? A football/soccer field ??

The last Apocalypse game they played at my local gamins store, had six tables 6 foot (about 2M) wide by 8 foot (nearly 2.6 M) long end to end with a sort of "T" junction on the imperial base end which was 2 tables wide. It took up nearly 2/3rds of the stores length, and about 1/2 the stores width.

I tried to find some photos of the table, but they have taken them down from the stores website.

I did get a picture of the musket/Napoleonics Battle of Borodino game they played a couple of months ago. It roughly shows how long and wide the table was. Just imagine it with clumps 40K terrain with about 60% open space to actually put miniatures on, Titans, and other super heavies, thousands of Infantry models, and dozens of Monstrous Creatures. and tanks.


We played over two days for 12 hours a day. Chaos, Dark Eldar and Orks and Nids won the day killing off the enemy highest point warlord, and take in 3 objectives, and contesting 2 others.

Our turn 2 reserves for the Chaos/Xenos side were these models. Tau and Eldar were on the Imperial side though.


I have one picture from after the games where those who stayed to the end got their photos taken. It is one of just the Chaos/Xenos players. I am hiding behind the guy with the red shirt with the 145 signal squadron hat on. I am sort of photophobic. It does give you an idea of how much terrain we had on the table. The shaped terrain (hills, etc) are all made in the store with hard thick blue foam board.


In that game we had about 120,000 points on each side, with about 10 players on each team. Not all of them lasted the 2 days, right until the end. Some of them had to sleep.

06-04-2013, 01:02 PM
For those wanting 40k the anime I would like to point folks to Blazblue. It has daemon weapons, daemonhosts, a phantom emperor, dangerous librarians, warp gates, forbidden technology, and Crowe in the form of Bang Shishigami. It's like if 40k found itself in the anime version of Toontown.

06-04-2013, 01:18 PM
For those who love the Blood God, I made a name generator for you to enjoy (http://collegiatitanica.blogspot.com.au/2013/06/khornate-name-generator-of-doom.html).

06-05-2013, 09:07 AM
It's a dual kit approx size of baneblade box, but taller model. Makes either the Deathdealer or Lord of Battles.

Also there's a bunch of new data sheets, inlcuding some for those of us that bought multiple NEW models

It's also NOT the only Chaos models coming out, along with a few other Khorne...speedy guys...

Approx price is $125
From theDarkGeneral on Throne of Skulls via Warseer

06-05-2013, 09:21 AM
I'm betting the data sheets are apocalypse formations for stuff like Wraithknights, Maulerfiends, Riptides, etc.
Nice to see it is a dual kit, and that there are more kits than just the two we've seen. Having multiple kits from the same army leads me to believe that this will be a truly massive release and feature kits for most of the forces.

06-05-2013, 09:46 AM
It's the apocalypse by its nature it should be big right :D

06-05-2013, 03:02 PM
I think a black templars crusade battle formation would be pretty damn cool....

Mr Mystery
06-05-2013, 03:07 PM
Anymore snappypiccyscannypics?

06-05-2013, 08:21 PM
Anymore snappypiccyscannypics?

Right? There has to be more than that assuming the Necron pic was from the inside of the magazine.

Grey Mage
06-05-2013, 10:14 PM
Seriously hope that any new Eldar super heavy is new and not plucked from the FW line of models. It would really kill the value of my collection if they released a plastic version of the scorpion.

Im hoping for the ol Epic Doomspinner... apocalypse barrage 6, S7, monofillament, pinning, 84" range.

Andrew Schwarz
06-05-2013, 10:55 PM
Three Vendettas, three Lemon Russ Tanks, one Baneblade, two Godhammer Land Raiders, a Land Raider Redeemer, Belial, Sammael, and a boat load of Deathwing and Ravenwing. Come at me you heretics and xenos, I've been waiting!:cool:

06-06-2013, 03:20 AM
Three Vendettas, three Lemon Russ Tanks, one Baneblade, two Godhammer Land Raiders, a Land Raider Redeemer, Belial, Sammael, and a boat load of Deathwing and Ravenwing. Come at me you heretics and xenos, I've been waiting!:cool:

Philopos Manix - Reaver-class Titan and war engine of Princeps Stent Racine, 2 x Macharius 'Vanquisher' Super Heavy Tanks, Macharius Vulcan and Imperial Armored Battle Group (with Navy support) under command of the Ordo Xenos Inquisition welcomes your challenge.

06-06-2013, 03:33 AM
Pictures of these collections please.

06-06-2013, 08:22 AM
Im hoping for the ol Epic Doomspinner... apocalypse barrage 6, S7, monofillament, pinning, 84" range.

That exactly why I hope for a Scorpion or the like. It'd be easy to convert the Scorpion Chassis to be a Void Spinner or Storm Serpent.

Pictures of these collections please.

I have a Scorpion Mk II, a Cobra Mk II, a Pulsar Lynx, 9 Fire Prisms, 4 Night Spinners, 3 Warp Hunters, 3 Falcons, 3 Wave Serpents and a Fire Storm for my tank division.

They're all in the thread in my signature.

Still got 4 Revenants and an old armorcast Phantom to paint too.

06-06-2013, 08:24 AM
Actually a plstic Void Spinner/Storm Serpent could be plausible in that while it uses a similar chassis to the FW Scorpion/Cobra it isn't a Scorpion/Cobra so it would get around the 'GW won't borrow from FW' policy. GW could tinker with it a bit to make them a little more distinct from the FW kits but still obviously a similar type.

06-06-2013, 08:26 AM
True enough. A Void Spinner could easily be made to be a dual kit. I'd love to round out the collection of the original Engines of Vaul.

06-06-2013, 10:11 AM
Philopos Manix - Reaver-class Titan and war engine of Princeps Stent Racine, 2 x Macharius 'Vanquisher' Super Heavy Tanks, Macharius Vulcan and Imperial Armored Battle Group (with Navy support) under command of the Ordo Xenos Inquisition welcomes your challenge.

The Vaul Engines of [my] craftworld Zeru-Ton will see that challenge :P


<cue EG to upstage my collection>

06-06-2013, 10:15 AM
I'll let you have your moment.:p It's a very nice collection.

Mr Mystery
06-06-2013, 10:22 AM
Don't worry lads. There's plenty Scarabs to go round!

Anyone know the binary for nomnomnom?

06-06-2013, 10:23 AM
Sweet collection of craftworld goodness. :)

06-06-2013, 10:24 AM
Don't worry lads. There's plenty Scarabs to go round!

Anyone know the binary for nomnomnom?

01101110011011110110110101101110011011110110110101 1011100110111101101101

True story.

06-06-2013, 10:37 AM
The Vaul Engines of [my] craftworld Zeru-Ton will see that challenge :P

Hah! We have the same number of tanks, though you definitely have more Super Heavies! I have three Nightwings and three Warwalkers (With another three awaiting paint. I have yet to paint my Titans. If I had them done, I think we'd be close to matching firepower.

That said, that is a glorious sight! I do want more Lynx. I think they are beautiful models!

06-06-2013, 11:21 AM
Hah! We have the same number of tanks, though you definitely have more Super Heavies! I have three Nightwings and three Warwalkers (With another three awaiting paint. I have yet to paint my Titans. If I had them done, I think we'd be close to matching firepower.

That said, that is a glorious sight! I do want more Lynx. I think they are beautiful models!

That photo was missing two wave serpents.

But whatevs :P

06-06-2013, 01:31 PM
Heh heh. You have me beat for Super Heavy tanks. I want more. Wish I could justify a Vampire! One day, I'll save up for a FW Phantom. But I have Titans to paint as it stands!

06-06-2013, 01:44 PM
Heh heh. You have me beat for Super Heavy tanks. I want more. Wish I could justify a Vampire! One day, I'll save up for a FW Phantom. But I have Titans to paint as it stands!

I thought I wanted more phantoms.

Until I put one together and painted it. Its a serious commitment.

That and I think my gaming group is done with Apoc. We aren't young anymore and playing a 30,000pts per side battle in one day just isn't as much fun as it used to be. (My ankle is still swollen a full three weeks after our game happened - due to leaky kidneys and being on my feet all day)

06-06-2013, 03:45 PM
That's one hell of a collection there Def.

06-06-2013, 04:25 PM
I thought I wanted more phantoms.

Until I put one together and painted it. Its a serious commitment.

That and I think my gaming group is done with Apoc. We aren't young anymore and playing a 30,000pts per side battle in one day just isn't as much fun as it used to be. (My ankle is still swollen a full three weeks after our game happened - due to leaky kidneys and being on my feet all day)

The Vaul Engines of [my] craftworld Zeru-Ton will see that challenge :P


<cue EG to upstage my collection>

I love that base your flyer is on, I want to do that with all my guard flyers too...make them look like they're actually flying. I even picked up some wooden plinths and a piece of dowel to try it out but never got round to it. What's the stability like? Is it fairly stable for the height?

06-06-2013, 04:40 PM
The Vaul Engines of [my] craftworld Zeru-Ton will see that challenge :P


Come at me bro


06-06-2013, 05:04 PM
Come at me bro


These pictures (Girs and Defs) warm my heart... seriously. Thank you both for sharing.

06-07-2013, 09:41 AM
Come at me bro


That's beautiful, same with the eldar collection. Looks like Templar? Can't see the detail, sadly.

06-08-2013, 03:38 PM
GW is has a terrible reputation when it comes to completing units offered in codexes. My fear with what we have so far seen with the necron and chaos models is these are 1-off models that will never be released to the public. It's not uncommon to see models in WD that are not offered for public purchase. Let's hope this is not the case.

In both the tau and elder codex what is offered that you can't get off a shelf now? I'm quite sure tau had every mini available on codex release day. And with GW removing all collectors and specialist games to not both with casting things that don't sell I don't expect them to follow that up with making 2 kits of that size that won't be for sale.

06-08-2013, 03:55 PM
I'm betting the data sheets are apocalypse formations for stuff like Wraithknights, Maulerfiends, Riptides, etc.
Nice to see it is a dual kit, and that there are more kits than just the two we've seen. Having multiple kits from the same army leads me to believe that this will be a truly massive release and feature kits for most of the forces.

Very confident there will be multiple new kits. When the recent WD mag came out with an ultramarines thunder hawk on the back I sat down with my FW resin TH and there are plenty of noticeable differences, the kind of solid lines you only get with plastic.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
06-09-2013, 07:12 PM
That Eldar army is amazong paint scheme, very impressive to see all together. And that Space Marine army (not sure what Chapter) is a sizeable collection. You only just have more tanks than i do with my Sisters of Battle collection.
Its great to see collective armies like these.

As for the topic, seeing the Chaos getting a new vehicle makes me wonder what the other armies will be getting.
Its already been said IG have Baneblades, Eldar have titans and Scorpions, as well as flyers, Space Marines have Thunderhawk Gunships. etc

I'd like to know for us very maligned SoB battle players, will we get a GW flyer too, and maybe a Apoc vehicle.
I already own the Avenger Strike Fighter (it does so well too).

06-15-2013, 01:37 PM
Just Added to OP

Latest Rumors 6-13-2013

via Best_Pone
Let's see now...
You've already seen the Chaos and Necron superheavies.
You'll also get some fortifications - giant gun/missile emplacements and the like. These are also designed to hook up with the Wall of Martyrs terrain.
As well as the Apocalypse rulebook, there's also a collector's edition and a gamer's edition.

via Opatija
got some quick information about the upcoming release. Itīs "just" what the employees were told, which in some cases is not very reliable:

- Apocalyspe is mostly about formations with some minor benefits for the "units"
- There will be at least 2 waves for mini supply (Some of the missing miniatures will be released when their own 6th codex is)
- Each army is going to get a super heavy, beeing asked about such a huge release, they were told to keep the Allied Forces in mind, leaving Tyranids aside (speculated as an Imperial/SM Multipart kit) which will hit at around 125,-€ (Itīs quite possible that the Chaos thing and the Monolith are the only ones! And Baneblades/Shadowswords are accessable via Allied Forces!)
- A large/multi part piece of Terrain fitting to the "Martyrs"-Line (80,-€/50,-€/30,-€)

All in all even the Employees are not very excited for the release so better don't expect to much when reading the rumours about those gigantic Release-Wave(s)

06-15-2013, 01:49 PM
Way to follow up the apocalypse release with a thud.

At least having updated rules will be nice. I guess the riptide and wraithknight were the big kits that he was talking about.

Aspire to Glory
06-15-2013, 02:16 PM
... what about the poor necrons we will have to wait the longest for a hard codex...


06-15-2013, 11:43 PM
Employees don't get told anything so I'm taking the second batch of rumours with considerable salt. Best_pone has been accurate quite a bit. Looking forward to the terrain piece, Wall of Martyrs is lovely and something bigger to slot in with it would be great even if I'd prefer some damned xenos terrain.

06-15-2013, 11:51 PM
I see that rumour of the Harpy appearing popping up very frequently....seriously, a new Harpy kit may very well be what I am most excited about, strangely enough. It will give us an idea on how they will change in the new codex; if they have options for anti-air guns at least, we can tell what the Tyranids new dedicated anti-flyer unit will be....

06-16-2013, 03:12 AM
Has anyone mentioned the company masters yet? Marine players are getting some more of the company masters. I believe they're the masters of the reserve companies.
So pleased about this, it's disgraceful how many gaps in the Marine range there are.:rolleyes:

Mr Mystery
06-16-2013, 04:08 AM
Hush you!

Looking forward to this! Don't care if an unnamed staff member who now suddenly represents all staff opinions is feeling meh. It's Apocalypse baby! Massive formations beating the snot out of each other? Yespleasesanta!

And to those once again judging a product based solely on unsubstantiated rumours? Really! Really really?

06-16-2013, 04:16 AM
Yep, you know peoples sense of entitlement is kicking into overdrive when they start complaining about a new Apoc ruleset, two or three huge plastic kits AND a giant new terrain piece being released.

06-16-2013, 07:48 AM
I have a Scorpion Mk II, a Cobra Mk II, a Pulsar Lynx, 9 Fire Prisms, 4 Night Spinners, 3 Warp Hunters, 3 Falcons, 3 Wave Serpents and a Fire Storm for my tank division.

They're all in the thread in my signature.

Still got 4 Revenants and an old armorcast Phantom to paint too.

I really need to play more apocalypse! I've got 16000pt Eldar painted so far (new codex points):

Revenant, Lynx, Nightwing, Phoenix, 29 Falcon Chassis Tanks (14 wave serpents, Firestorm, Warp Hunter, 2 Nightspinners, 7 Falcons, 4 Fire Prisms), 2 Hornets, 9 Vypers for my tanks and for my wraiths - Wraithseer, 6 Wraithlords, 35 Wraithguard (metal).

Plus 12k Tyranids and 10k Chaos marines. One game per year is not enough!

06-16-2013, 04:44 PM
I see that rumour of the Harpy appearing popping up very frequently....seriously, a new Harpy kit may very well be what I am most excited about, strangely enough. It will give us an idea on how they will change in the new codex; if they have options for anti-air guns at least, we can tell what the Tyranids new dedicated anti-flyer unit will be....

I wouldn't expect the harpy before the new nid dex, gives them a new flier/big kit to release as the focus for the dex

06-16-2013, 10:21 PM
Yeah, probably too much to hope for. A bit off topic, but I've been wondering about what entirely new unit(s) Tyranids would be getting. Could we see another apocalypse-sized monster in the vein of the Wraithknight? I know we already have mini bio-titans in the form of the Trygon and Tyrannofex, but if we could get something truly gargantuan....hmm. Of course, Tyranids aren't exactly lacking when it comes to monstrous creatures lol.

06-16-2013, 10:34 PM

You may get your wish...in plastic *MEGA NOM-NOM-NOM*

I've said too much...

06-17-2013, 01:45 AM

You may get your wish...in plastic *MEGA NOM-NOM-NOM*

I've said too much...

Ohhh salacious...

Mr Mystery
06-17-2013, 03:48 AM
No no no. Salacious Crumb was tiny.

And come to think of it, not a Tyranid....

06-17-2013, 04:03 AM
I want to wring Salacious Crumbs little barstud neck.

06-17-2013, 04:04 AM

You may get your wish...in plastic *MEGA NOM-NOM-NOM*

I've said too much...

Pure wild speculation time.

A few months ago I was lucky enough to have the disposable income to buy a hierophant, after debating it for a week I went to buy one and literally between the shopping basket and the checkout the item went into OOS, I waited a week and then sent FW an email. I was terrified it had gone the way of the spore chimneys. They assured me that the master mold for the hierophant was being re-cut and it would be available again in a few months....


06-17-2013, 04:18 AM
Wild speculation, I likes it.

Pteradactyl/mega gargoyle xeno type :)

06-17-2013, 04:22 AM
Pure wild speculation time.

A few months ago I was lucky enough to have the disposable income to buy a hierophant, after debating it for a week I went to buy one and literally between the shopping basket and the checkout the item went into OOS, I waited a week and then sent FW an email. I was terrified it had gone the way of the spore chimneys. They assured me that the master mold for the hierophant was being re-cut and it would be available again in a few months....


I think you may be on to something!
But geez, a Hierophant as a plastic model? No way it will be in the codex surely if it is happening. Still......that would be sick!

Just checked and the Harridan is OOS as well.

06-17-2013, 04:59 AM
yeah but that's only been for a week or so, it might be back up soon. It could just be that they need to cast more, they only keep limited numbers of such items in stock.

06-17-2013, 05:01 AM
True. It isn't every day that you see someone buy a 230 pound monster after all.

Mr Mystery
06-17-2013, 06:16 AM
I want to wring Salacious Crumbs little barstud neck.

Awww! But he's cool! The wee mouthy chav of Jabba's court!

Mr Mystery
06-17-2013, 06:17 AM

Harridan is out of stock as well??

06-17-2013, 06:40 AM
I think you may be on to something!
But geez, a Hierophant as a plastic model? No way it will be in the codex surely if it is happening. Still......that would be sick!

Just checked and the Harridan is OOS as well.


Harridan is out of stock as well??


06-17-2013, 06:52 AM
from Forgeworld:

"For all those asking when various items will be back in stock, we are pleased to announce that the following are available to order from the website again:


06-17-2013, 07:05 AM
from forgeworld:

"for all those asking when various items will be back in stock, we are pleased to announce that the following are available to order from the website again:

99590101303 - legion mkiii breacher siege squad
99550105208 - death korps of krieg quartermaster and retinue
ia-dkk-i-002 - death korps of krieg infantry squad firing
99550105045 - death korps of krieg command hq squad
ia-tyr-t-007 - tyranid hierophant bio titan"

yyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh bbbbbaaabbbbbbyyyyyyy!

06-17-2013, 07:11 AM
Now isn't that coincidental! If I have spare monies, may have to grab one for my LGS' big Apocalypse game next month.....will be a lovely, lovely surprise (if you want to be eaten) :D

06-18-2013, 06:49 AM
Pure wild speculation time.

A few months ago I was lucky enough to have the disposable income to buy a hierophant, after debating it for a week I went to buy one and literally between the shopping basket and the checkout the item went into OOS, I waited a week and then sent FW an email. I was terrified it had gone the way of the spore chimneys. They assured me that the master mold for the hierophant was being re-cut and it would be available again in a few months....


Forgeworld announced yesterday that the Heirophant was back in stock so it looks unlikely

06-18-2013, 09:34 AM
Trust me, we know :)

I may have a big surprise for everyone participating in my LGS' big apocalypse game at the end of July, I just might ;)

Lord Dark Starr
06-20-2013, 12:45 PM
I think that all the original Epic vehicle models would be good scaled-up! Some of the space marine tanks were pretty awesome in epic scale! Baneblade and Stormhammer and the like! Will be keeping a close eye on this in future!

06-20-2013, 01:05 PM
I think that all the original Epic vehicle models would be good scaled-up! Some of the space marine tanks were pretty awesome in epic scale! Baneblade and Stormhammer and the like! Will be keeping a close eye on this in future!
I must respectfully disagree. Those models looked good in Epic scale. If directly scaled up, the proportions would be grotesque and absurd. If you don't believe me, go look at some 40K cosplay and compare the ones that simply scaled up to those that scaled appropriately. It makes a world of difference.

06-20-2013, 01:45 PM

http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2009/3/8/22269-Armorcast,%20Copyright%20Armorcast,%20Eldar,%20Epi c,%20Falcon,%20Rogue%20Trader.jpg

Whaddya talking about? They look fine to me!
(I suspect LDS was not meaning literally)

06-20-2013, 01:47 PM
All Imperial tanks are hilarious anyway :)

06-20-2013, 01:53 PM

http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2009/3/8/22269-Armorcast,%20Copyright%20Armorcast,%20Eldar,%20Epi c,%20Falcon,%20Rogue%20Trader.jpg

Whaddya talking about? They look fine to me!
(I suspect LDS was not meaning literally)

Can someone please tell me what the hell that thing next to the ultrasmurf is?

06-20-2013, 01:55 PM
Can someone please tell me what the hell that thing next to the ultrasmurf is?

Falcon Grav-tank, OG style.

06-20-2013, 01:56 PM
Falcon Grav-tank, OG style.

1: thank you
2: im so glad they no longer look like that.

06-20-2013, 01:57 PM
It's an Eldar Falcon tank. They were originally produced for Epic, and that's how they looked. Personally, I don't care for either of the above designs. The Falcon looks fine in Epic scale, but in 32mm, it just looks... wrong to me. And the Blood Cannon (or whatever it's called) I thought always looked silly rather than scary.

06-20-2013, 02:03 PM
Cauldron of Bloooooood!!!! It displays why Khorne is the best Chaos god:


Unbeatable aesthetic design sense.

06-20-2013, 02:29 PM
Man, I loved the Land Shark as a bairn.

06-20-2013, 02:37 PM
I'm starting a Khornepocalypse army - nothing but Daemon Engines - and I've got a pile of Defiler claws and legs and wanted to make something totally absurd. I have found my inspiration:



06-21-2013, 04:14 AM
I so want a Hierophant, but I am going to have to hold out for now.
Interested in how the rules for everything is updated, and if they fix some of the more broken units (i.e. the big bug).

06-21-2013, 04:16 AM
Im surprised we haven't seen anymore leaked pictures.

06-21-2013, 04:58 AM
Be very surprised if the heirophant keeps a 3++ as it wasn't intended to have it in the first place (used to be 2+/6++ from warp field), but gargantuan creatures in general need a bit of a boost I think compared to Titans as they die very fast with no invulnerable save. Reducing destroyer weapon power would help and/or maybe some kind of enhanced feel no pain/it will not die rules. Also wouldn't be surprised if flying GCs ignore grounding tests as it is even more ludicrous that a lasgun can knock them out of the sky.

06-21-2013, 05:00 AM
I'm starting a Khornepocalypse army - nothing but Daemon Engines - and I've got a pile of Defiler claws and legs and wanted to make something totally absurd. I have found my inspiration:


Going to use that picture next time some hobby hipster whines about GW models looking like old Masters of the Universe figures.

06-21-2013, 05:08 AM
Going to use that picture next time some hobby hipster whines about GW models looking like old Masters of the Universe figures.
Hobby hipster. I approve of this term.

Mr Mystery
06-21-2013, 05:11 AM
Hobby Hipsters.

All about the Cheese and Whine.

06-21-2013, 05:15 AM
That's what they are, though. It's all 'God I remember when this hobby was COOL, back before GW sold out, man. Now everything is like, kid toys and ****'. That's when you bring out the pictures of actual kids toys and actual GW large kits from the late nineties and explain to them exactly what is wrong with their opinions and character in soul-crushing detail.

Mr Mystery
06-21-2013, 05:28 AM
And don't forget....like all 'good' (subjective) Hipsters....very few, if any, were actually there for the period they're venerating.

06-21-2013, 05:31 AM

"It used to be about the models, man, now it's just about money"

Mr Mystery
06-21-2013, 05:36 AM
Meh. Sod them.

If they can't tell a PLC from a Charity, that's their business! Or Charity.

06-21-2013, 06:03 AM
Hobby Hipsters.

All about the Cheese and Whine.
Crap. I... I think I resemble that remark. I'm gonna go home and rethink my life.

06-21-2013, 06:11 AM
Are hobby hipsters the same people that talk about 'all this disney stuff' in 40k? I still have no idea what they're talking about.

06-21-2013, 06:16 AM
Are hobby hipsters the same people that talk about 'all this disney stuff' in 40k? I still have no idea what they're talking about.
Yep. You can spot them because when you think about it objectively it becomes apparent they must have no idea what:
Childrens toys, Masters of the Universe, Transformers, Dinobots, segways, ducks and turkeys
look like to reach the conclusions that they have.

06-21-2013, 06:34 AM
Yep. You can spot them because when you think about it objectively it becomes apparent they must have no idea what:
Childrens toys, Masters of the Universe, Transformers, Dinobots, segways, ducks and turkeys
look like to reach the conclusions that they have.

Likewise you can spot a hobby evangelical a mile away when they can't think of a single thing of substance to be critical about :P

Mr Mystery
06-21-2013, 06:36 AM
By that I assume you mean 'able to make constructive criticism' yes?

Righty dokey!

06-21-2013, 06:42 AM
Holy ****, why isn't there a Transformers miniature game ?

06-21-2013, 06:47 AM
Yeah, true hobbyists remember the past for the fun we had and realize that the models were cheap, low quality, ridiculous-looking, and disproportionate. Thank goodness we now live in an era of expensive, high quality, ridiculous-looking, disproportionate models!

disclaimer: I am not complaining about models or prices, except for High Elf Archer heads and the cost of a Beastmaster pack.

06-21-2013, 06:51 AM
Holy ****, why isn't there a Transformers miniature game ?

Or a GI Joe one for that matter? I know Hasbro/Wizards of the Coast were working on a collectible GI Joe minis game at one point, but it seems to have been shelved which is a shame. I've long been tempted to do a Cobra themed Imperial Guard army.

06-21-2013, 06:56 AM
Holy ****, why isn't there a Transformers miniature game ?

Like this? http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/24024/attacktix-battle-figure-game-transformers

06-21-2013, 07:02 AM
Holy ****, why isn't there a Transformers miniature game ?
Because you haven't written it yet.

06-21-2013, 01:27 PM
Well, I was in my local Games Workshop today and the Manager told me he was under orders to remove all the Apocalypse books and Templates from his shelves and return them

Now, if that isn't confirmation I don't know what is.

06-21-2013, 01:32 PM
I can understand the books but the templates seems a bit silly. I guess they are being repackaged rather than replaced.

06-21-2013, 07:50 PM
I can understand the books but the templates seems a bit silly. I guess they are being repackaged rather than replaced.

Or the nice transparent green ones are being replaced with a set that match those for regular 40k, that is grey/metal with blue lightning effect. Glad I bought a set of the older ones recently.

Well, I was in my local Games Workshop today and the Manager told me he was under orders to remove all the Apocalypse books and Templates from his shelves and return them

Now, if that isn't confirmation I don't know what is.

They are all gone from the website store too.

06-22-2013, 03:50 AM
This went up this morning on the White Dwarf Daily Blog.
I'd say it's the first teaser trailer for Apocalypse...


06-23-2013, 12:36 AM
Looks a little boring......

06-23-2013, 08:32 AM
Just picked this up in anticipation for Apocalypse. Built, Customized and Painted by Matt Sabol from Army Transporter. Approximately 8,000 points and brings the total count close to 20,000.


06-24-2013, 09:34 AM

06-24-2013, 09:40 AM
Outgoing: Increase the cheese
Incoming: It won't go any higher, we're already at level Blue Stilton

06-24-2013, 09:40 AM
srill no pics of anything I want to actually see

06-24-2013, 10:03 AM

Well... There's definitely a Chaos Warhound in there...

06-24-2013, 10:05 AM

I wonder how much GW pays to have these horrendous videos done?

I hope its not much.

06-24-2013, 10:16 AM
they are a bit of fun, hardly important, lighten up. I doubt they pay anything, why would you? they can do it themselves easily.

06-24-2013, 11:45 AM
they are a bit of fun, hardly important, lighten up. I doubt they pay anything, why would you? they can do it themselves easily.

Nothing is ever free.

Reference: Opportunity Cost.

Mr Mystery
06-24-2013, 12:13 PM
I imagine its some spod at HQ who does them.

Were you expecting Michael Bay?

06-24-2013, 08:22 PM
From Dakka Dakka:

WARHAMMER 40000: APOCALYPSE (ENGLISH) Other Book 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $90.00 $74.25
IMPERIAL TARGETING TEMPLATES Hobby Product 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $30.00 $25.00
KHORNE LORD OF SKULLS Plastic Box 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $190.00 $160.00
IMPERIAL GUARD BANEBLADE Plastic Box 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $170.00 $140.00
NECRON TESSERACT VAULT Plastic Box 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $190.00 $160.00
WALL OF MARTYRS: VENGEANCE WEAPON BATTERY Plastic Box 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $60.00 $50.00
WALL OF MARTYRS: FIRESTORM REDOUBT Plastic Box 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $80.00 $65.00
WALL OF MARTYRS: AQUILA STRONGPOINT Plastic Box 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD $140.00 $115.00
SPACE MARINE CPTN: MASTER OF THE MARCHES Finecast Clam 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD Splash $30.00 $22.25
SPACE MARINE CAPTAIN:MASTER OF THE RITES Finecast Clam 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD Splash $30.00 $22.25
SPACE MARINE CAPTAIN: MASTER OF RELICS Finecast Clam 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD Splash $30.00 $22.25
SPACE MARINE CAPTAIN: LORD EXECUTIONER Finecast Clam 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD Splash $30.00 $22.25
APOCALYPSE STRATEGIC ASSET CARDS (ENG) Hobby Product 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD Limited $16.00 $15.00
BOMBARDMENT DICE CUBE Hobby Product 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD Limited $36.00 $30.00
VORTEX GRENADE TEMPLATE Hobby Product 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 RTD Limited $16.00 $15.00
WH40K: APOCALYPSE - COLLECTORS EDITION Other Book 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 D Limited $300.00 $250.00
WH40K: APOCALYPSE - GAMER'S EDITION 29-Jun-13 13-Jul-13 D Limited $300.00 $250.00

Prices are Canadian and US. Based on previous releases, Aus prices should fall between these two (but closer to the US side).

06-24-2013, 09:14 PM
Prices are Canadian and US. Based on previous releases, Aus prices should fall between these two (but closer to the US side).

Looks like I'll be digging into the noodles and canned soup this week, grabbin' me that collectors, but I think it will have to come form here instead of the UK.

06-24-2013, 10:09 PM
they are a bit of fun, hardly important, lighten up. I doubt they pay anything, why would you? they can do it themselves easily.
Right, it was probably thrown together by one of the digital artists they have on staff as part of his job. So it cost them some money in the sense they are paying his wages but I doubt they have a guy sitting there doing nothing but making teaser videos all year.

I liked it, it was nice and atmospheric and a good bit of old style 40k cheese in as well.:)

06-24-2013, 10:11 PM
that book is not going to sell here, that's going to be roughly 500-600 for the collectors in Australia, christ!

06-24-2013, 10:13 PM
Possibly not, the ratio between USD and AUD prices has changed considrably recently. Look at the Wraithknight. Though it will probably still be ridiculously expensive.