View Full Version : Wraithknight Rule Clarification

06-02-2013, 08:29 AM
Good day everyone. Long time reader first time posting :)

I haven't seen anyone talk about this yet so maybe there is something I'm missing. The Wraithknight can have a total of 4 weapon systems right? Well it's only a MC right? So it can only fire TWO of those weapons each turn???

Am I missing something or is the model not near as useful as I thought when I bought it?

06-02-2013, 08:49 AM
You CAN purchase 2 more weapons, does not mean that you SHOULD buy 2 more weapons. They are there in case you switch load outs. Take the sword: buy two more guns. Take the sun cannon: buy one more gun. Take standard load out: probably buy no guns.

The wraith lord is the same way for a decade...

06-02-2013, 08:56 AM
You CAN purchase 2 more weapons, does not mean that you SHOULD buy 2 more weapons. They are there in case you switch load outs. Take the sword: buy two more guns. Take the sun cannon: buy one more gun. Take standard load out: probably buy no guns.

The wraith lord is the same way for a decade...

Yeah that's how I figured it. It just seems that for twice the cost of a Wraithlord you'd get to shoot more :)

Second question. If I'm using a bastion and hiding the Wraithknight behind it I'm assuming he would get a 3+ cover save as described on pg 18 of the BRB so long as 25% of him is hidden?

06-02-2013, 09:37 AM
Yes, that's right. Bastions are pretty clearly fortifications, so if you are entitled to claim a cover save by sheltering behind one, that cover save is 3+.

06-02-2013, 01:02 PM
or get one of his toes in area terrain,

about the only MC i know of that can fire more than 2 weapons is tyranid as they have a special weapon with an exception to the rule.

06-03-2013, 05:21 AM
Take the sun cannon: buy A ******* SCATTER LASER

Fixed that for you. ;)

06-03-2013, 06:40 AM
Wish I had noticed the bit where it says "Buy up to two extra guns" as I wouldn't have glued two Scatter Lasers onto the shoulders of my Wraithknight. I would have instead just glued one onto the underside of the Suncannon where you stick something else.

Oh well....

06-03-2013, 01:08 PM

06-03-2013, 01:33 PM
Built my Knight and I often magnetise, however in this instance I am never running a load out not comprised of Suncannon, shield and Scatter laser. Laser lock a must before you dazzle your enemies with the cannon of sunliness.... Oh and he's popping Jazz hands, just because he can....