View Full Version : Looking for old Tanith rules

11-09-2009, 12:29 AM
I'm looking for the old Tanith regiment rules that were published in WD something or nother, if anybody knows which one or where I could find them that would be great, thanks!

11-09-2009, 10:34 AM
I'm looking for the old Tanith regiment rules that were published in WD something or nother, if anybody knows which one or where I could find them that would be great, thanks!

WD 268 US version. The doctrines of the 4th Ed Codex overrode these rules. There are currently no approved rules for their use. The closest approximation to the unit presented in the models made would be a vet squad.

John M.

11-09-2009, 11:45 AM
That's what I figured, but I wanted to A) make sure I wasn't going crazy and making them up and B) use them more as a guideline/fluff builder for my army. Thanks!

11-09-2009, 11:51 AM
I love playing against/with the old one-off special character lists. Gaunt, the Last Chancers, etc. Right now, I'm working towards having a unit of marines worthy enough to use the Movie Marines rules from WD 300.

John M>

11-09-2009, 12:19 PM
I wouldn't mind seeing the original source, just for reference. It's fun digging up the history of the hobby (at least for those of us who weren't there at the time).

Edit: Aha, found it! In the pdf I have of Chapter Approved 2003 it has the rules for fielding a Gaunt's Ghosts army.


Looks like you take Tanith units in addition to regualr guard units. All tanith units reroll reserves, infiltrate, and have camo cloaks. Tanith units are:

Tanith Master Snipers
Permanent 3+ cover save
Reroll to-wound
They cannot move once deployed

Tanith Hardened Veterans
Pretty much a Veteran Squad with camo cloaks.
Can have two sniper rifles in the squad in addition to the normal upgrades.

Tanith Infantry Platoon
Just like a regular platoon, but with camo cloaks.

Gaunt himself is a commissar lord with a strength 4 mastercrafted power sword.
If there is a close combat within 12" of him he must charge and all allied troops engaged get an extra attack on the turn he charges.

And then there are some command squad characters with minor abilites I'm not going to get into.