View Full Version : Veteran review of Codex: Eldar

06-02-2013, 03:50 AM
Hello all!

After reading so many threads about the new Codex: Eldar, talking about the same things and basically whining about the fact that there are no CC deathstar units in the book, I decided to write my own review. I'm not really an Eldar sage, I've collected Eldar since 3rd Edition and they were my first 40K army, but I've never been a huge fan of building repetitive tournament lists. I have played against many tournament players and I am familiar with the tournament meta. I play Biel-tan themed aspect warrior lists, with several different units and several different playstyles incorporated in one list. I'd like to think I understand the synergy of the Eldar army, and thus I can look the book with different eyes than a tournament MEQ or Necron player would look at it.

I've divided this review to three parts: Art&fluff, rules and tactics. I don't do long reviews of individual units, but instead go through them shortly, and talk about them more in the tactics section. So, let's begin!

The Book

Okay, so first a few words about the book and the art. It's again one of the now GW standard hardcover full-colour rulebooks. The book is divided in different sections, as you all know, describing the fluff, the units, the wargear, the "relics", and after the compulsory showcase photos, the actual army list and fold-out reference pages.

The lore is very well written, and it includes everything from the Eldar as a species to their pantheon, their craftworlds and their eventual Fall. There aren't (m)any stories or short fiction pieces, but instead almost every page has a nice info box about some quirk of the Eldar culture. I haven't seen such well-written fluff since the 3rd and 2nd edition codexes, but then again Phil Kelly is a solid author, when it comes to pampering the players with great lore.

The looks of the books are really nice as well. There are several artworks taken from 40K rulebook and Apocalypse, but there are a lot of really nice pieces of artwork we haven't seen before. It really shows that the visual design of the Codex has been well thought out. Not only does the book talk and depict the Eldar race, it really looks quite Eldarish itself.

All in all it's a pleasure to read the book. I won't post individual pieces of lore, but for any starting Eldar player the lore section is a must-read.

The Rules

I'll go through the army special rules first, and then move to the unit entries and list their most important rules.

So the Eldar come with two codex-specific special rules, Ancient Doom and Battle Focus. Ancient Doom gives Hatred: Daemons of Slaanesh and units with Mark of Slaanesh, as well as -1 Ld when testing Fear, if there's at least one model who's a Daemon of Slaanesh or has Mark of Slaanesh.

It's more of a fluffy rule, with quite situational use. Although the -1 Ld can sometimes bite you in the back, I think the Eldar get more out of it after all.

The second rule, Battle Focus, is the more interesting and game-changing. Basically everything not-Wraith or vehicle has this rule. It allows you to run and shoot, or shoot and run during the same shooting phase, effectively giving you the ability to poke the enemy and then run back to cover, or out of Rapid Fire range. I think the units who benefit from this the most are Dire Avengers, Fire Dragons and Warp Spiders, as well as all types of Guardians. Combo this with the Fleet rule, which almost every unit also possesses, and you have a very mobile army, even if you don't have a single transport in the list. As this rule hasn't seen much, if any, use on the battlefield I can't say too much about it's effectiveness, but it does give you a lot more tactical advantage than you'd first think.

Besides those two, Fleet is present in the book, and almost everything with Battle Focus has it, Dark Reapers being the only exception that I can come up with.

I guess that's about it for the special rules. Let's dig in and go through the units...


Eldrad: Has much of the same special rules as he had in the 4th ed. book, although the re-deployment rule has been nerfed a bit. The most notable changes are the fact that he's a Mastery 4 psyker, and generates powers like everybody else. Also a big thing about him is his staff: for every power he casts he gets a Warp Charge back if he roll a 5 or 6 after the power is cast (rolled separately). Not only that, but his staff is the only Force weapon in the entire book, which is pretty formidable, if you put him in a Warlock Council. As cool as Mastery 4 sounds, most of the Farseer-specific powers are Warp Charge 2, and the Ghosthelm, while being auto-success, requires a Warp Charge to use when activated, so unless you don't mind your soul eaten out, you should keep at least one Warp Charge in reserve. Eldrad is a tough cookie, but isn't as necessary as he used to be.

Illic Nightspear: He's basically a pathfinder with some sneaky rules and possibly insta-killing AP 2 sniper that comes with BS 9 and Split Fire Warlord Trait. However, if you want Pathfinders, he is the only way you can get them. Doubling the cost Rangers allows you to get Alaitoc Pathfinders, with Stealth, Shroud, Move Through Cover, Sniper and Infiltrate. Oh, and did I mention that you can Deep Strike your Rangers and Pathfinders within 6" of Illic, and they don't scatter.

And one more thing. Illic, and all Pathfinders ALWAYS fire precision shots. Yes, you heard me. Every shot you fire with these baddies is pretty much guaranteed to kill something important. Nemesis Force staff bothering you? Not anymore.

Yriel: Much like the Regular Autarch, hasn't changed much. He now has 4 Wounds and 4 Attacks, and comes with a 170 pts pricetag, just like Illic. His spear no longer auto-wounds him at the end of the game, but instead forces Yriel to re-roll all saving throws of 6.

Phoenix Lords: They all are pricier and more deadly and come with Warlord Traits. They are more balanced than they used to be, and Phoenix Lords such as Jain-Zar and Baharroth could be seen more often. The toughest cookie is still Asurmen, with 4+ Inv, 2+ As, Counter-attack, S5 AP 2 Dire Sword and a solid statline. The best thing about him, though, is the fact that he has to be your Warlord (if you include him), and he always rolls D3 Eldar Warlord Traits, which could be awesome. The rest are as you expect: Jain-Zar can easily slice and dice and entire Terminator Squad, and she reduces the enemy Initiative by 5 (like the regular Banshees do), but reduces the WS by 5 as well (to a minimum of 1). Karandas is the dedicated monster killer, Fuegan is the fear of every tank commander, Baharroth is useful if you plan to Deep Strike much, and Maugan Ra and his Maugetar are much unchanged, but he has Hatred: Chaos Daemons.

They are pricey, but have potential, excluding Baharroth and Maugan Ra, who don't really bring anything.

Then the regular HQ:

The Avatar of (Kaela Mensha) Khaine

The Avatar got a nice stat boost, and now stands at WS10 BS10 S6 T6 W5 I10 A5, has fleet and can choose Exarch powers, including Fast Shot and Disarming Strike, which in challenge makes him able to disarm his opponent, making him attack with a plain CCW. He is a real CCW monster, and with a statline like that he can challenge pretty much anything. If you want to duke it out with a C'tan Shard or any other Monstrous Creature, I'd go with Fast Shot and Disarming Strike, or Monster Hunter and Disarming Strike. The only downside is that his Inv save is back to 5+ (gained from the Daemon special rule), so he is a bit easier to kill in that sense. Don't worry, Warlocks can now restore wounds if they roll 1 for power, so it's fine.


Not much has changed. Actually, nothing has changed. They can now add or subtract 1 from the Reserve rolls. He can be effective with the 120" AP 3 sniper relic, or some CCW relic, but other than that, he's no really that special, and is easily overshadowed by Archon and everything that can fight and has 2+ Sv.


Mastery level 3 and 100 pts means he is a pretty solid Psyker with his three Wounds. He is hurt the most by the nerfing of Runes of Warding, which is one use item and adds +2 to Deny the Witch roll. I'd take one power from Runes of Fate and 2 powers from Divination, all 3 Divination if you want to be super competitive, but the Runes of Fate do have some great powers, and most powers have been boosted. However, avoid number 4. It basically turns your Farseer to a mini-Avatar, but loses the ability to cast other powers and dies at the end of game, or if the counters generated by the power run out. It's great if you happen to be in a Warlock Council and roll it there, but other than that it's pretty rubbish. A must-have unit.


Basically a Warlock with 2 Wounds and allows you to take Wraithguard and Wraithblades as troops. And you don't even have to take 10 of them! He can mark enemy units for the Wraith units, which allows them to re-roll all to-hit rolls of 1 against that target until the end of turn. Is mastery lvl 2, and can pick powers from Telepathy or Runes of Battle disciplines.

Warlock Council

They now work like Wolf Guard. You can have 1-10 of them, and they are mastery lvl 1 Psykers, who roll powers from Runes of Battle. What's cool about the powers is the fact that most of them have dual uses. Destructor has Renewer as a "counter spell", which gives a lost wound to a model, and so on. Warlocks are 35 points a piece, though, but are pretty much fully kitted from the get-go.


Dire Avengers

Not much has changed with the guys. They got the Battle Focus and Counter-attack, but the Exarch lost twin shuricats (they are twin-linked now), and they no longer have Bladestorm. However, all Shuriken weapons have Bladestorm special rule (yeah, I know), which gives them the ability to auto-wound on to-wound roll of 6, and as a nice boost they also get AP 2 for those shots. The Exarch powers make the Avengers a lot more durable, which fits their role perfectly. At 13 points a piece many people will think they're bad, but nothing could be further from the truth. They have stable, 18" anti-infantry firepower, and Aspect armour and Exarch give them a bit more survivability. I'd like to point out that Shimmershield now gives 5+ Invulnerable save for the entire squad also against shooting attacks, so you can hope to survive barrage weapons and heavy flamers, especially if you have a fortune on them. They are somewhat synergy-dependent, but I'll return to that.


So the big news is they are BS 4, WS 4 and I 5, which makes them pretty solid. The Defenders can get a a heavy weapon platform for every 10 Guardians for 15+ points. The Storm Guardians have the same options, so can have 2 fusion guns/flamer, and can buy up to two power swords. Both variants are now 9 pts/model.

Windrider Jetbikes

The same, but with a points decrease and better stats. They are still quite solid, and super accurate with twin-linked shuriken catapults. Bladestorm helps them a lot.


So as you heard, no more Pathfinders, unless you get Illic. They are a bit worse, come with Stealth, Move Through Cover and Infiltrate, come with Guardian statline and are a lot cheaper, 12 pts/model. Definitely worth the points. Minimum squad size now 5.

Wave Serpent

I think Wave Serpent is easily the best transport in the entire game. Fast Skimmer with AV 12, and all Penetrating hits are converted to glancing hits as long as you don't fire the serpent shield, it's durable and very efficient. It lacks the Assault vehicle, but the weapon upgrades are super cheap, and it can now get Holofields. It can unleash a lot of hurt by firing it's shield so it's a super-versatile transport. Go for it!

For some reason I couldn't post the entire review, so I'll upload it in smaller parts. Stay tuned for the rest of the unit reviews and some tactical tips for the pointy-eared fellas.

06-02-2013, 03:56 AM

Howling Banshees

Before I say anything, I really do think there is a place for the banshees in most Eldar lists, but they are very cover/synergy-dependent.

Okay, so the biggest change is one point drop in price and the mask now lowers the enemy units Initiative by -5. They have Acrobatic special rule, which gives them +3" when running (re-rollable D6+3"). They can be super fast and get into combat really soon, but Overwatch still hurts them. The Exarch is a killing machine, can get Fear (if you play against Chaos, great!), Disarming Strike and 3+ Inv, if the exarch doesn't attack. As Wave Serpent isn't assault vehicle, they can't cross long distances and charge that effectively. However, I think they have two major roles. First, they are really great rescue units, as their Initiative modifiers help other Eldar squads in the same combat. Say that you have your Dire Avengers caught by Genestealers. The Avengers don't die away in one turn (if the Eldar player is playing smart), but they need help. You can charge the Genestealers with the Banshees, making sure ALL your precious little space elves get to hit before the filthy Tyranids get to. Alternatively you can tag team them with Scorpions or Wraithblades. The Scorpions, Wraithblades or whatever you want to bait the Overwatch with, goes first, and the Banshees follow. You can easily engage large I4 units with Wraithblades if you have the screaming girls backing them up. Alternatively you can run from cover to cover, and engage desperate combats with them.

Striking Scorpions

I love this unit, always have, and now there's more to love. They still have their 3+ save, but now come with Stealth as Basic, and also got Infiltrate. This converts to one point increase in cost, but you have a delivery system for them, as well as that extra bit of protection from cover. They can of course take Wave Serpent, much like everything else, but to be honest, it would be a waste. So, the Exarch no longer gives Stealth or Infiltrate, so is he worth it anymore? You bet.
Okay, first of all you see that the Scorpion claw, also known as shuricat and powerfist now costs 30 points. Pretty ballsy move for a S3 fella. There is a reason for that, though. Ladies and gents, I present to you the power fist, that isn't a fist. Scorpion's claw doubles your strength and is AP 2, but isn't Unwieldy nor is it Specialist Weapon. Yeah, 3 (4 in charge) S6 power fist attacks at I 6. He can also buy Crushing blow, giving him +1 Strength for CC, Monster Hunter, and Stalker, which works like Disarming Strike, but compares Initiative and let's you re-roll to wound rolls in challenge. That backstabber... They only downgrade the Scorpions got is that their Mandiblasters are now I10 S3 Ap- attacks, instead of +1A. But still, they are awesome.

Fire Dragons

What can I say? 22 pts/model, and now come with 3+ Sv, and lost the ability to get Tank Hunters. Still, they are the best anti-tank unit in the game. I still do recommend the Wave Serpent for these guys, because they still have that 12" range, although Battle Focus helps A LOT. A solid pick.


As far as I can tell, they're the same. Shadowseer is now Mastery lvl 1 Psyker, though.


A small drop in points cost, they now come in squads of 5-10 and like Wraith units, they lost their Wraithsight. They can no longer be joined by Warlocks, though, but the mere presence of Spiritseer and his marks are a big improvement. They come with Wraithcannons which is S10 AP 2 and to-wound rolls of 6 have Instant Death. They can get D-scythes, which are S4 AP 2 Distortion (the Insant Death providing rule) flamers, but cost 10 points a piece, and reduce their range from effective 12" from 7" (length of a template). They are pretty awesome.


They cost the same as Wraithguard and can choose 2 AP 3 S5 ghostswords, or ghostaxe (not unwieldy power axe) and 4+ Inv. I guess they both work pretty fine. I think there's no right or wrong weapon option, and they have a great potential for synergy.

Fast Attack

Swooping Hawks

Unfortunately they are still rubbish, although they now have S3 Range 24" Assault 3 weapons. They still have Skyleap and do now scatter when Deep Striking, but there are other, better options in the FOC slot than they, and Dire Avengers and Warp Spiders are better than they are at what they do. They still have Haywire grenades, though, so could see some use as assault anti-tank unit.

Warp Spiders

These guys are FAST. They are jet pack infantry, but instead of moving 6" in the moving phase, can use a Warp Jump,which gives them 2D6+6" move, ignoring all terrain and models, in the Movement phase. Doubles still claim one as a casualty. Not only that, they have battle focus AND they can use the Jet Pack jump, so they can cover large distances pretty fast. They always have Hit&Run, and cost less than twenty points a piece. The monofilament mentioned in the FAQ gives them the same pseudo-Rending as the Bladestorm does, but with AP 1, and their weapons count as S7 against squads with majority Initiative of 3 or lower. The Exarch can be kitted to become a real assassin in melee and shooting phase. Like the Dire Avengers Exarch, no more double weapons for Exarch, but t/l instead.

Crimson Hunter

BS 4 Av10 Flyer with 2 Brightlances and a Pulse Laser, re-rolls failed armour penetration rolls against flyers and has Vector Dancer. It's a real beast, but AV 10 makes it vulnerable. For 20 pts you can upgrade the pilot to an Exarch, giving him BS5, Precision Shots and the ability to buy Night Vision and Marksman's Eye, making him fire Precision Shots on 5 or 6. Only one Exarch per Detachment, though. Although it's a bit pricey, you can easily outmanoeuvre your opponents and take down something really pricey, and stay out of harms way. This is one of the three units in the codex who can reliably take down Flyers, and I think he is pretty awesome. I'd take two, because you are going to lose one with AV 10.

Vyper Squadron

BS 4 now, and cheaper weapons, come with Shuriken cannons. Holofields make them more durable, and I do recommend getting those, if you have the spare points for that. Better for slightly better price, they work great in Saim-hann lists.

Hemlock Wraithfighter

Okay, this a thing that can lose you games. It has 2 S4 AP 2 Distortion blasts with 18" range. It is Mastery lvl 1 Psychic pilot, and has the Horrify Psychic power (-3 to Ld). The bad thing is, it forces all successful Pinning and Morale tests within 12" to be re-rolled, that includes you, mr. Eldar player. The Eldar army can force Fear tests and Pinning tests a lot, and do excel it. If you base your list on those effects, then be my guest and go for the Hemlock. However, it can bite you in the back at the wrong moment, and it's firepower is non-existent, so I see no reason to take it, especially since it's 25 points more expensive than Crimson Hunter is, with less manoeuvrebility and crappy utility.

06-02-2013, 06:15 AM
Sorry, not quite sure on your opinion of Baharroyh here, you seem to contradict yourself.

Phoenix Lords: They all are pricier and more deadly and come with Warlord Traits. They are more balanced than they used to be, and Phoenix Lords such as Jain-Zar and Baharroth could be seen more often. The toughest cookie is still Asurmen, with 4+ Inv, 2+ As, Counter-attack, S5 AP 2 Dire Sword and a solid statline. The best thing about him, though, is the fact that he has to be your Warlord (if you include him), and he always rolls D3 Eldar Warlord Traits, which could be awesome. The rest are as you expect: Jain-Zar can easily slice and dice and entire Terminator Squad, and she reduces the enemy Initiative by 5 (like the regular Banshees do), but reduces the WS by 5 as well (to a minimum of 1). Karandas is the dedicated monster killer, Fuegan is the fear of every tank commander, Baharroth is useful if you plan to Deep Strike much, and Maugan Ra and his Maugetar are much unchanged, but he has Hatred: Chaos Daemons.

They are pricey, but have potential, excluding Baharroth and Maugan Ra, who don't really bring anything.

06-02-2013, 07:43 AM
Troke wrote the fluff. Not Kelly.

Said fluff was almost lifted verbatim from the 2nd Ed codex written by Rick Priestly. (Bill King wrote the 2nd Ed fiction.)

I don't recall any "whining" about wanting a CC Death Star. I believe people just wanted Banshees to have plasma grenades. (Which every other unit seems to have...whether they need them or not.)

The serpent turns penetrating hits to the front and sides to glancing on a 2+. Did you really read the dex?

06-02-2013, 03:38 PM
All they needed to do with Banshees is give them grenades, and then Acrobatics: May assault after disembarking from a vehicle.

06-03-2013, 07:54 AM
I don't really see Banshees lobbing grenades around (nor Eldar in general for that matter), so I'd suggest:

Masks should count as the grenades necessary to assault over cover.
OR, Acrobatics should do that. Yeah, have Acrobatics do that, and make the Masks drop I or cause Fear or something.

06-04-2013, 07:52 AM
Yriel: Much like the Regular Autarch, hasn't changed much. He now has 4 Wounds and 4 Attacks, and comes with a 170 pts pricetag, just like Illic.

neither one of them costs 170 its 140 just fyi

06-04-2013, 09:12 AM
Ghost axes aren't unwieldy?

Thats not what my codex says :P